947 resultados para Bioelettromagnetismo SAR Radiofrequenza Effetti Termici Cheratinociti Epidermide Multislab Cellulare Antenne Patch Bioheat Calore Wi-Fi LTE


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As mutações no gene de supressão tumoral p53 estão entre as anormalidades genéticas mais comuns encontradas numa ampla variedade de tumores. Embora a função do gene p53 ainda não esteja completamente esclarecida, ele parece ser um fator de transcrição nuclear que controla a proliferação celular, a apoptose e a manutenção da estabilidade genética. A angiogênese é essencial para o crescimento e a metastatização de tumores sólidos. O Fator de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular (VEGF, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), um fator de crescimento identificado recentemente com propriedades angiogênicas significativas, pode ser um importante regulador da angiogênese tumoral. A associação entre as expressões da proteína p53 e do VEGF e o prognóstico tem sido pouco estudada. Foram estudadas peças cirúrgicas de 47 pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago (CEE) submetidos à esofagectomia em estágios II e III, utilizando-se coloração imuno-histoquímica. As expressões da proteína p53 e do VEGF foram observadas em 53% e 40% dos tumores, respectivamente. As expressões da proteína p53 e do VEGF coincidiram em somente 21% dos casos, e não foi encontrada correlação entre elas. Nenhum dos fatores clinicopatológicos se correlacionaram significativamente com as expressões da proteína p53 ou do VEGF. Em relação ao prognóstico, não havia associação significativa entre as expressões da proteína p53 e do VEGF e pior prognóstico. Os autores concluem que tanto a expressão da proteína p53 como a expressão do VEGF não se correlacionaram com o prognóstico em pacientes com CEE em estágios II e III.


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O câncer de esôfago é a sexta neoplasia maligna mais comum no mundo. No Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, o carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago apresenta coeficientes de mortalidade elevados e com tendência ascendente com, pelo menos, o dobro dos coeficientes padronizados de mortalidade encontrados em outros estados brasileiros ou em países do cone sul da América latina. O diagnóstico tardio parece ser o principal responsável pelo mau prognóstico. Nos últimos anos, diversos estudos têm demonstrado a possibilidade de identificação das lesões precursoras do câncer esofágico, mas sem repercussão no prognóstico, até o momento. Considera-se, atualmente, que a carcinogênese esofágica está relacionada a uma interação entre fatores ambientais e anormalidades genéticas Recentemente, estudos em biologia molecular têm demonstrado a influência dos fatores reguladores do ciclo celular no prognóstico de diversas moléstias, inclusive o câncer. O Rb é um gene supressor tumoral envolvido no mecanismo de controle do ciclo celular, cuja expressão tem sido demonstrada no câncer do esôfago. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência da perda da expressão da proteína pRb na mucosa esofágica de indivíduos sob risco para o carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago, bem como relacionar esta expressão com o consumo de tabaco, álcool e chimarrão, achados histopatológicos e cromoscopia com lugol. Foram estudados 170 casos e 20 controles através de reação imunohistoquímica utilizando anticorpo monoclonal anti-pRb em amostras teciduais fixadas em formalina e armazenadas em parafina. Um total de 33 casos demonstrou perda da expressão imunohistoquímica da proteína pRb, determinando uma prevalência de 19,4% na amostra estudada. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a perda da expressão da proteína pRb e as variáveis idade, raça, exposição ao fumo, álcool e chimarrão, bem como a cromoendoscopia com lugol. Foi demonstrada uma associação significativa entre a perda da expressão da pRb com a história de câncer na família. Da mesma forma, foi demonstrada uma associação linear significativa entre a perda da pRb e o grau histopatológico das lesões. Estes resultados demonstraram uma influência da proteína pRb na evolução da carcinogênese esofágica e permitem sugerir que os indivíduos expostos aos fatores de risco estudados sejam candidatos a uma maior vigilância.


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This program resumes the history of the political-pedagogic actions on the Serviço de Assistência Rural SAR, of Natal archdiocese, and analyses the contributions of this actions on the process of rural workers organization in the social movements on the countryside. The educative actions of the RAS are happening in a permanent tension between the pedagogic project of a church in change and, a pedagogy of the groups, communities and social movements, that is centered in the cultural action, in the culture lived from its condition of citizens. This research reveals that this entity fulfilled a strategic attribution for the Natal s church on the formation of the community leaderships, at a first moment and leaderships for social movements. Before the military dictatorship, the work methodology of this entity had as priority, begin from the reality leaved by the rural workers in the expectation that these became to qualify themselves for a more citizen participation in the call development. During the military regime, the entity goes measuring theirs activities in the new context, until the moment that redefines the work line. Goes then defining regions and thematic of operation supporting the fights for land, salary campaigns, women agricultural workers organizations. The pedagogy of work has as one of its supporters the Paulo Freire s pedagogy, privileging the dialog as a source of production of knowledge from the reality leaved in a permanent transformation. The actions of this entity, with the groups and social movements, produces the necessary knowledge for the organization of the rural workers while individual and social subjects of a changing world. The process of action-reflection of the activities intended, by a creative form, a permanent production of strategies of fight of the workers. Research ever, not to make accommodate itself to the new knowledge acquired in the action-reflection it is part of the pedagogical idea of this Institution. One searched in this process of formation of the man and the woman to question the reality, to create actionreflection-action spaces on the fights for a possible transition of an ingenuous conscience for a critical conscience, in view of the transformation of the structures that oppresses them


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Oil spill on the sea, accidental or not, generates enormous negative consequences for the affected area. The damages are ambient and economic, mainly with the proximity of these spots of preservation areas and/or coastal zones. The development of automatic techniques for identification of oil spots on the sea surface, captured through Radar images, assist in a complete monitoring of the oceans and seas. However spots of different origins can be visualized in this type of imaging, which is a very difficult task. The system proposed in this work, based on techniques of digital image processing and artificial neural network, has the objective to identify the analyzed spot and to discern between oil and other generating phenomena of spot. Tests in functional blocks that compose the proposed system allow the implementation of different algorithms, as well as its detailed and prompt analysis. The algorithms of digital image processing (speckle filtering and gradient), as well as classifier algorithms (Multilayer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, Support Vector Machine and Committe Machine) are presented and commented.The final performance of the system, with different kind of classifiers, is presented by ROC curve. The true positive rates are considered agreed with the literature about oil slick detection through SAR images presents


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The purpose of this study was to assess the immunohistochemical expression of CD105 and FvW antibodies in the angiogenesis of oral epidermoid carcinoma (OEC), correlating it with the TNM clinical staging system, seeking a better understanding of its biological behavior and use as an indicator of prognosis.The sample consisted of 30 epidermoid carcinoma (EC) cases, 10 of the floor of the mouth, 10 of the retromolar region and 10 of the tongue, in addition to 10 cases of pyogenic granuloma, which made up the control group. The results showed that mean microvessel counts (MVC) were correspondingly higher in the pyogenic granuloma group (CD105 = 57.26 vessels and FvW = 39.64) than in the EC group (CD105 = 10.09 and FvW = 12.20) and that the differences were statistically significant between the groups for each of the angiogenic biomarkers (p = 0.002 for CD105 and p< 0.001 for FvW). CD105 had better positivity in the pyogenic granuloma group (mean = 57.26 vessels) and for EC, FvW had the highest expression (mean = 12.20 vessels). With respect to EC, the most affected age group was between 51 and 70 years (n = 14; 46.7%), with a representative MVC for both markers. No statistically significant difference was found between the sexes for any of the markers (p = 0.967 for CD105 and p = 0.744 for FvW). Mean CD105 levels were much higher in patients with stage T3 and T4 (17.13) and lower in those with stage N+ (6.36). Mean FvW levels were higher in the patients with stage T1 and T2 (12.23) and lower in patients with T3 and T4 (12.10), but without a statistically significant difference. In regard to anatomic location, a statistically significant difference was observed between FvW sites, with a statistically significant difference between floor of the mouth cases and those located in the retromolar region (p =0.013). Therefore, this study suggests that CD105 expression in OEC angiogenesis, in contrast to other types of malignant neoplasias, may not be correlated with prognosis and tumor aggressiveness, whereas FvW was a more effective antibody for staining this lesion


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Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm in oral cavity. Several studies have been carried out to establish biologic behaviour criteria of this neoplasm. Thus, the purpose of this experiment was to performe a clinic, morphologic and immunohistochemical analysis, by the expression of cytokeratins 7, 10, 13, 14, 16 and 19 in 30 cases of tongue squamous cell carcinoma from the files of Dr. Luiz Antônio Hospital (Natal-RN). It was verifeid of the immunoexpression the correlation clinic estadiament and histologic gradation system proposed by Bryne (1998), in order to investigate the use of these intermediate filaments as an indicator of tumour progression. Data was collected from the patients file and it was observed that information regarding sex, age and race was resemble to the literature. Data obtained from disease evolution, clinic estadiament, metastasis and expression of cytokeratins 7, 10, 13, 14, 16 and 19 was submited to statistical analysis (Test K2), which showed that only the histologic gradation didn t demonstrated significant correlation to the clinic variables. The expression the cytokeratins presented variation in the analysed tumours. CK 10 expression showed significant correlation to metastasis, and the presence of CK 16 was related to disease evolution (obit/remission) and also with the T3 and T4 of TNM. These results evidenced that metastasis and TNM showed a good efficacy as a prognostic indicator. The histologic gradation proposed by Bryne (1998) didn t reflect the biologic behaviour of the studied tongue squamous cell carcinoma, and the analysis of some intermediate filaments of cytokeratins seems to reflect the biologic behaviour and agressivity of some oral squamous cell carcinoma


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The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common malignant neoplasm of epithelial origin in oral cavity and present high capacity to invade adjacent structures. Traditionally, SCC has a predominance of 50 years male patients with long-time use of tobacco and alcohol, and the tongue is the most affected anatomic site. At present, there is an increasing incidence of SCC in patients below 40 years of age, who has been exposed or not to risk factors, mainly for tongue lesions. This study aims to analyze cell proliferation index using Ki-67 antigen in SCC of the tongue for two groups of different age range: until 40 years and older than 50 years. The first group was composed by 16 patients and the second one was composed by 20 patients. Clinicopathological features of the cases were also assessed. There was a male predominance in both groups. Tobacco and alcohol habits were common for patients until 40 years (72,2%), as well as for patients older than 50 years (52,9%). The first group had statistical association with the presence of regional metastases (p = 0,036) and with the most advanced stages of the disease (p = 0,012). Considering the histological malignancy grading, there was higher incidence (56,2%) of high malignancy grade tumors in the group of patients until 40 years old, but no statistical difference has found between groups and histologic malignancy grading. Regarding the immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67, there was no statistically significant difference between the antibody expression of the groups, as well as between other clinical and histopathological parameters. This study identified no significant difference regarding cell proliferation between the analyzed groups


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Currently, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have effective participation in the growth of malignancies. Knowing that there are few studies involving BMPs and oral squamous cell carcinoma, this work constitutes an immunohistochemical study of BMP-2, BMPR IA and BMPR II in squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) of the lower lip relating to the clinical and pathological aspects of this lesion. The sample consisted of 40 cases of SCC of the lower lip, being 20 cases of SCC of the lower lip with regional metastasis and 20 cases without metastasis. We evaluated the intensity of expression (score 1 to mark absent / weak, score 2 for high ) and was found the percentage of labeled cells, where the score was 1 cases with 0 to 50% of positive cells, score 2 with 51 to 75% of positive cells, and score 3 more than 75% of positive cells. The sample comprised 72.5% of men with a mean age of 65.8 years, there was a predominance of stage II and 52.5% of the carcinomas were classified as low grade, being carcinoma with metastasis presenting most cases (70%) as carcinomas of high malignancy grade (p = 0.004). The largest number of cases of SCC of the lower lip that were in stages I / II (61, 9%) were classified as carcinomas of low grade malignancy and carcinomas in stages III / IV were classified as high-grade tumors (p = 0, 024). The BMP-2 showed strong intensity of immunostaining in 82.5%, BMPR-IA showed 55% of cases with an intensity of immunostaining absent / weak and BMPR-II showed 85% of cases with an intensity of immunostaining absent / weak. Only the protein BMPR-IA were significantly associated with all clinic-pathological parameters studied, metastasis (p <0.001), TNM (p <0.001) and histological grade of malignancy with (p = 0.028). The percentage of positive cells, all markers showed the highest number of cases with more than 75% of positive cells (score 3) and only BMPR-II showed statistical difference when related to the presence and absence of metastasis (p = 0.049 ). We conclude that there is disturbance in the BMP signaling pathway in EC-mediated lower lip and that high expression of BMP-2 associated with the expression of BMPR-IA and BMPR-II are associated with metastasis in carcinoma


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The most common malignant neoplasm of the oral cavity and oropharynx are squamous cell carcinoma. Injuries to the same stage and subjected to the same treatment protocol have sometimes different evolutionary courses. The scope of this study was to investigate, through a retrospective cohort, associations between the number of CD8 + T cells and natural killer, identified immunohistochemically in the inflammatory infiltrate in a series of cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma and orofaringeano, and the level of tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, overall survival and relapse-free survival of patients. We identified 54 patients with unresectable disease were treated exclusively with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The median follow-up was 22 months. The sample was characterized by the predominance of male subjects, median age 60 years, all were smokers. The most frequent site was the tongue and 81.5% were in stage IV. Patients with disease in the oral cavity had a worse response to treatment (p = 0.006), worse relapse-free survival (p = 0.007), worse overall survival (p = 0.007). The advanced T stage was shown a negative prognostic factor (p= 0.006) for the clinical treatment response made. Immunohistochemistry was performed to select CD8 + cells (anti-CD8) and NK cells (anti-CD57). Lymphocytes positive and negative markings were counted using the program ImageJ ®. Two groups were created for each marking evaluated: Group I patients with more than 50% cells positive, Group II: less than 50% of labeled cells. For CD8 + cells detected in 38 (70.3%) of Group I were CD8 + and 16 (29.7%) Group II CD8 +. For NK cells, 26 (48.15%) Group I NK and 28 (51.85%) Group II NK. Regarding the clinical response to treatment, we observed that 39% of patients achieved a complete response and 25.9% remained without recurrence at the end of follow-up. These results were better in Group I CD8 + (p = 0.2). Identified that 72.2% of patients progressed to death, this finding had no association with the immunohistochemical data. There was no statistically significant differences between the number of CD8 + and NK cells and the ability of tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, or with overall survival and relapse-free survival of patients. However, especially in relation to a learned response, we found that this group of patients with advanced disease have a low count of CD8 + T cells active. Believing in the role that the immune response plays in the local fight against neoplastic cells, however, our results do not support the use of quantitative analysis of CD8 + T cells and NK cells as a prognostic factors for oral squamous cell carcinoma and oropharynx


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The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has been strongly implicated on development of some cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, the immunological system somehow reacts against the presence of this virus. Among the cells involved on such mechanism of defense detaches the Langerhans cells (LC), which are responsible for processing and presenting antigens. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical reactivity for Langerhans cells between HPV positive and HPV negative OSCC, as well as, the relation of the immunoreactivity for this cells and the histological grading of malignancy proposed by Bryne (1998) and modified by Miranda (2002). Additionally, HPV infection was evaluated in relation to sex, age, lesion localization and histological grading of malignancy. In the total, 27 cases of OSSC were evaluated, 09 of them HPV positive and 18 HPV negative. Anti S-100 antibody was utilized for the immunohistochemical labelling, followed by the counting of LCs in 5 highpower fields (400x). No statistically significant difference was verified between the variables sex, age, lesion localization, histological grading of malignancy and HPV presence in OSSC. There was neither association between the immunohistochemical labeling for LCs (S-100+) and HPV infection nor correlation between the quantity of LCs labeled and the histological grading of malignancy of OSSC. The results suggest that despite the absence of statistically significant difference, the presence of HPV in such cases of OSCC can alter the immunological system, particularly the Langerhans cells


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The presence of inflammatory cells within the tumor microenvironment plays a dual role that may contribute both to the progression and for inhibition of tumor growth. Recent studies suggest that the quality, not the quantity, of the inflammatory infiltrate is the most important determinant for prognosis. Therefore, TCD8 cells and natural killer cells are the main effector cells in combating cancer. The aim of this study was to assess, through the immunohistochemical study, the expression of TCD8 lymphocytes and NK cells in epidermoid carcinoma (EC) of the lower lip. The sample consisted of 32 specimens of EC of the lower lip, of which 16 had regional lymph node metastasis, and the 16 remaining, free of metastases. The total number of positive cells at the front of invasion were evaluated quantitatively and the results were related to clinical TNM staging, histological grade of malignancy and prognostic factors. It was observed for the group with metastasis, prevalence of stages III and IV (p<0.0001). Most patients with metastasis, had a high grade of malignancy (p=0.006). Most cases classified as high grade of malignancy had stages III and IV (p=0.032). Of the total sample, there were three cases of recurrence and five with death, however these variables were not statistically significant when associated with clinicopathological parameters. The immunostaining of CD8 and CD57, respectively, showed no statistically significant association with any of the clinicopathological parameters studied, metastasis (p=0.346, p=0.622), TNM classification (p=0.146, p=0.576), histological grade of malignancy (p=0.936, p=936), recurrence (p=0.075, p=0.075) and death (p=0.897, p=0.856). Believing in the function of the immunological system against malignant cells, it is concluded that the TD8 lymphocytes and NK cells, would be acting in the control of the progression of malignant neoplasms, but not in isolated manner


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Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm in the oral cavity, accounting for more than 90% of all malignancies in this location. Cyclooxygenases (COX s) are key enzymes on arachidonic acid metabolism and prostaglandin synthesis, being expressed basically in two forms: the constitutive (COX-1) and the inducible (COX-2). Increased levels on the expression of COX-2 have been implicated in the pathogenesis tumor progression of various forms of human cancer, including oral squamous cell carcinoma, some of what suggesting a possible interaction between COX-2 and the protein expressed by the tumor suppressor gene p53, mutated in more than 50% of all human cancers. The mean of the present research consisted in analyze the correlation between the expression of COX-2 and p53, at the protein level, as well as evaluate the difference on the expression of these two proteins with the histological grading of malignancy. 34 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were selected and graded according to the histological grading system proposed by Bryne (1998) and the labeling indexes (LI s) for COX-2 and p53 evaluated using immunohistochemistry method. The results revealed that COX-2 was expressed in increased levels in most of the specimens, although there was no statistic significant correlation between LI s from COX-2 and p53 (p>0.05), and there were no statistical differences on the expression of these proteins between tumors of high and low grade of malignancy (p>0.05). Interestingly, the expression of COX-2 and p53 was detected in fragments of dysplastic oral epithelium adjacent to tumor areas, on basal and suprabasal layers. The absence of statistical correlation between the expression of COX-2 and p53 proteins do not rule ot the existence of a relation between them, were it may reflect the diversity of regulatory pathways between both, different direct and indirect inhibitory effects of COX-2 over p53, as well as the wide range of activation macheenisms for COX-2 and mutational status of the p53 gene Another conclusion point that the increased expression of COX-2 observed in oral squamous cell carcinomas suggest a role for this protein in the processes of pathogenesis and tumoral evolution of this malignant neoplasm


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The utilization of the immunohistochemical/histochemical double staining technique comes permitting the analysis of two molecular parameters at the same time in an even tissue. Starting from this, the objective of this study was to investigate the existence of differences between the number of NORS/NUCLEUS between p53 positive and p53 negative cells, as well as the existence of correlation between the medium of the NORs of the p53 positive and negative cells and the histological scores of maligninancy in 16 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma. It was first classified in agreement with the histological grade system of maligninancy proposed by Bryne (1998) and the double staining technique immunohistochemistry/histochemistry was utilized for the achievement to quantify of the NORs in p53 positive and negative cells. It had not significant differences between the medium number of NORs of the p53 positive cells and of the p53 negative cells, and they were not correlated with the histological scores of malignancy. We conclude that the related phenotype to the p53 immunohistochemical expression did not influence the average of NORS/NUCLEUS and this medium, in both positive and negative cells, is not correlated with the degree of histological aggressivity of the oral squamous cell carcinoma