1000 resultados para Black Holes, Laws of Black Hole dynamics, Global methods, Hawking radiation, Nonsingular Black Holes, Entanglement Entropy


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This study presents osmium (Os) isotope and elemental data for cleaned planktic foraminifera, authigenic Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides and pelagic carbonate host sediments from ODP site 758 in the southernmost reaches of the Bay of Bengal. The Os in the bulk sediments appears to be dominantly hydrogeneous (sourced by carbonate and Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide), but variations in this particular core are controlled by the presence of volcanic ash. Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide leachates (of the bulk sediments) from Holocene samples also yield an Os isotope composition close to that of seawater, but the record diverges from that of foraminifera at a depth corresponding to the oxic/post-oxic boundary, suggesting diagenetic mobilization of Os at depths below this. Holocene planktic foraminifera, cleaned using oxidative-reductive techniques, also give Os isotope compositions indistinguishable from modern seawater, but the record obtained for the past 150 kyr shows strong covaraitions of 187Os/188Os with both the local and global oxygen isotope record, with less radiogenic Os isotope compositions during glacial intervals. These results indicate that foraminifera provide a robust record of seawater Os isotope compositions, and comparison of the data obtained here with records from the other major oceans demonstrate global changes in 187Os/188Os over this time interval, while the covariation with oxygen isotopes suggest a process controlling the Os isotope composition that is in phase with global climate cycles. Global excursions to relatively unradiogenic 187Os/188Os during glacial intervals are consistent with decreased input of radiogenic continental material, reflecting cooler temperatures and reduced continental runoff. Modelling indicates that the shift to unradiogenic values during glacial intervals could be caused by an ~30% decrease in the global river flux, with an ~5% change in river composition. If the residence time of Os in the oceans is ~5 ka then the post-glacial recovery to present-day seawater values is consistent with a corresponding increase in the river flux of around 30%. However, if the residence time of Os is closer to 40 ka, as is suggested by the global river flux, then this demands either significant changes in both the riverine Os flux and composition of around 40% and 30%, respectively, that closely follow the oxygen isotope record, or else a short-lived post-glacial pulse of weathering some 75% greater than the steady-state flux. In either case, these results clearly indicate that climatic changes affect both the flux and composition of weathered material delivered to the oceans on glacial-interglacial timescales.


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Siliciclastic sedimentation at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1017 on the southern slope of the Santa Lucia Bank, central California margin, responded closely to oceanographic and climatic change over the past ~130 ka. Variation in mean grain-size and sediment sorting within the ~25-m-thick succession from Hole 1017E show Milankovitch-band to submillenial-scale variation. Mean grain size of the "sortable silt" fraction (10-63 µm) ranges from 17.6 to 33.9 µm (average 24.8 µm) and is inversely correlated with the degree of sorting. Much of the sediment has a bimodal or trimodal grain-size distribution that is composed of distinct fine silt, coarse silt to fine sand, and clay-size components. The position of the mode and the sorting of each component changes through the succession, but the primary variation is in the presence or abundance of the coarse silt fraction that controls the overall mean grain size and sorting of the sample. The occurrence of the best-sorted, finest grained sediment at high stands of sea level (Holocene, marine isotope Substages 5c and 5e) reflect the linkage between global climate and the sedimentary record at Site 1017 and suggest that the efficiency of off-shelf transport is a key control of sedimentation on the Santa Lucia Slope. It is not clear what proportion of the variation in grain size and sorting may also be caused by variations in bottom current strength and in situ hydrodynamic sorting.


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Oxygen and carbon isotope records are presented for the benthic foraminifer Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi from upper middle through lower upper Miocene (11.6-8.2 Ma) sediments recovered at intermediate water depth (1134 m) at Ocean Drilling Program Site 982 on Rockall Plateau. Oxygen isotopic values generally lighter than those for the Holocene indicate significantly warmer intermediate waters and/or less global ice volume during the late middle to early late Miocene than at the present. The most depleted oxygen isotope values occurred at around 10.5 Ma. After this time a long-term increase in d18O suggests a gradual increase in global ice volume and/or cooling of intermediate waters during the late Miocene. Comparison of the intermediate depth benthic foraminiferal carbon isotope record from Site 982 and records from various North Atlantic deep sites shows that intermediate waters were generally better ventilated than deep waters between 11.6 and 9.6 Ma. During this time period, increased ventilation of intermediate waters was linked to cooling or the build up of polar ice caps. The Mi events originally proposed by Miller et al. (1991, doi:10.1029/90JB02015) and Wright and Miller (1992, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.120.193.1992) are difficult to identify with certainty in sediments sampled at high resolution (<10**4 year). Comparison of the high-resolution benthic d18O records from ODP Site 982 with the low-resolution benthic d18O record from Monte Gibliscemi (Mediterranean) show that Mi events, if real, may not be of importance as a stratigraphic tool in upper Miocene sedimentary sequences.


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Titanium and iron concentration data from the anoxic Cariaco Basin, off the Venezuelan coast, can be used to infer variations in the hydrological cycle over northern South America during the past 14,000 years with subdecadal resolution. Following a dry Younger Dryas, a period of increased precipitation and riverine discharge occurred during the Holocene 'thermal maximum'. Since ~5400 years ago, a trend toward drier conditions is evident from the data, with high-amplitude fluctuations and precipitation minima during the time interval 3800 to 2800 years ago and during the 'Little Ice Age'. These regional changes in precipitation are best explained by shifts in the mean latitude of the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), potentially driven by Pacific-based climate variability. The Cariaco Basin record exhibits strong correlations with climate records from distant regions, including the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere, providing evidence for global teleconnections among regional climates.


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The late Miocene sediments of the Tyrrhenian ODP Site 654 encompass a deepening sequence which begins with glauconite shallow water sands followed by a rapid transition to deep water sediments and culminates with dolomitic mudstones associated with Messinian evaporites. The sequence compares well with the so-called 'Sahelian cycle' and with post-orogenic cycles recognized in peninsular Italy and Sicily. The studied interval, consisting of 55 m thick nannofossil oozes, belongs to the Globorotalia suterae subzone and lower part of the Globorotalia conomiozea Zone, indicating late Tortonian and early Messinian age, respectively. Biomagnetostratigraphic correlation assigns the Tortonian/ Messinian boundary an age of 6.44-6.45 Ma. In addition, six main events have been recognized, based on the range of keeled globorotaliids and coiling direction changes of keeled and unkeeled globorotaliids, which have been correlated to the geomagnetic time-scale. Comparison with North Atlantic sites and land sections of the Guadalquivir basin and northern Morocco provides good correlations with the events documented in these areas. In particular, Event IV, which predates the FO of Globorotalia conomiozea, may be used to recognize the Tortonian/Messinian boundary in extra-Mediterranean areas where G. conomiozea is missing. Variations in the distribution of different species of Globigerinoides are related to changes in the surficial marine environment. Although no clear trends can be recognized on the oxygen and carbon isotope records of Globigerinoides obliquus, the parallelism between the occurrence of low salinity species (G. sacculifer) and peaks of low 5180 values, as well as that of normal salinity species (G. obliquus) and peaks of high d18O values, suggests strong local changes of environmental conditions. The high amplitude of the fluctuations of d18O values suggests important variations in the salinity of the Tyrrhenian Sea, related to a rapidly changing water budget. The major feature of the carbon isotope record is a large decrease between 7.0 and 6.95 Ma, which therefore predates the 6.2 Ma global 'carbon shift'.