985 resultados para Branching fractions


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Hyperbranched polyurethanes, with varying oligoethyleneoxy spacer segments between the branching points, have been synthesized by a one-pot approach starting from the appropriately designed carbonyl azide that incorporates the different spacer segments. The structures of monomers and polymers were confirmed by IR and H-1-NMR spectroscopy. The solution viscosity of the polymers suggested that they were of reasonably high molecular weight. Reversal of terminal functional groups was achieved by preparing the appropriate monohydroxy dicarbonyl azide monomer. The large number of terminal isocyanate groups at the chain ends of such hyperbranched macromolecules caused them to crosslink prior to its isolation. However, carrying out the polymerization in the presence of 1 equiv of a capping agent, such as an alcohol, resulted in soluble polymers with carbamate chain ends. Using a biphenyl-containing alcohol as a capping agent, we have also prepared novel hyperbranched perbranched polyurethanes with pendant mesogenic segments. These mesogen-containing polyurethanes, however, did not exhibit liquid crystallinity probably due to the wholly aromatic rigid polymer backbone. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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In this paper, we describe a system of particles that perform independent random motions in space and at the end of their lifetimes give birth to a random number of offspring. We show that the system in the large density, small mass, rapid branching or long time scale limit converges to a measure-valued diffusion called the superprocess.


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This paper deals with the synthesis of 2-deoxy-2-C-alkyl/aryl septanosides. A range of such septanoside derivatives was synthesized by using a common bromo-oxepine intermediate, involving C-C bond forming organometallic reactions. Unsaturated, seven-membered septanoside vinyl bromides or bromo-oxepines, obtained through a ring expansion methodology of the cyclopropane derivatives of oxyglycals, displayed a good reactivity towards several acceptor moieties in C-C bond forming Heck, Suzuki and Sonogashira coupling reactions, thus affording 2-deoxy-2-C-alkyl/aryl septanosides. Whereas Heck and Sonogashira coupling reactions afforded 2-deoxy-2-C-alkenyl and -alkynyl derivatives, respectively, the Suzuki reaction afforded 2-deoxy-2-C-aryl septanosides. Deprotection and reduction of the 2-deoxy-2-alkenyl derivative afforded the corresponding 2-deoxy-2-C-alkyl septanoside free of protecting groups. The present study illustrates the reactivity of bromo-oxepine in the synthesis of hitherto unknown septanosides, branching out at C-2, through C-C bond formation with alkyl and aryl substituents.


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Two fish species each from carnivorous (Clarias batrachus, Channa punctatus), omnivorous (Cyprinus carpio, Cirrhinus reba), and plankton feeder (Catla catla, Labeo rohita) were collected from freshwater sources under natural habitat to study their total lipid (TL) and lipid-fractions. Significant relationship between these parameters was also worked out. The variation of total lipid and lipid-fractions in tissues of freshwater fishes were not significantly different (P>0.05). But a higher trend of total lipid and glyceride (TGL) contents were found in carnivores followed by omnivores and least in plankton feeders. The trend was reverse for total phospholipid, cholesterol and free fatty acids. TGL content in all class of fishes was significantly related with TL (P<0.01), phospholipid (PL) (P<0.001), cholesterol (P<0.05), free fatty acids (P<0.05) and monoglycerides (P<0.001). Similarly total lipid was linearly related with total glycerides (TL=-3.02 + 0.10 TGL) and phospholipid (TL=7.13-0.12 PL). From this study it is concluded that almost all lipid-fractions of freshwater fishes can be predicted easily from total lipid content of the tissue.


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The changes in the major protein nitrogen fractions of two commercially important fishes of Indian waters, viz., mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and lactarius (Lactarius lactarius), during storage in ice are reported. The significance of the findings is discussed in comparison with the results of a similar study on two species of marine prawns and oil sardine, reported earlier.


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Using a combined computational program. we identified 50 potential microRNAs (miRNAs) in Giardia lamblia. one of the most primitive unicellular eukaryotes. These miRNAs are unique to G. lamblia and no homologues have been found in other organisms; miRNAs.


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Fibrous collagenous networks are not only stiff but also tough, due to their complex microstructures. This stiff yet tough behavior is desirable for both medical and military applications but it is difficult to reproduce in engineering materials. While the nonlinear hyperelastic behavior of fibrous networks has been extensively studied, the understanding of toughness is still incomplete. Here, we identify a microstructure mimicking the branched bundles of a natural type I collagen network, in which partially cross-linked long fibers give rise to novel combinations of stiffness and toughness. Finite element analysis shows that the stiffness of fully cross-linked fibrous networks is amplified by increasing the fibril length and cross-link density. However, a trade-off of such stiff networks is reduced toughness. By having partially cross-linked networks with long fibrils, the networks have comparable stiffness and improved toughness as compared to the fully cross-linked networks. Further, the partially cross-linked networks avoid the formation of kinks, which cause fibril rupture during deformation. As a result, the branching allows the networks to have stiff yet tough behavior.


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The growing interest in innovative reactors and advanced fuel cycle designs requires more accurate prediction of various transuranic actinide concentrations during irradiation or following discharge because of their effect on reactivity or spent-fuel emissions, such as gamma and neutron activity and decay heat. In this respect, many of the important actinides originate from the 241Am(n,γ) reaction, which leads to either the ground or the metastable state of 242Am. The branching ratio for this reaction depends on the incident neutron energy and has very large uncertainty in the current evaluated nuclear data files. This study examines the effect of accounting for the energy dependence of the 241Am(n,γ) reaction branching ratio calculated from different evaluated data files for different reactor and fuel types on the reactivity and concentrations of some important actinides. The results of the study confirm that the uncertainty in knowing the 241Am(n,γ) reaction branching ratio has a negligible effect on the characteristics of conventional light water reactor fuel. However, in advanced reactors with large loadings of actinides in general, and 241Am in particular, the branching ratio data calculated from the different data files may lead to significant differences in the prediction of the fuel criticality and isotopic composition. Moreover, it was found that neutron energy spectrum weighting of the branching ratio in each analyzed case is particularly important and may result in up to a factor of 2 difference in the branching ratio value. Currently, most of the neutronic codes have a single branching ratio value in their data libraries, which is sometimes difficult or impossible to update in accordance with the neutron spectrum shape for the analyzed system.