951 resultados para Bilogical life, open system, metabolism, feed back mechnisms, teleonomy
By using a simplified model of small open liquid-like clusters with surface effects, in the gas phase, it is shown how the statistical thermodynamics of small systems can be extended to include metastable supersaturated gaseous states not too far from the gas–liquid equilibrium transition point. To accomplish this, one has to distinguish between mathematical divergence and physical convergence of the open-system partition function.
Thesis is about the enterprise reform in China in general, and the Contract Management Responsibility System (the CMRS) in particular. The latter is a new institutional arrangement to deal with the relation between the government and the state-owned enterprise which has always been at the centre of the enterprise reform. The focus of the research is on the process of institutionalization in order to study the problems of the emergence of a free enterprise system in China. The research is conducted by four in-depth case studies to reveal how the CMRS is running and what interaction is taking place between the government and the state-owned enterprise under the system. Drawing on the empirical work, the thesis analyzes the features of the CMRS and the characteristics of its implementation process with respect to the structural-institutional paradigm, and the property rights approach. The research shows that to establish a market-type relation between the government and the enterprise is a complicated and dynamic process. It involves the understanding of the two different economic mechanisms, market and planning, and the interations taken by two parties. It concludes that the CMRS is an unstable system, either going back to the previous system or moving towards a market system, because its dynamic and control dimension are dysfunctional.
Return-to-Zero (RZ) and Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) Differential Phase Shift Keyed (DPSK) systems require cheap and optimal transmitters for widespread implementation. The authors report on a gain switched Discrete Mode (DM) laser that can be employed as a cost efficient transmitter in a 10.7 Gb/s RZ DPSK system and compare its performance to that of a gain switched Distributed Feed-Back (DFB) laser. Experimental results show that the gain switched DM laser readily provides error free performance and a receiver sensitivity of -33.1 dBm in the 10.7 Gbit/s RZ DPSK system. The standard DFB laser on the other hand displays an error floor at 10(-1) in the same RZ DPSK system. The difference in performance, between the two types of gain switched transmitters, is analysed by investigating their linewidths. We also demonstrate, for the first time, the generation of a highly coherent gain switched pulse train which displays a spectral comb of approximately 13 sidebands spaced by the 10.7 GHz modulation frequency. The filtered side-bands are then employed as narrow linewidth Continuous Wave (CW) sources in a 10.7 Gb/s NRZ DPSK system.
Minimal access procedures in surgery offer benefits of reduced patient recovery time and less pain, yet for the surgeon the task is more complex, as both tactile and visual perception of the working site is reduced. In this paper, experimental evidence of the performance of a novel sensing system embedded in an actuated flexible digit element is presented. The digit represents a steerable tip element of devices such as endoscopes and laparoscopes. This solution is able to discriminate types of contact and tissue interaction, and to feed back this information with the shape of the flexible digit. As an alternative to this information, force level, force distribution, and other quantifiable descriptors can also be evaluated. These can be used to aid perception in processes such as navigation and investigation of tissues through palpation. The solution is pragmatic, and by virtue of its efficient mechanical construction and a polymer construction, it offers opportunities for a disposable element with suitability for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other scanning environments. By using only four photonics sensing elements, full perception of tissue contact and the shape of the actuated digit can be described in the feedback of this information. The distributive sensory method applied to the sensory signals relies on the coupled values of the sensory data transients of the four deployed sensing elements to discriminate tissue interaction directly in near real time.
Minimal access procedures in surgery offer benefits of reduced patient recovery time and less pain, yet for the surgeon the task is more complex, as both tactile and visual perception of the working site is reduced. In this paper, experimental evidence of the performance of a novel sensing system embedded in an actuated flexible digit element is presented. The digit represents a steerable tip element of devices such as endoscopes and laparoscopes. This solution is able to discriminate types of contact and tissue interaction, and to feed back this information with the shape of the flexible digit. As an alternative to this information, force level, force distribution, and other quantifiable descriptors can also be evaluated. These can be used to aid perception in processes such as navigation and investigation of tissues through palpation. The solution is pragmatic, and by virtue of its efficient mechanical construction and a polymer construction, it offers opportunities for a disposable element with suitability for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other scanning environments. By using only four photonics sensing elements, full perception of tissue contact and the shape of the actuated digit can be described in the feedback of this information. The distributive sensory method applied to the sensory signals relies on the coupled values of the sensory data transients of the four deployed sensing elements to discriminate tissue interaction directly in near real time.
We present a comparative study of the influence of dispersion induced phase noise for n-level PSK systems. From the analysis, we conclude that the phase noise influence for classical homodyne/heterodyne PSK systems is entirely determined by the modulation complexity (expressed in terms of constellation diagram) and the analogue demodulation format. On the other hand, the use of digital signal processing (DSP) in homodyne/intradyne systems renders a fiber length dependence originating from the generation of equalization enhanced phase noise. For future high capacity systems, high constellations must be used in order to lower the symbol rate to practically manageable speeds, and this fact puts severe requirements to the signal and local oscillator (LO) linewidths. Our results for the bit-error-rate (BER) floor caused by the phase noise influence in the case of QPSK, 16PSK and 64PSK systems outline tolerance limitations for the LO performance: 5 MHz linewidth (at 3-dB level) for 100 Gbit/s QPSK; 1 MHz for 400 Gbit/s QPSK; 0.1 MHz for 400 Gbit/s 16PSK and 1 Tbit/s 64PSK systems. This defines design constrains for the phase noise impact in distributed-feed-back (DFB) or distributed-Bragg-reflector (DBR) semiconductor lasers, that would allow moving the system capacity from 100 Gbit/s system capacity to 400 Gbit/s in 3 years (1 Tbit/s in 5 years). It is imperative at the same time to increase the analogue to digital conversion (ADC) speed such that the single quadrature symbol rate goes from today's 25 GS/s to 100 GS/s (using two samples per symbol). © 2014 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston.
El doble aspecto documental y artístico de la escritura de la historia ha quedado prácticamente oculto por la insistencia en el carácter científico de la disciplina y su expulsión subsiguiente del canon literario desde el siglo XIX. El cultivo de la historiografía ficticia o imaginaria (fictohistoria) surgió entonces como un modo de salvar la literariedad de la historia, en su calidad de género formal, mediante el uso del discurso historiográfico como procedimiento retórico para conseguir un efecto de historicidad en textos que son, no obstante, claramente ficticios, y que tienen a menudo un carácter satírico o admonitorio. Esto no está reñido con el hecho de que la mayoría manifieste en primer lugar una reflexión sobre el devenir de la humanidad, es decir, sobre la Historia. Los ejemplos de este género son relativamente abundantes y se pueden clasificar en varias categorías temáticas. Esta segunda parte del estudio se centra en la historia prospectiva.
Das Wort Transparenz ist aus den aktuellen, öffentlichen Debatten um Informationsfreiheit nicht mehr wegzudenken. Doch wer den Transparenzdiskurs ausschließlich auf politischer Ebene im Kontext von Whistleblowern, Wikileaks, NSA-Affäre oder Piraten-Partei verortet, verkennt, dass Transparenz, wie Han feststellt, als ein systematischer Zwang wirkt, der alle gesellschaftlichen Bereiche – also auch das Bildungswesen – erfasst und sie tiefgreifend verändert. [...] Die Hattie-Studie markiert hier einen besonderen Höhepunkt, da sie alle bisher veröffentlichten Studien an Umfang und Aufwand deutlich übertrifft und dabei den Anspruch erhebt, Lernen und Lehren sichtbar zu machen. Doch welches Recht hat der Sehende auf das Sichtbar-zu-Machende? Wer profitiert hier? Unter welchen Bedingungen kann der oder die Durch-Schaute diese Veräußerung des Selbst verweigern, d.h. seine bzw. ihre Undurchschaubarkeit geltend machen? Welche anthropologischen und gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen folgen aus dem Anspruch, den Menschen durchschaubar zu machen? Und dürfen bzw. können wir die Preisgabe von Geheimnissen bedenkenlos fordern? Bevor diese Fragen rund um die Hattie-Studie erörtert werden, sei zum Zwecke eines tieferen Verständnisses zunächst nach der Herkunft dieses Transparenztraums und des damit verbundenen Strebens nach Durch-Sichtigkeit von Mensch und Gesellschaft gefragt. (DIPF/Orig.)
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE), Guimarães, 2016
International audience
Interaction of rocks with fluids can significantly change mineral assemblage and structure. This so-called hydrothermal alteration is ubiquitous in the Earth’s crust. Though the behavior of hydrothermally altered rocks can have planet-scale consequences, such as facilitating oceanic spreading along slow ridge segments and recycling volatiles into the mantle at subduction zones, the mechanisms involved in the hydrothermal alteration are often microscopic. Fluid-rock interactions take place where the fluid and rock meet. Fluid distribution, flux rate and reactive surface area control the efficiency and extent of hydrothermal alteration. Fluid-rock interactions, such as dissolution, precipitation and fluid mediated fracture and frictional sliding lead to changes in porosity and pore structure that feed back into the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of the bulk rock. Examining the nature of this highly coupled system involves coordinating observations of the mineralogy and structure of naturally altered rocks and laboratory investigation of the fine scale mechanisms of transformation under controlled conditions. In this study, I focus on fluid-rock interactions involving two common lithologies, carbonates and ultramafics, in order to elucidate the coupling between mechanical, hydraulic and chemical processes in these rocks. I perform constant strain-rate triaxial deformation and constant-stress creep tests on several suites of samples while monitoring the evolution of sample strain, permeability and physical properties. Subsequent microstructures are analyzed using optical and scanning electron microscopy. This work yields laboratory-based constraints on the extent and mechanisms of water weakening in carbonates and carbonation reactions in ultramafic rocks. I find that inundation with pore fluid thereby reducing permeability. This effect is sensitive to pore fluid saturation with respect to calcium carbonate. Fluid inundation weakens dunites as well. The addition of carbon dioxide to pore fluid enhances compaction and partial recovery of strength compared to pure water samples. Enhanced compaction in CO2-rich fluid samples is not accompanied by enhanced permeability reduction. Analysis of sample microstructures indicates that precipitation of carbonates along fracture surfaces is responsible for the partial restrengthening and channelized dissolution of olivine is responsible for permeability maintenance.
Back-pressure on a diesel engine equipped with an aftertreatment system is a function of the pressure drop across the individual components of the aftertreatment system, typically, a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), catalyzed particulate filter (CPF) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst. Pressure drop across the CPF is a function of the mass flow rate and the temperature of the exhaust flowing through it as well as the mass of particulate matter (PM) retained in the substrate wall and the cake layer that forms on the substrate wall. Therefore, in order to control the back-pressure on the engine at low levels and to minimize the fuel consumption, it is important to control the PM mass retained in the CPF. Chemical reactions involving the oxidation of PM under passive oxidation and active regeneration conditions can be utilized with computer numerical models in the engine control unit (ECU) to control the pressure drop across the CPF. Hence, understanding and predicting the filtration and oxidation of PM in the CPF and the effect of these processes on the pressure drop across the CPF are necessary for developing control strategies for the aftertreatment system to reduce back-pressure on the engine and in turn fuel consumption particularly from active regeneration. Numerical modeling of CPF's has been proven to reduce development time and the cost of aftertreatment systems used in production as well as to facilitate understanding of the internal processes occurring during different operating conditions that the particulate filter is subjected to. A numerical model of the CPF was developed in this research work which was calibrated to data from passive oxidation and active regeneration experiments in order to determine the kinetic parameters for oxidation of PM and nitrogen oxides along with the model filtration parameters. The research results include the comparison between the model and the experimental data for pressure drop, PM mass retained, filtration efficiencies, CPF outlet gas temperatures and species (NO2) concentrations out of the CPF. Comparisons of PM oxidation reaction rates obtained from the model calibration to the data from the experiments for ULSD, 10 and 20% biodiesel-blended fuels are presented.
Intelligent systems are currently inherent to the society, supporting a synergistic human-machine collaboration. Beyond economical and climate factors, energy consumption is strongly affected by the performance of computing systems. The quality of software functioning may invalidate any improvement attempt. In addition, data-driven machine learning algorithms are the basis for human-centered applications, being their interpretability one of the most important features of computational systems. Software maintenance is a critical discipline to support automatic and life-long system operation. As most software registers its inner events by means of logs, log analysis is an approach to keep system operation. Logs are characterized as Big data assembled in large-flow streams, being unstructured, heterogeneous, imprecise, and uncertain. This thesis addresses fuzzy and neuro-granular methods to provide maintenance solutions applied to anomaly detection (AD) and log parsing (LP), dealing with data uncertainty, identifying ideal time periods for detailed software analyses. LP provides deeper semantics interpretation of the anomalous occurrences. The solutions evolve over time and are general-purpose, being highly applicable, scalable, and maintainable. Granular classification models, namely, Fuzzy set-Based evolving Model (FBeM), evolving Granular Neural Network (eGNN), and evolving Gaussian Fuzzy Classifier (eGFC), are compared considering the AD problem. The evolving Log Parsing (eLP) method is proposed to approach the automatic parsing applied to system logs. All the methods perform recursive mechanisms to create, update, merge, and delete information granules according with the data behavior. For the first time in the evolving intelligent systems literature, the proposed method, eLP, is able to process streams of words and sentences. Essentially, regarding to AD accuracy, FBeM achieved (85.64+-3.69)%; eGNN reached (96.17+-0.78)%; eGFC obtained (92.48+-1.21)%; and eLP reached (96.05+-1.04)%. Besides being competitive, eLP particularly generates a log grammar, and presents a higher level of model interpretability.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Since 1964, the Center for Geochronological Research - CPGeo, one of the interdepartmental centers of the Instituto de Geociências (IG) of São Paulo University, has developed studies related to several geological processes associated with different rock types. Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Isotopic Dilution (ID-TIMS) has been the technique widely used in the CPGeo U-Pb Laboratory. It provides reliable and accurate results in age determination of superposed events. However, the open-system behavior such as Pb-loss, the inheritance problem and metamictization processes allow and impel us to a much richer understanding of the power and limitations of U-Pb geochronology and thermochronology. In this article, we present the current methodology used at the CPGeo-IGc-USP U-Pb laboratory, the improvements on ID-TIMS method, and report high-precision U-Pb data from zircon, monazite, epidote, titanite, baddeleyite and rutile from different rock types of several domains of the Brazilian south-southeast area, Argentina and Uruguay.