961 resultados para Breast tumor


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Die nahe verwandten T-box Transkriptionsfaktoren TBX2 und TBX3 werden in zahlreichen humanen Krebsarten überexprimiert, insbesondere in Brustkrebs und Melanomen. Die Überexpression von TBX2 und TBX3 hat verschiedene zelluläre Effekte, darunter die Unterdrückung der Seneszenz, die Förderung der Epithelialen-Mesenchymalen Transition sowie invasive Zellmotilität. Im Gegensatz dazu führt ein Funktionsverlust von TBX3 und der meisten anderen humanen T-box-Gene zu haploinsuffizienten Entwicklungsdefekten. Durch Sequenzierung des Exoms von Brustkrebsproben identifizierten Stephens et al. fünf verschiedene Mutationen in TBX3, welche allesamt die DNA-bindende T-box-Domäne betrafen. Die In-Frame-Deletion N212delN wurde zweimal gefunden. Aus der Anhäufung der Mutationen innerhalb der T-box-Domäne wurde geschlossen, dass TBX3 bei Brustkrebs ein Treibergen ist. Da Mutationen innerhalb der T-box-Domäne im Allgemeinen zu einem Funktionsverlust führen, aber die onkogene Aktivität von TBX3 meist auf eine Überexpression zurückzuführen ist, wurden die potentiellen Treibermutationen hinsichtlich einer verminderten oder gesteigerten TBX3-Funktion geprüft. Getestet wurden zwei In-Frame Deletionen, eine Missense- sowie eine Frameshift-Mutante bezüglich der DNA-Bindung in vitro und der Zielgen-Repression in Zellkultur. Zusätzlich wurde eine in silico Analyse der im The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) gelisteten somatischen TBX-Brustkrebsmutationen durchgeführt. Sowohl die experimentelle als auch die in silico Analyse zeigten, dass die untersuchten Mutationen vorwiegend zum Verlust der TBX3-Funktion führen. Um den Mechanismus der Genrepression durch TBX3 besser zu verstehen, wurden weitere TBX3-Mutanten bezüglich ihrer Wirkung auf die p21-Promotoraktivität (p21-Luc-Reporter und endogene p21-Expression) analysiert. Wildtypische p21-Luc-Repression zeigten die zwei Mutationen S674A (Phosphorylierung) und D275K (SUMOylierung), welche posttranslationale Modifikationen verhindern, sowie die Interaktion mit dem Tumorsuppressor Rb1 unterbindende M302A/V304A-Mutation. Erstaunlicherweise war die endogene p21-Repression dieser Mutanten stärker als die des wildtypischen TBX3-Proteins. Alle drei Mutationen führten zu einer Stabilisierung des TBX3-Proteins. Die ursprünglich in Patienten mit Ulna-Mamma Syndrom identifizierte, DNA-bindungsdefekte Y149S-Mutante konnte weder p21-Luc noch endogenes p21 reprimieren. Mutationen in potentiellen Interaktionsdomänen für die Bindung der Co-Repressoren Groucho und C-terminalem Bindeprotein zeigten sowohl auf p21-Luc als auch auf endogenes p21-Gen wildtypische Repressoraktivität, so dass diese Co-Repressoren in COS-7-Zellen wahrscheinlich nicht an der Repression dieses Gens beteiligt sind. Da TBX2 und TBX3 interessante Ziele zur direkten Krebsbekämpfung darstellen, sollte ein zelluläres Reportersystem zur Identifikation TBX2-inhibierender, pharmakologisch aktiver Substanzen etabliert werden. Dazu sollte eine stabile Zelllinie mit vom p21-Promotor reguliertem d2EGFP-Reporter und Doxyzyklin-induzierbarem TBX2-Protein erzeugt werden, da ektopische Expression von TBX2 genetische Instabilität und Toxizität induzieren kann. In dieser Zelllinie sollte die TBX2-Expression zur Reduktion der d2EGFP-Fluoreszenz führen. Zur Erzeugung der Zelllinie wurden die folgenden drei Konstrukte Schritt-für-Schritt stabil in das Genom der Zielzelllinie COS-7 integriert: pEF1alpha-Tet3G, pTRE3G-TBX2 und p21-d2EGFP. Während die Herstellung der doppelt stabilen COS-7-Zelllinie gelang, scheiterte die Herstellung der dreifach stabilen Zelllinie.


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BODIPY (4,4-Difluoro-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene) dyes have gained lots of attention in application of fluorescence sensing and imaging in recent years because they possess many distinctive and desirable properties such as high extinction coefficient, narrow absorption and emission bands, high quantum yield and low photobleaching effect. However, most of BODIPY-based fluorescent probes have very poor solubilities in aqueous solution, emit less than 650 nm fluorescence that can cause cell and tissue photodamages compared with bio-desirable near infrared (650-900 nm) light. These undesirable properties extremely limit the applications of BODIPY-based fluorescent probes in sensing and imaging applications. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we have developed a very effective strategy to prepare a series of neutral highly water- soluble BODIPY dyes by enhancing the water solubilities of BODIPY dyes via incorporation of tri(ethylene glycol)methyl ether (TEG) and branched oligo(ethylene glycol)methyl ether (BEG) residues onto BODIPY dyes at 1,7-, 2,6-, 3,5-, 4- and meso- positions. We also have effectively tuned absorptions and emissions of BOIDPY dyes to red, deep red and near infrared regions via significant extension of π-conjugation of BODIPY dyes by condensation reactions of aromatic aldehydes with 2,6-diformyl BODIPY dyes at 1,3,5,7-positions. Based on the foundation that we built for enhancing water solubility and tuning wavelength, we have designed and developed a series of water-soluble, BODIPY-based fluorescent probes for sensitive and selective sensing and imaging of cyanide, Zn (II) ions, lysosomal pH and cancer cells. We have developed three BODIPY-based fluorescent probes for sensing of cyanide ions by incorporating indolium moieties onto the 6-position of TEG- or BEG-modified BOIDPY dyes. Two of them are highly water-soluble. These fluorescent probes showed selective and fast ratiometric fluorescent responses to cyanide ions with a dramatic fluorescence color change from red to green accompanying a significant increase in fluorescent intensity. The detection limit was measured as 0.5 mM of cyanide ions. We also have prepared three highly water-soluble fluorescent probes for sensing of Zn (II) ions by introducing dipicoylamine (DPA, Zn ion chelator) onto 2- and/or 6-positions of BEG-modified BODIPY dyes. These probes showed selective and sensitive responses to Zn (II) ion in the range from 0.5 mM to 24 mM in aqueous solution at pH 7.0. Particularly, one of the probes displayed ratiometric responses to Zn (II) ions with fluorescence quenching at 661 nm and fluorescence enhancement at 521 nm. This probe has been successfully applied to the detection of intracellular Zn (II) ions inside the living cells. Then, we have further developed three acidotropic, near infrared emissive BODIPY- based fluorescent probes for detection of lysosomal pH by incorporating piperazine moiety at 3,5-positions of TEG- or BEG-modified BODIPY dyes as parts of conjugation. The probes have low auto-fluorescence at physiological neutral condition while their fluorescence intensities will significant increase at 715 nm when pH shift to acidic condition. These three probes have been successfully applied to the in vitro imaging of lysosomes inside two types of living cells. At the end, we have synthesized one water- soluble, near infrared emissive cancer cell targetable BODIPY-based fluorescent polymer bearing cancer homing peptide (cRGD) residues for cancer cell imaging applications. This polymer exhibited excellent water-solubility, near infrared emission (712 nm), good biocompatibility. It also showed low nonspecific interactions to normal endothelial cells and can effectively detect breast tumor cells.


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Human cancer develops as a result of accumulation of mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Zinc finger protein 668 (ZNF668) has recently been identified and validated as one of the highly mutated genes in breast cancer, but its function is entirely unknown. Here, we report two major functions of ZNF668 in cancer development. (1) ZNF668 functions as a tumor suppressor by regulating p53 protein stability and function. We demonstrate that ZNF668 is a nucleolar protein that physically interacts with both MDM2 and p53. By binding to MDM2, ZNF668 regulates MDM2 autoubiquitination and prevents MDM2-mediated p53 ubiquitination and degradation; ZNF668 deficiency impairs DNA damage-induced p53 stabilization. Notably, ZNF668 effectively suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation and transformation in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. Consistently, ZNF668 knockdown readily transforms normal mammary epithelial cells. Together, our studies identify ZNF668 as a novel breast tumor suppressor gene that acts at least in part by regulating the stability and function of p53. (2) ZNF668 functions as a DNA repair protein by regulating histone acetylation. DNA repair proteins need to access the chromatin by chromatin modification or remodeling to use DNA template within chromatin. Dynamic posttranslational modifications of histones are critical for cells to relax chromatin in DNA repair. However, the precise underlying mechanism mediating enzymes responsible for these modifications and their recruitment to DNA lesions remains poorly understood. We observed ZNF668 depletion causes impaired chromatin relaxation as a result of impaired DNA-damage induced histone H2AX hyper-acetylation. This results in the decreased recruitment of repair proteins to DNA lesions, defective homologous recombination (HR) repair and impaired cell survival after DNA damage, albeit with the presence of a functional ATM/ATR dependent DNA-damage signaling cascade. Importantly, the impaired loading of repair proteins and the defect in DNA repair in ZNF668-deficient cells can be counteracted by chromatin relaxation, indicating that the DNA-repair defect that was observed in the absence of ZNF668 is due to impeded chromatin accessibility at sites of DNA breaks. Our findings therefore identify ZNF668 as a key molecule that links chromatin relaxation with response to DNA damage in the control of DNA repair.


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Cyclin E is the regulatory subunit of the cyclin E/CDK2 complex that mediates the G1-S phase transition. N-terminal cleavage of cyclin E by elastase in breast cancer generates two low molecular weight (LMW) isoforms that exhibit both enhanced kinase activity and resistance to p21 and p27 inhibition compared to fulllength cyclin E. Clinically, approximately 27% of breast cancer patients overexpress LMW-E and associate with poor survival. Therefore, we hypothesize that LMW-E disrupts normal mammary acinar morphogenesis and serves as the initial route into breast tumor development. We first demonstrate that LMW-E overexpression in non-tumorigenic hMECs is sufficient to induce tumor formation in athymic mice significantly more than overexpression of full-length cyclin E and requires CDK2- associated kinase activity. Further in vivo passaging of these tumors augments LMW-E expression and tumorigenic potential. When subjected to acinar morphogenesis in vitro, LMW-E mediates significant morphological disruption by generating hyperproliferative and multi-acinar complexes. Proteomic analysis of patient tissues and tumor cells with high LMW-E expression reveals that the activation of the b-Raf-ERK1/2-mTOR pathway in concert with high LMW-E expression predicts poor patient survival. Combination treatment using roscovitine (CDK inhibitor) plus either rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor) or sorafenib (b-raf inhibitor) effectively prevented aberrant acinar formation in LMW-E-expressing cells by inducing the G1/S cell cycle arrest. In addition, the LMW-E-expressing tumor cells exhibit phenotypes characteristic of the EMT and enhanced cellular invasiveness. These tumor cells also enrich for cells with CSC phenotypes such as increased CD44hi/CD24lo population, enhanced mammosphere formation, and upregulation of ALDH expression and enzymatic activity. Furthermore, the CD44hi/CD24lo population also shows positive correlation with LMW-E expression in both the tumor cell line model and breast cancer patient samples (p<0.0001 & p=0.0435, respectively). Combination treatment using doxorubicin and salinomycin demonstrates synergistic cytotoxic effects in cells with LMW-E expression but not in those with full-length cyclin E expression. Finally, ProtoArray microarray identifies Hbo1 as a novel substrate of the cyclin E/CDK2 complex and its overexpression results in enrichment for CSCs. Collectively, these data emphasize the strong oncogenic potential of LMW-E in mammary tumorigenesis and suggest possible therapeutic strategies to treat breast cancer patients with high LMW-E expression.


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Metastasis, the major cause of morbidity and mortality in most cancers, is a highly organized and organ-selective process. The receptor tyrosine kinase HER2 enhances tumor metastasis, however, its role in homing to metastatic organs is poorly understood. The chemokine receptor CXCR4 has recently been shown to mediate the malignant cancer cells to specific organs. Here we show that HER2 enhances the expression of CXCR4 by increasing CXCR4 protein synthesis and inhibiting its degradation. We also observed significant correlation between HER2 and CXCR4 expression in human breast tumor tissues, and an association between CXCR4 expression and a poor overall survival rate in patients with breast cancer. Furthermore, we found that CXCR4 is required for HER2-induced invasion, migration, and adhesion activities in vitro . Finally we established stable transfectants using retroviral RNA interference to inhibit CXCR4 expression and showed that the CXCR4 is required for HER2-mediated lung metastasis in vivo. These results provide a plausible mechanism for HER2-mediated breast tumor metastasis and homing to metastatic organs, and establish a functional link between the receptor tyrosine kinase HER2 and the chemokine receptor CXCR4 signaling pathways. ^ The HER2 overexpression activates PI-3K/Akt pathways and plays an important role in mediating cell survival and tumor development. Hypoxia inducible factors (HIF) are the key regulator for angiogenesis and energy metabolism, and thereby enhance tumor growth and metastasis. HIF activation occurs in the majority of human cancers, including the HER2 overexpressing cancer cells. Previous reports suggested that increased PI-3K/Akt may activate HIF pathway in various tumors, but the detail mechanism is still not completely understood. Here we found that HER2/PI-3K/Akt pathway induces HIF-1α activation, which is independent of hypoxia, but relatively weaker than hypoxic stimulation. This phenomenon was further observed in Akt knock out mouse embryonic fibroblast cells. The PI-3K/Akt pathway does not affect HIF-1α binding with its E3 ligase VHL, but enhances the binding affinity between HIF-1α and β unit. Furthermore, we found Akt phosphorylates HIF-1β at serine 271 and further regulated HIF transcriptional activity. Our findings provided one mechanism that HER2 induce HIF activation via Akt to promote angiogenesis, and this process is independent on hypoxia, which may have implications in the oncogenic activity of HER2 and PI-3K/Akt pathway. ^


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Cyclin E, in complex with cyclin dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), is a positive regulator of G1 to S phase progression of the cell cycle. Deregulation of G1/S phase transition occurs in the majority of tumors. Cyclin E is overexpressed and post-translationally generates low molecular weight (LMW) isoforms in breast cancer, but not normal cells. Such alteration of cyclin E is linked to poor prognosis. Therefore, we hypothesized that the LMW isoforms of cyclin E provide a novel mechanism of cell cycle de-regulation in cancer cells. Insect cell expression system was used to explore the biochemical properties of the cyclin E isoforms. Non-tumorigenic (76NE6) and tumorigenic (T47D) mammary epithelial cells transfected with the cyclin E isoforms and breast tumor tissue endogenously expressing the LMW isoforms were used to study the biologic consequences of the LMW isoforms of cyclin E. All model systems studied show that the LMW forms (compared to full-length cyclin E) have increased kinase activity when partnered with CDK2. Increases in the percentage of cells in S phase and colony formation were also observed after overexpression of LMW compared to full-length cyclin E. The LMW isoforms of cyclin E utilize several mechanisms to attain their hyper-activity. They bind CDK2 more efficiently, and are resistant to inhibition by cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) as compared to full-length cyclin E. In addition, the LMW isoforms sequester the CKIs from full-length cyclin E abrogating the overall negative regulation of cyclin E. Despite their correlation with adverse biological consequences, the direct role of the LMW isoforms of cyclin E in mediating tumorigenesis remained unanswered. Subsequent to LMW cyclin E expression in 76NE6 cells, they lose their ability to enter quiescence and exhibit genomic instability, both characteristic of a tumor cell phenotype. Furthermore, injection of 76NE6 cells overexpressing each of the cyclin E isoforms into the mammary fat pad of nude mice revealed that the LMW isoforms of cyclin E yield tumors, whereas the full-length cyclin E does not. In conclusion, the LMW isoforms of cyclin E utilize several mechanisms to acquire a hyperactive phenotype that results in deregulation of the cell cycle and initiates the tumorigenic process in otherwise non-transformed mammary epithelial cells. ^


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Metastasis is the ultimate cause for the majority of cancer-related deaths. The forkhead box transcription factor FOXC2 is known to be involved in regulating metastasis as well as a variety of developmental processes, including the formation of lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. Previous studies have shown that FOXC2 protein is localized either in the nucleus and/or in the cytoplasm of human breast tumor cells. This pattern of localization is similar to that of another forkhead family member, FOXO3a. Additionally, localization of FOXO3a is known to be differentially regulated by upstream kinase AKT. Therefore, I investigated whether FOXC2 localization could also be regulated by upstream kinases. Analysis of FOXC2 protein sequence revealed two potential phosphorylation sites for GSK-3β. Furthermore, inhibition of GSK-3βsignificantly reduces FOXC2 protein. In addition, exposure of HMLE Twist cells expressing endogenous FOXC2 to the GSK-3β inhibitor, TWS119, results in accumulation of FOXC2 protein in the cytoplasm with concomitant decrease in the nucleus in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, continued treatment with TWS119 eventually induces epithelial morphology and decreased stem cell properties including sphere formation in these cells. Further characterization of FOXC2- GSK-3β interaction and the associated signaling cascade are necessary to determine the effect of FOXC2 phosphorylation by GSK-3β on EMT and metastasis.


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ErbB2 overexpression in breast tumors increases metastasis, angiogenesis, and reduces survival. To study ErbB2 signaling mechanisms in metastasis and angiogenesis, a spontaneous metastasis assay was performed using human breast cancer cells transfected with constitutively active ErbB2 kinase (V659E), an ErbB2 kinase-dead mutant (K753M), or vector control. Mice injected with V659E had increased metastasis and tumor microvessel density; and the increased angiogenesis in vivo from the V659E transfectants paralleled increased angiogenic potential in vitro, which resulted from increased VEGF by increased protein synthesis. This appeared to be mediated through a PI3K, Akt, mTOR, p70S6K-signaling pathway. Furthermore, V659E xenografts had significantly increased phosphorylated Akt, phosphorylated p70S6K, and VEGF compared with control. To validate the clinical relevance of these findings, human breast tumor samples were examined. Tumors overexpressing ErbB2 correlated with p70S6K phosphorylation and VEGF expression, which significantly correlated with higher levels of Akt and mTOR phosphorylation. Additionally, patients with tumors having increased p70S6K phosphorylation showed a trend for worse disease-free survival and increased metastasis. Together, ErbB2 increases VEGF expression by activating the p70S6K signaling pathway, which may serve as targets for antiangiogenic and antimetastatic therapies. ^ Herceptin is an anti-ErbB2 antibody that demonstrated anti-tumor function, especially in combination with other chemotherapies such as Taxol, in patients with ErbB2-overexpressing tumors. Since the repeated administration of low-dose chemotherapy endorsed an antiangiogenic effect in vitro, and Herceptin was shown to inhibit angiogenesis in tumor xenografts, I investigated whether combined Taxol plus Herceptin treatment inhibits ErbB2-mediated angiogenic responses more effectively. Mice with ErbB2-overexpressing xenografts were treated with control, Herceptin, Taxol, or combination Herceptin plus Taxol. Mice treated with the combination exhibited reduced tumor volumes, tumor microvessel densities, and lung metastasis; and ErbB2-overexpressing cells treated with the combination secreted less VEGF, and stimulated less endothelial cell migration. Furthermore, Akt phosphorylation contributed to VEGF upregulation and was most effectively reduced by combination treatment. ^ In summary, ErbB2 activates signaling to Akt and p70S6K leading to increased VEGF and angiogenesis. Combination Herceptin plus Taxol treatment most effectively inhibited ErbB2-mediated angiogenesis, resulting in pronounced tumoricidal effects, and may be mediated through reduction of phosphorylated Akt, a positive regulator in the p70S6K pathway. ^


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We present a multichannel tomographic technique to detect fluorescent objects embedded in thick (6.4 cm) tissue-like turbid media using early-arriving photons. The experiments use picosecond laser pulses and a streak camera with single photon counting capability to provide short time resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio. The tomographic algorithm is based on the Laplace transform of an analytical diffusion approximation of the photon migration process and provides excellent agreement between the actual positions of the fluorescent objects and the experimental estimates. Submillimeter localization accuracy and 4- to 5-mm resolution are demonstrated. Moreover, objects can be accurately localized when fluorescence background is present. The results show the feasibility of using early-arriving photons to image fluorescent objects embedded in a turbid medium and its potential in clinical applications such as breast tumor detection.


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Sik, the mouse homologue of the breast tumor kinase Brk, is expressed in differentiating cells of the gastrointestinal tract and skin. We examined expression and activity of Sik in primary mouse keratinocytes and a mouse embryonic keratinocyte cell line (EMK). Calcium-induced differentiation of these cells has been shown to be accompanied by the activation of tyrosine kinases and rapid phosphorylation of a 65-kDa GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-associated protein (GAP-A.p65). We demonstrate that Sik is activated within 2 min after calcium addition in primary keratinocytes and EMK cells. In EMK cells, Sik binds GAP-A.p65, and this interaction is mediated by the Sik Src homology 2 domain. Although Sik directly complexes with GAP-A.p65, overexpression of wild-type or kinase defective Sik in EMK cells does not lead to detectable changes in GAP-A.p65 phosphorylation. These data suggest that Sik is not responsible for phosphorylation of GAP-A.p65. GAP-A.p65 may act as an adapter protein, bringing Sik into proximity of an unidentified substrate. Overexpression of Sik in EMK cells results in increased expression of filaggrin during differentiation, supporting a role for Sik in differentiation.


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The development of drugs for the control of tumor angiogenesis requires a simple, accurate, and economical assay for tumor-induced vascularization. We have adapted the orthotopic implantation model to angiogenesis measurement by using human tumors labeled with Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein for grafting into nude mice. The nonluminous induced capillaries are clearly visible against the very bright tumor fluorescence examined either intravitally or by whole-body luminance in real time. The orthotopic implantation model of human cancer has been well characterized, and fluorescence shadowing replaces the laborious histological techniques for determining blood vessel density. Intravital images of orthotopically implanted human pancreatic tumors clearly show angiogenic capillaries at both primary and metastatic sites. A quantitative time course of angiogenesis was determined for an orthotopically growing human prostate tumor periodically imaged intravitally in a single nude mouse over a 19-day period. Whole-body optical imaging of tumor angiogenesis was demonstrated by injecting fluorescent Lewis lung carcinoma cells into the s.c. site of the footpad of nude mice. The footpad is relatively transparent, with comparatively few resident blood vessels, allowing quantitative imaging of tumor angiogenesis in the intact animal. Capillary density increased linearly over a 10-day period as determined by whole-body imaging. Similarly, the green fluorescent protein-expressing human breast tumor MDA-MB-435 was orthotopically transplanted to the mouse fat pad, where whole-body optical imaging showed that blood vessel density increased linearly over a 20-week period. These powerful and clinically relevant angiogenesis mouse models can be used for real-time in vivo evaluation of agents inhibiting or promoting tumor angiogenesis in physiological microenvironments.


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To achieve an efficient intracellular drug and DNA delivery, attempts were made to target microparticulate drug carriers into cytoplasm bypassing the endocytotic pathway. TAT peptides derived from the HIV-1 TAT protein facilitate intracellular delivery of proteins and small colloidal particles. We demonstrated that relatively large drug carriers, such as 200-nm liposomes, can also be delivered into cells by TAT peptide attached to the liposome surface. Liposomes were fluorescently labeled with membranotropic rhodamine-phosphatidylethanolamine or by entrapping FITC-dextran. Incubation of fluorescent TAT liposomes with mouse Lewis lung carcinoma cells, human breast tumor BT20 cells, and rat cardiac myocyte H9C2 results in intracellular localization of certain liposomes. Steric hindrances for TAT peptide⋅cell interaction (attachment of TAT directly to the liposome surface without spacer or the presence of a high MW polyethylene glycol on the liposome surface) abolish liposome internalization, evidencing the importance of direct contact of TAT peptide with the cell surface. Low temperature or metabolic inhibitors, sodium azide or iodoacetamide, have little influence on the translocation of TAT liposomes into cells, confirming the energy-independent character of this process. The approach may have important implications for drug delivery directly into cell cytoplasm.


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Células tumorais desenvolvem diversas estratégias para escapar da identificação e eliminação pelo sistema imune. Dessa forma, a investigação dos mecanismos envolvidos na comunicação celular no microambiente tumoral e na desregulação local do sistema imune é crítica para uma melhor compreensão da progressão da doença e para o desenvolvimento de alternativas terapêuticas mais eficazes. Nós aqui demonstramos que SIGIRR/IL-1R8, um importante regulador negativo de receptores de Interleucina-1 (ILRs) e receptores do tipo Toll (TLRs), apresenta expressão aumentada em uma linhagem celular epitelial mamária transformada pela superexpressão do oncogene HER2 e em tumores primários de mama, e promove o crescimento tumoral e metástase através da modulação da inflamação associada ao câncer e da atenuação da resposta imune antitumoral. Observamos que IL-1R8 tem sua expressão correlacionada com HER2 em tecidos mamários e sua alta expressão é fator de pior prognóstico em câncer de mama de baixo grau. Notavelmente, níveis aumentados de IL-1R8 foram observados especialmente nos subtipos HER2+ e Luminais de tumores de mama, e sua expressão aumentada em células epiteliais de mama transformadas por HER2 diminui a ativação da via de NF-κB e a expressão de diferentes citocinas pro-inflamatórias (IL-6, IL-8, TNF, CSF2, CSF3 e IFN-β1). Meio condicionado de células transformadas por HER2, mas não de variantes celulares com o gene IL-1R8 silenciado, induz a polarização de macrófagos para o fenótipo M2 e inibe a ativação de células NK. Em um modelo murino transgênico de tumorigênese espontânea mediada por HER2, MMTV-neu, verificamos que a deficiência de IL-1R8 (IL-1R8-/-neu) retardou o aparecimento de tumores e reduziu a incidência, a carga tumoral e a disseminação metastática. Contudo, não foram observadas diferenças significativas no crescimento tumoral quando animais IL-1R8-/-neu receberam medula óssea de animais IL-1R8+/+, confirmando um papel importante da expressão de IL-1R8 em células não hematopoiéticas na tumorigênese da mama. Tumores IL-1R8+/+neu apresentaram maiores níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias como IL-1β e VEGF, e menores níveis da citocina imunomodulatória IFN-γ. Além disso, tumores que expressavam IL-1R8 apresentaram menor infiltrado de células NK maduras, células dendríticas (DCs) e linfócitos T-CD8+ e um maior infiltrado de macrófagos M2 e linfócitos T-CD4+. Coletivamente, esses resultados indicam que a expressão de IL-1R8 em tumores de mama pode representar um novo mecanismo de escape da resposta imune e suportam IL-1R8 como potencial alvo terapêutico.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 17-β-estradiol (E2)-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the induction of mammary tumorigenesis. We found that ROS-induced by repeated exposures to 4-hydroxy-estradiol (4-OH-E2), a predominant catechol metabolite of E2, caused transformation of normal human mammary epithelial MCF-10A cells with malignant growth in nude mice. This was evident from inhibition of estrogen-induced breast tumor formation in the xenograft model by both overexpression of catalase as well as by co-treatment with Ebselen. To understand how 4-OH-E2 induces this malignant phenotype through ROS, we investigated the effects of 4-OH-E2 on redox-sensitive signal transduction pathways. During the malignant transformation process we observed that 4-OH-E2 treatment increased AKT phosphorylation through PI3K activation. The PI3K-mediated phosphorylation of AKT in 4-OH-E2-treated cells was inhibited by ROS modifiers as well as by silencing of AKT expression. RNA interference of AKT markedly inhibited 4-OH-E2-induced in vitro tumor formation. The expression of cell cycle genes, cdc2, PRC1 and PCNA and one of transcription factors that control the expression of these genes – nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) was significantly up-regulated during the 4-OH-E2-mediated malignant transformation process. The increased expression of these genes was inhibited by ROS modifiers as well as by silencing of AKT expression. These results indicate that 4-OH-E2-induced cell transformation may be mediated, in part, through redox-sensitive AKT signal transduction pathways by up-regulating the expression of cell cycle genes cdc2, PRC1 and PCNA, and the transcription factor – NRF-1. In summary, our study has demonstrated that: (i) 4-OH-E2 is one of the main estrogen metabolites that induce mammary tumorigenesis and (ii) ROS-mediated signaling leading to the activation of PI3K/AKT pathway plays an important role in the generation of 4-OH-E2-induced malignant phenotype of breast epithelial cells. In conclusion, ROS are important signaling molecules in the development of estrogen-induced malignant breast lesions.


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Introduction. The IGF system has recently been shown to play an important role in the regulation of breast tumor cell proliferation. However, also breast density is currently considered as the strongest breast cancer risk factor. It is not yet clear whether these factors are interrelated and if and how they are influenced by menopausal status. The purpose of this study was to examine the possible effects of IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 and IGF-1/IGFBP-3 molar ratio on mammographic density stratified by menopausal status. Patients and methods. A group of 341 Italian women were interviewed to collect the following data: family history of breast cancer, reproductive and menstrual factors, breast biopsies, previous administration of hormonal contraceptive therapy, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in menopause and lifestyle information. A blood sample was drawn for determination of IGF-1, IGFBP-3 levels. IGF-1/ IGFBP-3 molar ratio was then calculated. On the basis of recent mammograms the women were divided into two groups: dense breast (DB) and non-dense breast (NDB). Student’s t-test was employed to assess the association between breast density and plasma level of IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and molar ratio. To assess if this relationship was similar in subgroups of pre- and postmenopausal women, the study population was stratified by menopausal status and Student’s t-test was performed. Finally, multivariate analysis was employed to evaluate if there were confounding factors that might influence the relationship between growth factors and breast density. Results. The analysis of the relationship between mammographic density and plasma level of IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and IGF-1/ IGFBP-3 molar ratio showed that IGF-1 levels and molar ratio varied in the two groups resulting in higher mean values in the DB group (IGF-1: 109.6 versus 96.6 ng/ml; p= 0.001 and molar ratio 29.4 versus 25.5 ng/ml; p= 0.001) whereas IGFBP-3 showed similar values in both groups (DB and NDB). Analysis of plasma level of IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and IGF-1/IGFBP-3 molar ratio compared to breast density after stratification of the study population by menopausal status (premenopausal and postmenopausal) showed that there was no association between the plasma of growth factors and breast density, neither in premenopausal nor in postmenopausal patients. Multivariate analysis showed that only nulliparity, premenopausal status and body mass index (BMI) are determinants of breast density. Conclusions. Our study provides a strong evidence of a crude association between breast density and plasma levels of IGF-1 and molar ratio. On the basis of our results, it is reasonable to assume that the role of IGF-1 and molar ratio in the pathogenesis of breast cancer might be mediated through mammographic density. IGF-1 and molar ratio might thus increase the risk of cancer by increasing mammographic density.