919 resultados para Blue rayon
This report includes discussions of the general subject of water resources and flood control, including the presentation of facts and arguments which were considered in the drafting of this report. It also discusses various bills presented and a brief explanation of each bill.
Selostus: Ryhmäkoon ja varhaisen käsittelyn vaikutus tarhattujen sinikettujen hyvinvointiin
Examination report on the City of Blue Grass, Iowa for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
Examination report on the City of Blue Grass, Iowa for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
This report documents the Iowa Department of Transportation's accomplishments and ongoing efforts in response to 39 recommendations proposed by the Governor's Blue Ribbon Transportation Task Force at the end of 1995. Governor Terry Branstad challenged the Task Force to "maximize the benefits of each dollar spent from the Road Use Tax Fund."
Selostus: Siniset liimapyydykset ovat keltaisia liimapyydyksiä tehokkaampia peltoluteen tarkkailussa
This is the Inaugural Address of Governor to the General Assembly.
This is the Inaugural Address of Governor to the General Assembly.
Higher plants use several classes of blue light receptors to modulate a wide variety of physiological responses. Among them, both the phototropins and members of the Zeitlupe (ZTL) family use light oxygen voltage (LOV) photosensory domains. In Arabidopsis, these families comprise phot1, phot2 and ZTL, LOV Kelch Protein 2 (LKP2), and Flavin-binding Kelch F-box1 (FKF1). It has now been convincingly shown that blue-light-induced autophosphorylation of the phot1 kinase domain is an essential step in signal transduction. Recent experiments also shed light on the partially distinct photosensory specificities of phot1 and phot2. Phototropin signaling branches rapidly following photoreceptor activation to mediate distinct responses such as chloroplast movements or phototropism. Light activation of the LOV domain in ZTL family members modulates their capacity to interact with GIGANTEA (GI) and their ubiquitin E3 ligase activity. A complex between GI and FKF1 is required to trigger the degradation of a repressor of CO (CONSTANS) expression and thus modulates flowering time. In contrast, light-regulated complex formation between ZTL and GI appears to limit the capacity of ZTL to degrade its targets, which are part of the circadian oscillator.
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Blue Grass, Iowa for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
Blue light mediates the phosphorylation of a membrane protein in seedlings from several plant species. When crude microsomal membrane proteins from dark-grown pea (Pisum sativum L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.), Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana L.), or tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) stem segments, or from maize (Zea mays L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), or sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) coleoptiles are illuminated and incubated in vitro with [gamma-(32)P]ATP, a protein of apparent molecular mass from 114 to 130 kD is rapidly phosphorylated. Hence, this system is probably ubiquitous in higher plants. Solubilized maize membranes exposed to blue light and added to unirradiated solubilized maize membranes show a higher level of phosphorylation of the light-affected protein than irradiated membrane proteins alone, suggesting that an unirradiated substrate is phosphorylated by a light-activated kinase. This finding is further demonstrated with membrane proteins from two different species, where the phosphorylated proteins are of different sizes and, hence, unambiguously distinguishable on gel electrophoresis. When solubilized membrane proteins from one species are irradiated and added to unirradiated membrane proteins from another species, the unirradiated protein becomes phosphorylated. These experiments indicate that the irradiated fraction can store the light signal for subsequent phosphorylation in the dark. They also support the hypothesis that light activates a specific kinase and that the systems share a close functional homology among different higher plants.
Luminescence spectroscopy has been used to characterize MgO films prepared by rf-sputtering. A clear correlation is found between the appearance of an emission peak centered at approximately 460 nm and the detection of ferromagnetic ordering in the samples. We suggest that cationic vacancies are responsible for the blue-light emission by introducing p states into the electronic band-gap. In accordance with this, our results strongly indicate that cationic vacancies are at the heart of the appearance of long-range magnetic ordering in MgO films.
The objective of this work was to determine the inheritance of cotton blue disease resistance by cotton plants. Populations derived from the CD 401 and Delta Opal resistant varieties were evaluated, through a greenhouse test with artificial inoculation by viruliferous aphids. Cotton blue disease resistance is conditioned by one dominant gene, both in CD 401 and Delta Opal varieties.