991 resultados para Boiling water reactor
Sementes de diferentes procedências podem apresentar variações na intensidade de dormência, respondendo de forma diferenciada aos tratamentos e dificultando a indicação da melhor metodologia para superá-la. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar métodos para superar a dormência e promover a germinação de sementes de barbatimão de diferentes procedências. Sementes dessa espécie foram colhidas em sete fragmentos de Cerrado localizados na região de Botucatu, SP, e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos de superação de dormência: testemunha, escarificação mecânica (lixa 220), H2O quente por 20 min e escarificação com H2SO4 (95%) por 40, 60 e 80 min. As sementes foram avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, teste de germinação, comprimento de plântulas, índice de velocidade de germinação e condutividade elétrica. A escarificação em ácido sulfúrico por 60 min foi o tratamento mais eficiente para superar a dormência, acelerar e aumentar a porcentagem de germinação e resultar plântulas de maior tamanho, para as sementes de diferentes locais de origem.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives. This study characterized the feldspathic ceramic surfaces after various silanization protocols.Methods. Ceramic bars (2 mm x 4 mm x 10 mm) (N = 18) of feldpathic ceramic (VM7, VITA Zahnfabrik) were manufactured and finished. Before silane application, the specimens were ultrasonically cleaned in distilled water for 10 min. The ceramic specimens were randomly divided into nine groups (N = 2 per group) and were treated with different silane protocols. MPS silane (ESPE-Sil, 3M ESPE) was applied to all specimens and left to react at 20 degrees C for 2 min (G20). After drying, the specimens were subjected to heat treatment in an oven at 38 degrees C (G38), 79 degrees C (G79) or 100 degrees C (G100) for 1 min. Half of the specimens of each group were rinsed with water at 80 degrees C for 15 s (G20B, G38B, G79B, G100B). The control group (GC) received no silane. Attenuated total reflection infrared Fourier transform analysis (ATR FT-IR) was performed using a spectrometer. Thickness of silane layer was measured using a spectroscopic ellip-someter working in the lambda = 632.8 nm (He-Ne laser) at 70 degrees incidence angle. Surface roughness was evaluated using an optical profilometer. Specimens were further analyzed under the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to observe the topographic patterns.Results. ATR FT-IR analysis showed changes in Si-O peaks with enlarged bands around 940 cm(-1). Ellipsometry measurements showed that all post-heat treatment actions reduced the silane film thickness (30.8-33.5 nm) compared to G20 (40 nm). The groups submitted to rinsing in hot water (B groups) showed thinner silane films (9.8-14.4 nm) than those of their corresponding groups (without washing) (30.8-40 nm). Profilometer analysis showed that heat treatments (Ra approximate to 0.10-0.19 mu m; Rq approximate to 0.15-0.26 mu m) provided a smoother surface than the control group (Ra approximate to 0.48 mu m; Rq approximate to 0.65 mu m). Similar patterns were also observed in SEM images.Significance. Heat treatment after MPS silane application improved the silane layer network. Rinsing with boiling water eliminated the outmost unreacted regions of the silane yielding to thinner film thicknesses. (C) 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work investigates some factors affecting the inactivation of common bean trypsin inhibitor and phytohemagglutin. Trypsin inhibitor activity was totally stable to heat treatment (30 min, 97C) in the total protein extract, albumin or globulin fraction. Heat treatment of the whole beans easily inactivated the inhibitor. Heat resistance of trypsin inhibitor was intermediate in the bean flour which received the same heat treatment. Independent of sample, the inhibitor was very stable to heat treatment at neutral and acidic pH and labile under strong alkaline conditions. Heating for 30 min in boiling water at pH 12 resulted in complete inactivation of the trypsin inhibitor. Autoclaving (121C) soaked whole beans and flour for 5 min inactivated 55% of the trypsin inhibitor activity in the soaked flour and 75% in the whole beans. After autoclaving 20 min, inactivation of trypsin inhibitor was about 65% in the flour and 80% in the whole beans. The phytohemagglutinin (lectin) activity was totally destroyed in the autoclaved beans after 5 min and in the flour after 15 min.
Purpose: This study assessed the shear bond strength of 4 hard chairside reline resins (Kooliner, Tokuso Rebase Fast, Duraliner II, Ufi Gel Hard) to a rapid polymerizing denture base resin (QC-20) processed using 2 polymerization cycles (A or B), before and after thermal cycling. Materials and Methods: Cylinders (3.5 mm x 5.0 mm) of the reline resins were bonded to cylinders of QC-20 polymerized using cycle A (boiling water-20 minutes) or B (boiling water; remove heat-20 minutes; boiling water-20 minutes). For each reline resin/polymerization cycle combination, 10 specimens (groups CAt e CBt) were thermally cycled (5 and 55°C; dwell time 30 seconds; 2,000 cycles); the other 10 were tested without thermal cycling (groups CAwt ad CBwt). Shear bond tests (0.5 mm/min) were performed on the specimens and the failure mode was assessed. Data were analyzed by 3-way ANOVA and Newman-Keuls post-hoc test (α=.05). Results: QC-20 resin demonstrated the lowest bond strengths among the reline materials (P<.05) and mainly failed cohesively. Overall, the bond strength of the hard chairside reline resins were similar (10.09±1.40 to 15.17±1.73 MPa) and most of the failures were adhesive/cohesive (mixed mode). However, Ufi Gel Hard bonded to QC-20 polymerized using cycle A and not thermally cycled showed the highest bond strength (P<.001). When Tokuso Rebase Fast and Duraliner II were bonded to QC-20 resin polymerized using cycle A, the bond strength was increased (P=.043) after thermal cycling. Conclusions: QC-20 displayed the lowest bond strength values in all groups. In general, the bond strengths of the hard chairside reline resins were comparable and not affected by polymerization cycle of QC-20 resin and thermal cycling.
This study evaluated the effect of microwave energy on the hardness, impact strength and flexural strength of the Clássico, Onda-Cryl and QC-20 acrylic resins. Aluminum die were embedded in metallic or plastic flasks with type III dental stone, in accordance with the traditional packing technique. A mixing powder/liquid ratio was used according to the manufacturer's instructions. After polymerization in water batch at 74°C for 9 h, boiling water for 20 min or microwave energy at 900 W for 10 min, the specimens were deflasked after flask cooling at room temperature, and submitted to finishing. Specimens non-disinfected and disinfected by microwave irradiation were submitted to hardness, impact and flexural strength tests. Each specimen was immersed in distilled water and disinfected in a microwave oven calibrated to 650 W for 3 min. Knoop hardness test was performed with 25 g load for 10 s, impact test was carried out using the Charpy system with 40 kpcm, and 3-point bending test with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fracture. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Disinfection by microwave energy decreased the hardness of Clássico and Onda-Cryl acrylic resins, but no effect was observed on the impact and flexural strength of all tested resins.
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) is a perennial herbaceous aquatic ornamental plant with potential to be used as a new cut flower for the Brazilian ornamental market. It shows exotic and attractive flowers and has a strong market appeal, once it is known as a symbol of purity, holiness and immortality. However, flowers have a short-vase life. Lotus flower stem exudes a large quantity of sticky milky sap from the cut surface, which is produced in laticifers, spatially associated with both xylem and phloem. It has been reported that latex coagulates on the cut surface preventing or reducing water absorption and reducing flowers' vaselife, requiring treatments to stop the flow of latex. The objective of this study was to report observations of lotus postharvest characteristics and evaluate treatments to overcome latex flow. The experiment was conducted as a complete randomized design with three replications of four stems in each vase and eight treatments; a control (distilled water), pretreatment of cut stem-ends with hot water (40° C/1 minute), boiling water (3 seconds), isopropyl alcohol 90% (10 minutes) or citric acid (pH = 2.8/1h) and, maintenance of stems in a holding solution of Tween® 20 (0.01%), citric acid (200 mg L-1) or Tween® 20 (0.01%) plus citric acid (200 mg L-1). Treatments had no significant effect on flowers vaselife which was only about three days, although isopropyl alcohol, hot and boiling water completely stopped latex flow. Cut stem-ends pretreated with citric acid (pH = 2.8/1 h) showed a significantly higher relative water content of petals compared to others treatments. The senescence symptom of lotus cut flowers was mainly characterized by abscission of turgid petals and dehiscence of stamens without any visual change of petal color and brightness.
Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Since the Three Mile Island accident, an important focus of pressurized water reactor (PWR) transient analyses has been a small-break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA). In 2002, the discovery of thinning of the vessel head wall at the Davis Besse nuclear power plant reactor indicated the possibility of an SBLOCA in the upper head of the reactor vessel as a result of circumferential cracking of a control rod drive mechanism penetration nozzle - which has cast even greater importance on the study of SBLOCAs. Several experimental tests have been performed at the Large Scale Test Facility to simulate the behavior of a PWR during an upper-head SBLOCA. The last of these tests, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Rig of Safety Assessment (OECD/NEA ROSA) Test 6.1, was performed in 2005. This test was simulated with the TRACE 5.0 code, and good agreement with the experimental results was obtained. Additionally, a broad analysis of an upper-head SBLOCA with high-pressure safety injection failed in a Westinghouse PWR was performed taking into account different accident management actions and conditions in order to check their suitability. This issue has been analyzed also in the framework of the OECD/NEA ROSA project and the Code Applications and Maintenance Program (CAMP). The main conclusion is that the current emergency operating procedures for Westinghouse reactor design are adequate for these kinds of sequences, and they do not need to be modified.
In the case of large burnup, a control rod (CR) guide tube in the pressurized water reactor of a commercial nuclear power plant might bend. As a consequence, a CR drop experiment may indicate an event of a CR partially inserted and whether the CR should be deemed inoperable. Early prevention of such an event can be achieved by measuring two friction coefficients: the hydraulic coefficient and the sliding coefficient. The hydraulic coefficient hardly changes, so that the curvature of the guide tube can only be detected thanks to a variation of the sliding coefficient. A simple model for the CR drop is established and validated with CR drop experiments. If tmx denotes the instant of CR maximum velocity, a linear relationship between (tmx)_2 and the sliding coefficient is found.
The aim of this paper is to study the importance of nuclear data uncertainties in the prediction of the uncertainties in keff for LWR (Light Water Reactor) unit-cells. The first part of this work is focused on the comparison of different sensitivity/uncertainty propagation methodologies based on TSUNAMI and MCNP codes; this study is undertaken for a fresh-fuel at different operational conditions. The second part of this work studies the burnup effect where the indirect contribution due to the uncertainty of the isotopic evolution is also analyzed.
A Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) in a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) can lead to an atmospheric release bypassing the containment via the secondary system and exiting though the Pressurized Operating Relief Valves of the affected Steam Generator. That is why SGTR historically have been treated in a special way in the different Deterministic Safety Analysis (DSA), focusing on the radioactive release more than the possibility of core damage, as it is done in the other Loss of Coolant Accidents(LOCAs).