136 resultados para Breccia
We have studied the magnetic properties of 22 samples from DSDP Leg 83 to determine the origin of remanence and its relationship to such problems as the tectonic and chemical evolution of the section, the depth of the magnetized layer, and the applicability of magnetic properties of ophiolites to the marine crust. The magnitude of natural remanence has fairly typical values in the uppermost part of the section, falls two to three orders of magnitude in the transition zone, and returns to values slightly less than the upper part in the dike complex. This behavior reflects, for the most part, variations in the amount of magnetic minerals present. Directional behavior is highly variable throughout the section and often shows complexity even on the level of a single sample. Curie temperature measurements and preliminary opaque petrography indicate that the remanence is chemical in origin and probably involves a resetting of the original thermal remanent magnetization (TRM) direction. Selective destructive demagnetization of four breccia samples shows that the remanence of the clasts was acquired prior to consolidation and did not change significantly thereafter. There are also indications that some of the remanence may be carried by secondary magnetic phases. A comparison of these samples with comparable ophiolite rocks is equivocal, with similarities in remanence characteristics but differences in magnetic mineralogy. As for magnetic anomalies, the transition zone is too weakly magnetized to contribute significantly. The available data on the dike complex are inconclusive and their contribution is still open to debate.
Tabla de contenidos: Los alemanes y la Shoah en Colombia, un ejercicio de Historia Oral / Lorena Cardona González. Sobre la categoría de "trauma histórico" para pensar la memoria social / Maximiliano Alberto Garbarino. El estudio de la historia reciente y la memoria colectiva / Ayelén Colosimo. Memoria y espacio biográfico en el peronismo / María Belén Boetto. Esbozos para una epistemología de la historia reciente / Florencia Levín. El reeslabonamiento de la resistencia / Florencia Espinosa. Fotos de la DIPBA en el Museo de Arte y Memoria / Florencia Larralde Armas. Carnaval / María Daniela Alegrucci. A favor de la disidencia / Cristian Secul Giusti. Políticas de Memoria en la post dictadura / Tamara Salinas Rivas. Memorias en disputa / María Delicia Zurita. Memoria y conmemoración / Renato Dinamarca Opazo. Malvinas como relato escolar / Manuela Belinche Montequin. Repensando actos escolares y efemérides / Sofía Breccia, María de los Angeles Gregorio. Paseo de la Memoria de Berazategui / Juan Manuel Facciolo, Mariana Edith Troncoso. Enseñar historia argentina reciente / Yésica Billán. Enseñar Historia Reciente / Rodrigo Edgar Saguas. La Historia Reciente Latinoamericana en las aulas / Mariana Ponisio. Un estado de la cuestión acerca del "Industricidio" en (de) Tucumán y su impacto en el mundo del trabajo rural azucarero entre los años 1966 y 1970 / Pedro García Posse. Proletarización y militancia fabril del PRT - La Verdad (1968 - 1972) / Martín Mangiantini. Elementos para la discusión sobre la formación de una vanguardia obrera revolucionaria en la transición histórica argentina (1969-1976) / Walter Koppmann. Para una historia reciente de la UOCRA La Plata / Rafael Farace. Migrantes limítrofes y su inserción en el mercado laboral del sector de la construcción / María Eleonora Paoletti. "Queremos autonomía y no tiranía" / J. Sebastián Califa. Las disputas en la autonomía universitaria en la UBA entre 1966-1973 / Guadalupe Seia. Las repercusiones de la "Masacre de Trelew" en Bahía Blanca y Punta Alta Dominella,Virginia. La Revista Siguiendo La Huella del Movimiento Rural de ACA (1958-1972) / Leonardo Hernán Fernández. Configuraciones del Movimiento Cromañón / Laura Codaro. "Lo que hicimos desde las bases, lo podíamos hacer desde arriba" / Fernanda Tocho. Un período breve en un pequeño lugar / Luciana Mingrone. Infancia y revolución en el PRT-ERP / Mariela Peller. ¿Intelectuales para la contrainsurgencia? / Alberto Bozza. Los intelectuales liberal-conservadores argentinos ante el ocaso del 'Proceso' y la transición democrática / Martín Vicente. La recepción cristiana de Paulo Freire en Argentina (1968-1974) / Federico Brugaletta. Doctrina de la Seguridad Nacional y representaciones de la figura del 'subversivo' en "Las muñecas que hacen ¡pum!", de Gerardo Sofovich (1979) / Eliana Laura Ferradás Abalo. Arte y militancia / Débora Ermosi. "Que todos los chicos se metan, opinen, intervengan" / María Lucía Abbattista. Violencia y represión en el humor gráfico de Chaupinela y HUM (1974-1980) / Mara Burkart. "No hay revolución sin canciones" / Jimena Alonso. "El cumpleaños de Juan Angel", un punto de quiebre en la vida y obra de Mario Benedetti / Manuel Martínez Ruesta. La Palabra Armada / Mariela Stavale. Reforma curricular, intelectuales y perfiles docentes en la Escuela de Visitadoras de Higiene Social y Enfermería de la UNLP entre 1960 y 1969 / Néstor Arrúa. La formación de docentes universitarios durante la última dictadura cívico-militar / Mónica L. Paso. La Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y la "formación de las almas" durante la dictadura de 1976 / Marta Philp. El proceso de normalización universitaria en la Universidad Nacional del Sur / Rocío Laura Zanetto. La batalla de Ensenada / Marina Illanes. Complicidad civil y represión hacia los trabajadores durante la última dictadura militar argentina / Marina Florencia Lascano. Prisión política y destierro en la Argentina dictatorial / Silvina Jensen, Ma Montero.
Petrography, major and trace elements, mineral chemistry, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic ratios are reported for igneous rocks drilled on the northern flank of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 Site 828. These rocks comprise a breccia unit beneath a middle Eocene foraminiferal ooze. Both geophysical characteristics and the variety of volcanic rocks found at the bottom of Holes 828A and 828B indicate that a very immature breccia or scree deposit was sampled. Basalts are moderately to highly altered, but primary textures are well preserved. Two groups with different magmatic affinities, unrelated to the stratigraphic height, have been distinguished. One group consists of aphyric to sparsely plagioclase + clinopyroxene-phyric basalts, characterized by high TiO2 (~2 wt%) and low Al2O3 (less than 15 wt%) contents, with flat MORB-normalized incompatible element patterns and LREE-depleted chondrite-normalized REE patterns. This group resembles N-MORB. The other group comprises moderately to highly olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalts with low TiO2 (<1 wt%) and high Al2O3 (usually >15 wt%) contents, and marked HFSE depletion and LFSE enrichment. Some lavas in this group are picritic, with relatively high modal olivine abundances, and MgO contents up to 15 wt%. Both the basalts and picritic basalts of this group reflect an influence by subduction-related processes, and have compositions transitional between MORB and IAT. Lavas with similar geochemical features have been reported from small back-arc basins such as the Mariana Trough, Lau Basin, Sulu Sea, and the North Fiji Basin and are referred to as back-arc basin basalts. However, regional tectonic considerations suggest that the spreading that produced these backarc basin basalts may have occurred in the forearc region of the southwest-facing island arc that existed in this region in the Eocene.
The Izu-Bonin forearc basement volcanic rocks recovered from Holes 792E and 793B show the same phenocrystic assemblage (i.e., plagioclase, two pyroxenes, and Fe-Ti oxides ±olivine), but they differ in the crystallization sequence and their phenocryst chemistry. All the igneous rocks have suffered low-grade hydrothermal alteration caused by interaction with seawater. As a result, only clinopyroxenes, plagioclases, and oxides have preserved their primary igneous compositions. The Neogene olivine-clinopyroxene diabasic intrusion (Unit II) recovered from Hole 793B differs from the basement basaltic andesites because it lacks Cr-spinels and contains abundant titanomagnetites (Usp38.5-46.4) and uncommon FeO-rich (FeO = 29%) spinels. It displays petrological and geochemical similarities to the Izu Arc volcanoes and, thus, can be considered as related to Izu-Bonin Arc magmatic activity. The titanomagnetites (Usp28.5-33) in the calc-alkaline andesitic fragments of the Oligocene volcaniclastic breccia in Hole 793B (Unit VI) represent an early crystallization phase. The Plagioclase phenocrysts enclosed in these rocks show oscillatory zoning and are less Ca-rich (An78.6-67.8) than the plagioclase phenocrysts of the diabase sill and the basement basaltic andesites. Their clinopyroxenes are Fe-rich augites (Fs ? 19.4; FeO = 12%) and thus, differ significantly from the clinopyroxenes of the Hole 793B arc-tholeiitic igneous rocks. The 30-32 Ma porphyritic, two-pyroxene andesites recovered from Hole 792E are very similar to the andesitic clasts of the Neogene breccia recovered in Hole 793B (Unit VI). Both rocks have the same crystallization sequence, and similar chemistry of the Fe-Ti oxides, clinopyroxenes, and plagioclases: that is, Ti-rich (Usp25.5-30.4) magnetites, Fe-rich augites, and intensely oscillatory zoned plagioclases with bytownitic cores (An86-63) and labradorite rims (An73-68). They display a calc-alkaline differentiation trend (Taylor et al., this volume). So, the basement highly porphyritic andesites recovered at Hole 792E, and the Hole 793B andesitic clasts of Unit VI show the same petrological and geochemical characteristics, which are that of calc-alkaline suites. These Oligocene volcanic rocks represent likely the remnants of the Izu-Bonin normal arc magmatic activity, before the forearc rifting and extension. The crystallization sequence in the basaltic andesites recovered from Hole 793B is olivine-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-plagioclase-Fe-Ti oxides, indicating a tholeiitic differentiation trend for these volcanic rocks. Type i is an olivine-and Cr-spinel bearing basaltic andesite whereas Type ii is a porphyritic pyroxene-rich basaltic andesite. The porphyritic plagioclase-rich basaltic andesite (Type iii) is similar, in most respects, to Type ii lavas but contains plagioclase phenocrysts. The last, and least common lava is an aphyric to sparsely phyric andesite (Type iv). Cr-spinels, included either in the olivine pseudomorphs of Type i lavas or in the groundmass of Type ii lavas, are Cr-rich and Mg-rich. In contrast, Cr-spinels included in clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes (Types i and ii lavas) show lower Cr* and Mg* ratios and higher aluminium contents. Orthopyroxenes from all rock types are Mg-rich enstatites. Clinopyroxenes display endiopsidic to augitic compositions and are TiO2 and Al2O3 depleted. All the crystals exhibit strong zoning patterns, usually normal, although, reverse zoning patterns are not uncommon. The plagioclases show compositions within the range of An90-64. The Fe-Ti oxides of the groundmass are TiO2-poor (Usp16-17). The Hole 793B basaltic andesites show, like the Site 458 bronzites from the Mariana forearc, intermediate features between arc tholeiites and boninites: (1) Cr-spinel in olivine, (2) presence of Mg-rich bronzite, Ca-Mg-rich clinopyroxenes, and Ca-plagioclase phenocrysts, and (3) transitional trace element depletion and epsioln-Nd ratios between arc tholeiites and boninites. Thus, the forearc magmatism of the Izu-Bonin and Mariana arcs, linked to rifting and extension, is represented by a depleted tholeiitic suite that displays boninitic affinities.
The compositions, mineralogies, and textures of gabbros recovered in polymict breccias in Hole 453 indicate that they are the cumulus assemblages of calc-alkalic crystal fractional on that occurred beneath the West Mariana Ridge. They are among a class of gabbros known only from other calc-alkalic associations (e.g., the Lesser Antilles and the Peninsular Ranges batholith of Southern California) and differ from gabbros of stratiform complexes, ophiolites, and the ocean crust. Particularly abundant in the Hole 453 breccias are olivine-bearing gabbros with extremely calcic Plagioclase (An94-97) but with fairly iron-rich olivines (Fo76-77). Other gabbros contain biotite and amphibole and occur in breccias with fairly high-grade greenschist facies (amphibole-chlorite-stilpnomelane) metabasalts. One unusual gabbro has experienced almost complete subsolidus recrystallization to an assemblage of aluminous magnesio-hornblende, anorthite, and green hercynitic spinel. This reaction, the extremely calcic Plagioclase, the occurrence of biotite and amphibole, and the association with greenschist facies metamorphic rocks suggest that crystallization of the gabbros occurred at elevated P(H2O). Comparisons with other calc-alkalic gabbro suites suggest pressures in excess of 4 kbar (about 12 km depth). The gabbros were exposed by the early stages of opening of the Mariana Trough and imply that considerable uplift may have attended rifting. They were also subjected to hydrothermal alteration after breccia formation, resulting in formation of chlorite, epidote, actinolite, and prehnite. Temperatures of at least 200°C - and probably 350°C - were reached, and most likely could not have been attained without extrusion or intrusion of magmas nearby, even though no such rocks were cored.
The magnetization of four breccia samples from the Leg 83 section of DSDP Hole 504B was analyzed by selective destructive demagnetization in order to study the origin and stability of hydrothermally altered basalts. The NRM directions of the clasts for three of the four samples are randomly oriented and much more strongly magnetized than the bulk sample. Clasts which were individually demagnetized show two or more components of magnetization, but neither are coincident with those of the bulk sample, indicating that NRM was probably acquired prior to the consolidation of the breccia and suggesting that any overprint (VRM or otherwise) can be removed by AF demagnetization to at most 50 Oe. Reflected light microscopy and electron microprobe analysis of two samples show that the unexpectedly high NRM of the matrix regions is apparently the result of secondary magnetic phases precipitated from hydrothermal solutions.
Carbonate mineral precipitation in the upper oceanic crust during low-temperature, off-axis, hydrothermal circulation is investigated using new estimates of the bulk CO2 content of seven DSDP/ODP drill cores. In combination with previously published data these new data show: (i) the CO2 content of the upper ~ 300 m of the crust is substantially higher in Cretaceous than in Cenozoic crust and (ii) for any age of crust, there is substantially more CO2 in Atlantic (slow-spreading) than Pacific (intermediate- to fast-spreading) crust. Modelling the Sr-isotopic composition of the carbonates suggests that > 80% of carbonate mineral formation occurs within < 20 Myr of crust formation. This means that the higher CO2 content of Cretaceous crust reflects a secular change in the rate of CO2 uptake by the crust. Oxygen isotope derived estimates of carbonate mineral precipitation temperatures show that the average and minimum temperature of carbonate precipitation was ~10 °C higher temperatures in the Cretaceous than in the Cenozoic. This difference is consistent with previous estimates of secular change in bottom seawater temperature. Higher fluid temperature within the crust will have increased reaction rates potentially liberating more basaltic Ca and hence enhancing carbonate mineral precipitation. Additionally, if crustal fluid pH is controlled by fluid-rock reaction, the higher Ca content of the Cretaceous ocean will also have enhanced carbonate mineral precipitation. New estimates of the rate of CO2 uptake by the upper ocean crust during the Cenozoic are much lower than previous estimates.
Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 59 and 60 drilled 15 sites along an east-west transect at 18°N from the West Philippine Basin to the Mariana Trench (Fig. 1) in order to study the nature and genesis of the back-arc, marginal basins and the remnant and active arcs of the region. Leg 59 drilled at five sites at the western end of the traverse: Site 447 in the West Philippine Basin; Site 448 on the Palau-Kyushu Ridge; Sites 449 and 450 in the Parece Vela Basin; and Site 451 on the West Mariana Ridge. Penetration into basaltic basement of these sites was 183.5 meters at 447 (8 basalt flows); 623 meters at 448 (46 basalt flows, sills, and dikes and volcaniclastic units); 40.5 meters at 449 (2 basalt flows); 7 meters at 450 (1 basalt intrusion); and 4 meters of basalt breccia at 451 overlain by 861 meters of volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks.
Bedding dips in the CRP-3 drillhole were determined in three ways: (1) analysis of a dipmeter log, (2) identification of bed boundaries on borehole televiewer log images, and (3) identification of bed boundaries on digital images of the outer surfaces of oriented cores. All three methods determine both dip magnitude and downdip azimuth of bedding. Dipmeter results document variations in bedding dip throughout the logged interval (20-902 mbsf), whereas core and televiewer results are available at present only for selected depth intervals. Dipmeter data indicate that structural dip is remarkably constant, at 21° dip to azimuth 65°, throughout the Tertiary shelf section, except for the top 100 m where dips appear to be 5-10° shallower. This pattern, in conjunction with the systematically increasing dips throughout CRP-2A, suggests that the growth faulting active during CRP-2A deposition began during the final period of deposition at CRP-3. Normal faults at 260 and 539 mbsf in CRP-3 exhibit neither drag (localized dip steepening) nor significant changes in structural dip across them. Oriented core and televiewer analyses, covering a total of 200 m in the interval 400-900 mbsf, indicate bedding patterns that confirm the dipmeter results. The doleritic breccia at the base of the Tertiary section has steeper dips than overlying structural dips, possibly indicating a sedimentary dip to ENE in these fan sediments. Dip directions in the underlying Devonian Beacon sandstone are surprisingly similar to those in the overlying Tertiary section. Superimposed on the average Beacon dip of 22° to the ENE are localized tilts of up to 20°, probably caused by Tertiary fracturing and brecciation rather than original sedimentary dip variations.
Sixty-five chert, porcellanite, and siliceous-chalk samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 were analyzed by petrography, scanning electron microscopy, analysis by energy-dispersive X-rays, X-ray diffraction, X-ray spectroscopy, and semiquantitative emission spectroscopy. Siliceous rocks occur mainly in chalks, but also in pelagic clay and marlstone at Site 464. Overall, chert probably constitutes less than 5% of the sections and occurs in deposits of Eocene to Barremian ages at sub-bottom depths of 10 to 820 meters. Chert nodules and beds are commonly rimmed by quartz porcellanite; opal-CT-rich rocks are minor in Leg 62 sediments 65 to 108 m.y. old and at sub-bottom depths of 65 to 520 meters. Chert ranges from white to black, shades of gray and brown being most common; yellow-brown and red-brown jaspers occur at Site 464. Seventy-eight percent of the studied cherts contain easily recognizable burrow structures. The youngest chert at Site 463 is a quartz cast of a burrow. Burrow silica maturation is always one step ahead of host-rock silicification. Burrows are commonly loci for initial silicification of the host carbonate. Silicification takes place by volume-f or-volume replacement of carbonate sediment, and more-clay-rich sediment at Site 464. Nannofossils are commonly pseudomorphically replaced by quartz near the edges of chert beds and nodules. Other microfossils, mostly radiolarians and foraminifers, whether in chalk or chert, can be either filled with or replaced by calcite, opal-CT, and (or) quartz. Chemical micro-environments ultimately control the removal, transport, and precipitation of calcite and silica. Two cherts from Site 465 contain sulfate minerals replaced by quartz. Site 465 was never subaerially exposed after sedimentation began, and the formation of the sulfate minerals and their subsequent replacement probably occurred in the marine environment. Several other cherts with odd textures are described in this paper, including (1) a chert breccia cemented by colloform opal-CT and chalcedony, (2) a transition zone between white porcellanite containing opal-CT and quartz and a burrowed brown chert, consisting of radial aggregates of opal-CT with hollow centers, and (3) a chert that consists of silica-replaced calcite pseudospherules interspersed with streaks and circular masses of dense quartz. X-ray-diffraction analyses show that when data from all sites are considered there are poorly defined trends indicating that older cherts have better quartz crystallinity than younger ones, and that opal-CT crystallite size increases and opal-CT cf-spacings decrease with depth of occurrence in the sections. In a general way, depth of burial and the presence of calcite promote the ordering in the opal-CT crystal structure which allows its eventual conversion to quartz. Opal-CT in porcellanites converts to quartz after reaching a minimum d-spacing of 4.07 Å. Quartz/opal-CT ratios and quartz crystallinity vary randomly on a fine scale across four chert beds, but quartz crystallinity increases from the edge to the center of a fifth chert bed; this may indicate maturation of the silica. Twenty-four rocks were analyzed for their major- and minor-element compositions. Many elements in cherts are closely related to major mineral components. The carbonate component is distinguished by high values of CaO, MgO, Mn, Ba, Sr, and (for unknown reasons) Zr. Tuffaceous cherts have high values of K and Al, and commonly Zn, Mo, and Cr. Pure cherts are characterized by high SiO2 and B. High B may be a good indicator of formation of chert in an open marine environment, isolated from volcanic and terrigenous materials.
Thirteen sediment samples, including calcareous ooze, sandy clay, volcanic sand, gravel, and volcanic breccia, from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 732B, 734B, 734G and Conrad Cruise 27-9, Station 17, were examined. Contents of major and trace elements were determined using XRF or ICP (on samples <0.5 g). Determinations of rare earth elements (REE) were performed using ICP-MS. Mineralogy was determined using XRD. On the basis of the samples studied, the sediments accumulating in the Atlantis II Fracture Zone are characterized by generally high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents compared with other deep-sea sediments. A variety of sources are reflected in the mineralogy and geochemistry of these sediments. Serpentine, brucite, magnetite, and high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents indicate derivation from ultramafic basement. The occurrence of albite, analcime, primary mafic minerals, and smectite/chlorite in some samples, coupled with high SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, V, and Y indicate contribution from basaltic basement. A third major sediment source is characterized as biogenic material and is reflected primarily in the presence of carbonate minerals, and high CaO, Sr, Pb, and Zn in certain samples. Kaolinite, illite, quartz, and some chlorite are most likely derived from continental areas or other parts of the ocean by long-distance sediment transport in surface or other ocean currents. Proportions of source materials in the sediments reflect the thickness of the sediment cover, slope of the seafloor, and the nature of and proximity to basement lithologies. REE values are low compared to other deep-sea sediments and indicate no evidence of hydrothermal activity in the Atlantis II Fracture Zone sediments. This is supported by major- and trace-element data.
Basalts recovered from Hole 504B during ODP Leg 111 are more or less altered, but there is no sign of strong shear stress or widespread penetrative deformation; hence, they retain well their primary (igneous) structures and textures. The effect of alteration is recognized as the partial or total replacement of primary minerals (olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase) by secondary minerals and as the development of secondary minerals in open spaces (e.g., veins, fractures, vugs, or breccia matrix). The secondary minerals include zeolite (laumontite and stilbite), prehnite, chlorite, epidote, Plagioclase (albite and/or oligoclase), amphibole (anthophyllite, cummingtonite, actinolite, and hornblende), sodic augite, sphene, talc, anhydrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, Fe-Ti oxide, and quartz. Selected secondary minerals from several tens of samples were analyzed by means of an electron-probe microanalyzer; the results are presented along with brief considerations of their compositional features. In terms of the model basaltic system, the following two types of low-variance (three-phase) mineral assemblages were observed: prehnite-epidote-laumontite and prehnite-actinolite-epidote; both include chlorite, albite and/or oligoclase, sphene, and quartz. The mineral parageneses delineated by these low-variance mineral assemblages suggest that the metamorphic grade ranges from the zeolite facies to the prehnite-actinolite facies. The common occurrence of prehnite indicates that greenschist facies conditions were not attained even in the deepest level of Hole 504B, which, in a strict sense, contradicts the previous interpretation that the lower portion of Hole 504B suffered greenschist facies alteration.
In the lower part of DSDP core 53.0, partly recrystallized carbonate sediments and well recrystallized limestone breccias of Oligo-Miocene age are associated with altered volcanic flows, lithified tuffs, and tuff breccias, suggesting that carbonate alteration was the result of thermal metamorphism. However, the oxygen isotope compositions of these carbonates (-3.4 to +0.6 per mil rel. PDB) are not compatible with recrystallization and isotope exchange with sea water at high temperatures. Evaluating the effects of the composition of the water which exchanged with the carbonates and of carbonate-water isotope exchange in closed systems yields the following approximate maximum temperature of recrystallization: limestone breccias, 100°C; calcite veins rimming breccia clasts, 30°C; and unconsolidated sediments overlying the breccias, 20°C. Therefore, the volcanics at site 53.0 must have been emplaced into the primary carbonate sediments at relatively low temperatures. Subsequent carbonate alteration was probably a consequence of chemical changes in ambient pore waters resulting from the submarine weathering of volcanic material.
Holes drilled into the volcanic and ultrabasic basement of the Izu-Ogasawara and Mariana forearc terranes during Leg 125 provide data on some of the earliest lithosphere created after the start of Eocene subduction in the Western Pacific. The volcanic basement contains three boninite series and one tholeiite series. (1) Eocene low-Ca boninite and low-Ca bronzite andesite pillow lavas and dikes dominate the lowermost part of the deep crustal section through the outer-arc high at Site 786. (2) Eocene intermediate-Ca boninite and its fractionation products (bronzite andesite, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite) make up the main part of the boninitic edifice at Site 786. (3) Early Oligocene intermediate-Ca to high-Ca boninite sills or dikes intrude the edifice and perhaps feed an uppermost breccia unit at Site 786. (4) Eocene or Early Oligocene tholeiitic andesite, dacite, and rhyolite form the uppermost part of the outer-arc high at Site 782. All four groups can be explained by remelting above a subduction zone of oceanic mantle lithosphere that has been depleted by its previous episode of partial melting at an ocean ridge. We estimate that the average boninite source had lost 10-15 wt% of melt at the ridge before undergoing further melting (5-10%) shortly after subduction started. The composition of the harzburgite (<2% clinopyroxene, Fo content of about 92%) indicates that it underwent a total of about 25% melting with respect to a fertile MORB mantle. The low concentration of Nb in the boninite indicates that the oceanic lithosphere prior to subduction was not enriched by any asthenospheric (OIB) component. The subduction component is characterized by (1) high Zr and Hf contents relative to Sm, Ti, Y, and middle-heavy REE, (2) light REE-enrichment, (3) low contents of Nb and Ta relative to Th, Rb, or La, (4) high contents of Na and Al, and (5) Pb isotopes on the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line. This component is unlike any subduction component from active arc volcanoes in the Izu-Mariana region or elsewhere. Modeling suggests that these characteristics fit a trondhjemitic melt from slab fusion in amphibolite facies. The resulting metasomatized mantle may have contained about 0.15 wt% water. The overall melting regime is constrained by experimental data to shallow depths and high temperatures (1250? C and 1.5 kb for an average boninite) of boninite segregation. We thus envisage that boninites were generated by decompression melting of a diapir of metasomatized residual MORB mantle leaving the harzburgites as the uppermost, most depleted residue from this second stage of melting. Thermal constraints require that both subducted lithosphere and overlying oceanic lithosphere of the mantle wedge be very young at the time of boninite genesis. This conclusion is consistent with models in which an active transform fault offsetting two ridge axes is placed under compression or transpression following the Eocene plate reorganization in the Pacific. Comparison between Leg 125 boninites and boninites and related rocks elsewhere in the Western Pacific highlights large regional differences in petrogenesis in terms of mantle mineralogy, degree of partial melting, composition of subduction components, and the nature of pre-subduction lithosphere. It is likely that, on a regional scale, the initiation of subduction involved subducted crust and lithospheric mantle wedge of a range of ages and compositions, as might be expected in this type of tectonic setting.
The igneous geochemistry of lavas and breccias from the basement of Sites 790 and 791, and pumice clasts from the Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary section of Sites 788, 790, 791, and 793 were studied. Arc volcanism became silicic about 1.5 m.y. before the inception of rifting in the Sumisu Rift at 2 Ma, but eruption of these silicic magmas reflects changes in stress regime, especially during the last 130,000 yr, rather than crustal anatexis. Arc magmas have had a larger proportion of slab-derived components since the inception of rifting than before, but are otherwise similar. Rift basalts and rhyolites are derived from a different source than are arc andesites to rhyolites. The rift source has less slab-derived material and is an E-MORB-like source, in contrast to an N-MORB-type source overprinted with more slab-derived material beneath the arc. Rift magma types, in the form of rare pumice and lithic clasts, preceded the rift, and the earliest magmas that erupted in the rift already differed from those of the arc. The earliest large rift eruption produced an exotic explosion breccia ("mousse") despite eruption at >1800 mbsl. Although this rock type is attributed primarily to high magmatic water content, the clasts are more MORB-like in trace element and isotopic composition than are modern Mariana Trough basalts. After rifting began, arc volcanism continued to be predominantly silicic, with individual pumice deposits containing clasts that vary in composition by about 5 wt% SiO2, or about as much as in historical eruptions of submarine Izu Arc volcanoes. The overall variations in magma composition with time during the inception of arc rifting are broadly similar in the Sumisu Rift and Lau Basin, though newly tapped OIB-type mantle seems to be present earlier during basin formation in the Sumisu than Lau case.