960 resultados para Brazilian academic movement
Esta tese tem como objetivo investigar os modos de articulação da produção e socialização do conhecimento na perspectiva do tratamento de problemáticas regionais, e sua relação com as políticas acadêmicas na Universidade Federal Fluminense em função de sua inserção na região onde se constrói, atualmente, o Complexo Petroquímico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro COMPERJ. Parte da concepção de universidade de Karl Jaspers, considerada um modelo neo-humboltiano, para depois situar o pensamento educacional de Anísio Teixeira, Florestan Fernandes e Darcy Ribeiro, como base para a formação da ideia de universidade no Brasil. As contribuições de diferentes autores sobre a formação das universidades brasileiras, o contexto histórico, social e econômico em que se inserem e como discutem os conceitos de indissociabilidade entre ensino e pesquisa, autonomia universitária e legitimidade da universidade são apresentas. Tendo como referência autores que se preocupam com as transformações impostas à sociedade pelo uso intensivo da tecnologia, pelas mudanças na dinâmica territorial, pela reorganização do espaço geográfico, pelo crescimento das desigualdades nas cidades, apresenta-se contribuições para o diálogo com o objeto de estudo. Por se tratar de objeto em construção, escolheu-se a pesquisa qualitativa como metodologia de estudo, por permitir captar, no seu próprio movimento, um conjunto de processos de mudanças institucionais no mesmo momento de sua manifestação. O estudo demonstrou possibilidades de interlocução bastante profícuas, com resultados expressivos na direção da produção do saber novo, contextualizado, ao apresentar a relação desses estudos e pesquisas com o ensino e a extensão praticados pelos docentes. Se, no entanto, para que se crie um clima competição interlocal visando atrair capitais privados e recursos de programas do governo federal, forem impostas condições que coloquem em risco a liberdade intelectual e a autonomia universitária, o projeto de universidade que se defende estará irremediavelmente comprometido. Espera-se que o resultado desta pesquisa possa contribuir com as discussões teóricas referentes ao papel da universidade na sociedade.
O esporte chegou ao século XXI como uma das maiores manifestações da cultura corporal de movimento. No entanto sua presença no currículo escolar ainda depende de professores que acreditam no valor educacional da experiência esporti-va ou de projetos que têm origem fora do contexto educacional. O campo acadêmico da Educação Física escolar, que faz a mediação entre esporte e escola, permanece alheio às demandas dos alunos e da escola eratifica sua posição em significar o esporte como isento de qualidades educacionais em seu discurso hegemônico. Por outro lado os discursos olímpicos produzidos pelas instituições de organização es-portiva precisam justificar suas demandas e voltam seus olhares para o sistema e-ducacional. Proponho uma articulação entre a educação Física escolar e o esporte superando o antagonismo acadêmico fundamentalista que os separa para introduzir o esporte escolar no currículo como elemento do Projeto Político Pedagógico das escolas vinculado à Educação Física escolar e como política pública de educação e esportes. Identifico a necessidade de deslocar o contexto de influência das políticas públicas para o esporte do Comitê Olímpico Brasileiro para os setores de Educação Física escolar do Ministério da Educação. Defendo que a experiência esportiva no interior da escola é o que torna o esporte um elemento curricular educacionalmente interessante e denuncio a concepção de esporte escolar presente nas recontextualização de políticas públicas para o esporte escolar voltadas apenas para a organização das competições escolares. Utilizo como referencial teórico-metodológicos as contribuições do pós-fundacionismo, a Teoria do Discurso de Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe, os estudos de Hugo Lovisolo sobre a estética e sua relação com a educação Física e o esporte.Aponto para a substituição do paradigma marxista que orienta as propostas hegemônicas para a Educação Física escolar pelas proposições de Chantal Mouffe para a democracia radical e vejo nessa substituição uma possibilidade de ressignificação do esporte escolar em termos políticos. Utilizo entrevistas com cinco professores aos quais denomino como professores interlocutores pela contribuição em ampliar meu entendimento sobre as relações entre EFE e esporte, assim como, sobre as demandas presentes nas instituições em que trabalham e sobre a convivência de projetos de parcerias público-privadas com a Educação Física escolar no interior das escolas. Entendo que a inserção do esporte na escola por projetos e oficinas de origem externa ao sistema educacional possa representar uma ameaça à Educação Física escolar.
A presente dissertação analisa a implementação do Processo Transexualizador no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), à luz do ideário do Movimento de Reforma Sanitária e de uma perspectiva histórica da política de saúde pública brasileira, detendo-se nas particularidades do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Discutem-se alguns aspectos da transexualidade relacionados à esfera pública e à efetiva materialização dos direitos da população LGBT, em particular o acesso à saúde de pessoas transexuais. O recorte temporal compreende o período de 1970, quando se iniciam as primeiras cirurgias de transgenitalização no Brasil, a 2008, ano das portarias que instituíram o referido processo. Como instrumentos e técnicas de investigação qualitativa, foram privilegiados o trabalho de campo e a entrevista semiestruturada, tendo sido entrevistados(as) profissionais que atuaram em instituições de saúde que dispunham de programas voltados especificamente à população transexual no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e usuários(as) atendidos(as) por estas instituições. Diante do cenário de discriminação e estigma, muitas vezes fruto do desconhecimento e de informações deturpadas sobre transexualidade, pretende-se conferir maior visibilidade às demandas por direitos de pessoas transexuais, evidenciando a complexidade de tais demandas, bem como as fragilidades do modelo de atenção à saúde subjacente aos mencionados programas. Pretende-se, ainda, contribuir para o fomento da produção acadêmica do Serviço Social, relativamente limitada nesta área.
At the heart of corporate governance and social responsibility discourse is recognition of the fact that the modern corporation is primarily governed by the profit maximisation imperative coupled with moral and ethical concerns that such a limited imperative drives the actions of large and wealthy corporations which have the ability to act in influential and significant ways, shaping how our social world is experienced. The actions of the corporation and its management will have a wide sphere of impact over all of its stakeholders whether these are employees, shareholders, consumers or the community in which the corporation is located. As globalisation has become central to the way we think it is also clear that ‘community’ has an ever expanding meaning which may include workers and communities living very far away from Corporate HQ. In recent years academic commentators have become increasingly concerned about the emphasis on what can be called short-term profit maximisation and the perception that this extremist interpretation of the profit imperative results in morally and ethically unacceptable outcomes.1 Hence demands for more corporate social responsibility. Following Cadbury’s2 classification of corporate social responsibility into three distinct areas, this paper will argue that once the legally regulated tier is left aside corporate responsibility can become so nebulous as to be relatively meaningless. The argument is not that corporations should not be required to act in socially responsible ways but that unless supported by regulation, which either demands high standards, or at the very least incentivises the attainment of such standards such initiatives are doomed to failure. The paper will illustrate by reference to various chosen cases that law’s discourse has already signposted ways to consider and resolve corporate governance problems in the broader social responsibility context.3 It will also illustrate how corporate responsibility can and must be supported by legal measures. Secondly, this paper will consider the potential conflict between an emphasis on corporate social responsibility and the regulatory approach.4 Finally, this paper will place the current interest in corporate social responsibility within the broader debate on the relationship between law and non-legally enforceable norms and will present some reflections on the norm debate arising from this consideration of the CSR movement.
The Emerging Church Movement (ECM) is a primarily Western religious phenomenon, identifiable by its critical ‘deconstruction’ of ‘modern’ religion. While most prominent in North America, especially the United States, some of the most significant contributors to the ECM ‘conversation’ have been the Belfast-based Ikon Collective and one of its founders, philosopher Peter Rollins. Their rootedness in the unique religious, political and social landscape of Northern Ireland in part explains their position on the ‘margins’ of the ECM, and provides many of the resources for their contributions. Ikon’s development of ‘transformance art’ and its ‘leaderless’ structure raise questions about the institutional viability of the wider ECM. Rollins’ ‘Pyrotheology’ project, grounded in his reading of post-modern philosophy, introduces more radical ideas to the ECM conversation. Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’ and ‘marginal’ location provides the ground from which Rollins and Ikon have been able to expose the boundaries of the ECM and raise questions about just how far the ECM may go in its efforts to transform Western Christianity.
This dissertation is a cultural biography of Mestre Cobra Mansa, a mestre of the Afro-Brazilian martial art of capoeira angola. The intention of this work is to track Mestre Cobrinha's life history and accomplishments from his beginning as an impoverished child in Rio to becoming a mestre of the tradition-its movements, music, history, ritual and philosophy. A highly skilled performer and researcher, he has become a cultural ambassador of the tradition in Brazil and abroad. Following the Trail of the Snake is an interdisciplinary work that integrates the research methods of ethnomusicology (oral history, interview, participant observation, musical and performance analysis and transcription) with a revised life history methodology to uncover the multiple cultures that inform the life of a mestre of capoeira. A reflexive auto-ethnography of the author opens a dialog between the experiences and developmental steps of both research partners' lives. Written in the intersection of ethnomusicology, studies of capoeira, social studies and music education, the academic dissertation format is performed as a roda of capoeira aiming to be respectful of the original context of performance. The result is a provocative ethnographic narrative that includes visual texts from the performative aspects of the tradition (music and movement), aural transcriptions of Mestre Cobra Mansa's storytelling and a myriad of writing techniques to accompany the reader in a multi-dimensional journey of multicultural understanding. The study follows Cinezio Feliciano Pe anha in his childhood struggle for survival as a street performer in Rio de Janeiro. Several key moves provided him with the opportunity to rebuild his life and to grow into a recognized mestre of the capoeira angola martial art as Mestre Cobra Mansa ("Tame Snake" in Portuguese). His dedicated work enabled him to contribute to the revival of the capoeira angola tradition during the 1980's in Bahia. After his move to the United States in the early 1990's, Mestre Cobrinha founded the International Capoeira Angola Foundation, which today has expanded to 28 groups around the world. Mestre Cobra returned home to Brazil to initiate projects that seek to develop a new sense of community from all that he has learned and been able to accomplish in his life through the performance and study of capoeira angola.
The evaluation of exposure to aflatoxins (AF) by measurement of the level of contamination in food is hampered due to the heterogeneous distribution of AF in food. Therefore, an alternative is to estimate the exposure using specific biological markers (biomarkers) based on an understanding of the metabolism of the compound. For AF, these include aflatoxin-N-7-guanine in the urine, or AFB(1)-albumin (AF-alb) in the blood. This study assessed the level of exposure to AF in Brazilian individuals using a biomarker approach, i.e. the AF-alb adducts. Blood samples were collected from urban residents (n=50; aged 18-52) in June 1999, at the Blood Center of Antonio Carlos de Camargo Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil. AF-alb adduct levels were determined, by ELISA following serum albumin extraction and digestion. AF-alb adducts were detected in 31/50 (62%) samples [range 0-57.3 pg AFB(1)-lys adducts/mg of blood albumin (pg/mg)]. The mean level of positives was 14.9 pg/mg and males had the two highest levels measured (57.1 and 57.3 pg/mg). There was no correlation with age or profession. This is the first study of Brazilian, or indeed South American, individuals that has determined exposure to AF at the individual level using a biomarker approach. These levels are similar to those observed in the Philippines. These data warrant further investigation of both the sources and consequences of exposure to this potent toxin in Brazil.
The Emerging Church Movement (ECM) is a primarily Western religious phenomenon, identifiable by its critical ‘deconstruction’ of ‘modern’ religion. While most prominent in North America, especially the United States, some of the most significant contributors to the ECM ‘conversation’ have been the Belfast-based Ikon Collective and one of its founders, philosopher Peter Rollins. Their rootedness in the unique religious, political and social landscape of Northern Ireland in part explains their position on the ‘margins’ of the ECM, and provides many of the resources for their contributions. Ikon’s development of ‘transformance art’ and its ‘leaderless’ structure raise questions about the institutional viability of the wider ECM. Rollins’ ‘Pyrotheology’ project, grounded in his reading of post-modern philosophy, introduces more radical ideas to the ECM conversation. Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’ and ‘marginal’ location provides the ground from which Rollins and Ikon have been able to expose the boundaries of the ECM and raise questions about just how far the ECM may go in its efforts to transform Western Christianity.
The purpose of this research study was to investigate and identify possible patterns relating to academic performance on the effects of university students self-selecting where to sit in a lecture theatre.
The key research questions are:
1. Does seating position affect student performance?
2. Do the most academically able and engaged students regularly sit at the front of lecture theatres?
Academic achievement
Preliminary results suggest significant assessment score differences between those that sit at the front and those that sit further the back. Of those that received a grade of 75%+ (Grade A) 6.67% regularly sat at the back. With the same group 46.67% regularly sat at the front. Of the group that scored less than 50% (Grade D) 0% of students regularly sat at the front. 12.50% regularly sat in the middle zones with 37.50% sitting at the back. It was also observed that the remaining numbers did not consistently sit in the same zone.
Temporal movement
There is little evidence of movement between seating zones of the Grade A group throughout the 24 week period. However there was considerable movement with the Grade D group. Although still under analysis there appears be a pattern of students in this group graduating towards the back seating positions over the course of the programme.
The frequency of completed entries on PinPoint was also used as an indicator of engagement. With the Grade A group 75% of them regularly completed an entry whereas in the Grade D group this drops to less than 50%.
Further analysis on the attitudinal factors in relational to seating position and performance are ongoing, but preliminary results suggest that those students that scored highly in attitude tended to sit at the front and middle sections.
It would indeed appear that the more highly engaged and academically capable students voluntarily sit at the front for most lectures. Interestingly as the course progresses those who had lesser engagement and below average midterm results tend to began to sit progressively toward the back. If this is a repeatable pattern then a linear regression analysis of the seating positions and midterm results could help predict students in danger of failing.
Children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) are often referred to as clumsy because of their compromised motor coordination. Clumsiness and slow movement performances while scripting in children with DCD often result in poor academic performance and a diminished sense of scholastic competence. This study purported to examine the mediating role of perceived scholastic competence in the relationship between motor coordination and academic performance in children in grade six. Children receive a great deal of comparative information on their academic performances, which influence a student's sense of scholastic competence and self-efficacy. The amount of perceived academic self-efficacy has significant impact on academic performance, their willingness to complete academic tasks, and their self-motivation to improve where necessary. Independent t-tests reveal a significant difference (p < .001) between DCD and non-DCD groups when compared against their overall grade six average with the DCD group performing significantly lower. Independent t-tests found no significant difference between DCD and non-DCD groups for perceived scholastic competence. However, multiple linear regression analysis revealed a significant mediating role of 15% by perceived scholastic competence when examining the relationship between motor coordination and academic performance. While children with probable DCD may not rate their perceived scholastic competence as less than their healthy peers, there is a significant mediating effect on their academic performance.
Objective. To evaluate the perception of eating practices and the stages of change among adolescents. Methods. Cross-sectional study involving a representative sample of 390 adolescents from 11 public schools in the city of Piracicaba, Brazil, in 2004. Food consumption was identified by a food frequency questionnaire and the perception of eating practices evaluation was conducted by comparing food consumption and individual classification of healthy aspects of the diet. The participants were classified within stages of change by means of a specific algorithm. A reclassification within new stages of change was proposed to identify adolescents with similar characteristics regarding food consumption and perception. Results. Low consumption of fruit and vegetables and high consumption of sweets and fats were identified. More than 44% of the adolescents had a mistaken perception of their diet. A significant relationship between the stages of change and food consumption was observed. The reclassification among stages of change, through including the pseudo-maintenance and non-reflective action stages was necessary, considering the high proportion of adolescents who erroneously classified their diets as healthy. Conclusion. Classification of the adolescents into stages of change, together with consumption and perception data, enabled identification of groups at risk, in accordance with their inadequate dietary habits and non-recognition of such habits. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
To date, limited numbers of dental calculus samples have been analyzed by researchers in diverse parts of the world. The combined analyses of these have provided some general guidelines for the analysis of calculus that is non-destructive to archaeological teeth. There is still a need for a quantitative study of large numbers of calculus samples to establish protocols, assess the level of contamination, evaluate the quantity of microfossils in dental calculus, and to compare analysis results with the literature concerning the biology of calculus formation. We analyzed dental calculus from 53 teeth from four Brazilian sambaquis. Sambaquis are the shell-mounds that were established prehistorically along the Brazilian coast. The analysis of sambaqui dental calculi shows that there are relatively high concentrations of microfossils (phytoliths and starch), mineral fragments, and charcoal in dental calculus. Mineral fragments and charcoal are possibly contaminants. The largest dental calculi have the lowest concentrations of microfossils. Biologically, this is explained by individual variation in calculus formation between people. Importantly, starch is ubiquitous in dental calculus. The starch and phytoliths show that certainly Dioscorea (yam) and Araucaria angustifolia (Parana pine) were eaten by sambaqui people. Araceae (arum family), Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) and Zea mays (maize) were probably in their diet. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Edge effects are suggested to have great impact on the persistence of species in fragmented landscapes. We tested edge avoidance by forest understory passerines in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest and also compared their mobility and movement patterns in contiguous and fragmented landscapes to assess whether movements would increase in the fragmented landscape. Between 2003 and 2005, 96 Chiroxiphia caudata, 38 Pyriglena leucoptera and 27 Sclerurus scansor were radio-tracked. The most strictly forest species C. caudata and S scansor avoided forest edges while P leucoptera showed affinities for the edge Both sensitive species showed larger mean step length and maximal observed daily distance in the fragmented forest versus the unfragmented forest. P. leucoptera did not show any significant difference. There were no significant differences in proportional daily home range use for any of the three species. Our results suggested that fragmentation and the consequent increase in edge areas do influence movement behavior of sensitive forest understory birds that avoided the use of edges and increased the speed and distance they covered daily. For the most restricted forest species, it would be advisable to protect larger patches of forest instead of many small or medium fragments connected by narrow corridors. However, by comparing our data with that obtained earlier, we concluded that movement behavior of resident birds differs from that of dispersing birds and might not allow to infer functional connectivity or landscape-scale sensitivity to fragmentation; a fact that should be taken into consideration when suggesting conservation strategies. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Phylogenetic relationships and divergence times for 10 populations of the three recognized ""species"" of Brazilian lizards of genus Eurolophosaurus were estimated from 1229 bp of cyt b, COI, 12S, and 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene segments. Eurolophosaurus is monophyletic and the basal split within the genus separates E divaricatus from a clade comprising E amathites and E nanuzae. Three populations of E divaricatus, which occurs along the western bank of Rio S (a) over tildeo Francisco, were consistently grouped together. Oil the east bank of the river, E amathites and E nanuzae from state of Bahia were recovered as the sister group of E nanuzae populations from state of Minas Gerais. The paraphyly of E nanuzae and the high divergence levels among populations of E divaricatus strongly suggest that species limits in Eurolophosaurus should be revised. Even considering an extreme evolutionary rate of 2.8% sequence divergence per million years for the four gene segments analyzed together, E. divaricatus would have separated from the two other species by at least 5.5 my ago, and E. amathites from E nanuzae populations from Bahia and Minas Gerais, respectively, by 1.5 and 3.5 my. The paleolacustrine hypothesis and changes in the course of the river potentially explain faunal divergence in the area, but divergences are much older than previously admitted. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Calyptommatus and Nothobachia genera of gymnophthalmid lizards are restricted to sandy open habitats on Sao Francisco River margins, northeastern Brazil. Phylogenetic relationships and geographic distribution of the four recognized species of Calyptommatus were analyzed from partial mitochondrial cyt b, 12S, and 16S rRNA genes sequencing, taking allopatric populations of the monotypic Nothobachia ablephara as the outgroup. In Calyptommatus a basal split separated C. sinebrachiatus, a species restricted to the eastern bank of the river, from the three other species. In this clade, C. confusionibus, found on western margin, was recovered as the sister group of the two other species, C. leiolepis and C. nicterus, from opposite margins. According to approximate date estimations, C. sinebrachiatus would have separated from the other congeneric species by 4.4-6.5 my, and C. nicterus, also from eastern bank, would be diverging by 1.8-2.6 my from C. leiolepis, the sister species on the opposite margin. C. confusionibus and C. leiolepis, both from western sandy areas, would be differentiating by 2.8-5.0 my. Divergence times of about 3.0-4.0 my were estimated for allopatric populations of Nothobachia restricted to western margin. Significant differences in 16S rRNA secondary structure relatively to other vertebrates are reported. Distinct evolutionary patterns are proposed for different taxa in those sandy areas, probably related to historical changes in the course of Sao Francisco River. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.