957 resultados para Bitumi ad “alta lavorabilità”, Reologia, Dynamic Shear Rheometer, Master Curve, Zero-Shear Viscosity


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Le prestazioni meccaniche di una miscela di conglomerato bituminoso dipendono principalmente dai materiali che la compongono e dalla loro interazione. La risposta tenso-deformativa delle sovrastrutture stradali è strettamente legata al comportamento reologico del legante bituminoso e dalla sua interazione con lo scheletro litico. In particolare nelle pavimentazioni drenanti, a causa dell’elevato contenuto di vuoti, il legame che si crea tra il legante (mastice bituminoso) e l’aggregato è molto forte, per questo motivo è importante migliorarne le prestazioni. Additivando il mastice con polverino di gomma da PFU (pneumatici fuori uso), non solo si migliorano prestazioni, resistenza alle deformazioni permanenti ed elastoplasticità del materiale, ma si sfruttano anche materiali di recupero, portando vantaggi anche dal punto di vista ambientale. In quest’ottica la ricerca effettuata nella tesi si pone come obiettivo l’analisi reologica e lo studio di mastici additivati con polverino di gomma ricavato da PFU, per la realizzazione di conglomerati bituminosi drenanti. In particolare, partendo da un bitume di base, sono stati preparati due mastici: il primo ottenuto miscelando bitume modificato e filler calcareo, il secondo aggiungendo al precedente anche il polverino di gomma. Tale studio è stato eseguito mediante l’utilizzo del DSR (Dynamic Shear Rheometer – UNI EN 14770), con il quale sono state affrontate tre prove: Amplitude Sweep test, per la valutazione del valore di deformazione di taglio γ entro il quale il materiale si mantiene all’interno del campo di viscoelasticità lineare (Linear visco-elasticity, LVE); Frequency Sweep test, per l’estrapolazione delle master curves; Multiple stress Creep Recovery, per valutare la resistenza del materiale alle deformazioni permanenti. Dall’analisi dei dati è stato possibile definire il comportamento reologico di entrambi i mastici e, in seconda analisi, confrontarne le caratteristiche e le prestazioni.


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This thesis evaluates the rheological behaviour of asphalt mixtures and the corresponding extracted binders from the mixtures containing different amounts of Reclaimed Asphalt (RA). Generally, the use of RA is limited to certain amounts. The study materials are Stone Mastic Asphalts including a control sample with 0% RA, and other samples with RA rates of 30%, 60% and 100%. Another set of studied mixtures are Asphalt Concretes (AC) types with again a control mix having 0% RA rate and the other mixtures designs containing 30%, 60% and 90% of reclaimed asphalt which also contain additives. In addition to the bitumen samples extracted from asphalt mixes, there are bitumen samples directly extracted from the original RA. To characterize the viscoelastic behaviour of the binders, Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) tests were conducted on bitumen specimens. The resulting influence of the RA content in the bituminous binders are illustrated through master curves, black diagrams and Cole-Cole plots with regressing these experimental data by the application of the analogical 2S2P1D and the analytical CA model. The advantage of the CA model is in its limited number of parameters and thus is a simple model to use. The 2S2P1D model is an analogical rheological model for the prediction of the linear viscoelastic properties of both asphalt binders and mixtures. In order to study the influence of RA on mixtures, the Indirect Tensile Test (ITT) has been conducted. The master curves of different mixture samples are evaluated by regressing the test data points to a sigmoidal function and subsequently by comparing the master curves, the influence of RA materials is studied. The thesis also focusses on the applicability and also differences of CA model and 2S2P1D model for bitumen samples and the sigmoid function for the mixtures and presents the influence of the RA rate on the investigated model parameters.


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Il mio elaborato si pone come obiettivo il miglioramento di una macchina di condizionamento atta al funzionamento a temperature inferiori allo standard nazionale (circa -20°C, -253,15 K). Il lavoro si basa sullo studio di un sistema innovativo di sbrinamento per pompe di calore ad alta efficienza che necessiti nel minor modo possibile di manutenzione, sia di facile installazione e permetta alla macchina di mantenere il rendimento intorno a valori accettabili. Dopo aver portato avanti un'analisi energetica del sistema, attraverso lo studio di diverse possibilità di sbrinamento, l'elaborato verifica che l'installazione del sistema progettato porti ad un effettivo vantaggio anche dal punto di vista economico.


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Despite the development of improved performance test protocols by renowned researchers, there are still road networks which experience premature cracking and failure. One area of major concern in asphalt science and technology, especially in cold regions in Canada is thermal (low temperature) cracking. Usually right after winter periods, severe cracks are seen on poorly designed road networks. Quality assurance tests based on improved asphalt performance protocols have been implemented by government agencies to ensure that roads being constructed are at the required standard but asphalt binders that pass these quality assurance tests still crack prematurely. While it would be easy to question the competence of the quality assurance test protocols, it should be noted that performance tests which are being used and were repeated in this study, namely the extended bending beam rheometer (EBBR) test, double edge-notched tension test (DENT), dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) test and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis have all been verified and proven to successfully predict asphalt pavement behaviour in the field. Hence this study looked to probe and test the quality and authenticity of the asphalt binders being used for road paving. This study covered thermal cracking and physical hardening phenomenon by comparing results from testing asphalt binder samples obtained from the storage ‘tank’ prior to paving (tank samples) and recovered samples for the same contracts with aim of explaining why asphalt binders that have passed quality assurance tests are still prone to fail prematurely. The study also attempted to find out if the short testing time and automated procedure of torsion bar experiments can replace the established but tedious procedure of the EBBR. In the end, it was discovered that significant differences in performance and composition exist between tank and recovered samples for the same contracts. Torsion bar experimental data also indicated some promise in predicting physical hardening.


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Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) have different characteristics compared to other mobile ad-hoc networks. The dynamic nature of the vehicles which act as routers and clients are connected with unreliable radio links and Routing becomes a complex problem. First we propose CO-GPSR (Cooperative GPSR), an extension of the traditional GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) which uses relay nodes which exploit radio path diversity in a vehicular network to increase routing performance. Next we formulate a Multi-objective decision making problem to select optimum packet relaying nodes to increase the routing performance further. We use cross layer information for the optimization process. We evaluate the routing performance more comprehensively using realistic vehicular traces and a Nakagami fading propagation model optimized for highway scenarios in VANETs. Our results show that when Multi-objective decision making is used for cross layer optimization of routing a 70% performance increment can be obtained for low vehicle densities on average, which is a two fold increase compared to the single criteria maximization approach.


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We present measurements of the rheology of suspensions of rigid spheres in a semi-dilute polymer solution from experiments of steady and oscillatory shear. For a given value of the shear rate gamma, addition of particles enhances the viscosity and the first normal stress difference but decreases the magnitude of the second normal stress difference. The viscosity eta exhibits a power law variation in gamma for a range of gamma that grows with phi. The first normal stress N-1 is positive and its value grows with phi; it exhibits a clear power law variation for the entire range of gamma that was studied. The second normal stress difference N-2 is negative for the pure polymer solution and much smaller in magnitude than N-1; on addition of particles, its magnitude further decreases, and it appears to change sign at large phi. The behavior of N-1 and N-2 is at odds with the findings of recent studies on particle-loaded dilute polymer solutions and polymer melts. The small-amplitude oscillatory shear experiments show the linear viscoelastic properties, G(') and G('), increasing with phi at a given value of the angular frequency omega. The dynamic viscosity of the suspension differs substantially from its steady shear viscosity, and the difference increases as gamma, omega -> 0.


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The rheological properties of polymer melts and other complex macromolecular fluids are often successfully modeled by phenomenological constitutive equations containing fractional differential operators. We suggest a molecular basis for such fractional equations in terms of the generalized Langevin equation (GLE) that underlies the renormalized Rouse model developed by Schweizer [J. Chem. Phys. 91, 5802 (1989)]. The GLE describes the dynamics of the segments of a tagged chain under the action of random forces originating in the fast fluctuations of the surrounding polymer matrix. By representing these random forces as fractional Gaussian noise, and transforming the GLE into an equivalent diffusion equation for the density of the tagged chain segments, we obtain an analytical expression for the dynamic shear relaxation modulus G(t), which we then show decays as a power law in time. This power-law relaxation is the root of fractional viscoelastic behavior.


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We propose a model for concentrated emulsions based on the speculation that a macroscopic shear strain does not produce an affine deformation in the randomly close-packed droplet structure. The model yields an anomalous contribution to the complex dynamic shear modulus that varies as the square root of frequency. We test this prediction using a novel light scattering technique to measure the dynamic shear modulus, and directly observe the predicted behavior over six decades of frequency and a wide range of volume fractions.


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Mobile ad-hoc network is a wireless ad-hoc network with dynamic network topology. The Dynamicity, due to the random node movement, and scarcity of resources lead to a challenge in monitoring the nodes in a MANET. Monitoring the lack of resources (bandwidth, buffer, and energy), misbehavior, and mobility at node level remains, a challenge. In a MANET the proposed protocol uses both static as well as mobile agents, where the mobile agents migrate to different clusters of the zones respectively, collect the node status information periodically, and provide a high level information to the static agent (which resides at the central node) by analyzing the raw information at the nodes. This, in turn, reduces the network traffic and conserves the workload of the central node, where a static agent is available with high level information and in coordination with other modules. The protocol has been tested in different size MANETs with variable number of nodes and applications. The results shown in the simulation indicates the effectiveness of the protocol.


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The effects of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) on the concentration fluctuations, interfacial driven elasticity, phase morphology, and local segmental dynamics of chains for near-critical compositions of polystyrene/poly(vinyl to methyl ether) (PS/PVME) blends were systematically investigated using dynamic shear rheology and dielectric spectroscopy. The contribution of the correlation length (xi) of the concentration fluctuations to the evolving stresses was monitored in situ to probe the different stages of demixing in the blends. The classical upturn in the dynamic moduli was taken as the rheological demixing temperature (T-rheo), which was also observed to be in close agreement with those obtained using concentration fluctuation variance, <(delta phi)(2)>, versus temperature curves. Further, Fredrickson and Larson's approach involving the mean-field approximation and the double-reptation self-concentration (DRSC) model was employed to evaluate the spinodal decomposition temperature (T-s). Interestingly, the values of both T-rheo and T-s shifted upward in the blends in the presence of MWNTs, manifesting in molecular-level miscibility. These phenomenal changes were further observed to be a function of the concentration of MWNTs. The evolution of morphology as a function of temperature was studied using polarized optical microscopy (POM). It was observed that PVME, which evolved as an interconnected network during the early stages of demixing, coarsened into a matrix-droplet morphology in the late stages. The preferential wetting of PVME onto MWNTs as a result of physicochemical interactions retained the interconnected network of PVME for longer time scales, as supported by POM and atomic force microscopy (AFM) images. Microscopic heterogeneity in macroscopically miscible systems was studied by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. The slowing of segmental relaxations in PVME was observed in the presence of both ``frozen'' PS and MWNTs interestingly at temperatures much below the calorimetric glass transition temperature (T-g). This phenomenon was observed to be local rather than global and was addressed by monitoring the evolution of the relaxation spectra near and above the demixing temperature.


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Thrust fault earthquakes are investigated in the laboratory by generating dynamic shear ruptures along pre-existing frictional faults in rectangular plates. A considerable body of evidence suggests that dip-slip earthquakes exhibit enhanced ground motions in the acute hanging wall wedge as an outcome of broken symmetry between hanging and foot wall plates with respect to the earth surface. To understand the physical behavior of thrust fault earthquakes, particularly ground motions near the earth surface, ruptures are nucleated in analog laboratory experiments and guided up-dip towards the simulated earth surface. The transient slip event and emitted radiation mimic a natural thrust earthquake. High-speed photography and laser velocimeters capture the rupture evolution, outputting a full-field view of photo-elastic fringe contours proportional to maximum shearing stresses as well as continuous ground motion velocity records at discrete points on the specimen. Earth surface-normal measurements validate selective enhancement of hanging wall ground motions for both sub-Rayleigh and super-shear rupture speeds. The earth surface breaks upon rupture tip arrival to the fault trace, generating prominent Rayleigh surface waves. A rupture wave is sensed in the hanging wall but is, however, absent from the foot wall plate: a direct consequence of proximity from fault to seismometer. Signatures in earth surface-normal records attenuate with distance from the fault trace. Super-shear earthquakes feature greater amplitudes of ground shaking profiles, as expected from the increased tectonic pressures required to induce super-shear transition. Paired stations measure fault parallel and fault normal ground motions at various depths, which yield slip and opening rates through direct subtraction of like components. Peak fault slip and opening rates associated with the rupture tip increase with proximity to the fault trace, a result of selective ground motion amplification in the hanging wall. Fault opening rates indicate that the hanging and foot walls detach near the earth surface, a phenomenon promoted by a decrease in magnitude of far-field tectonic loads. Subsequent shutting of the fault sends an opening pulse back down-dip. In case of a sub-Rayleigh earthquake, feedback from the reflected S wave re-ruptures the locked fault at super-shear speeds, providing another mechanism of super-shear transition.


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In order to improve drilling mud design to cater for specific well situations, a more comprehensive knowledge and understanding of filter cake failure is needed. This paper describes experimental techniques aimed at directly probing the mechanical properties of filter cakes, without having to take into account artefacts due to fluid flow in the substrate. The use of rheometers allows us to determine shear yield stress and dynamic shear modulii of cakes grown on filter paper. A new scraping technique measures the strength and moisture profiles of typical filter cakes with a 0.1 mm resolution. This technique also allows us to probe the adhesion between the filter cake and its rock substrate. In addition, œdometer drained consolidation and unloading of a filter cake give us compression parameters useful for Cam Clay modelling. These independent measurements give similar results as to the elastic modulus of different filter cakes, showing an order of magnitude difference between water based and oil based cakes. We find that these standard cakes behave predominantly as purely elastic materials, with a sharp transition into plastic flow, allowing for the determination of a well-defined yield stress. The effect ofsolids loading on a given type of mud is also studied.


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The motion of a single bubble rising freely in quiescent non-Newtonian viscous fluids was investigated experimentally and computationally. The non-Newtonian effects in the flow of viscous inelastic fluids are modeled by the Carreau theological model. An improved level set approach for computing the incompressible two-phase flow with deformable free interface is used. The control volume formulation with the SIMPLEC algorithm incorporated is used to solve the governing equations on a staggered Eulerian grid. The simulation results demonstrate that the algorithm is robust for shear-thinning liquids with large density (rho(1)/rho(g) up to 10(3)) and high viscosity (eta(1)/eta(g) up to 10(4)). The comparison of the experimental measurements of terminal bubble shape and velocity with the computational results is satisfactory. It is shown that the local change in viscosity around a bubble greatly depends on the bubble shape and the zero-shear viscosity of non-Newtonian shear-thinning liquids. The shear-rate distribution and velocity fields are used to elucidate the formation of a region of large viscosity at the rear of a bubble as a result of the rather stagnant flow behind the bubble. The numerical results provide the basis for further investigations, such as the numerical simulation of viscoelastic fluids. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Copolymers of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) grafted with two novel nonionic surfactants, acrylic glycerol monostearate ester (AGMS) and acrylic polyoxyethylenesorbitan monooleate ester (ATW-EEN80), containing hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups and 1-olefin double bond were prepared by using a plasticorder at 190 degrees C. To evaluate the grafting degree, two different approaches based on H-1-NMR data were proposed, and FTIR calibration was showed to validate these methods. The rheological response of the molten polymers, determined under dynamic shear flow at small-amplitude oscillations, indicated that crosslinking formation of the chains could be decreased with increasing the monomer concentration. Their thermal behavior was studied by DSC and polarization microscope (PLM): The crystallization temperature (T-C) of grafted LLDPE shifted to higher temperature compared with neat LLDPE because the grafted chains acted as nucleating agents. Water and glycerol were used to calculate the surface free energy of grafted LLDPE films.


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The melt rheological properties of binary uncompatibilized polypropylene -polyamide6 (PP-PA6) blends and ternary blends compatibilized with maleic anhydride-grafted PP (PP-PP-g-MAH-PA6) were studied using a capillary rheometer. The experimental shear viscosities of blends were compared with those calculated from Utracki's relation. The deviation value delta between these two series of data was obtained. In binary PP-PA6 blends, when the compatibility between PP and PA6 was poor, the deformation recovery of dispersed PA6 particles played the dominant role during the capillary flow, the experimental values were smaller than those calculated, and delta was negative. The higher the dispersed phase content, the more deformed the droplets were and the lower the apparent shear viscosity. Also, the absolute value of delta increased with the dispersed phase composition. In ternary PP-PP-g-MAH-PA6 systems, when the compatibility between PP and PA6 was enhanced by PP-g-MAH, the elongation and break-up of the dispersed particles played the dominant role, and the experimental values were higher than calculated. It was observed that the higher the dispersion of the PA6 phase, the higher the delta values of the ternary blends and the larger the positive deviation.