213 resultados para Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Several legumes have natural ability to associate with nitrogen - fixing bacteria known as rhizobia. The efficiency of this association depends on the plant and bacterial genotype and the edaphoclimatic conditions. Peanut is a tropical legume able to associate with a wide range of rhizobia and the selection of efficient bacteria is important to increase the nitrogen fixation in this crop. In order to investigate the agronomic efficiency of two Bradyrhizobiumstrains, two peanut genotypes were used in field trails carried out in three environments located at Brazilian Northeast. The genotypes (BR1 and L7 Bege) were submitted to rhizobial inoculation (SEMIA 6144 or ESA 123, both Bradyrhizobium strains, and chemical nitrogen fertilization in randomized block design experiments. The following traits were analyzed: flowering (F), main axis height (MAH), number of nodules/plant (NN), number of pods/plant (NP) and weight of pods (WP). Differential responses were found in all to treatments to NN, NP and WP, in the three environments studied. Overall, ESA 123 showed good agronomic performance inducing higher pod production. The results supportthe evaluation of the Bradyrhizobium in further experiments aiming at its recommendation to commercial inoculants in Brazilian Northeast region.
Nitrogen fertilization from biological source is an uncommon practice for peanut growers due to the limited results, mainly in environments with water restriction. In this study, the response of a commercial Bradyrhizobium was evaluated on the nodulation and production of peanuts grown in sandy and medium textured soils. Two experiments using different soils were carried out in the field during the dry season, in Campina Grande, Paraíba State, Brazil. Three peanut genotypes were submitted to the following treatments: 1-no nitrogen fertilization (control), 2- chemical fertilization (ammonium sulfate) and 3- inoculation with Bradyrhizobium [commercial strain BR 1405 (SEMIA 6144)]. A completely randomized 3x3 factorial design was adopted with five repetitions for both experiments. The evaluates variables were: height of the main stem, number of nodes/plant, root length, root dry weight, weight of pods/plant and number of pods/plant. In addition, gas exchanges were estimated using IRGA apparatus. Both genotypes (BRS Havana and L7 Bege) were benefited in relation to production due to an inoculation with SEMIA 6144. No physiological response was verified in genotypes or N-treatments to gas exchange, excepting for the Ci/Ca ratio in the medium textured soil experiment. BRS Havana showed low Ci/Ca ratio in Bradyrhizobium treatment, indicating that SEMIA 6144 improved the plants photosynthetic efficiency.
The pathological outcomes of schistosomiasis are largely dependent on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the host immune response. In this study, we investigated the contribution of variations in host gene expression to the contrasting hepatic pathology observed between two inbred mouse strains following Schistosoma japonicum infection. Whole genome microarray analysis was employed in conjunction with histological and immunohistochemical analysis to define and compare the hepatic gene expression profiles and cellular composition associated with the hepatopathology observed in S. japonicum-infected BALB/c and CBA mice. We show that the transcriptional profiles differ significantly between the two mouse strains with high statistical confidence. We identified specific genes correlating with the more severe pathology associated with CBA mice, as well as genes which may confer the milder degree of pathology associated with BALB/c mice. In BALB/c mice, neutrophil genes exhibited striking increases in expression, which coincided with the significantly greater accumulation of neutrophils at granulomatous regions seen in histological sections of hepatic tissue. In contrast, up-regulated expression of the eosinophil chemokine CCL24 in CBA mice paralleled the cellular influx of eosinophils to the hepatic granulomas. Additionally, there was greater down-regulation of genes involved in metabolic processes in CBA mice, reflecting the more pronounced hepatic damage in these mice. Profibrotic genes showed similar levels of expression in both mouse strains, as did genes associated with Th1 and Th2 responses. However, imbalances in expression of matrix metalloproteinases (e.g. MMP12, MMP13) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP1) may contribute to the contrasting pathology observed in the two strains. Overall, these results provide a more complete picture of the molecular and cellular mechanisms which govern the pathological outcome of hepatic schistosomiasis. This improved understanding of the immunopathogenesis in the murine model schistosomiasis provides the basis for a better appreciation of the complexities associated with chronic human schistosomiasis.
首先回顾了以往苏铁研究,在此基础上,对苏铁的区系地理、苏铁中种皮形态、台湾苏铁的模式产地与海南苏铁的名实问题、从叶绿体DNA matK序列及应用Trn L(UAA)序列资料分析苏铁目系统发育关系等方面进行了深入的研究。 提出了我国西南及印度支那地区和澳大利亚及太平洋岛屿为现代苏铁两大分布中心,前者是苏铁科的演化中心,而后者是次生的分化中心。首次提出钉羊齿(Rhaphidopteris)可能是现代苏铁科近祖的观点。 首次系统研究了27种苏铁属植物中种皮的形态,据此把苏铁属种子分为苏铁型、台湾苏铁型、韦德苏铁型、拳叶苏铁型、斯曼苏铁型及粉种苏铁型等6个类型。对苏铁亚属中种皮纹饰的演化趋势以及其与种间亲缘关系进行了探讨。 对台湾苏铁(Cycas taiwaniana)的模式产地进行了深入的考证,认为其来自福建厦门一带的栽培植株,而非其他学者认为的广东汕头或台湾高雄。海南苏铁(C.hainanensis)应作为台湾苏铁的异名处理。 描述了苏铁科一新亚属奥苏铁亚属Subgen. Media,二新组台湾苏铁组Sect. Taiwanianae及韦德苏铁组Sect. Wadeanae。 分子研究表明托叶铁属(Stangeria)与波温铁属(Bowenia)并不构成一个单系类群;大泽米铁属(Macroz以mia)与非洲铁属(Encephalartos)关系最近,而与鳞叶铁属(Lepidozamia)稍远。 其次,在园林规划方面,对广东省江门市白水带风景区的森林植被进行深入的研究,在此基础上开展了白水带植物景观规划与植被改造规划。在跨越林学与园林两大学科方面做了开拓性的尝试,大气势、大手笔营造森林植物景观。以小班为单位进行规划,植被改造依据植物群落演替原理,模拟南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林,将种类贫乏、结构简单的人工林逐步改造为种类丰富、结构复杂的异龄复层混交林。首次以四季不同种类的花色变化的大范围森林景观来营造南亚热带平常并不明显的季相变化;而专类园的规划注意生态与景观的结合,从植物的生态学特性、群落学特性和景观要求出发进行配置,从而克服一般北京植物园注重品种收集,按分类系统或地理分布来布置而轻视植物生态习性与景观效果的通病。对现有的海金沙(Lygodium Japonicum)等层片或单优群落加以整理形成自然且景观优美的特色层片以及以江门的乡土植物与优秀外引植物营造独木成林、万雀迎宾、层峦叠嶂、孔雀开屏、仙鹤望天等景观的规划思想为国内首创;在国内首先提出规划建设热带雨林、冷色北京植物园、佛教北京植物园、国树国花园等专类园。 在白水带规划的同时,就江门市的人居环境进行了深入的调研。对国内城市生态环境建设普遍存在的一些倾向与问题进行了反思,在总结江门城市环境建设得失的基础上提出了营造可持续发展的人居环境七个方面的战略性意见。
兰科植物精巧的花部结构及其独特的传粉机制为自然选择理论和异花受粉优势学说提供了强有力的证据。开展兰科植物的传粉生态学研究对进一步探讨植物进化中的一些关键问题(如生殖隔离、物种形成、适应和繁育系统进化等)具有重要意义。本文通过对独花兰 (Changnienia amoena) 和扇脉杓兰 (Cypripedium japonicum) 两种兰科植物进行植物与传粉者之间关系、种内形态变异、花粉散布等方面的研究,探讨其适应进化方式、传粉系统的进化趋势,同时为开发适用的分子标记,在独花兰中初步摸索和探讨了微卫星标记的分离。主要研究结果如下: 1. 濒危植物独花兰的传粉生态学 在神农架2个地点进行了连续2年的野外观测和实验。结果表明,独花兰是一种自交亲和、需要昆虫传粉的欺骗性植物。在2个地点独花兰的传粉者种类不同,在龙门河三条熊蜂 (Bombus (Diversobombus) trifasciatus) 是主要传粉者,在关门山仿熊蜂 (B. (Tricornibombus) imitator) 是唯一的传粉者。尽管它们出现的丰度和觅食行为不同,但其传粉行为和携粉部位非常相同,因此,可以看作是一个功能群(functional group)。从种群水平上看,开花个体的分布式样不是显著的偏斜曲线图,传粉者的有效访问主要集中在开花的前、中期。由于没有花蜜,传粉者在花内停留的时间很短,花粉块输出和传粉发生在熊蜂劳而无获的访问、退出花时。自然条件下,独花兰的结实率很低,只有6%-12%,并呈现明显的年份和地点变化。传粉者限制是结实率低的主要原因。与同亚族近缘种布袋兰相比,分布于中国中部的独花兰受冰期的影响很小,其传粉环境相对稳定,在进化历史中,形成了一种稳定的传粉系统。本研究结果纠正了前人对独花兰繁殖方式的错误认识,并为其保护策略的制订提供了重要资料。 2. 独花兰种群大小、传粉者访问和花粉流 为了检验独花兰种群大小、空间格局与传粉者访问之间的关系,连续2年对10个独花兰种群的花粉块输出和输入进行了统计分析,同时对花粉块进行标记研究其散布式样。结果显示,花粉块输出比例与种群大小之间关系在2003年呈显著负相关,但在2004年这种负相关关系不显著。尽管独花兰的空间分布格局在不同种群不同,但传粉者的访问除了在有蜂巢的种群为聚集式访问外,其余种群内均为随机访问式样。花粉块的散布式样呈尖峰态分布,多数花粉块散布很短的距离,少数散布较远。花粉块的平均散布距离在龙门河为7.3 m,在关门山为10.6 m。由于各种群之间相隔很远,种群之间花粉块交流受到限制,很少有种群外的花粉块输入。花粉块传递只在种群内近缘个体中进行,有可能导致种内遗传或形态分化。 3. 独花兰种内形态变异及其适应意义 对庐山、新宁和神农架3个地点15个独花兰自然种群的形态变异进行了研究,探讨了形态多样性水平和地理变异式样及其可能的适应机制。结果表明,在物种水平上独花兰形态性状存在丰富的变异。单因素方差分析显示3个地区间多个形态性状存在极显著差异(P<0.01),UPGMA聚类分析也表明这3个地区分别形成明显不同的分支,说明3个地区种群植物形态已经出现分化。在神农架地区,龙门河和关门山两个地点间出现明显的形态分化,而这两个地点的传粉者在形体大小表现出显著差异。适合度与形态性状之间的相关性分析显示,独花兰种内形态分化是以传粉者为媒介的自然选择作用的结果。移栽实验显示,本地传粉者对本地和移栽种群花的访问表现出一定的选择性。 4. 扇脉杓兰的传粉生态学研究 与独花兰同域分布、花期不遇的扇脉杓兰是杓兰属的一个特殊类群,具有典型“Japonicum”型唇瓣类型。对神农架6个种群连续两年野外观测和实验结果表明,扇脉杓兰是一种自交亲和、需要昆虫传粉的欺骗性植物。在种群水平上开花个体的分布式样呈显著的偏斜曲线图,在短时间内迅速到达盛花期。扇脉杓兰的传粉者是三种熊蜂,其访问频次很低,访问时间很短,有效访问主要集中在开花的前、中期。自然结实率只有4.3%-8.5%,人工授粉实验证明,传粉者限制是结实率低的主要原因,且传粉者限制程度在花期不同阶段和不同地点存在差异。对欺骗性植物聚集生长、开花有利于吸引传粉者这一假说进行检验,结果显示,克隆群丛大小与传粉者有效访问(花粉块输出比例)呈弱负相关关系。聚集生长的结实率与分散生长的没有显著差异,说明繁殖成功与开花个体的密度无关。扇脉杓兰的花粉集结为未蜡质化的花粉块,是杓兰属中粘质花粉和蜡质花粉块的中间进化类型。传粉生态学和形态学证据显示C. acaule和扇脉杓兰是东亚-北美间断分布的姐妹种对。 5. 独花兰微卫星位点的分离 为了深入研究独花兰种群的基因流和交配系统,用Dynabeads和选择性杂交法分离微卫星位点、筛选引物。首先将基因组DNA用合适的内切酶消化为400-1000 bp大小的片段,然后用生物素标记的简单重复寡核苷酸序列做探针与其杂交,杂交复合物用抗生链霉素蛋白包裹的磁珠吸附,经过一系列洗脱、沉淀,得到富含重复片段的DNA,然后在进行克隆、测序,利用SSR两侧翼区设计引物,经过多态性分析可得到微卫星标记。结果显示,35个克隆序列中18个(51.4%)含有重复片段(SSRs),说明用Dynabeads富集效率明显高于传统方法。到目前为止所得引物共4对。这一实验方法的探索为以后分离杓兰属等兰科植物微卫星位点、进而进行群体遗传学研究奠定了一定的基础。
陆地植物起源以后,地球上的环境发生了巨大的变化。大气CO2浓度自泥盆纪早期的2000-4OOOμml•mol_1下降至石炭一二叠纪的300μml•mol_1左右,02浓度在泥盆纪至石炭一二叠纪时期,由20-30μml•mol_1上升到70-80μml•mol_1,随后又下降到目前的水平。陆地植物登陆后,形态结构也发生了显著的改变,气生部分表而分化出了通气结构--气孔器和保护结构--角质层。泥盆纪首选标志植物刺镰蕨(Drelpanophycus spinaefrmis)在整个泥盆纪,广布全世界。刺镰蕨的气孔器类型一直存在两种观点,一种认为刺镰蕨的气孔器是平列型,即气孔器山两个保卫细胞和两个副卫细胞组成:另一观点认为刺镰蕨的气孔器为不规则型,即气孔器仅有两个保卫细胞构成,不具副卫细胞。我们借助于扫描电镜、石蜡制片技术和叶表皮离析法,细致地研究了现代石松(Lycopodium japonicum)叶的横切而、表皮及气孔器的内外表面结构,并同刺镰蕨的表皮和气孔器进行了对比。认为刺镰蕨的气孔器和所有的化石石松类及现代石松类的气孔器一样,均属于不规则型。从而解决了关于刺镰蕨气孔器类型的长期争论的关键性科学问题。 胡桃科青钱柳属植物起源于晚白垩世的环北太平洋沿岸,化石植物最早发现于北美古新世和早始新世的Motana,,Wyoming,North Dakota,north Colorado地区,欧亚地区仅出现在渐新世至上新世的Kazakhstan、Germany、Romnania、Russia、Japan、中国云南远谋和四川米易地区。我们将采于吉林省珲春组始新世的叶化石鉴定为一青钱柳相似种,该化石成为东亚地区出现最早的青钱柳属植物,这一发现也支持晚白垩至早第三纪时期环北太平洋两岸曾经相连的观点,青钱柳属在晚白垩由北美起源,在始新世经东亚向欧亚大陆扩散,由于环境变迁,第四纪以后,青钱柳属仪剩一种植物分布于中国的亚热带地区。文中还利用共存分析方法估测出始新世吉林省珲春地区属于暖温带至亚热带气候。 统万城遗址位于我国黄土高原向毛乌素沙漠过渡地带的北缘,属于暖温带森林草原向温带干草原、温带荒漠草原过渡的地区,同时又是东部季风区向西北干旱区过渡的生态环境敏感带。今天统万城地区的自然景观属于沙漠,仅存稀疏的次生灌丛和草本群落。但是,通过对统万城城墙内的孢粉和木材进行的综合研究表明,在约1600年前,当地为温带草原,在塬面或山丘上分布有侧柏林,沟谷、河岸边生长喜温湿的乔木,河流、湖泊、沼泽中水生植物繁盛,在丘间低洼处或盐碱土上分布有灌木和草本植物。当时该地区的年均温为7.8 ℃-9.3℃,最热月平均温度23.0℃-24.9℃,最冷月平均温度-12℃-5.6℃,年较差28.5℃-3 8.2℃,年降雨量403.4-550.Omm,最大月降雨量83.8-123.9mm,最少月降雨量4.4-12.2mm,当时气候比现在温暖湿润,年均温比现在高出0.2-0.7℃,年降雨量也高出60--lOOmm。而如此的历史景观今天已经向南迁移,侧柏林或森林草原退缩至延安以南地区。在此近1600年的时间里,毛乌素沙漠分布范围不断扩大,其南部边缘推进了约200 km,推测沙漠扩展的速率达到平均125m/a。
蕨属(Pteridium Gled. ex Scop)分布范围极广,几乎遍布于全世界。关于此属的属下分类一直争论不休,主要是因为此属的分布广,形态变异比较大,变异类型之间形态差异不显著,缺乏明确的鉴别性状,或者变异类型之间存在过渡。 本研究利用叶绿体rps4-trnS DNA序列和trnS-G DNA序列构建了世界不同地区蕨属植物的系统关系及中国区域蕨属植物的系统关系,同时构建了世界不同地区蕨属植物的单倍型关系。我们发现,(1)南美洲和澳洲的蕨属植物分化最早;(2)北美洲的蕨属植物遗传变异最丰富,有多条相互独立的进化线(evolutionary lineages);(3)欧亚大陆和非洲的蕨属植物都与北美洲具有密切关系;(4)大洋洲的蕨属植物同时受南美洲和亚洲蕨属植物的影响;(5)东亚的蕨属植物直接受北美洲蕨属植物的影响,与欧洲和非洲没有直接的关系;(6)非洲和欧洲的蕨属植物关系密切,有着相同的起源。 根据不同地点的蕨属植物的系统关系和单倍型Network关系,我们认为,蕨属植物起源于南美洲,而后向北美洲和澳洲扩散。在北美洲东部和东南部蕨属植物得到繁荣并分别向三个方向扩散与分化。第一个方向是朝北美西部扩散,第二个方向是两次独立扩散到亚洲,第三个方向是扩散到非洲,进而由非洲向欧洲扩散。 根据叶绿体基因所揭示的世界不同地区蕨属植物的发生和发展规律结合前人的研究,我们认为蕨属包含四个物种。Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn,分布于北美洲、亚洲、非洲和欧洲。该种分布广泛,存在一定的地理分化,可进一步划分8个亚种。Pteridium esculentum (G. Forst.) Cokayne,分布于南美洲,并扩散到澳大利亚,甚至东南亚国家。Pteridium caudatum (L.) Maxon,分布于中美洲和南美洲,是个异源四倍体。Pteridium semihastatum (Wall. ex Ag.) S.B.Andrews,分布于澳洲和东南亚,是个异源四倍体。 通过分子数据和形态分析相结合,作者认为中国蕨属包括两个亚种,即蕨[Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn subsp.japonicum (Nakai) Á.Löve & D.Löve]和毛轴蕨[Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn subsp. revolutum (Bl.) X. Q. Chen, stat. nov.]。作者认为,《中国植物志》中记载的食蕨,特有种云南蕨、糙轴蕨、镰羽蕨和长羽蕨并不存在或只是蕨或毛轴蕨的变形,或者毛轴蕨与蕨的杂交个体。 为了今后更进一步研究蕨属植物的系统与进化关系、居群的遗传结构等问题,作者还分离了8个具有多态性的微卫星位点,探讨了微卫星引物开发设计过程中如何提高效率等问题。
1.对四川省岷江上游地区(茂县)的锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)天然次生林进行研究,发现:(1) 坚果完好比例约在14% ~26%之间,完好坚果的发芽率和发芽势都比较高,但在天然状况下能够留存到翌年5月的坚果几乎没有。因此,实生幼苗的天然补充就受到了严重的限制。(2) 林缘的幼苗密度低于所有其它生境的 (P<0.05),林中的幼苗密度最高,和林窗的比较有显著差异(P<0.05), 而和灌丛的比较则差异不显著(P>0.05)。在灌丛幼苗密度和林中以及林窗的比较都没有差异。动物对坚果的取食速度则是林中的最慢 (10.0%),林窗和林缘的基本相同(分别为61.1%和66.5%),取食速度都明显快于林中(P<0.01)。(3) 林中的幼苗在小于100 cm的各高度内都有大量分布,说明在林中树冠下幼苗是可以长期存在的,暗示在幼苗阶段的锐齿槲栎可能是耐荫的。(4) 在林中缺失幼树,在林缘则有包括幼树在内的完整的更新大小系列,表明林缘是更新的关键地点。(5) 在栎林的每一个大小级别上,萌生个体和实生个体都按各种比例伴生,说明导致萌生的干扰一直在发生,并可能在森林的更新中扮演重要角色;也说明该地区的锐齿槲栎林由萌生和实生起源的个体混合组成。 2.栎林是北半球温带森林的重要组成部分,因此栎林更新是全球森林更新研究的热点之一,而啮齿动物对栎林更新的影响则是关注的焦点。在2002~2003年,通过坚果标记研究了未被取食和遗弃坚果(即咬开后只有少部分被捕食后丢弃在林中的坚果)的健康比例,并定量测定了坚果的捕食、搬运、遗弃、丢弃、贮藏和留存等各种命运的比例和特点;对坚果也进行了各种人为的处理,以观测其命运和动物取食速度,发现:(1) 遗弃坚果中不健康坚果的比例比动物未取食的天然坚果中的比例有极显著的增加 (P>0.05),暗示啮齿动物一般是通过咬开坚果来识别坚果健康与否并决定是否捕食。(2) 根据坚果命运和对照相比改变与否以及如何改变,各种人工处理坚果的命运可以分为 4 类:① 坚果命运没有任何显著改变;② 坚果被就地捕食的速度降低,搬运的速度不变,最终搬运坚果的比例增加而就地捕食坚果的比例降低,留存坚果的比例偶尔能增加至0.2%;③ 坚果就地捕食的速度几乎降至0,搬运的速度则在下降一段时间后又上升,并且搬运作用持续了相对长的时间,最终搬运坚果的比例大大增加,就地捕食坚果的比例很低,留存率为0;④ 坚果被搬运和就地捕食的速度和比例都降低,留存坚果的比例相应的大大增加,甚至可以达到50%。(3) 命运得到显著改变的②、③、④类坚果所承受的人工处理按照作用方式又可以分为主要作用于坚果化学状态(即气味浓度)的处理、主要作用于坚果物理状态(颜色、形态、有无附属物等)的处理以及使坚果处于不同颜色背景的处理;其中主要作用于坚果化学状态的处理对坚果命运具有最重大的改变,如胶带包裹处理和烧焦处理;其它各种主要作用于坚果的物理状态和所处背景的处理对其命运则也具有相对轻微的改变。这一试验结果可能证明:啮齿动物在对坚果进行识别和取食选择等活动时主要依赖于嗅觉来感知坚果的可食性,但是能感觉物理状态和所处背景的视觉也起一定程度的作用。(4) 啮齿动物对栎树坚果进行就地捕食、遗弃、搬运、异地捕食、丢弃、贮藏等作用,使各种命运的坚果都具有一定的数量比例和特点,也提供了动物影响栎林更新的多种可能途径。 3.人工干扰是任何退化生态系统中都始终存在的重大问题。除了明显的砍伐或者采摘外,人工践踏也是一种重要的干扰,特别是在茂县的山林普遍被牛马不断的放牧的情况下,这个干扰的后果就更加显著。为此研究了人脚踩踏的路上的白车轴草和未踩踏草坪上白车轴草在最大叶长、株高、芽高、构件数量、构件平均鲜重、死叶数量、根长等构型指标,根、茎、叶三者的生物量(干重)及比例等生物量指标,平均花序数量、花平均数量等繁殖指标方面的不同,发现踩踏使白车轴草植株:(1) 株高降低,芽高降低,最大叶长变小,平均每厘米的构件数量增加,构件平均鲜重降低,根长度减小,死叶数量增加。(2) 平均花序数量下降,每花序的花平均数量下降。(3) 但是在生物量的分配上,根和茎的生物量没有显著的下降,但是叶的生物量显著减低。因为白车轴草的茎可以不断克隆繁殖,所以踩踏对其存活可能没有太大的影响,只是造成了植株的矮化和密集化,根也变短;但是对种子繁殖有重大影响,反映在平均花序数量和每花序平均花数的显著下降上。在生物量的分配中,作为主要的同化器官,叶的生物量显著下降,而根茎比没有变化。这可能说明这样的克隆植物其物质流动是呈现网络化的特征,具有比较强的抗干扰能力。 4.连香树、油松、日本落叶松、华山松油松混合林是茂县地区的几种主要的已经营造的林型或者树种。为了了解其20年来的营林效果,运用样方调查的方法测量了这几种树种或者林型的胸径、持水量、凋落物现存量、密度等,评价了它们在生长、营业循环和水土保持等方面的差异。结果表明:日本落叶松具有生长缓慢,凋落物现存量大,涵养水分能力良好的树种,值得推广;油松生长迅速,凋落物现存量巨大,涵养水分能力一般的树种,也可以大力栽植;油松和华山松的混交林具有比较大的蓄积量和较好的涵养水分的能力,可以推广;而连香树则做为生长速度中等,成材率低,凋落物现存量小,涵养水分能力差的树种,不应该进一步推广。
This project was done for identifying the mesopelagic fish of the Iranian waters of Oman Sea, during two year from 2008 to 2010. The specimens were collected using two trawler vessel from nine station. All the specimens were fixed in formalin then in 70% alcohol and carried to the laboratory. In total of 19 species belonged to 14 families of 6 orders identified including: Echinorhinidae, Stomidae, Phosichthyidae, Synodontidae, Paralepididae, Myctophidae, Acropomatidae, Priacanthidae, Pentacerotidae, Champsodontidae, Gempylidae, Trichiuridae, Nomeidae and Congridae. Of which 17 species were identified up to species level including: Echinorhinus brucus, Bathophilus indicus, Chauliodus sloani, Harpadon nehereus, Lestrolepis japonica, Benthosema pterotum, Diaphus garmani, Diaphus effulgens, Bolinichthys photothorax, Acropoma japonicum, Synagrops adeni, Cookeolus boops, Histiopterus typus, Champsodon sagittus, Neoepinnula orientalis, Trichiurus lepturus, Cubiceps baxteri. Vinciguerria was identified up to genus level because only one specimen caught during the survey and one species (Congridae) was identified up to family level because only 3 specimens of this fish in early stage of life were caught and their characters were not suitable for identify up to species level. The highest species belong to Myctophidae family of Myctophiformes order.
研究人工林凋落叶分解对土壤性质的影响,为防止土壤退化、增加土壤肥力提供理论指导。【方法】采集四川岷江流域上游的4种(连香树(Cercidiphyllum japonicum)、云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)、糙皮桦(Betula1 utilis)和云杉(Picea asperata))林木凋落叶及林地土壤样品,通过对当年凋落叶进行240 d室内分解培养试验,探讨不同凋落叶在分解过程中对土壤性质的影响。【结果】云杉和云南松凋落叶分解使土壤pH值降低,糙皮桦和连香树凋落叶分解使土壤pH值增加;4种凋落叶分解过程中,土壤有机质和全氮含量,土壤微生物量C、N以及4种土壤酶(蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶、脲酶和蛋白酶)活性均有所增加。【结论】土壤有机质、全N、微生物量、酶活性增加的幅度与凋落叶分解速率及养分释放率有密切关系,凋落叶分解的越快,土壤状况改善的越明显。
血吸虫病是一种广泛分布于亚、非、拉美州的寄生虫病,威胁着成千上万人的健康安全。然而,目前血吸虫病防治面临着一系列的挑战。 “三链形成寡核苷酸(TFO)”能位点特异性地结合双链DNA,已被用于抑制基因的转录表达、介导DNA突变和目标基因的敲除、诱导DNA重组及介导双链DNA的位点特异性切割等。因而该技术对于血吸虫的功能基因组学研究和血吸虫病的防治具有重要的应用前景。由于高亲和性、特异的TFO结合位点是该技术发挥作用的先决条件,因而想要实现该应用,就必须首先了解血吸虫基因组中的“三链形成寡核苷酸结合位点(TTS)”的分布、含量情况以及分析它们作为有效作用靶点的可能性。 本研究通过对日本血吸虫全基因组的搜索与分析,发现该基因组中基因的上游序列(起始密码子到上游1500bp间)较之转录区及整个基因组中的平均水平具有更高的TTS含量,且长TTS含量也更高。并鉴定出共有7576个基因可以在scaffolds数据中提取出基因区(上游序列+基因转录区),其中98%都含有至少1个高亲和性的TTS。在这些基因中鉴定出了5177个只在某一基因中独有的TTS,同时反之也鉴定出了2878个含有至少1个这种独有TTS的基因,其中包括25个编码代谢途径关键酶的基因和231个在人类基因组中没有同源基因且暂无功能注释的基因,这些基因均可能成为药物的作用靶标。此外,还鉴定出了5689个人类基因组中所没有而日本血吸虫具有的TTS,其中有1013个出现于日本血吸虫的基因区。这些TTS有可能为各种基于TFO技术的基因打靶,或直接利用TFO技术设计抗血吸虫药物提供特异的靶位点。因此,本研究揭示出了日本血吸虫基因组中存在着丰富的高亲和性和特异的三螺旋形成位点,提示TFO技术可以作为血吸虫功能基因组学研究的潜在重要手段。同时,该技术也可为血吸虫病的防治提供了一条重要的途径。
本文是对中国管口苔属(Solenostoma Mitt.)植物种类的初步整理和研究。共记载3亚属、44种及1变种,其中有24个新组合,如下:Solenostoma (L.) subulatum (Evans) Wang, S. (L.) atrovirens (Schleich) Wang, S. (L.) grossitextum (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) fusiformis (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) lanigerum (Mitt.) Wang, S. (S.) pseudocyclops (Inoue) Wang, S. (S.) subrubrum (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) pyriflorum var.minutissimum (Amak.) Wang, S. (S.) sinensis (Nich.) Wang, S. (S.) faurianum (Beauvd) Wang, S. (S.) cyclops (HAtt.) Wang, S. (S.) apressifolium (Mitt.) Wang, S. (S.) schaulianum (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) Japonicum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) tetragonum (Lindb.) Wang, S. (P.) rosulans (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) thermarum (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) hattorianum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rupicolum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rubripunctatum (Hatt.) Wang, S. (P.) hasskarlianum (Nees) Wang, S. (P.) setulosum (Herzog) Wang, S. (P.) truncatum (Nees) Wang, S. (P.) tsukushiensis (Amak.) Wang, 其中有14种及1变种为中国分布新纪录,如下:Solenostoma (L.) grossitextum (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) fusiformis (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) faurianum (Beauvd.) Wang, S. (S.) cyclops (Hatt.) Wang, S. (S.) pusillum (Jens) Steph., S. (S.) pyriflorum var. minutissimum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rubripunctatum (Hatt.) Wang, S. (P.) thermarum (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) rosulans (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) hyalinum (Lyell) Mitt., S. (P.) radicellosum Mitt, S. (P.) Japonicum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) tsukushiensis (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) hatterianum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rupicolum (Amak.) Wang, 其中还有6种中国特有种,如下:Solenostoma (L.) subulatum (Evans) Wang, S. (P.) flagellalioides Gao, S. (P.) microphyllum Gao, S. (P.) orbicularifolium Gao, S. (P.) setulosum (Herzog) Wang, S. (S.) sinensis (Nich.) Wang。本文还对管口苔属(Solenostoma Mitt.)的研究历史作了回顾。对中国管口苔属各分类群的鉴别特征、产地和地理分布作了叙述,对区系成份做了分析。并对前人工作中的某些问题进行了讨论,提出了自己的看法。
土壤微生物量、可溶性有机碳与氮虽然只占土壤有机碳、氮总量的较小部分,但可以在土壤全碳、氮变化之前反映土壤微小的变化,又直接参与土壤生物化学转化过程,因而在植被恢复过程中,较其它土壤理化性质等能够更好地指示土壤恢复情况。在青藏高原东缘存在大面积的次生人工林替代灌丛或采伐迹地,而关于这些人工林替代后的生态效果和生态过程的评估却十分缺乏,本研究通过评估岷江上游植被恢复重建过程中典型人工替代次生植被凋落物层与土壤碳、氮等养分大小,动态监测土壤微生物生物量、水溶性碳、氮等指标,结合温度与凋落物输入等影响土壤活性有机碳、氮因子的控制试验,系统分析不同人工替代次生植被土壤碳、氮等养分的差异原因,试图寻找低效人工林优化调控与持续管理技术,为区域生态公益林持续管理提供理论和技术依据。主要结论如下: 1. 通过对不同人工替代次生植被凋落物层和土壤碳、氮分析发现,油松和华山松人工林替代次生灌丛后土壤碳、氮含量较灌丛和阔叶人工林低,主要原因可能为凋落物质量(C/N)较差,而引起碳、氮等元素难以归还土壤。进而通过对不同人工替代次生植被凋落物层和土壤微生物生物量、水溶性有机碳、氮等指标的季节性动态模式的分析,发现各次生植被土壤微生物生物量C、N,P以及土壤水溶性碳、氮含量均呈明显季节性动态,呈现秋季明显大于其它季节,冬季最低,在表层土壤最为明显。 2. 油松、华山松人工林凋落物层和土壤水溶性有机碳(WDOC)、土壤水溶性有机氮(WDON)明显低于灌丛和连香树,土壤微生物生物量C、N也以油松和华山松人工林最低,而落叶类植被,如灌丛、连香树和落叶松之间没有明显差异,说明可利用底物的数量和质量差异是影响各次生植被凋落物分解和土壤微生物活性的主要原因。MBC/OC和MBN/ON能较好地指示土壤微生物活性的变化,MBC/OC凋落层总体以灌丛和连香树人工林最高,油松和华山松人工林最低;而土壤中MBC/OC连香树人工最高,华山松人工林最低。说明以油松和华山松为主的人工造林替代乡土阔叶灌丛造成土壤C、N等养分严重匮乏,微生物活性低下是影响其养分周转的主要原因。 3. 从各次生植被凋落物产生看,凋落物年归还量最大的为华山松人工林(5.1×103 kg ha-1),其次为落叶松人工林(4.8×103 kg ha-1),阔叶灌丛林地凋落物产生总量(4.4×103 kg ha-1)略大于油松人工林(4.2×103 kg ha-1),最小的为连香树人工林(3.6×103 kg ha-1);叶是凋落物的主体,落叶类树种月动态表现为单峰型,高峰主要在10-11月,如落叶松、连香树和灌丛林;常绿的松类月动态不明显,各月基本相同,最为明显地为油松林,华山松人工林略有二个小峰,分别出现在11月和5月。落叶阔叶灌丛的凋落物分解速率大于常绿针叶林,如油松和华山松。结合凋落物的产生量和分解速率,不同树种人工林替代次生阔叶灌丛后,人工油松和华山松林枯落物总贮量和厚度明显大于落叶松人工林、灌丛林和连香树人工林,说明以油松和华山松为主的人工造林替代乡土阔叶灌丛延缓了有机物向土壤的顺利归还,不利于土壤C、N等养分循环。 4. 通过控制地面凋落物和地下根系输入有机物对土壤碳、氮的影响研究发现,(1) 单独去除根系以及根系与地面凋落物同时去除处理1年后对表层(0-10cm)土壤WDOC均没有显著影响,而土壤WDON显著增加,油松人工林土壤微生物生物量C、N显著降低,人工落叶松林没有显著差异,说明油松人工林土壤微生物活性对地下碳输入的依赖大于其它次生植被,而落叶松土壤微生物活性对地下碳输入依赖性较小;去除地面凋落物,明显降低了落叶松人工林土壤WDOC,华山松和连香树土壤WDON均较对照显著减少,油松人工林土壤微生物量C较对照显著减少;双倍增加地面凋落物处理对土壤微生物生物量、WDOC和WDON没有明显地增加,相反,连香树、华山松和油松人工林土壤WDON较对照减少。说明油松人工林微生物活性不仅依赖于地下碳输入,而且对地上有机物输入的依赖性也较大;连香树、落叶松和华山松人工林土壤微生物生物量并没有因地面凋落物的去除减少可能与土壤总有机碳含量及活性均较高有关,而双倍增加地面凋落物反而降低了土壤微生物生物量,说明凋落物覆盖后改变了土壤微气候。 5. 碳矿化累积量与有机碳含量和活性有机碳含量之间存在显著地正相关关系。凋落物碳累积矿化量、矿化速率以连香树最高,油松和华山松人工林次之,落叶阔叶灌丛低于常绿针叶纯林,导致其差异的主要原因可能为凋落物产生的时间动态模式不一样,致使凋落物起始分解时间不一致。而土壤层有机碳矿化速率和矿化量以阔叶落叶灌丛和连香树最高,油松和华山松人工土壤最低,再次证实利用针叶纯林恢复植被阻碍了有机质周转与循环。 6. 凋落物累积矿化量与C/N值呈显著地相关关系,并随着温度的升高而明显增加,而土壤累积矿化量与C/N值没有显著相关关系,说明土壤有机碳质量(C/N)对温度的响应不十分明显。通过双指数模型对不同温度下碳矿化过程进行模拟和计算出活性有机碳与惰性有机碳比例,发现温度升高促进了惰性有机碳向活性有机碳的转化,增加了活性有机碳含量,说明温度升高可促进次生植被凋落物与土壤有机质的分解,进而可影响到林地碳源/汇关系的变化。 综上,通过对不同人工替代次生植被凋落物与土壤C、N大小、以及土壤微生物生物量、水溶性C、N等指标动态变化模式研究,结合温度与凋落物数量输入等影响土壤活性C、N因子的综合分析,以油松和华山松人工纯林对山地植被恢复,延缓或阻碍了有机质周转与循环,造成了土壤肥力退化。对现有低效人工纯林改造,应为地面大量有机物分解创造条件。 Although soil microbial biomass, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) are a small part of total soil organic carbon and nitrogen, they can directly participate in the process of soil biochemical translation and indicate the fine changes before changes of soil total organic carbon and nitrogen occur. So, they are good indexes to indicate soil restoration condition during the process of vegetation rehabilitation. There are large areas of secondary vegetations which substitute for indigenous shrubs in the eastern fringe of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. However, it is not well known that the ecological effect and process after substitution by different secondary plantations. Based on comparison of soil organic and nitrogen contents in litter layer and soil under different secondary vegetations in upper reaches of Minjiang River, soil microbial biomass, DOC and DON in litter layer and soil were investigated in order to analyze the seasonal dynamic. Combining the effects of temperature, litter input and root exclusion on soil microbial biomass, DOC and DON, we also aim to understand the reason and mechanism of difference in soil carbon and nitrogen contents among different secondary vegetations. The study would contribute to comprehensively understanding C and N cycling processes and provide optimal control and sustainable technology of low-effect plantations in these regions. The results are as follows: (1) Organic carbon and nitrogen in litter layers and soil under different substitution plantations were investigated. The results showed that contents of soil organic carbon and nitrogen were lower in P. tabulaeformis (PT) and P. armandi Franch(PA) than those in native broad-leaf shrub and broad-leaf plantation. The low quality (C/N) of litter in PT and PA plantations caused carbon and nitrogen returning to soil difficultly. Seasonal dynamic of soil microbial carbon (MBC),-nitrogen (MBN),-phosphor (MBP), and WDOC and WDON showed similar pattern, which had the highest values in autumn and the lowest values in winter. (2) WDOC and WDON in litter layers and soil under PT and PA plantations were significantly lower than those in native broad-leaf shrub and Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. et Zucc.(CJ). Soil MBC and MBN were also the lowest, while there were no significant differences among deciduous vegetations, i.e. native broad-leaf shrub, CJ and Larix kaempferi Lamb.(LK) plantation. The results suggested that difference in quantity and quality of available substance was main reason that affected the activity of microbe in soil and litter layer. MBC/OC and MBN/ON were good indexes to indicate the change of soil microbial activity. MBC/OC of litter had the highest value under native broad-leaf shrub and CJ plantation, and had the lowest value in PT and PA plantations, while MBC/OC of soil was the highest under CJ plantation, and was the lowest in PT and PA plantations. These results indicated that PT and PA plantations substituting for native broad-leaf shrub caused deficit of carbon and nitrogen in soil, low microbial activity was a main reason influencing the cycling and turnover of carbon and nitrogen in soil. (3) The annual litter fall production, composition, seasonal dynamic and decomposition of five typical secondary stands in upper reaches of Minjiang River were studied in this paper. The annual litter productions were: PA (5.1×103 kg ha-1), LK(4.8×103 kg ha-1), native broad-leaf shrub (4.4×103 kg ha-1), PT(4.2×103 kg ha-1),CJ(3.6×103 kg ha-1). The litter production of leaves in five secondary vegetations occupied a higher percentage in the annual total litter production than those of other components. The litterfall was mostly producted in the cool and dry period (October-November) for deciduous vegetations and relatively equably producted in every season for evergreen coniferous vegetations. The decomposition rate of leaf litter in the broad-leaf stand was higher than those in evergreen coniferous stand. Combined with annual litter fall production and decomposition rate of leaf litter, we found that stock and depth of litter layer were significantly larger in PT and PA plantations than those in native broad-leaf shrub, LK and CJ plantations. The results confirmed that PT and PA plantations substituting for native broad-leaf shrub delayed organic matter returning to soil and hindered cycling of carbon and nitrogen again. (4) We explored plant litter removal, double litter addition, root trenching, and combining root trenching and litter removal treatments to examine the effects of above- and belowground carbon inputs on soil microbial biomass, WDOC and WDON in four secondary plantations. During the experimental period from June 2007 to July 2008, 1 year after initiation of the treatments, WDOC in soil did not vary in root trenching, and combining root trenching and litter removal treatments, while WDON in soil significantly increased compared with CK treatment. Root trenching reduced soil MBC and MBN in PT plantation, while MBC and MBN in soil did not vary in LK plantation. The rasults implied that soil microbial activity was more dependent on belowground carbon input in PT plantation than those in other secondary plantations, on the contrary, soil microbial activity in LK plantation was not dependent on belowground carbon input. Plant litter removal significantly decreased soil WDOC in LK plantation, decreased WDON in PA and CJ plantations, and also significantly reduced soil MBC in PT plantation. However, double litter addition did not increase soil microbial biomass, WDOC and WDON, on the contrary, soil WDON in CJ, PA and PT plantations were decreased. These suggested that soil microbial activity was not only dependent on belowground carbon input, but also on aboveground organic material input. Double litter addition could change the microclimate and result in the decrease of soil microbial activity in CJ, PA and PT plantations. (5) We measured carbon mineralization in a 107 days incubation experiment in 5℃,15℃ and 25℃. Carbon cumulative mineralization was positively correlated with organic matter and labile organic carbon in litter layer and soil. Cumulative carbon mineralization and mineralization rate of litter layers in PT and PA plantations were higher than that in native broad-leaf shrub. This difference between native broad-leaf shrub and coniferous plantations in cumulative carbon mineralization and mineralization rate of litter layers could be attributed to the initiating time of decomposition due to the difference in seasonal dynamic of litter fall production between two types of secondary plantations. However, cumulative carbon mineralization and mineralization rate in soil were the highest in native broad-leaf shrub and CJ plantation, and were the lowest in PT and PA plantations. This also confirmed that PT and PA plantations substituting for native broad-leaf shrub hindered the cycling and turnover of organic matter again. (6) Carbon cumulative mineralization was positively correlated with C/N in litter layer and increased with temperature increasing, while carbon cumulative mineralization was not correlated with C/N in soil. This indicated that soil organic matter quality (C/N) was insensitive to temperature. Applying bi-exponential model, we computed the percent of labile and stable carbon in different temperature incubation and found that temperature increasing would accelerate the transform from stable carbon to labile carbon and increase the percentage of labile organic carbon. This illuminated that temperature incraesing could facilitate the decomposition of litter and soil organic matter in secondary vegetations and hence affect the relationship between carbon source and sink.
土壤可溶性有机物质(Dissolved organic matter,DOM)作为土壤有机质的活性组分,在陆地生态系统物质循环中扮演非常重要的角色。土壤DOM的主要成分可溶性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon,DOC)和氮(Dissolved organic nitrogen,DON)参与C、N循环过程。为深入揭示全球C、N循环过程机制,在未开展DOC和DON的地区进行相关研究是有必要的。森林土壤(包括枯枝落叶层)DOC、DON动态及调控机理的研究是目前国际上森林生态系统C、N循环研究热点之一。本研究立足于暖温带岷江上游茂县地区人工林植被,对土壤DOC和DON的库容量,季节动态及其与其它养分之间的关系进行了系统研究,旨在了解DOC和DON在该区生态系统中的重要作用,并探讨作为DOM主要来源的叶凋落物对DOC和DON的动态影响,研究有助于更加详细地了解该区生态系统C和N循环过程。本论文主要研究结论如下: 1研究了岷江上游地区两大主要土壤类型(棕壤和褐土)不同植物群落下土壤的DOC和DON含量及特征,结果表明:DOC和DON在两种土壤类型中均有库容量存在,DOC在0-10cm和10-20cm土层的含量幅度分别111.96~159.95 mg kg-1和69.02~100.84 mg kg-1。DON在0-10cm和10-20cm土层的含量幅度分别11.88~23.08 mg kg-1和4.70~10.77 mg kg-1。游离氨基酸在0-10cm和10-20cm土层的含量幅度分别0.84~1.66 mg kg-1和0.39~0.73 mg kg-1。DOC、DON与土壤中的一些养分因子表现出了显著的相关关系,共同反映了土壤的状况和质量,在该区开展DOC和DON的系统研究是有必要的。 2 对油松与连香树林地土壤DOC、DON以及其它化学指标的季节动态进行了研究,结果表明:油松与连香树林地土壤DOC和DON的季节动态变化表现了类似的规律,DOC和DON的含量均以秋季最高。DOC和DON的季节动态变化主要受凋落物生物因素的影响,但其微生物活力的生物因素以及降雨、温度等非生物因素也是控制土壤DOC和DON含量的重要因素。土壤DON在土壤中的行为不同于矿质氮,其季节动态不同于NO3--N和NH4+-N的季节动态,在研究N循环过程中,应考虑DON的变化情况。 3 对油松与连香树林地分解层和表层土壤(0-10cm)氨基酸周转动态进行了研究,结果表明:油松林地和连香树林地均以分解层的氨基酸含量高于矿质表层土壤的含量。每个取样时期,油松林地内各层次的氨基酸含量高于连香树林地内相应层次的含量。两林地各层次无机氮含量均超过了氨基酸的含量,并且室内培养30天后无机N的含量仍然高于氨基酸的含量,所以可以认为该区立地条件下无论是在有机分解层还是矿质土层植物吸收利用的氮素仍是以无机N为主。 4 松林下松针凋落物易于累积,这与松针凋落物分解缓慢有关,从而导致松林内养分周转缓慢。通过用不同性质凋落物和灌丛地土壤构建微生态系统,比较油松、辐射松、连香树、灌丛虎榛子凋落物分解对C、N循环过程的影响,结果显示油松和辐射松针叶凋落物比连香树、虎榛子凋落物分解更慢,减缓了养分循环过程。然而将针叶凋落物与阔叶凋落物混合后,油松和辐射松针叶凋落物的分解加快,C、N元素的循环过程也加速。此结果表明在松林内维持具有高质量凋落物的灌丛植被或在松林内栽植一些阔叶树种如连香树对维持和增进松树人工林的土壤肥力有重大的作用。室内培养的结果还显示添加凋落物后土壤DOC和DON的含量显著增加,表明凋落物是土壤DOM的直接来源。然而不同物种凋落物处理下土壤DOC和DON的含量有所不同,并随时间发生改变。混合凋落物处理下土壤DOC和DON的含量均高于松针凋落物单独处理下土壤DOC和DON的含量。DON是一个主要的水溶性N库,随时间的变化趋势与无机N的变化趋势不同,在土壤N循环过程中起到了中间N库的作用。 As a labile fraction of soil organic matter, dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a very important role in material cycling of terrestrial ecosystem. The turnover of DOM is now being considered as main components in nutrient cycling. DOM mainly includes dissolved organic carbon (DOC), -nitrogen (DON), -phosphorous (DOP) and –sulfur (DOS). Among these constituents, DOC and DON directly participate in C and N cycling. It is essential to study DOC and DON dynamics and their controlling factors in the areas where no related study has ever been carried out. Study about them can provide data supports on understanding the mechanism of the global C and N cycling. DOC and DON dynamics and their controlling factors have been focused on in the research of C and N cycling of forest ecosystems. Based on forest plantations of Maoxian, Minjiang River in warm temperate zone, soil DOC and DON pool size, their seasonal dynamics, and the correlation between DOC, DON and other nutrients were studied in order to understand the importance of DOC and DON in the study area. Soil DOC and DON dynamics induced by leaf litter decomposition were also studied. The study contributed to comprehensively understanding C and N cycling processes and providing baseline data for including DOC and DON into the indices system of evaluating nutrient conditions. The results were as follows: 1 Several different plant communities under brown soil and Cinnamon soil were chosen as sampling plots. The contents and features of soil DOC and DON were evaluated. The results showed that DOC and DON were present under the two soil types. DOC contents in the top soil (0-10 cm) and the subsoil (10-20 cm) respectively varied from 111.96 mg kg-1to 159.95 mg kg-1, and 69.02 mg kg-1 to 100.84 mg kg-1. DON contents in the top soil (0-10 cm) and the subsoil (10-20 cm) respectively varied from 11.88 mg kg-1to 23.08 mg kg-1, and 4.70 mg kg-1 to 10.77 mg kg-1. Free amino acid contents in the top soil (0-10 cm) and the subsoil (10-20 cm) respectively varied from 0.84 mg kg-1to 1.66 mg kg-1, and 0.39 mg kg-1 to 0.73 mg kg-1. Significant correlations were found between DOC, DON and some nutrient indices, which together reflected soil condition and quality. It was hence essential to study DOC and DON in the study area. 2 Seasonal dynamics of DOC, DON, inorganic N, microbial biomass C and N were studied under Pinus tabulaeformis and Cercidiphyllum japonicum plantation. The results indicated that seasonal dynamics of soil DOC and DON under the two plantations performed similar change pattern, with the highest values in autumn. The seasonal dynamics of soil DOC and DON were mainly influenced by the litterfall. However, biotic factors such as soil microbial activities and abiotic factors such as precipitation and temperature also controlled the dynamics of soil DOC and DON. The seasonal dynamic of DON was different from that of NO3--N and NH4+-N, which showed that the behavioral differences between DON and inorganic nitrogen. And hence, it was proposed to include DON into soil N cycling in the study area. 3 Amino acid dynamics in Oa and topsoil (0-10 cm) under P. tabulaeformis and C. japonicum plantation were studied. The results showed that amino acid content in Oa was significantly higher than that in mineral soil. At each sampling time, significantly higher amino acid contents were found in P. tabulaeformis plantation than in C. japonicum plantation. The content of inorganic nitrogen was much higher than the content of amino acid in each sampling layer at each sampling time. After a 30-days laboratory incubation the content of amino acid was still lower than the content of inorganic nitrogen. The results implicated that the form of N absorbed by plants in these study sites were mainly inorganic nitrogen. 4 Usually needle litter is more resistant to decomposition, which leads to needle litter accumulation in pure coniferous stands and slows down the rate of nutrient circulation. By constructing microcosms with local shrubland soil and containing the four single-species (P. tabulaeformis, P. radiata, C. japonicum, Ostryopsis davidiana) litters, the decomposition rates and related C and N dynamics of needle litters and broadleaved litters during the early stage were compared. The results showed that the decomposition rates of pine needles were lower than those of broadleaved litters, which descended C and N cycling processes. However, the presence of C. japonicum or O. davidiana litter into pine needles increased the decomposition rates of pine needles and also dramatically promoted C and N cycling processes. It should be appropriate for plantation managers to consider C. japonicum as an ameliorative species or remain O. davidiana in pine plantations to improve soil conditions and help maintain soil fertility. The laboratory incubation still showed that DOC and DON contents in all litter-amended treatments were significantly higher than no litter-amended treatment, which proved that litter could be a direct source of DOM in soils. Different species litters induced different soil DOC and DON contents, which correspondingly changed over time. DOC and DON contents in mixed litter treatments were higher than those in pine needle litter treatments. As a major soluble N pool, DON developed a different changing pattern over time compared with inorganic N and played a role of interim N pool in soil N cycling.
The relationships of eight moss species of Dicranum in 31 sites in main ecological systems in the Changbai Mountain with environmental factors were studied by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The results showed that altitude, soil sand percentage, water percentage, acidity and canopy density were important environmental factors influencing the distribution of the species of Dicranum . The relationships between Dicranum elongatum Schleich. ex Schwaegr ., D.groenlandicum Brid. and altitude,between D.japonicum Mitt., D.scoparium Hedw. and canopy density,between D.polysetum Sw., D. undulatum Schrad. ex Brid. and soil acidity and water percentage,were positively correlative. The niche overlaps among the eight species of Dicranum were calculated. The minimal spanning tree of the eight species on the two-dimensional scatter plot were also drawn based on their niche overlaps, which clearly revealed the ecological similarities of eight species.