206 resultados para Bitches


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As neoplasias mamarias constituem aproximadamente 50% dos tumores diagnosticados em cadelas. Apesar dosharmónios sexuais femininos desempenharem papel fundamental no desenvolvimento desses tumores em mamíferos, o valor da supressão hormonal pela ovário-histerectomia como auxiliar no tratamento do tumor de mama em caninos permanece controverso. Discute-se ainda se a realização da ovário-histerectomia após o diagnóstico influencia ou não o crescimento e progressão do tumor na glândula afetada ou em outras glândulas mamarias. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir alguns aspectos relacionados à influência hormonal na etiologia de tumores mamarias em cadelas, assim como o valor terapêutico da castração, quando realizada no momento da mastectomia.


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The follicular growth and oocyte maturation knowledge are very important to the development and improvement of new biotechnologies such as in vitro fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer. In order to the necessity of clarify the basic mechanisms related to canine oocyte maturation, this investigation focuses on the evaluation of the effect of insulin-like growth factor-i (IGF-I), added to synthetic oviductal fluid medium (SOF) on the in vitro maturation of domestic dog oocytes. Thirty-seven bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy for castration or due to pathological conditions of the uterus were selected as oocytes' donors (n=875). The oocytes were allocated in the following groups: MO (stained in the collection's time), Control (72h in SOF) and Experimental (72h in SOF plus 100 ng IGF-I). After 72 hours of maturation the oocytes' nuclear status were assessed by Hoechst 33342 dye. The best results in terms of oocyte harvest were observed in those juvenile donors,, females in estrus, nuliparous and pure breeds. No significant differences were observed between treatments control (SOF) or experimental (IGF-I).


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This paper reports on a rare case of fetal papyraceous mummification after asymptomatic uterine rupture in an elderly female dog with pyometra. The patient had a history of mating six months before the examination but no apparent signs of gestation or parturition. Exploratory laparotomy was used to identify a rupture of the left uterine horn and the presence of cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra. Two mummified papyraceous fetuses were observed in the abdominal cavity and had adhered to the spleen, pancreas, intestine and omentum. Ovariehysterectomy and corrective surgery were performed. The patient had remained healthy after uterine rupture until a new estrous cycle and the development of pyometra. Bitches that are 10 years old or more are predisposed to implantation failure, pregnancy or parturition problems and they should not be breed to avoid complications.


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In the present study, the ovaries of 15 healthy bitches divided into three groups according to age were analysed by histology and morphometry: group 1 (1-3 years), group 2 (> 3-5 years) and group 3 (> 5-7 years). After ovariosalpingohysterectomy, the ovaries were fixed, routinely processed for embedding in paraffin and stained with haematoxylin-eosin. The following morphometric parameters were analysed: maximum and minimum diameter (mu m), perimeter (mu m), area (mu m(2)) and roundness of the cytoplasm and nucleus of oocytes from different types of follicles. Significant differences in the cytoplasmic and nuclear parameters of follicular oocytes between the experimental groups were determined by ANOVA and the Tukey test (5%). For the biotechnology of reproduction, the present results showed that in vitro maturation yielded the best performance for oocytes from primordial follicles in group 3 females and for oocytes embedded in secondary and tertiary follicles in group 2 females. In addition, the present findings will help in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases affecting bitches, and will especially contribute to a better understanding of these cells by researchers in the field of histology and canine reproduction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This report presents the case of a nine-month-old bitch with incomplete occlusion of the skin and mucosa between the anus and dorsal commissure of the vulva. This anomaly, known as anovulvar cleft, was associated with a vaginal prolapse-hyperplasia. Anovulvar cleft is a rare condition in bitches and is caused by incomplete closure of the dorsal urogenital folds. Anovulvar cleft can lead to clitoritis, abrasion, dryness and devitalisation of the smooth exposed mucosa. Surgery can correct the condition. In the present study, surgical resection of the hyperplasic vaginal tissue associated with perineoplasty using an inverted V-shaped incision showed excellent results. An ovariohysterectomy was also performed to prevent recurrence of the vaginal prolapse-hyperplasia. © 2007 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.


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The present study aimed to obtain information about the uterine inflammatory response (number of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes - PMNs) in bitches after artificial insemination (AI) and identify the uterine microflora present after the following treatments: insemination using semen with extender (n=6), insemination with fresh semen (n=6) and no inseminated (n=6). The percentage of PMNs on the endometrial surface and within histological sections was evaluated together with the presence of aerobic bacteria in the uterine lumen. For endometrial cytology, there was no significative difference on the number of inflammatory cells between bitches not inseminated (3.05 ± 1.74 PMNs) and those inseminated with fresh semen (3.55 ± 1.51 PMNs); There was a significative difference in both groups compared to the inseminated with semen plus extender (7.80 ± 1.67 PMNs) (p<0.05). Histology showed that there was no significative difference on the number of inflammatory cells between bitches not inseminated (87.72 ± 35.2 PMNs) and those inseminated with fresh semen (122.97 ± 43.31 PMNs); however, it was observed differences in both groups compared to those inseminated with semen plus extender (171.94 ± 42.74 PMNs) (p<0.05). Eight animals, randomly distributed in the groups, showed the presence of Staphylococcus sp and Proteus sp., in the microbiological exam. The extender for semen, with Tris, is a potent inducer of uterine inflammation, and positive uterine cultures may be obtained during estrus without inflammation or uterine infection.


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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of the brain and vascular indicesof the middle cerebral artery of canine foetuses. Methods: Twenty-five bitches were selected. Tissue development, echogenicity, echotexture and brain echobiometric data were studied, and the major structures were identified between the 5th and 8th gestational weeks. The area and volume of the brain mass (BMA and BMV), cranial area and volume (AC and VC), brain mass index (BMI) and brain volume index (BVI) were determined. A single ultrasound examination was performed during each studied week (6th, 7th and 8th). Doppler ultrasonography was performed to assess the maximum and minimum velocity, resistance and pulsatility index of middle cerebral artery of the foetuses. Results: Echoencephalography was performed to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the central nervous system. Cerebral echobiometry indicated an increase in area and volume of the hemispheres and cranium (P<0·001) but no changes in BMI or BVI over the gestational period studied. Doppler ultrasonography identified increases in peak systolic velocity (P=0·0188) and end diastolic velocity (P=0·0274) and decreases in resistance index (P=0·0002) and pulsatility index (P<0·001). Clinical Significance: Echoencephalography and spectral Doppler ultrasonography of the middle cerebral artery in canine foetuses might be a useful technique for prenatal care. © 2013 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.


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The aim of this study was evaluate the renal hemodynamics of bitches with pyometra by means of laboratory tests, ultrasound B mode and Doppler, before and after treatment with ovariohysterectomy (OSH). This study evaluated 30 bitches with pyometra, all were subjected to OSH (moment 1) and 20 were evaluated after 7 days (moment 2). The renal perfusion, the resistivity index (RI) of the main renal artery and the interlobar arteries (cranial, middle and caudal) were statistically different between times 1 and 2 (p<0,05). There was no statistical difference for renal perfusion between the left and the right kidney at the time 1 and 2. The correlations between the IR of the main artery and the variables used to determine renal function were stablished at the time 1. For the correlated variables: urea, creatinine, proteinuria, ratio GGT/creatinine and protein/creatinine were curvilinear and positive associations with the resistivity index of the main renal artery (p<0,05), however these correlations were considered medium and weak. Comparing the RI of the main renal artery with different scores of dehydration and renal perfusion, there was statistical difference, and show increased of resistance renal in bitches with moderate reduction in renal perfusion as well as in dehydrated bitches. Were evaluated several features of renal morphology in ultrasound B mode, however, only the presence of pelvic dilatation, medullary signal and other changes as infarcts areas and diffuse hyperechoic spots in the renal cortical and medullary were statistically different from one moment to the other, most frequently at the time 2. The results of this study show that the Doppler ultrasound can identify changes of reduction in renal perfusion by color Doppler and the increasing of the resistivity index of the renal arteries in some bitches with pyometra. As well as, the ultrasound B mode, although has non-specific changes, can detect progressive renal disorders in bitches with pyometra.


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This study aimed to evaluate the post operative analgesic effects of morphine or ketamine alone or their combination in 24 healthy bitches, weighing 11.01±8.69kg and aging 27±17 months, submitted to elective ovariohysterectomy. The animals were distributed to one of the three treatments after the anaesthetic induction: morphine (GM, n=8, 0.5mg kg-1 IM), ketamine (GK, n=8, 2.5mg kg-1 IM) or ketamine combined to morphine (GKM) using the same doses previously described. Sedation score and pain assessment were performed blindly two hours before surgery and at 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours after extubation, using the Dobbins scale (sedation) and visual analogue scale (pain) and Glasgow modified pain scale (GMPS). Rescue analgesia was performed with 1.0mg kg-1 of morphine and if not sufficient, followed by 0.2mg kg-1 of meloxicam, both IM, when the GMPS reached above 33% of the total score. Non parametric data were analyzed using Friedmańs test followed by Dunńs test for differences in time. Kruskal-Walliś test followed by Dunńs test were used to investigate differences in the number of analgesic rescues and among groups at each time. Parametric data were evaluated by ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (P<0.05). Except for GMPS, where the values of GM were greater than for GKM at 1h post-extubation, there were no other differences among groups. The number of rescue analgesia was greater in GM (11 in total; twice in 3 animals,) when compared to GKM (3; twice in 1 animal) and GK (2; twice in 1 animal). Analgesia provided by pre-incisional ketamine was more effective when compared to morphine. According to that, ketamine alone may be used as a preemptive analgesic in bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy; however, rescue analgesia may be necessary.


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A retrospective study of tumors in dogs was carried out in the School Veterinary Hospital (HVE), Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique, between January 2004 and January 2009. Data from clinical-surgical records of tumor samples surgically removed, necropsy and cytological exams were used and sent for histopathology exams. During the study 210 tumors and about 27 different types of tumors were identified. Skin tumors (61.0%) were the most frequent, followed by mammary gland tumors (27.60%), reproductive system tumors (11.90%) and bone system tumors. The mammary gland tumors were observed only in females, with high prevalence in bitches which were not spayed or spayed after two years old. It was concluded that the neoplasia prevalence increase was correlated to the higher longevity of dogs, and breed also contributed for the development of determined tumors due to high incidence of mastocitomas in Boxer and German Shepherd breeds. The 100 % incidence of mammary gland neoplasia in females confirmed the higher predisposition for mammary gland neoplasia in females.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)