988 resultados para Bolsas do íleo
It has been studied the chemoprophylactic action on experimental schistosomiasis of the essential oil from Pterodon pubescens "sucupira branca" as an additive through different formulations, in toilet soap. Immediately or 24 hours later, groups of mice were exposed by tail method to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. After 45 days of the exposition, the protective action of these soaps were evaluated. The results showed different levels of protection, ranging from 29.0 to 100.0%. Further studies are on going with the most promising formulations.
Report for the scientific sojourn at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) , Germany, during June and July 2006. The main objective of the two months stay has been to apply the techniques of LEO (Low Earth Orbiters) satellites GPS navigation which DLR currently uses in real time navigation. These techniques comprise the use of a dynamical model which takes into account the precise earth gravity field and models to account for the effects which perturb the LEO’s motion (such as drag forces due to earth’s atmosphere, solar pressure, due to the solar radiation impacting on the spacecraft, luni-solar gravity, due to the perturbation of the gravity field for the sun and moon attraction, and tidal forces, due to the ocean and solid tides). A high parameterized software was produced in the first part of work, which has been used to asses which accuracy could be reached exploring different models and complexities. The objective was to study the accuracy vs complexity, taking into account that LEOs at different heights have different behaviors. In this frame, several LEOs have been selected in a wide range of altitudes, and several approaches with different complexity have been chosen. Complexity is a very important issue, because processors onboard spacecrafts have very limited computing and memory resources, so it is mandatory to keep the algorithms simple enough to let the satellite process it by itself.
Kirje 30.12.1969
Collection : Bulletin - Smithsonian institution. Bureau of American ethnology ; 40
Kirje 23.1.1973
Resistência de pragas a inseticidas, danos ao ambiente em função da poluição do solo e de recursos hídricos vem sendo observados pelo uso de inseticidas químicos no controle de pragas em grãos armazenados. Com o intuito de minimizar estes problemas, estão sendo estudadas alternativas como o uso de inseticidas botânicos. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do óleo essencial de Tagetes patula L. sobre, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, 1855 em milho sob condições de laboratório. O óleo essencial de T. patula foi obtido através de arraste a vapor com aparelho clevenger. A caracterização química dos compostos encontrados no óleo essencial de T. patula foi realizada através de cromatografia gasosa acoplado a espectrometria de massas, sendo observados: limoneno (37,05%), terpinoleno (32,61%), piperitone (14,40%), eofitadieno (5,91%), sabineno (2,88%), trans-ocimeno (2,02%), beta-cariofileno (1,98%), farnesol (1,84%) e alfa-pineno (1,30%). Os insetos utilizados nos bioensaios foram mantidos em temperatura e umidade relativa controlada. Foram avaliados os efeitos do óleo essencial de T. patula sobre o comportamento (atratividade e/ou repelência) e atividade inseticida sobre adultos de S. zeamais através de dois bioensaios. Pelos resultados pode-se observar o efeito repelente e inseticida do óleo essencial de T. patula sobre S. zeamais, na concentração de 10 µL (p<0,0001 e p=0,02) sendo portanto, eficaz no controle de adultos de S. zeamais.