885 resultados para Bile ducts


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Formerly obese patients having undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) display both an accelerated digestion and absorption of carbohydrate and an increased plasma glucose clearance rate after meal ingestion. How RYGB effects postprandial kinetics of dietary lipids has yet not been investigated. METHODS: Plasma triglyceride (TG), apoB48, total apoB, bile acids (BA), fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19), and cholecystokinin (CCK) were measured in post-absorptive conditions and over 4-h following the ingestion of a mixed test meal in a cross-sectional, pilot study involving 11 formerly obese female patients 33.8 ± 16.4 months after RYGB surgery and in 11 weight- and age-matched female control participants. RESULTS: Compared to controls, RYGB patients had faster (254 ± 14 vs. 327 ± 7 min, p < 0.05) and lower (0.14 ± 0.04 vs. 0.35 ± 0.07 mM, p < 0.05) peak TG responses, but their peak apoB48 responses tended to be higher (2692 ± 336 vs. 1841 ± 228 ng/ml, p = 0.09). Their postprandial total BA concentrations were significantly increased and peaked earlier after meal ingestion than in controls. Their FGF19 and CCK concentrations also peaked earlier and to a higher value. CONCLUSIONS: The early postprandial apoB48 and BA responses indicate that RYGB accelerated the rate of dietary lipid absorption. The lower postprandial peak TG strongly suggests that the RYGB simultaneously increased the clearance of TG-rich lipoproteins. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01891591.


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Aims: This study was carried out to investigate the role of common liver function tests, and the degree of common bile duct dilatation in the differential diagnosis of extrahepatic cholestasis, as well as the occurrence, diagnosis and treatment of iatrogenic bile duct injuries. In bile duct injuries, special attention was paid to gender and severity distribution and long-term results. Patients and methods: All consecutive patients with diagnosed common bile duct stones or malignant strictures in ERCP between August 2000 and November 2003. Common liver function tests were measured in the morning before ERCP on all of these 212 patients, and their common bile duct diameter was measured from ERCP films. Between January 1995 and April 2002, 3736 laparoscopic cholecystectomies were performed and a total of 32 bile duct injuries were diagnosed. All pre-, per-, and postoperative data were collected retrospectively; and the patients were also interviewed by phone. Results: Plasma bilirubin proved to be the best discriminator between CBD stones and malignant strictures (p≤0.001 compared to other liver function tests and degree of common bile duct dilatation). The same effect was seen in Receiver Operating Characteristics curves (AUC 0.867). With a plasma bilirubin cut-off value of 145 μmol/l, four out of five patients could be classified correctly. The degree of common bile duct dilatation proved to be worthless in differential diagnostics. After laparoscopic cholecystectomy the total risk for bile duct injury was 0.86%, including cystic duct leaks. 86% of severe injuries and 88% of injuries requiring operative treatment were diagnosed in females. All the cystic duct leakages and 87% of the strictures were treated endoscopically. Good long-term results were seen in 84% of the whole study population. Conclusions: Plasma bilirubin is the most effective liver function test in differential diagnosis between CBD stones and malignant strictures. The only value of common bile duct dilatation is its ability to verify the presence of extrahepatic cholestasis. Female gender was associated with higher number of iatrogenic bile duct injuries, and in particular, most of the major complications occur in females. Most of the cystic duct leaks and common bile duct strictures can be treated endoscopically. The long-term results in our institution are at an internationally acceptable level.


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We show an anatomical modification of extrahepatic biliary ducts in a fifty-eight years old female who presented right hipocondric pain, jaundice and fever two months after cholecystectomy. The patient underwent ERCP wich showed an anatomical modification that consists in an union of the right and left hepatic ducts, with insertion into the cystic duct, right hepatic duct, being a choledochus agenesis.


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The authors present a case of distal common bile duct injury. Ligation of the bile duct and a bypass cholecystojejunostomy were chosen as treatment. Diagnosis of blunt traumatic injury to the extrahepatic biliary ducts may be difficult due to the benign nature of initial bile peritonitis. Surgical treatment for associated abdominal injuries usually makes the diagnosis possible. One of the challenges in the treatment of these injuries relates to the small diameter of the, usually, normal common bile duct. Primary repair and T tube drainage is the best option for non-complex injuries. End-to-end anastomosis and, preferentially, biliary-enteric anastomosis are the best surgical options for more complex injuries. Severe injuries have high complication rates, especially when the distal portion of the common bile duct is affected. Early leaks and late strictures are likely to develop in these situations. Cholecistojejunostomy and ligation of the injuried common bile duct are good surgical options for complex injuries. They carry a low complication rate and consequently low morbidity.


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Common bile duct cysts are rare congenital anomalies which have been diagnosed only in twenty per cent of adults. The etiology is uncertain, but many patients have an anomalous pancreatobiliary junction anatomy. We present a case of a young man with a type I Alonso-Lej/ Todani common bile duct cyst and an anomalous common bile duct-pancreatic junction anatomy. Because the common bile duct did not have a segment of normal caliber, to avoid compromising with the pancreatic channel after the excision of the cyst, we performed a Roux-en-Y anastomosis by anastomosing the biliary duct to the proximal excluded jejunal loop and the common duct-pancreatic junction to the same more distally loop.


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Thousands of tons of pharmaceuticals are consumed yearly worldwide. Due to the continuous and increasing consumption and their incomplete elimination in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), pharmaceuticals and their metabolites can be detected in receiving waters, although at low concentrations (ng to low μg/L). As bioactive molecules the presence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment must be considered potentially hazardous for the aquatic organisms. In this thesis, the biotransformation and excretion of pharmaceuticals in fish was studied. The main biotransformation pathways of three anti‐inflammatory drugs, diclofenac, naproxen and ibuprofen, in rainbow trout were glucuronidation and taurine conjugation of the parent compounds and their phase I metabolites. The same metabolites were present in fish bile in aquatic exposures as in fish dosed with intraperitoneal injection. Higher bioconcentration factor in bile (BCFbile) was found for ibuprofen when compared to diclofenac and naproxen. Laboratory exposure studies were followed by a study of uptake of pharmaceuticals in a wild fish population living in lake contaminated with WWTP effluents. Of the analyzed 17 pharmaceuticals and six phase I metabolites, only diclofenac, naproxen and ibuprofen was present in bream and roach bile. It was shown, that diclofenac, naproxen and ibuprofen excreted by the liver can be found in rainbow trout and in two native fish species living in the receiving waters. In the bream and roach bile, the concentrations of diclofenac, naproxen and ibuprofen were roughly 1000 times higher than those found in the lake water, while in the laboratory exposures, the bioconcentration of the compounds and their metabolites in rainbow trout bile were at the same level as in wild fish or an order of magnitude higher. Thus, the parent compounds and their metabolites in fish bile can be used as a reliable biomarker to monitor the exposure of fish to environmental pharmaceuticals present in water receiving discharges from WWTPs.


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β-catenin and c-myc play important roles in the development of tissues and organs. However, little is known about their expression patterns during the development of the human common bile duct. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect β-catenin and c-myc expression in common bile duct samples from postmortem tissues of 14 premature infants and 6 spontaneously aborted fetuses. The expression of β-catenin and c-myc was also analyzed by Western blot. The samples were divided into four groups based on the stage of human fetal development: 12, 13-27, 28-37, and >37 weeks. The Image-Pro Plus v. 6.0 image analysis software was used to calculate the mean qualifying score (MQS). At fetal stages 12, 13-27, 28-37, and >37 weeks, MQS of β-catenin were 612.52±262.13, 818.38±311.73, 706.33±157.19, and 350.69±110.19, respectively. There was a significant difference in MQS among the four groups (ANOVA, P=0.0155) and between the scores at >37 and 13-27 weeks (Student-Newman-Keuls, P<0.05). At fetal stages 12, 13-27, 28-37, and >37 weeks, the MQS of c-myc were 1376.64±330.04, 1224.18±171.66, 1270.24±320.75, and 741.04±219.19, respectively. There was a significant difference in MQS among the four groups (ANOVA, P=0.0087) and between the scores at >37 and 12 weeks, >37 and 13-27 weeks, and >37 and 28-37 weeks (all P<0.05, Student-Newman-Keuls). Western blots showed that β-catenin and c-myc expression were significantly higher in fetal than in postnatal control duct tissue (P<0.05). c-myc and β-catenin are involved in the normal development of the human common bile duct.


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We previously described a selective bile duct ligation model to elucidate the process of hepatic fibrogenesis in children with biliary atresia or intrahepatic biliary stenosis. Using this model, we identified changes in the expression of alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) both in the obstructed parenchyma and in the hepatic parenchyma adjacent to the obstruction. However, the expression profiles of desmin and TGF-β1, molecules known to be involved in hepatic fibrogenesis, were unchanged when analyzed by semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Thus, the molecular mechanisms involved in the modulation of liver fibrosis in this experimental model are not fully understood. This study aimed to evaluate the molecular changes in an experimental model of selective bile duct ligation and to compare the gene expression changes observed in RT-PCR and in real-time quantitative PCR (qRT‐PCR). Twenty-eight Wistar rats of both sexes and weaning age (21-23 days old) were used. The rats were separated into groups that were assessed 7 or 60 days after selective biliary duct ligation. The expression of desmin, α-SMA and TGF-β1 was examined in tissue from hepatic parenchyma with biliary obstruction (BO) and in hepatic parenchyma without biliary obstruction (WBO), using RT-PCR and qRT‐PCR. The results obtained in this study using these two methods were significantly different. The BO parenchyma had a more severe fibrogenic reaction, with increased α-SMA and TGF-β1 expression after 7 days. The WBO parenchyma presented a later, fibrotic response, with increased desmin expression 7 days after surgery and increased α-SMA 60 days after surgery. The qRT‐PCR technique was more sensitive to expression changes than the semiquantitative method.


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Air duct running along the utilities tunnel.


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Les acides biliaires sont des composés naturels existants dans le corps humain. Leur biocompatibilité, leur caractère amphiphile et la rigidité de leur noyau stéroïdien, ainsi que l’excellent contrôle de leurs modifications chimiques, en font de remarquables candidats pour la préparation de matériaux biodégradables pour le relargage de médicaments et l'ingénierie tissulaire. Nous avons préparé une variété de polymères à base d’acides biliaires ayant de hautes masses molaires. Des monomères macrocycliques ont été synthétisés à partir de diènes composés de chaînes alkyles flexibles attachées à un noyau d'acide biliaire via des liens esters ou amides. Ces synthèses ont été réalisées par la fermeture de cycle par métathèse, utilisant le catalyseur de Grubbs de première génération. Les macrocycles obtenus ont ensuite été polymérisés par ouverture de cycle, entropiquement induite le catalyseur de Grubbs de seconde génération. Des copolymères ont également été préparés à partir de monolactones d'acide ricinoléique et de monomères cycliques de triester d’acide cholique via la même méthode. Les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques et la dégradabilité de ces polymères ont été étudiées. Elles peuvent être modulées en modifiant les différents groupes fonctionnels décorant l’acide biliaire et en ayant recours à la copolymérisation. La variation des caractéristiques physiques de ces polymères biocompatibles permet de moduler d’autres propriétés utiles, tel que l’effet de mémoire de forme qui est important pour des applications biomédicales.


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La préparation de polymères à base d’acides biliaires, molécules biologiques, a attiré l'attention des chercheurs en raison des applications potentielles dans les domaines biomédicaux et pharmaceutiques. L’objectif de ce travail est de synthétiser de nouveaux biopolymères dont la chaîne principale est constituée d’unités d’acides biliaires. La polymérisation par étapes a été adoptée dans ce projet afin de préparer les deux principales classes de polymères utilisés en fibres textiles: les polyamides et les polyesters. Des monomères hétéro-fonctionnels à base d’acides biliaires ont été synthétisés et utilisés afin de surmonter le déséquilibre stoechiométrique lors de la polymérisation par étapes. Le dérivé de l’acide lithocholique modifié par une fonction amine et un groupement carboxylique protégé a été polymérisé en masse à températures élevées. Les polyamides obtenus sont très peu solubles dans les solvants organiques. Des polyamides et des polyesters solubles en milieu organique ont pu être obtenus dans des conditions modérées en utilisant l’acide cholique modifié par des groupements azide et alcyne. La polymérisation a été réalisée par cycloaddition azoture-alcyne catalysée par l'intermédiaire du cuivre(Ι) avec deux systèmes catalytiques différents, le bromure de cuivre(I) et le sulfate de cuivre(II). Seul le bromure de cuivre(Ι) s’est avéré être un catalyseur efficace pour le système, permettant la préparation des polymères avec un degré de polymérisation égale à 50 et une distribution monomodale de masse moléculaire (PDI ˂ 1.7). Les polymères synthétisés à base d'acide cholique sont thermiquement stables (307 °C ≤ Td ≤ 372 °C) avec des températures de transition vitreuse élevées (137 °C ≤ Tg ≤ 167 °C) et modules de Young au-dessus de 280 MPa, dépendamment de la nature chimique du lien.


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The pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy is multifactorial, involving gut-derived toxins such as ammonia, which has been demonstrated to induce oxidative stress. Therefore, a primary hepatic encephalopathy treatment target is reducing ammonia production in the gastrointestinal tract. AST-120, an oral adsorbent of engineered activated carbon microspheres with surface areas exceeding 1600 m(2) /g, acts as a sink for neurotoxins and hepatotoxins present in the gut. We evaluated the capacity of AST-120 to adsorb ammonia in vitro and to lower blood ammonia, oxidative stress and brain edema in cirrhotic rats. Cirrhosis was induced in rats by bile duct ligation for 6 weeks. AST-120 was administered by gavage preventively for 6 weeks (0.1, 1, and 4 g/kg/day). In addition, AST-120 was evaluated as a short-term treatment for 2 weeks and 3 days (1 g/kg/day) and as a sink to adsorb intravenously infused ammonium acetate. In vitro, AST-120 efficiently adsorbed ammonia. Ammonia levels significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner for all AST-120-treated bile duct-ligated rats (nontreated: 177.3 ± 30.8 μM; AST-120, 0.1 g/kg/day: 121.9 ± 13.8 μM; AST-120, 1 g/kg/day: 80.9 ± 30.0 μM; AST-120, 4 g/kg/day: 48.8 ± 19.6 μM) and significantly correlated with doses of AST-120 (r = -0.6603). Brain water content and locomotor activity normalized after AST-120 treatments, whereas arterial reactive oxygen species levels remained unchanged. Furthermore, AST-120 significantly attenuated a rise in arterial ammonia after ammonium acetate administration (intravenously). Conclusion:AST-120 treatment decreased arterial ammonia levels, normalized brain water content and locomotor activity but did not demonstrate an effect on systemic oxidative stress. Also, AST-120 acts as an ammonia sink, efficiently removing blood-derived ammonia. Additional studies are warranted to evaluate the effects of AST-120 on hepatic encephalopathy in patients with advanced liver disease. (HEPATOLOGY 2011;).


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Se analizan las referencias que aparecen en el BILE (Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza) sobre la educación de los deficientes auditivos y oculares. Se puede afirmar la preocupación de los institucionistas por dar a conocer la situación real de los afectados por este tipo de deficiencias físicas, así como dar a conocer las tendencias pedagógicas y médicas que se estaban poniendo en práctica en otros lugares del mundo. El BILE encarnó el espíritu reformador e innovador de la enseñanza en nuestro país, el esfuerzo para que España avanzará en la formación de sus jóvenes, el de crear centros vanguardistas en la concepción de pedagogía en todos sus ámbitos, así como en la aplicación de las nuevas corrientes pedagógicas en su organización.


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En este artículo presento un análisis descriptivo del Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza en sus dos épocas de existencia. Periodos delimitados por los acontecimientos de nuestra guerra civil. La PRIMERA es la más importante por su duración, abarca sesenta años de publicación ininterrumpida, desde el año 1877 hasta la mitad de 1936. La SEGUNDA época del B.I.L.E, es relativamente reciente, reaparece en 1987 y lo edita la Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos. El revisar que misión se propuso esta revista, sus comienzos, evolución y estructuras contribuirá al convencimiento de que el Boletín constituye una fuente documental valiosísima e imprescindible para el estudioso de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza y también para quien quiera profundizar en la evolución de la Historia de la Educación Española de finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. Especialmente es fuente necesaria para conocer nuestra incorporación al Movimiento Pedagógico de la Escuela Nueva, directrices educativas que fueron seguidas por la I.L.E y de cuyos principios y realizaciones ha quedado constancia en las páginas de su Boletín.