990 resultados para Bevier, Isabel, 1860-1942.


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Memoir describes the personal experience of Coen Rood during the Holocaust from 1942 to 1945. The report was written from 1945 to 1949 for the War Documentation Center in Amsterdam.


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H.Stahl was the last president of the Jewish Community in Berlin. He is seated in a chair with wooden arm supports. He seems a small man, an impression emphasized by a large expanse of plain, tan background. The facial expression is tense, with deeply furrowed brows.


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Personal and official documents relating to the life of the Strauss family during the years 1902-1940: pre-marital agreement dated February 1902 and June 1904 (Ehe und Erbvertrag); partnership agreement dated on several dates in 1905; variety of Lehrvertraege, passports, documents necessary for emigration and immigration to Italy and USA. The Lehrvertrag is dated 1920, the other documents pertain to the period from 1938 to 1942. "Schulzeugnisse" from the early 1900s.


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Mount Scopus Lodge in Malden, Massachusetts was a Masonic Lodge established in 1930 by Bertram E. Green and George Kramer. Named for the mountain from which Roman legions and crusaders conducted their assaults on Jerusalem, the Lodge had a strong following in the first ten years of their existence. This collection contains by-laws, concert programs, and a booklet with a historical sketch.


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Order of confiscation of all property (photocopy ) for Ruth Loewenstein , issued on Aug. 21, 1942, when she was deported from Sammellager Killesberg in Stuttgart, Germany.


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Letters and postcards from Theresienstadt and Cholm


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The Eva Stroh Family Collection provides material on the lives and family history of members of the Sondheimer and Stroh families. The collection consists of numerous photos and several photo albums, family trees, official documents, correspondence, published articles and clippings and some notes, a notebook documenting cultural activities and some daily calendars.


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This study examines Finnish economic growth. The key driver of economic growth was productivity. And the major engine of productivity growth was technology, especially the general purpose technologies (GPTs) electricity and ICT. A new GPT builds on previous knowledge, yet often in an uncertain, punctuated, fashion. Economic history, as well as the Finnish data analyzed in this study, teaches that growth is not a smooth process but is subject to episodes of sharp acceleration and deceleration which are associated with the arrival, diffusion and exhaustion of new general purpose technologies. These are technologies that affect the whole economy by transforming both household life and the ways in which firms conduct business. The findings of previous research, that Finnish economic growth exhibited late industrialisation and significant structural changes were corroborated by this study. Yet, it was not solely a story of manufacturing and structural change was more the effect of than the cause for economic growth. We offered an empirical resolution to the Artto-Pohjola paradox as we showed that a high rate of return on capital was combined with low capital productivity growth. This result is important in understanding Finnish economic growth 1975-90. The main contribution of this thesis was the growth accounting results on the impact of ICT on growth and productivity, as well as the comparison of electricity and ICT. It was shown that ICT s contribution to GDP growth was almost twice as large as electricity s contribution over comparable periods of time. Finland has thus been far more successful as an ICT producer than a producer of electricity. Unfortunately in the use of ICT the results were still more modest than for electricity. During the end of the period considered in this thesis, Finland switched from resource-based to ICT-based growth. However, given the large dependency on the ICT-producing sector, the ongoing outsourcing of ICT production to low wage countries provides a threat to productivity performance in the future. For a developed country only change is constant and history teaches us that it is likely that Finland is obliged to reorganize its economy once again in the digital era.


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Resumen: Este trabajo busca demostrar cómo la escena de “El Jardín de Isabel” (acto IV, escena ii) en la obra La tragedia española de Thomas Kyd es un ejemplo de una escena espejo. Inicialmente se observa cómo esta escena está laxamente conectada con el resto de la obra y la misma no sufriría un cambio significativo de ser la escena eliminada; la característica de “prescindible” de ésta, es propia de una escena espejo. La escena del Jardín de Isabel es luego estudiada en profundidad para dejar en evidencia cómo resume la obra y la simboliza. El personaje de Isabel es examinado en detalle, siguiendo una sensibilidad pictórica y, a través de una interpretación temática y simbólica, Isabel es presentada como Piedad, Testigo de Justicia Divina y Venganza. Finalmente el espacio es también analizado como locus amoenus al ser inicialmente un lugar de encuentro de los enamorados y locus eremus luego de la maldición de Isabel. Luego del estudio de estos aspectos de esta escena espejo, se pone en evidencia cómo la misma “refleja” los temas centrales de la obra: la verdad se revela con el tiempo, hay que ser paciente y esperar la justicia divina y, por último, la venganza sólo condena al vengador.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en la finca Santa Isabel ubicada en el municipio de Ranchería en el Km.20 carretera Chinandega–Somotillo en el departamento de Chinandega. Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de cuatro tratamientos sobre las poblaciones de Gusano Cogollero Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), Mosquita del sorgo Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillet) y Chinche pata de hoja Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas), durante la época de postrera en los meses de Septiembre a Diciembre del 2003. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron Barrera viva de gandul-sorgo, Nim aceite, Beauveria bassiana en polvo y Diazinón, comparados con una parcela sin aplicación (testigo). Se utilizaron umbrales de 40 % de daño para el cogollero, dos individuos por panoja para la mosquita del sorgo y un individuo por panoja para el chinche pata de hoja, los muestreos se realizaron cada semana, iniciando desde la siembra hasta la cosecha. Se seleccionaron cinco sitios al azar en cada tratamiento y se registro el número de plagas observadas. Se realizaron dos aplicaciones, una primera aplicación en etapa vegetativa para los desfoliadores y una segunda aplicación en etapa reproductiva cuando mosquita del sorgo alcanzo el umbral establecido. No se encontró diferencia estadística entre los tratamientos, sin embargo en el tratamiento Nim aceite se presentaron menor número de plagas. Los mayores rendimiento se presentaron en el tratamiento Nim aceite y en el tratamiento Barrera viva (gandul-sorgo) con 2,370.6 Kg. /Ha y 2,234.7 Kg./Ha respectivamente. El análisis económico indica que el tratamiento Barrera viva (gandul- sorgo) presentó mayor rentabilidad con 170.97%. La especie de insecto plaga predominante en la zona de Ranchería, Chinandega durante la época de estudio fue Mocis latipes (gusano medidor) así mismo se presento la enfermedad conocida como moho del grano causada por un complejo de hongos Fusarium moniliforme sheldon y Curvularia lunata. En época de postrera 2003


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Resumen: La adquisición de nuevos retratos de la reina Isabel II ha propiciado la revisión y puesta al día de un sugestivo corpus fotográfi co enormemente ilustrativo de la diversidad de recursos que la fotografía decimonónica ofrecía, así como de los cambios que afectaron al tema de la representación regia.


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Pedro de S. Francisco nasceu em Marzagào, na África, em data desconhecida, e morreu em 1638. O religioso franciscano foi mestre em Teologia e Provincial da sua Ordem. Segundo Inocêncio, na ‘Explicação do salmo cincoenta’, o autor analisa e comenta extensamente cada um dos versos do salmo Miserere mei Dei e afirma, ainda, que "são raros os exemplares deste livro, em que (corno diz o censor Jorge Cabral, que o reviu por ordem do Santo Ofício) resplandece a erudição, doutrina, piedade e sabedoria do autor". O impressor da obra, Pedro Craesbeeck, nasceu em Antuérpia, onde aprendeu a arte da impressão na famosa Oficina de Cristóvão Plantino. Mudou-se para Portugal por volta de 1592, onde fundou uma verdadeira dinastia de impressores célebres que ali trabalharam nos séculos XV e XVI. Responsável pela impressão de obras de grande beleza tipográfica. Pedro Craesbeeck tornou-se impressor régio, conforme consta em alvará de 28 de maio de r620. Seus trabalhos foram editados no período de 1597 a 1632.


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Hurricane Isabel made landfall as a Category 2 Hurricane on 18 September 2003, on the North Carolina Outer Banks between Cape Lookout and Cape Hatteras, then coursed northwestward through Pamlico Sound and west of Chesapeake Bay where it downgraded to a tropical storm. Wind damage on the west and southwest shores of Pamlico Sound and the western shore of Chesapeake Bay was moderate, but major damage resulted from the storm tide. The NOAA, National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Sciences, Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research at Beaufort, North Carolina and the Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomedical Research Branch at Oxford, Maryland have hurricane preparedness plans in place. These plans call for tropical storms and hurricanes to be tracked carefully through NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) watches, warnings, and advisories. When a hurricane watch changes to a hurricane warning for the areas of Beaufort or Oxford, documented hurricane preparation plans are activated. Isabel exacted some wind damage at both Beaufort and Oxford. Storm tide caused damage at Oxford, where area-wide flooding isolated the laboratory for many hours. Storm tide also caused damage at Beaufort. Because of their geographic locations on or near the open ocean (Beaufort) or on or near large estuaries (Beaufort and Oxford), storm tide poses a major threat to these NOAA facilities and the safety of federal employees. Damage from storm surge and windblown water depends on the track and intensity of a storm. One tool used to predict storm surge is the Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH) model of the NWS, which provides valuable surge forecasts that aid in hurricane preparation.


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Charles M. Breder and his wife Ethel spent part of the summer of 1942 at the Palmetto Key field station, known today as Cabbage Key, on the west coast of Florida south of Charlotte Harbor. The Palmetto Key field station began in 1938 and ended in 1942 because of World War II. His Palmetto Key diary ran for 95 pages of notes, tables, diagrams, drawings, lists, and business records and this report presents a variety of fascinating entries. Diaries from other years all bear Breder's style of discipline, curiosity, humor, and speculations on nature. The diary was transcribed as part of the Coastal Estuarine Data/Document Rescue and Archeology effort for South Florida. (PDF contaons 24 pages)