986 resultados para Beta lactam antibiotic


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The complete nucleotide sequences of six Actinobacillus porcitonsillarum plasmids pKMA202 (13.425-kb), pKMA1467 (11.115-kb), pKMA5 (9.549-kb), pIMD50 (8.751-kb), pKMA505 (8.632-kb) and pKMA757 (4.556-kb) and three Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae plasmids pPSAS1522 (4.244-kb), pARD3079 (3.884-kb) and pKMA2425 (3.156-kb) were determined. All the plasmids contain the sulfonamide resistance gene sul2. One A. pleuropneumoniae plasmid and five A. porcitonsillarum plasmids also have the streptomycin resistance gene strA. Among these latter five A. porcitonsillarum plasmids, four also harbor the beta-lactam resistance gene bla(ROB-1). This study is the first report of multidrug resistance plasmids in the non-pathogenic A. porcitonsillarum.


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Continuous infusion (CI) ticarcillin-clavulanate is a potential therapeutic improvement over conventional intermittent dosing because the major pharmacodynamic (PD) predictor of efficacy of beta-lactams is the time that free drug levels exceed the MIC. This study incorporated a 6-year retrospective arm evaluating efficacy and safety of CI ticarcillin-clavulanate in the home treatment of serious infections and a prospective arm additionally evaluating pharmacokinetics (PK) and PD. In the prospective arm, steady-state serum ticarcillin and clavulanate levels and MIC testing of significant pathogens were performed. One hundred and twelve patients (median age, 56 years) were treated with a CI dose of 9.3-12.4 g/day and mean CI duration of 18.0 days. Infections treated included osteomyelitis (50 patients), septic arthritis (6), cellulitis (17), pulmonary infections (12), febrile neutropenia (7), vascular infections (7), intra-abdominal infections (2), and Gram-negative endocarditis (2); 91/112 (81%) of patients were cured, 14 (13%) had partial response and 7 (6%) failed therapy. Nine patients had PICC line complications and five patients had drug adverse events. Eighteen patients had prospective PK/PD assessment although only four patients had sufficient data for a full PK/PD evaluation (both serum steady-state drug levels and ticarcillin and clavulanate MICs from a bacteriological isolate), as this was difficult to obtain in home-based patients, particularly as serum clavulanate levels were found to deteriorate rapidly on storage. Three of four patients with matched PK/PD assessment had free drug levels exceeding the MIC of the pathogen. Home Cl of ticarcillin-clavulanate is a safe, effective, convenient and practical therapy and is a therapeutic advance over traditional intermittent dosing when used in the home setting. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.


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Three new aromatic butenolides, gymnoascolides A-C (1-3), have been isolated from the Australian soil ascomycete Gymnoascus reessii and assigned structures on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis. The absolute configurations of gymnoascolides B (2) and C (3) at C-5 were solved using a combination of chemical derivatization and quantum chemical simulations.


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Treatment of sepsis remains a significant challenge with persisting high mortality and morbidity. Early and appropriate antibacterial therapy remains an important intervention for such patients. To optimise antibacterial therapy, the clinician must possess knowledge of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of commonly used antibacterials and how these parameters may be affected by the constellation of pathophysiological changes occurring during sepsis. Sepsis, and the treatment thereof, increases renal preload and, via capillary permeability, leads to 'third-spacing', both resulting in higher antibacterial clearances. Alternatively, sepsis can induce multiple organ dysfunction, including renal and/or hepatic dysfunction, causing a decrease in antibacterial clearance. Aminoglycosides are concentration-dependent antibacterials and they display an increased volume of distribution (V-d) in sepsis, resulting in decreased peak serum concentrations. Reduced clearance from renal dysfunction would increase the likelihood of toxicity. Individualised dosing using extended interval dosing, which maximises the peak serum drug concentration (C-max)/minimum inhibitory concentration ratio is recommended. beta-Lactams and carbapenems are time-dependent antibacterials. An increase in Vd and renal clearance will require increased dosing or administration by continuous infusion. If renal impairment occurs a corresponding dose reduction may be required. Vancomycin displays predominantly time-dependent pharmacodynamic properties and probably requires higher than conventionally recommended doses because of an increased V-d and clearance during sepsis without organ dysfunction. However, optimal dosing regimens remain unresolved. The poor penetration of vancomycin into solid organs may require alternative therapies when sepsis involves solid organs (e.g. lung). Ciprofloxacin displays largely concentration-dependent kill characteristics, but also exerts some time-dependent effects. The V-d of ciprofloxacin is not altered with fluid shifts or over time, and thus no alterations of standard doses are required unless renal dysfunction occurs. In order to optimise antibacterial regimens in patients with sepsis, the pathophysiological effects of systemic inflammatory response syndrome need consideration, in conjunction with knowledge of the different kill characteristics of the various antibacterial classes. In conclusion, certain antibacterials can have a very high V-d, therefore leading to a low C-max and if a high peak is needed, then this would lead to underdosing. The Vd of certain antibacterials, namely aminoglycosides and vancomycin, changes over time, which means dosing may need to be altered over time. Some patients with serum creatinine values within the normal range can have very high drug clearances, thereby producing low serum drug levels and again leading to underdosing. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In Enterobacteriaceae, the transcriptional regulator AmpR, a member of the LysR family, regulates the expression of a chromosomal β-lactamase AmpC. The regulatory repertoire of AmpR is broader in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic pathogen responsible for numerous acute and chronic infections including cystic fibrosis. Previous studies showed that in addition to regulating ampC, P. aeruginosa AmpR regulates the sigma factor AlgT/U and production of some quorum sensing (QS)-regulated virulence factors. In order to better understand the ampR regulon, the transcriptional profiles generated using DNA microarrays and RNA-Seq of the prototypic P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain with its isogenic ampR deletion mutant, PAOΔampR were analyzed. Transcriptome analysis demonstrates that the AmpR regulon is much more extensive than previously thought influencing the differential expression of over 500 genes. In addition to regulating resistance to β-lactam antibiotics via AmpC, AmpR also regulates non-β-lactam antibiotic resistance by modulating the MexEF-OprN efflux pump. Virulence mechanisms including biofilm formation, QS-regulated acute virulence, and diverse physiological processes such as oxidative stress response, heat-shock response and iron uptake are AmpR-regulated. Real-time PCR and phenotypic assays confirmed the transcriptome data. Further, Caenorhabditis elegans model demonstrates that a functional AmpR is required for full pathogenicity of P. aeruginosa. AmpR, a member of the core genome, also regulates genes in the regions of genome plasticity that are acquired by horizontal gene transfer. The extensive AmpR regulon included other transcriptional regulators and sigma factors, accounting for the extensive AmpR regulon. Gene expression studies demonstrate AmpR-dependent expression of the QS master regulator LasR that controls expression of many virulence factors. Using a chromosomally tagged AmpR, ChIP-Seq studies show direct AmpR binding to the lasR promoter. The data demonstrates that AmpR functions as a global regulator in P. aeruginosa and is a positive regulator of acute virulence while negatively regulating chronic infection phenotypes. In summary, my dissertation sheds light on the complex regulatory circuit in P. aeruginosa to provide a better understanding of the bacterial response to antibiotics and how the organism coordinately regulates a myriad of virulence factors.


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Background In Enterobacteriaceae, β-lactam antibiotic resistance involves murein recycling intermediates. Murein recycling is a complex process with discrete steps taking place in the periplasm and the cytoplasm. The AmpG permease is critical to this process as it transports N-acetylglucosamine anhydrous N-acetylmuramyl peptides across the inner membrane. In Pseudomonadaceae, this intrinsic mechanism remains to be elucidated. Since the mechanism involves two cellular compartments, the characterization of transporters is crucial to establish the link. Results Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 has two ampG paralogs, PA4218 (ampP) and PA4393 (ampG). Topology analysis using β-galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase fusions indicates ampP andampG encode proteins which possess 10 and 14 transmembrane helices, respectively, that could potentially transport substrates. Both ampP and ampG are required for maximum expression of β-lactamase, but complementation and kinetic experiments suggest they act independently to play different roles. Mutation of ampG affects resistance to a subset of β-lactam antibiotics. Low-levels of β-lactamase induction occur independently of either ampP or ampG. Both ampG and ampP are the second members of two independent two-gene operons. Analysis of the ampG and ampPoperon expression using β-galactosidase transcriptional fusions showed that in PAO1, ampGoperon expression is β-lactam and ampR-independent, while ampP operon expression is β-lactam and ampR-dependent. β-lactam-dependent expression of the ampP operon and independent expression of the ampG operon is also dependent upon ampP. Conclusions In P. aeruginosa, β-lactamase induction occurs in at least three ways, induction at low β-lactam concentrations by an as yet uncharacterized pathway, at intermediate concentrations by an ampPand ampG dependent pathway, and at high concentrations where although both ampP and ampGplay a role, ampG may be of greater importance. Both ampP and ampG are required for maximum induction. Similar to ampC, ampP expression is inducible in an ampR-dependent manner. Importantly, ampP expression is autoregulated and ampP also regulates expression of ampG. Both AmpG and AmpP have topologies consistent with functions in transport. Together, these data suggest that the mechanism of β-lactam resistance of P. aeruginosa is distinct from well characterized systems in Enterobacteriaceae and involves a highly complicated interaction between these putative permeases and known Amp proteins.


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In Enterobacteriaceae, the transcriptional regulator AmpR, a member of the LysR family, regulates the expression of a chromosomal β-lactamase AmpC. The regulatory repertoire of AmpR is broader in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic pathogen responsible for numerous acute and chronic infections including cystic fibrosis. Previous studies showed that in addition to regulating ampC, P. aeruginosa AmpR regulates the sigma factor AlgT/U and production of some quorum sensing (QS)-regulated virulence factors. In order to better understand the ampR regulon, the transcriptional profiles generated using DNA microarrays and RNA-Seq of the prototypic P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain with its isogenic ampR deletion mutant, PAO∆ampR were analyzed. Transcriptome analysis demonstrates that the AmpR regulon is much more extensive than previously thought influencing the differential expression of over 500 genes. In addition to regulating resistance to β-lactam antibiotics via AmpC, AmpR also regulates non-β-lactam antibiotic resistance by modulating the MexEF-OprN efflux pump. Virulence mechanisms including biofilm formation, QS-regulated acute virulence, and diverse physiological processes such as oxidative stress response, heat-shock response and iron uptake are AmpR-regulated. Real-time PCR and phenotypic assays confirmed the transcriptome data. Further, Caenorhabditis elegans model demonstrates that a functional AmpR is required for full pathogenicity of P. aeruginosa. AmpR, a member of the core genome, also regulates genes in the regions of genome plasticity that are acquired by horizontal gene transfer. The extensive AmpR regulon included other transcriptional regulators and sigma factors, accounting for the extensive AmpR regulon. Gene expression studies demonstrate AmpR-dependent expression of the QS master regulator LasR that controls expression of many virulence factors. Using a chromosomally tagged AmpR, ChIP-Seq studies show direct AmpR binding to the lasR promoter. The data demonstrates that AmpR functions as a global regulator in P. aeruginosa and is a positive regulator of acute virulence while negatively regulating chronic infection phenotypes. In summary, my dissertation sheds light on the complex regulatory circuit in P. aeruginosa to provide a better understanding of the bacterial response to antibiotics and how the organism coordinately regulates a myriad of virulence factors.


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In most gram-negative bacteria, acquired multiresistance is conferred by large plasmids compiling numerous antimicrobial resistance genes. Here, we show an evolutionary alternative strategy used by Pasteurella multocida to become resistant to multiple clinically relevant antibiotics. Thirteen beta-lactam-resistant clinical isolates, concomitantly resistant to tetracyclines and/or streptomycin as well as to sulfonamides, were studied. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis revealed different profiles among the isolates, showing that clonal dissemination was not the sole event responsible for the spread of multiresistance. Each P. multocida strain carried two or three small plasmids between 4 and 6 kb in size. A direct association between resistance profile and plasmid content was found. Complete nucleotide sequencing of all plasmids revealed seven different replicons, six of them belonging to the ColE1 superfamily. All plasmids carried one, or a maximum of two, antimicrobial resistance determinants. Plasmids pB1000 and pB1002 bore bla(ROB-1), pB1001 carried tet(B), pB1003 and pB1005 carried sul2 and strA, pB1006 harbored tet(O), and p9956 bore the tet(H) gene. All plasmids except pB1002 and pB1006 were successfully transformed into Escherichia coli. pB1000, also involved in beta-lactam resistance in Haemophilus parasuis (A. San Millan et al., Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 51:2260-2264, 2007), was mobilized in E. coli using the conjugation machinery of an IncP plasmid. Stability experiments proved that pB1000 was stable in P. multocida but highly unstable in E. coli. In conclusion, bla(ROB-1) is responsible for beta-lactam resistance in P. multocida in Spain. Coexistence and the spread of small plasmids are used by P. multocida to become multiresistant.


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Broad-spectrum antibiotics with heterocyclic side chains strongly inhibit peroxidase-catalyzed iodination in the presence of metallo--lactamase. This suggests that antibiotic resistance due to hydrolysis of the -lactam ring in antibiotics would have negative effects on thyroid activity.


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Aims: The objective of the present study was to study the relationship between hospital antibiotic use, community antibiotic use and the incidence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria in hospitals, while assessing the impact of a fluoroquinolone restriction policy on ESBL-producing bacteria incidence rates. METHODS: The study was retrospective and ecological in design. A multivariate autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model was built to relate antibiotic use to ESB-producing bacteria incidence rates and resistance patterns over a 5 year period (January 2005-December 2009). Results: Analysis showed that the hospital incidence of ESBLs had a positive relationship with the use of fluoroquinolones in the hospital (coefficient = 0.174, P= 0.02), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid in the community (coefficient = 1.03, P= 0.03) and mean co-morbidity scores for hospitalized patients (coefficient = 2.15, P= 0.03) with various time lags. The fluoroquinolone restriction policy was implemented successfully with the mean use of fluoroquinolones (mainly ciprofloxacin) being reduced from 133 to 17 defined daily doses (DDDs)/1000 bed days (P <0.001) and from 0.65 to 0.54 DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day (P= 0.0007), in both the hospital and its surrounding community, respectively. This was associated with an improved ciprofloxacin susceptibility in both settings [ciprofloxacin susceptibility being improved from 16% to 28% in the community (P <0.001)] and with a statistically significant reduction in ESBL-producing bacteria incidence rates. Discussion: This study supports the value of restricting the use of certain antimicrobial classes to control ESBL, and demonstrates the feasibility of reversing resistance patterns post successful antibiotic restriction. The study also highlights the potential value of the time-series analysis in designing efficient antibiotic stewardship. © 2011 The Authors. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology © 2011 The British Pharmacological Society.


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As an essential constituent of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, lipopolysaccharide contributes significantly to virulence and antibiotic resistance. The lipopolysaccharide biosynthetic pathway therefore serves as a promising therapeutic target for antivirulence drugs and antibiotic adjuvants. Here we report the structural-functional studies of D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate kinase (HldA), an absolutely conserved enzyme in this pathway, from Burkholderia cenocepacia. HldA is structurally similar to members of the PfkB carbohydrate kinase family and appears to catalyze heptose phosphorylation via an in-line mechanism mediated mainly by a conserved aspartate, Asp270. Moreover, we report the structures of HldA in complex with two potent inhibitors in which both inhibitors adopt a folded conformation and occupy the nucleotide-binding sites. Together, these results provide important insight into the mechanism of HldA-catalyzed heptose phosphorylation and necessary information for further development of HldA inhibitors.


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The prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) production by Klebsiella pneumonia approaches 50% in some countries, with particularly high rates in eastern Europe and Latin America. No randomized trials have ever been performed on treatment of bacteremia due to ESBL-producing organisms; existing data comes only from retrospective, single-institution studies. In a prospective study of 455 consecutive episodes of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia in 12 hospitals in 7 countries, 85 episodes were due to an ESBL-producing organism. Failure to use an antibiotic active against ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae was associated with extremely high mortality. Use of a carbapenem ( primarily imipenem) was associated with a significantly lower 14-day mortality than was use of other antibiotics active in vitro. Multivariate analysis including other predictors of mortality showed that use of a carbapenem during the 5-day period after onset of bacteremia due to an ESBL-producing organism was independently associated with lower mortality. Antibiotic choice is particularly important in seriously ill patients with infections due to ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae.


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Antibiotic resistance, production of alginate and virulence factors, and altered host immune responses are the hallmarks of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Failure of antibiotic therapy has been attributed to the emergence of P. aeruginosa strains that produce β-lactamase constitutively. In Enterobacteriaceae, β-lactamase induction involves four genes with known functions: ampC, ampR, ampD, and ampG, encoding the enzyme, transcriptional regulator, amidase and permease, respectively. In addition to all these amp genes, P. aeruginosa possesses two ampG paralogs, designated ampG and ampP. In this study, P. aeruginosa ampC, ampR, ampG and ampP were analyzed. Inactivation of ampC in the prototypic PAO1 failed to abolish the β-lactamase activity leading to the discovery of P. aeruginosa oxacillinase PoxB. Cloning and expression of poxB in Escherichia coli confers β-lactam resistance. Both AmpC and PoxB contribute to P. aeruginosa resistance against a wide spectrum of β-lactam antibiotics. The expression of PoxB and AmpC is regulated by a LysR-type transcriptional regulator AmpR that up-regulates AmpC but down-regulates PoxB activities. Analyses of P. aeruginosa ampR mutant demonstrate that AmpR is a global regulator that modulates the expressions of Las and Rhl quorum sensing (QS) systems, and the production of pyocyanin, LasA protease and LasB elastase. Introduction of the ampR mutation into an alginate-producing strain reveals the presence of a complex co-regulatory network between antibiotic resistance, QS alginate and other virulence factor production. Using phoA and lacZ protein fusion analyses, AmpR, AmpG and AmpP were localized to the inner membrane with one, 16 and 10 transmembrane helices, respectively. AmpR has a cytoplasmic DNA-binding and a periplasmic substrate binding domains. AmpG and AmpP are essential for the maximal expression of β-lactamase. Analysis of the murein breakdown products suggests that AmpG exports UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine-γ-D-glutamate-meso-diaminopimelic acid-D-alanine-D-alanine (UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide), the corepressor of AmpR, whereas AmpP imports N-acetylglucosaminyl-beta-1,4-anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid-Ala-γ-D-Glu-meso-diaminopimelic acid (GlcNAc-anhMurNAc-tripeptide) and GlcNAc-anhMurNAc-pentapeptide, the co-inducers of AmpR. This study reveals a complex interaction between the Amp proteins and murein breakdown products involved in P. aeruginosa β-lactamase induction. In summary, this dissertation takes us a little closer to understanding the P. aeruginosa complex co-regulatory mechanism in the development of β-lactam resistance and establishment of chronic infection. ^


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This study aims in identifying MBLs particularly Zn requiring Molecular Class B enzymes produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii. The resistance by these organisms are in a rise against all antibiotics including carbapenems and no prescribed CLSI guidelines is available for detecting them. Clinical isolates antibiotic susceptibility was determined by number of phenotypic tests by addition of 50mM of 10 mu l zinc as cofactor for metallo beta lactamase production along with 0.5M ETDA of 5 mu l (930 mu g per disk) plain disks. Increase in zone size of the meropenem -EDTA disk compared to the meropenem disk without EDTA was recorded positive. For Zn requiring MBLs zone towards both disks of EDTA and Zn along with meropenem is detected by DDST.


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Enterobactérias produtoras de ESBLs são descritas tanto no ambiente hospitalar quanto na comunidade em todo o mundo. No Brasil, esses microrganismos também têm emergido como uma causa importante de infecções, sendo as enzimas CTX-M as prevalentes. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar diferentes aspectos genotípicos relacionados à expressão da resistência aos antimicrobianos em cepas Escherichia coli e de Salmonella spp, tais como: a diversidade de ESBLs, os genes de resistência aos antimicrobianos e o conteúdo plasmidial. Os aspectos epidemiológicos das cepas produtoras de ESBLs também foram investigados. Foram estudadas 88 cepas de enterobactérias, sendo 43 E. coli e 45 cepas de Salmonella spp., de origem hospitalar e da comunidade (principalmente alimentos), isoladas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A expressão de ESBL foi observada em sete cepas de E. coli (7/43, 16,3%) e em uma cepa de Salmonella Typhimurium (1/45, 2,3%) e as enzimas foram identificadas como variantes de CTX-M e SHV-5, respectivamente. Entre as cepas de E. coli, a enzima CTX-M-2 foi a mais frequente (n = 4), sendo detectada em cepas isoladas de swab retal de pacientes hospitalizados, enquanto as enzimas CTX-M-59 (uma variante de CTX-M) (n = 1) e CTX-M-9 (n = 2) foram identificadas em cepas isoladas a partir de espécimes clínicos. Salmonella Typhimurium produtora de SHV-5 foi isolada do ambiente hospitalar (fórmula infantil). As cepas de E. coli produtoras das enzimas CTX-M pertenceram a grupos filogenéticos (A, B1, D) e STs (ST34, ST69, ST101) diferentes, sendo os genes blaCTX-M identificados em plasmídeos com tipo de replicon IncA/C de cerca de 150 kb (blaCTX-M-2, blaCTX-M-9, blaCTX-M-59) ou 80 kb (blaCTX-M-2). A cepa de S. Typhimurium produtora de SHV-5 pertenceu a um único clone (A-ST19) e o gene blaSHV-5 foi identificado em plasmídeo com o replicon IncL/M com aproximadamente 55Kb. Foi identificado pela primeira vez no Brasil o ST313 em um clone de S. Typhimurium (D-ST313), comumente associado com doenças invasivas severas, particulamente no continente africano. Genes que codificam para a resistência aos antimicrobianos não-beta-lactâmicos e integrons classe 1 foram identificados entre as cepas de E. coli e de Salmonella spp. multirresistentes produtoras ou não de ESBLs. Em conclusão: i) nossos resultados referentes à E. coli confirmaram a disseminação de enzimas CTX-M (principalmente variantes do grupo CTX-M-2) desde, pelo menos, o ano de 2000, em hospitais no Rio de Janeiro; demonstraram a implicação dos plasmídeos IncA/C na disseminação de genes blaCTX-M; indicaram a possível evolução intra-plasmídeo de blaCTX-M-59 a partir de blaCTX-M-2; a observação da diversidade e multiplicidade de plasmídeos poderiam fornecer plataformas genéticas para a dispersão de diferentes genes e/ou elementos de resistência aos antimicrobianos; ii) em relação à Salmonella spp. este estudo descreveu, pela primeira vez, o isolamento, a partir de fórmula infantil, de uma cepa de S. Typhimurium produtora de ESBL; foi demonstrada a associação do gene blaSHV-5 com plasmídeo do tipo IncL/M, que é considerado epidêmico; foi identificado o clone D-ST313 de S. Typhimurium, que está associado a doenças invasivas severas no continente africano, que reuniu cepas isoladas exclusivamente do ambiente hospitalar.