961 resultados para Big business
This ranks private, public and foreign-affiliated companies by the number of employees on their South Carolina payrolls as of July 1, 2008, and then compares the progress of participating companies from year to year. The South Carolina Big 50 includes financial institutions, insurance companies, retailers, retail establishments, hospitals and healthcare organizations. The South Carolina Big 50, however, does exclude government agencies and organizations. The top company remained the same as in the 2007 issue, with Wal-Mart Stores Inc. continuing to be ranked No. 1. BI-LO LLC and Palmetto Health moved from No. 3 and No. 4 to No. 2 and No. 3 respectively.
This study considers the literature on the persistence of business groups in developed economies and analyzes the Portuguese case. The reconstruction of the largest business groups assembles information relevant to define characteristics that enable them to thrive. Increasing internationalization, more specialization in core activities and family control define these types of big businesses. New sectors also emerge as a characteristic of these business groups when compared to the ones existing 40 years ago.
A Internet das Coisas tal como o Big Data e a análise dos dados são dos temas mais discutidos ao querermos observar ou prever as tendências do mercado para as próximas décadas, como o volume económico, financeiro e social, pelo que será relevante perceber a importância destes temas na atualidade. Nesta dissertação será descrita a origem da Internet das Coisas, a sua definição (por vezes confundida com o termo Machine to Machine, redes interligadas de máquinas controladas e monitorizadas remotamente e que possibilitam a troca de dados (Bahga e Madisetti 2014)), o seu ecossistema que envolve a tecnologia, software, dispositivos, aplicações, a infra-estrutura envolvente, e ainda os aspetos relacionados com a segurança, privacidade e modelos de negócios da Internet das Coisas. Pretende-se igualmente explicar cada um dos “Vs” associados ao Big Data: Velocidade, Volume, Variedade e Veracidade, a importância da Business Inteligence e do Data Mining, destacando-se algumas técnicas utilizadas de modo a transformar o volume dos dados em conhecimento para as empresas. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é a análise das áreas de IoT, modelos de negócio e as implicações do Big Data e da análise de dados como elementos chave para a dinamização do negócio de uma empresa nesta área. O mercado da Internet of Things tem vindo a ganhar dimensão, fruto da Internet e da tecnologia. Devido à importância destes dois recursos e á falta de estudos em Portugal neste campo, com esta dissertação, sustentada na metodologia do “Estudo do Caso”, pretende-se dar a conhecer a experiência portuguesa no mercado da Internet das Coisas. Visa-se assim perceber quais os mecanismos utilizados para trabalhar os dados, a metodologia, sua importância, que consequências trazem para o modelo de negócio e quais as decisões tomadas com base nesses mesmos dados. Este estudo tem ainda como objetivo incentivar empresas portuguesas que estejam neste mercado ou que nele pretendam aceder, a adoptarem estratégias, mecanismos e ferramentas concretas no que diz respeito ao Big Data e análise dos dados.
This paper sets out to determine how small accounting firms can compete in the United States in the early 21st century. The first chapter identifies the central goal of the paper: namely, to use existing literature and market data to define a business strategy for Ross & Moncure, Inc., a small accounting firm in the metropolitan Washington area. The second chapter is a literature review, and in it the author finds that large accounting firms are advantaged in terms of reputation, ability to diversify, and ability to retain employees, but are disadvantaged in their ability to form longstanding successful relationships with clients. In the third chapter, the author explores the relationship between the Big Four firms and their employees. The goal of this chapter is to determine how small accounting firms can compete for top talent in the HR market, and the author finds that this can be done by offering faster career progression and more client interaction. The fourth chapter looks at the market for accounting services in the United States, exploring the different options that consumers have to meet their accounting needs. It is found in this chapter that big and small accounting firms tend to compete for clients of different profiles. In the fifth chapter, the author uses proprietary company data to explore the composition, existing strategy and culture of Ross & Moncure. In the sixth chapter, all of the previous chapters come together to formulate a strategy and plan for action for Ross & Moncure: specifically, that the firm should further cultivate networks and relationships, and should create a fulfilling professional environment by increasing client-employee interaction, encouraging external education, and allowing employees to take on many different projects
Competitividad y valor compartido
A year away from leaving the presidency, this article analyses Lula government in light of the many corruption scandals that erupted afterwards. These events showed that despite the almost unanimous conclusion of its balance sheet, Lula government leaves a big task ahead: the political reform. Priority of the Workers’ Party during the years 1980 and 1990, and subject of many academic studies, this issue has been abandoned in the 2000s, with the accession to power of Lula Da Silva. This paper evaluates the state-of-the-art on this matter and defends the need for further consideration in light of current events, and in a broader theoretical perspective than the institutional engineering one that prevailed earlier.
The Private Finance Initiative (PFI) is frequently portrayed as a vehicle for change for the UK construction sector. Significant change in the working practices of construction companies is predicted as new business models based on whole-life value creation emerge. This paper shifts the focus of discussion from projected ideals and possible developments to the current situation. More specifically, it focuses on the challenges that large firms participating in both PFI and traditional markets face. The analysis focuses on the relations between business units and on day-to-day challenges to greater long-term commitment, through life-service provision and increased integration between construction and service provision. The paper offers insights into the effects of PFI on construction practice and their implications for theorizing on organizational and strategic change. It suggests abandoning a simplistic model of the centralized, homogenous firm and instead capturing the dynamics of decentralized, large firms working in multiple markets on a variety of projects. This would assist in the provision of more realistic and fruitful models of how to realize the PFI vision.
Owing to continuous advances in the computational power of handheld devices like smartphones and tablet computers, it has become possible to perform Big Data operations including modern data mining processes onboard these small devices. A decade of research has proved the feasibility of what has been termed as Mobile Data Mining, with a focus on one mobile device running data mining processes. However, it is not before 2010 until the authors of this book initiated the Pocket Data Mining (PDM) project exploiting the seamless communication among handheld devices performing data analysis tasks that were infeasible until recently. PDM is the process of collaboratively extracting knowledge from distributed data streams in a mobile computing environment. This book provides the reader with an in-depth treatment on this emerging area of research. Details of techniques used and thorough experimental studies are given. More importantly and exclusive to this book, the authors provide detailed practical guide on the deployment of PDM in the mobile environment. An important extension to the basic implementation of PDM dealing with concept drift is also reported. In the era of Big Data, potential applications of paramount importance offered by PDM in a variety of domains including security, business and telemedicine are discussed.
Widespread commercial use of the internet has significantly increased the volume and scope of data being collected by organisations. ‘Big data’ has emerged as a term to encapsulate both the technical and commercial aspects of this growing data collection activity. To date, much of the discussion of big data has centred upon its transformational potential for innovation and efficiency, yet there has been less reflection on its wider implications beyond commercial value creation. This paper builds upon normal accident theory (NAT) to analyse the broader ethical implications of big data. It argues that the strategies behind big data require organisational systems that leave them vulnerable to normal accidents, that is to say some form of accident or disaster that is both unanticipated and inevitable. Whilst NAT has previously focused on the consequences of physical accidents, this paper suggests a new form of system accident that we label data accidents. These have distinct, less tangible and more complex characteristics and raise significant questions over the role of individual privacy in a ‘data society’. The paper concludes by considering the ways in which the risks of such data accidents might be managed or mitigated.
A quantificação do risco país – e do risco político em particular – levanta várias dificuldades às empresas, instituições, e investidores. Como os indicadores econômicos são atualizados com muito menos freqüência do que o Facebook, compreender, e mais precisamente, medir – o que está ocorrendo no terreno em tempo real pode constituir um desafio para os analistas de risco político. No entanto, com a crescente disponibilidade de “big data” de ferramentas sociais como o Twitter, agora é o momento oportuno para examinar os tipos de métricas das ferramentas sociais que estão disponíveis e as limitações da sua aplicação para a análise de risco país, especialmente durante episódios de violência política. Utilizando o método qualitativo de pesquisa bibliográfica, este estudo identifica a paisagem atual de dados disponíveis a partir do Twitter, analisa os métodos atuais e potenciais de análise, e discute a sua possível aplicação no campo da análise de risco político. Depois de uma revisão completa do campo até hoje, e tendo em conta os avanços tecnológicos esperados a curto e médio prazo, este estudo conclui que, apesar de obstáculos como o custo de armazenamento de informação, as limitações da análise em tempo real, e o potencial para a manipulação de dados, os benefícios potenciais da aplicação de métricas de ferramentas sociais para o campo da análise de risco político, particularmente para os modelos qualitativos-estruturados e quantitativos, claramente superam os desafios.
The lack of proposals to evaluate the greening of business incubators or even of elementary discussions about the relations between incubators and the environment becomes apparent when researching this topic in the most prestigious scientific sources. To address this gap, this article reviews the literature on green management and smaller enterprises, business incubator performance and the greening of business incubators. This conceptual big-picture was used to identify variables relevant to the construction of a framework for assessing business incubators green performance. This framework was applied to six business incubators in Brazil. The results show the appropriated applicability of this framework. Furthermore, the empirical research led to the formulation of environmental maturity levels in order to classify business incubators performance. This paper seeks to offer a starting point for discussion and a proposal regarding the role of business incubators in a more sustainable society. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Includes bibliography
The two main forces affecting economic development are the ongoing technological revolution and the challenge of sustainability. Technological change is altering patterns of production, consumption and behaviour in societies; at the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure the sustainability of these new patterns because of the constraints resulting from the negative externalities generated by economic growth and, in many cases, by technical progress itself. Reorienting innovation towards reducing or, if possible, reversing the effects of these externalities could create the conditions for synergies between the two processes. Views on the subject vary widely: while some maintain that these synergies can easily be created if growth follows an environmentally friendly model, summarized in the concept of green growth, others argue that production and consumption patterns are changing too slowly and that any technological fix will come too late. These considerations apply to hard technologies, essentially those used in production. The present document explores the opportunities being opened up by new ones, basically information and communication technologies, in terms of increasing the effectiveness (outcomes) and efficiency (relative costs) of soft technologies that can improve the way environmental issues are handled in business management and in public policy formulation and implementation.
Il presente lavoro di tesi tende a un duplice scopo: il primo è quello di fornire una accurata analisi tecnica, applicativa e culturale riguardante il vasto mondo dei big data e il secondo quello di trovare connessioni con l’analisi strategica verificando se e in quale modo i big data possano risultare una risorsa distintiva in campo aziendale. Nello specifico il primo capitolo presenta i big data nelle sue caratteristiche più importanti cercando di approfondire gli aspetti tecnici del fenomeno, le fonti di produzione dei dati, le metodologie principali di analisi e l’impatto sulla società. Il secondo capitolo descrive svariate applicazioni dei big data in campo aziendale concentrandosi sul rapporto tra questi e l’analisi strategica, non trascurando temi come il vantaggio competitivo e la business intelligence. Infine il terzo capitolo analizza la condizione attuale, il punto di vista italiano ed eventuali sviluppi futuri del fenomeno.
Il presente elaborato ha come oggetto la progettazione e lo sviluppo di una soluzione Hadoop per il Calcolo di Big Data Analytics. Nell'ambito del progetto di monitoraggio dei bottle cooler, le necessità emerse dall'elaborazione di dati in continua crescita, ha richiesto lo sviluppo di una soluzione in grado di sostituire le tradizionali tecniche di ETL, non pi�ù su�fficienti per l'elaborazione di Big Data. L'obiettivo del presente elaborato consiste nel valutare e confrontare le perfomance di elaborazione ottenute, da un lato, dal flusso di ETL tradizionale, e dall'altro dalla soluzione Hadoop implementata sulla base del framework MapReduce.