967 resultados para Brain-damage


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Brains of Wistar male rats (newborns, youngs and adults) submitted to protein-calorie deprivation for different periods (27, 33 and 60 days) were studied histologically and biochemically (protein and lipids contents). Lower levels of lipid, particularly among young rats, were observed in all groups. The protein levels were also significantly lower in the newborns, only slightly diminished in the youngs and not altered in the adults. On the other hand the histological study made in all groups did not show any qualitative modifications. The authors concluded that the protein-calorie deprivation affects the brain composition markedly in the earlier periods of life when the developing rate is greater. This could result in irreversible brain damage.


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In the present work we analyzed the effect of the chronic administration of risperidone (2mg/kg over 65 days) on behavioural, morphological and molecular aspects in an experimental model of schizophrenia obtained by bilateral injection of ibotenic acid into the ventral hippocampus of new-born rats. Our results show that during their adult lives the animals with hippocampal lesions exhibit different alterations, mainly at behavioural level and in the gene expression of dopamine D2 and 5-HT2A receptors. However, at morphological level the study performed on the prefrontal cortex did not reveal any alterations in either the thickness or the number of cells immunoreactive for c-Fos, GFAP, CBP or PV. Overall, risperidone administration elicited a trend towards the recovery of the values previously altered by the hippocampal lesion, approaching the values seen in the animals without lesions. It may be concluded that the administration of risperidone in the schizophrenia model employed helps to improve the altered functions, with no significant negative effects. © 2013.


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Given that cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide, many efforts have been directed toward discovering new treatments and approaches to cure or control this group of diseases. Chemotherapy is the main treatment for cancer; however, a conventional schedule based on maximum tolerated dose (MTD) shows several side effects and frequently allows the development of drug resistance. On the other side, low dose chemotherapy involves antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory processes that help host to fight against tumor cells, with lower grade of side effects. In this review, we present evidence that metronomic chemotherapy, based on the frequent administration of low or intermediate doses of chemotherapeutics, can be better than or as efficient as MTD. Finally, we present some data indicating that noncytotoxic concentrations of antineoplastic agents are able to both up-regulate the immune system and increase the susceptibility of tumor cells to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Taken together, data from the literature provides us with sufficient evidence that low concentrations of selected chemotherapeutic agents, rather than conventional high doses, should be evaluated in combination with immunotherapy. Copyright © 2012 UICC.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Bone reconstructions are traditionally conducted with autogenous grafts harvested from intra- or extra-oral donor sites to reestablish the lost bone volume for further implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. The calvarial bone has been studied as an excellent donor site in large atrophic situations, presenting low resorption rates, as well as complications and minimal morbidity. The hospitalization time is short, with low pain levels, short functional limitations, and invisible scars. The skull microarchitecture is predominantly cortical in the presence of growth factors that demonstrate their osteogenic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive abilities resulting in low resorption rate and high predictability when compared to the iliac crest. Dural lacerations, extra and subdural bleeding, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and brain damage have been minimized due to the development of surgical technique. The delimitation of diploe, preserving the internal skull cortex before osteotomy at the donor made it possible to reduce accidents and complications. The aim of this paper is to show a technical and to discuss aspects of the use of calvarial bone in the reconstruction of severely atrophic maxilla for oral rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants.


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The epidemic growth of dementia causes great concern for the society. It is customary to consider Alzheimer's disease (AD) as the most common cause of dementia, followed by vascular dementia (VaD). This dichotomous view of a neurodegenerative disease as opposed to brain damage caused by extrinsic factors led to separate lines of research in these two entities. Indeed, accumulated data suggest that the two disorders have additive effects and probably interact; however it is still unknown to what degree. Furthermore, epidemiological studies have shown "vascular" risk factors to be associated with AD. Therefore, a clear distinction between AD and VaD cannot be made in most cases, and is furthermore unhelpful. In the absence of efficacious treatment for the neurodegenerative process, special attention must be given to the vascular component, even in patients with presumed mixed pathology. Symptomatic treatment of VaD and AD is similar, although the former is less effective. For prevention of dementia it is important to treat all factors aggressively, even in stroke survivors who do not show evidence of cognitive decline. In this review, we will give a clinical and pathological picture of the processes leading to VaD and discuss its interaction with AD. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Il presente elaborato ha per oggetto la tematica del Sé, in particolar modo il Sé corporeo. Il primo capitolo illustrerà la cornice teorica degli studi sul riconoscimento del Sé corporeo, affrontando come avviene l’elaborazione del proprio corpo e del proprio volto rispetto alle parti corporee delle altre persone. Il secondo capitolo descriverà uno studio su soggetti sani che indaga l’eccitabilità della corteccia motoria nei processi di riconoscimento sé/altro. I risultati mostrano un incremento dell’eccitabilità corticospinale dell’emisfero destro in seguito alla presentazione di stimoli propri (mano e cellulare), a 600 e 900 ms dopo la presentazione dello stimolo, fornendo informazioni sulla specializzazione emisferica substrati neurali e sulla temporalità dei processi che sottendono all’elaborazione del sé. Il terzo capitolo indagherà il contributo del movimento nel riconoscimento del Sé corporeo in soggetti sani ed in pazienti con lesione cerebrale destra. Le evidenze mostrano come i pazienti, che avevano perso la facilitazione nell’elaborare le parti del proprio corpo statiche, presentano tale facilitazione in seguito alla presentazione di parti del proprio corpo in movimento. Il quarto capitolo si occuperà dello sviluppo del sé corporeo in bambini con sviluppo atipico, affetti da autismo, con riferimento al riconoscimento di posture emotive proprie ed altrui. Questo studio mostra come alcuni processi legati al sé possono essere preservati anche in bambini affetti da autismo. Inoltre i dati mostrano che il riconoscimento del sé corporeo è modulato dalle emozioni espresse dalle posture corporee sia in bambini con sviluppo tipico che in bambini affetti da autismo. Il quinto capitolo sarà dedicato al ruolo dei gesti nel riconoscimento del corpo proprio ed altrui. I dati di questo studio evidenziano come il contenuto comunicativo dei gesti possa facilitare l’elaborazione di parti del corpo altrui. Nella discussione generale i risultati dei diversi studi verranno considerati all’interno della loro cornice teorica.


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During the perinatal period the developing brain is most vulnerable to inflammation. Prenatal infection or exposure to inflammatory factors can have a profound impact on fetal neurodevelopment with long-term neurological deficits, such as cognitive impairment, learning deficits, perinatal brain damage and cerebral palsy. Inflammation in the brain is characterized by activation of resident immune cells, especially microglia and astrocytes whose activation is associated with a variety of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer´s disease and Multiple sclerosis. These cell types express, release and respond to pro-inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, which are critically involved in the immune response to infection. It has been demonstrated recently that cytokines also directly influence neuronal function. Glial cells are capable of releaseing the pro-inflammatory cytokines MIP-2, which is involved in cell death, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), which enhances excitatory synaptic function by increasing the surface expression of AMPA receptors. Thus constitutively released TNFalpha homeostatically regulates the balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition in an activity-dependent manner. Since TNFalpha is also involved in neuronal cell death, the interplay between neuronal activity MIP-2 and TNFalpha may control the process of cell death and cell survival in developing neuronal networks. An increasing body of evidence suggests that neuronal activity is important in the regulation of neuronal survival during early development, e.g. programmed cell death (apoptosis) is augmented when neuronal activity is blocked. In our study we were interested on the impact of inflammation on neuronal activity and cell survival during early cortical development. To address this question, we investigated the impact of inflammation on neuronal activity and cell survival during early cortical development in vivo and in vitro. Inflammation was experimentally induced by application of the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which initiates a rapid and well-characterized immune response. I studied the consequences of inflammation on spontaneous neuronal network activity and cell death by combining electrophysiological recordings with multi-electrode arrays and quantitative analyses of apoptosis. In addition, I used a cytokine array and antibodies directed against specific cytokines allowing the identification of the pro-inflammatory factors, which are critically involved in these processes. In this study I demonstrated a direct link between inflammation-induced modifications in neuronal network activity and the control of cell survival in a developing neuronal network for the first time. Our in vivo and in vitro recordings showed a fast LPS-induced reduction in occurrence of spontaneous oscillatory activity. It is indicated that LPS-induced inflammation causes fast release of proinflammatory factors which modify neuronal network activity. My experiments with specific antibodies demonstrate that TNFalpha and to a lesser extent MIP-2 seem to be the key mediators causing activity-dependent neuronal cell death in developing brain. These data may be of important clinical relevance, since spontaneous synchronized activity is also a hallmark of the developing human brain and inflammation-induced alterations in this early network activity may have a critical impact on the survival of immature neurons.


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Zerebrale Erkrankungen, wie Schädelhirntrauma (SHT) und Subarachnoidalblutung (SAB) sind mit einer hohen Morbidität und Mortalität vergesellschaftet und stellen eine ernsthafte medizinische und ökonomische Herausforderung dar. Grundlage für die Entwicklung neuer effektiver Therapieansätze ist das Verständnis der pathophysiologischen Mechanismen dieser Krankheiten. Das Entstehen eines vasogenen Hirnödems ist eine schwere Komplikation nach SHT und SAB und beruht u.a. auf einem Öffnen der Bluthirnschranke (BHS). Ein möglicher zu Grunde liegender Mechanismus könnte die Aktivierung der Myosin-leichte-Kette-Kinase (MLCK) sein, was man therapeutisch unterbinden könnte.rnIn der vorliegenden Studie wurde in zwei unterschiedlichen experimentellen, zerebralen Schadensmodellen der Einfluss des kontraktilen Apparates auf die BHS Störung untersucht. In dem Schadensmodell des SHT sind die Hauptergebnisse: 1.) die Myosin-leichte-Kette-Kinase (MLCK) wird durch das induzierte Schädelhirntrauma hochreguliert. 2.) eine pharmakologische MLCK Inhibition stabilisiert die BHS, senkt den ICP und das Hirnödem nach experimentellen SHT. 3.) die MLCK Inhibition führte nicht zu einer Verbesserung des Hirnschadens, der neurologischen Funktion oder der zerebralen Inflammation 24 Stunden nach SHT, obwohl angenommen wird, dass die Entstehung eines Hirnödems den sekundären Hirnschaden vergrößert. In einer weitern Studie wurde untersucht, durch welchen Signalweg dieser zugrunde liegende Mechanismus aktiviert wird. In einem in-vitro BHS Model konnte gezeigt werden, dass C-reaktives Protein (CRP) über die Bindung an Fcγ-Rezeptoren den kontraktilen Apparat aktiviert und somit zu einem Öffnen der BHS führt. Obwohl der CRP Plasmaspiegel nach experimentellen SHT ansteigt, kommt es nicht zu einer Verringerungrndes Hirnwassergehaltes in FcγR-/- Mäusen. Die Entstehung des vasogenen Hirnödems wird im murinen CCI Model somit nicht über den Fcγ-Rezeptor vermittelt. Die in-vitro gezeigte Fcγ vermittelte Öffnung der BHS konnte in-vivo in dieser Studie nicht reproduziert werden. Mit der vorliegenden Studie kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass CRP über einen Fcγ unabhängigen Mechanismus eine Öffnung der BHS vermittelt. Jedoch deuten die Daten daraufhin, das CRP im murinen CCI Model eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Die FcγR-/- Mäuse zeigten allerdings ein deutlich reduziertes Kontusionsvolumen und eine reduzierte Mikroglia Aktivierung, was darauf hindeutet, dass FcγR eine wesentliche Rolle bei der zerebralen Inflammation spielen.rnIn dem Schadensmodell der experimentellen SAB konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Inhibition der MLCK die Folgen einer SAB mindert. Sie führt zu einer Senkung des Hirnödems, des intrakraniellen Drucks und Verbesserung der neurologischen Erholung nach experimenteller SAB. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die Hypothese, dass die MLCK einer der Endpunkteffektor für verschiedene Mechanismen ist, welche die endotheliale Permeabilität sowohl nach SHT als auch nach SAB erhöhen.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass in beiden zerebralen experimentellen Insulten die MLCK eine wichtige Rolle beim BHS Versagen spielt. Die Daten tragen dazu bei, den zugrundeliegenden Mechanismus der BHS Öffnung, der durch eine Aktivierung der MLCK hervorgerufen werden könnte, besser zu verstehen. Dies könnte zu Entwicklung neuer Medikamente für eine Therapie des zerebralen Hirnödems führen.


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A child's brain shows a remarkable ability to recover from adverse events such as stroke. Language functions recover particularly well, while visuo-spatial skills are more affected by brain damage, regardless of its localization. This study investigated the lateralization of language and visual search after childhood stroke.


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Despite the availability of effective antibiotic therapies, pneumococcal meningitis (PM) has a case fatality rate of up to 30% and causes neurological sequelae in up to half of the surviving patients. The underlying brain damage includes apoptosis of neurons in the hippocampus and necrosis in the cortex. Therapeutic options to reduce acute injury and to improve outcome from PM are severely limited.With the aim to develop new therapies a number of pharmacologic interventions have been evaluated. However, the often unpredictable outcome of interventional studies suggests that the current concept of the pathophysiologic events during bacterial meningitis is fragmentary. The aim of this work is to describe the transcriptomic changes underlying the complex mechanisms of the host response to pneumococcal meningitis in a temporal and spatial context using a well characterized infant rat model.


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Antibiotic-induced bacteriolysis exacerbates inflammation and brain damage in bacterial meningitis. Here the quality and temporal kinetics of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inflammation were assessed in an infant rat pneumococcal meningitis model for the nonbacteriolytic antibiotic daptomycin versus ceftriaxone. Daptomycin led to lower CSF concentrations of interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta), IL-10, IL-18, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), and macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha (MIP-1alpha) (P < 0.05). In experimental pneumococcal meningitis, daptomycin treatment resulted in more rapid bacterial killing, lower CSF inflammation, and less brain damage than ceftriaxone treatment.


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Bacteremia and systemic complications both play important roles in brain pathophysiological alterations and the outcome of pneumococcal meningitis. Their individual contributions to the development of brain damage, however, still remain to be defined.


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There is a lack of experimental evidence to support the hypothesis that sleep may modulate stroke outcome as suggested by clinical observations. We have previously shown that sleep disturbance (SDis) over 3 days aggravates brain damage in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia. The aim of this study is to further investigate effects of SDis on long-term stroke recovery and neuroplasticity as assessed by axonal sprouting, neurogenesis, and angiogenesis.