974 resultados para Bioclimatic Architecture. School Architecture and Evaluation Post Occupation


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Six amphiphilic star copolymers comprising hydrophilic units of 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and hydrophobic units of methyl methacrylate (MMA) were prepared by the sequential group transfer polymerization (GTP) of the two comonomers and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) cross-linker. Four star-block copolymers of different compositions, one miktoarm star, and one statistical copolymer star were synthesized. The molecular weights (MWs) and MW distributions of all the star copolymers and their linear homopolymer and copolymer precursors were characterized by gel permeation chromatography (GPC), while the compositions of the stars were determined by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 NMR) spectroscopy. Tetrahydrofuran (THF) solutions of all the star copolymers were characterized by static light scattering to determine the absolute weight-average MW ((M) over bar (w)) and the number of arms of the stars. The R, of the stars ranged between 359,000 and 565,000 g mol(-1), while their number of arms ranged between 39 and 120. The star copolymers were soluble in acidic water at pH 4 giving transparent or slightly opaque solutions, with the exception of the very hydrophobic DMAEMA(10)-b-MMA(30)-star, which gave a very opaque solution. Only the random copolymer star was completely dispersed in neutral water, giving a very opaque solution. The effective pKs of the copolymer stars were determined by hydrogen ion titration and were found to be in the range 6.5-7.6. The pHs of precipitation of the star copolymer solutions/dispersions were found to be between 8.8-10.1, except for the most hydrophobic DMA-EMA(10)-b-MMA(30)-Star, which gave a very opaque solution over the whole pH range. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article will introduce a specially-commissioned edition of the JSS centering on articles developed from the International Symposium May 2014 by the Recomposing the City project.


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This paper investigates relationships between modernity and monumentality in the architecture of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. In his Modern Architecture, the critic and historian Kenneth Frampton separated Mies’ work into two historical periods, 1921-1933 and 1933-1967; the first he entitled ‘Mies van der Rohe and the significance of fact,’ the second ‘Mies van der Rohe and the monumentalisation of technique.’ The two historical periods correspond to two different geopolitical phases of Mies’ career, the first in Weimar Germany the second in the United States. By looking at a number of designs and texts made by Mies in the 1930’s and 1940’s, this essay questions the validity of separating Mies’ architecture into such clear-cut categories, where each one can enjoy a seeming independence from the other. The fulcrum for the discussion is Mies’ design of 1930 for a country golf clubhouse for the industrial town of Krefeld in north-western Germany. Our attention to the golf clubhouse design was prompted by the recent installation (2013), in which a 1-1 model of the design, made primarily from plywood, was erected in a field close the the site of Mies' original proposal.


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Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Globalization is widely regarded as the rise of the borderless world. However in practice, true globalization points rather to a “spatial logic” by which globalization is manifested locally in the shape of insular space. Globalization in this sense is not merely about the creation of physical fragmentation of space but also the creation of social disintegration. This study tries to proof that global processes also create various forms of insular space leading also to specific social implications. In order to examine the problem this study looks at two cases: China’s Pearl River Delta (PRD) and Jakarta in Indonesia. The PRD case reveals three forms of insular space namely the modular, concealed and the hierarchical. The modular points to the form of enclosed factories where workers are vulnerable for human-right violations due to the absent of public control. The concealed refers to the production of insular space by subtle discrimination against certain social groups in urban space. And the hierarchical points to a production of insular space that is formed by an imbalanced population flow. The Jakarta case attempts to show more types of insularity in relation to the complexity of a mega-city which is shaped by a culture of exclusion. Those are dormant and hollow insularity. The dormant refers to the genesis of insular– radical – community from a culture of resistance. The last type, the hollow, points to the process of making a “pseudo community” where sense of community is not really developed as well as weak social relationship with its surrounding. Although global process creates various expressions of territorial insularization, however, this study finds that the “line of flight” is always present, where the border of insularity is crossed. The PRD’s produces vernacular modernization done by peasants which is less likely to be controlled by the politics of insularization. In Jakarta, the culture of insularization causes urban informalities that have no space, neither spatially nor socially; hence their state of ephemerality continues as a tactic of place-making. This study argues that these crossings possess the potential for reconciling venue to defuse the power of insularity.


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The technologies and methodologies of assembly design and evaluation in the early design stage are highly significant to product development. This paper looks at a promising technology to mix real components (e.g. physical prototypes, assembly tools, machines, etc.) with virtual components to create an Augmented Reality (AR) interface for assembly process evaluation. The goal of this paper is to clarify the methodologies and enabling technologies of how to establish an AR assembly simulation and evaluation environment. The architecture of an AR assembly system is proposed and the important functional modules including AR environment set-up, design for assembly (DFA) analysis and AR assembly sequence planning in an AR environment are discussed in detail.


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Guía para la visita de las salas diez y trece del Museo de Arte Moderno de Cataluña. Estas salas tratan contenidos sobre el Modernismo, concretamente sobre la arquitectura y las artes decorativas. Mediante un mapa, esta guía orienta al visitante por los distintos espacios de las salas.


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La present tesi pretén recollir l'experiència viscuda en desenvolupar un sistema supervisor intel·ligent per a la millora de la gestió de plantes depuradores d'aigües residuals., implementar-lo en planta real (EDAR Granollers) i avaluar-ne el funcionament dia a dia amb situacions típiques de la planta. Aquest sistema supervisor combina i integra eines de control clàssic de les plantes depuradores (controlador automàtic del nivell d'oxigen dissolt al reactor biològic, ús de models descriptius del procés...) amb l'aplicació d'eines del camp de la intel·ligència artificial (sistemes basats en el coneixement, concretament sistemes experts i sistemes basats en casos, i xarxes neuronals). Aquest document s'estructura en 9 capítols diferents. Hi ha una primera part introductòria on es fa una revisió de l'estat actual del control de les EDARs i s'explica el perquè de la complexitat de la gestió d'aquests processos (capítol 1). Aquest capítol introductori juntament amb el capítol 2, on es pretén explicar els antecedents d'aquesta tesi, serveixen per establir els objectius d'aquest treball (capítol 3). A continuació, el capítol 4 descriu les peculiaritats i especificitats de la planta que s'ha escollit per implementar el sistema supervisor. Els capítols 5 i 6 del present document exposen el treball fet per a desenvolupar el sistema basat en regles o sistema expert (capítol 6) i el sistema basat en casos (capítol 7). El capítol 8 descriu la integració d'aquestes dues eines de raonament en una arquitectura multi nivell distribuïda. Finalment, hi ha una darrer capítol que correspon a la avaluació (verificació i validació), en primer lloc, de cadascuna de les eines per separat i, posteriorment, del sistema global en front de situacions reals que es donin a la depuradora