646 resultados para Blended Coals


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I decided to write an honors thesis to exercise and develop my abilities as a writer. I explored a number of different characters, narrative styles, and tones in order to discover my strengths and push my comfort level and boundaries. I attempted to place myself in the minds of a wide range of characters, and to expose intimate aspects of their thoughts and personalities to my readers.


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With the increasing importance of conserving natural resources and moving toward sustainable practices, the aging transportation infrastructure can benefit from these ideas by improving their existing recycling practices. When an asphalt pavement needs to be replaced, the existing pavement is removed and ground up. This ground material, known as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), is then added into new asphalt roads. However, since RAP was exposed to years of ultraviolet degradation and environmental weathering, the material has aged and cannot be used as a direct substitute for aggregate and binder in new asphalt pavements. One material that holds potential for restoring the aged asphalt binder to a usable state is waste engine oil. This research aims to study the feasibility of using waste engine oil as a recycling agent to improve the recyclability of pavements containing RAP. Testing was conducted in three phases, asphalt binder testing, advanced asphalt binder testing, and laboratory mixture testing. Asphalt binder testing consisted of dynamic shear rheometer and rotational viscometer testing on both unaged and aged binders containing waste engine oil and reclaimed asphalt binder (RAB). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) testing was carried out to on the asphalt binders blended with RAB and waste engine oil compare the structural indices indicative of aging. Lastly, sample asphalt samples containing waste engine oil and RAP were subjected to rutting testing and tensile strength ratio testing. These tests lend evidence to support the claim that waste engine oil can be used as a rejuvenating agent to chemically restore asphalt pavements containing RAP. Waste engine oil can reduce the stiffness and improve the low temperature properties of asphalt binders blended with RAB. Waste engine oil can also soften asphalt pavements without having a detrimental effect on the moisture susceptibility.


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Blended Learning-Angebote - Lehrveranstaltungen, die aus Präsenzanteilen und virtuellen Anteilen im Internet bestehen - halten zunehmend Einzug an Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und Pädagogischen Hochschulen. Diese neuen Lehrformen stehen im Spannungsfeld zwischen technischen Möglichkeiten, ökonomischen Erfordernissen und hochschuldidaktischen Anforderungen. Den Mittelpunkt des Buches bildet das computerunterstützte Lehrangebot des «Virtuellen Campus Erziehungswissenschaft» an der Universität Bern, das der Ausbildung zukünftiger Lehrpersonen an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Bern dient. Zum einen soll dieses in der Praxis bewährte Lehrangebot theoretisch analysiert werden. Zum anderen erfolgt ein Einblick in die Praxis des «Virtuellen Campus Erziehungswissenschaft», um anderen Bildungsinstitutionen Anregungen zur Einrichtung ähnlicher Angebote oder zur Modifizierung ihrer Blended-Learning-Kurse zu geben. Dabei werden die Bereiche (a) Planung und Entwicklung von Lehrangeboten, (b) Methoden der Vermittlung und Einsatz neuer Technologien, (c) Betreuung von Studierenden, (d) Assessment der Studierenden, (e) Qualitätssicherung der Lehre und der eigenen Lehrtätigkeit und (f) Selbstmanagement und Professionalität im Hochschulkontext abgedeckt. Schliesslich wird auch nach der hochschuldidaktischen Vernunft solcher Angebote gefragt.


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