95 resultados para Benzaldehyde.


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Neste trabalho foi realizada a síntese de novas 3,4-diidropirimidinonas funcionalizadas com diferentes cadeias graxas. Para a síntese destes compostos os β-cetoésteres graxos foram obtidos a partir da transesterificação do acetoacetato de metila na presença dos álcoois palmítico (2a), esteárico (2b) e oleico (2c), utilizando como catalisador I2 e ácido sulfâmico (NH3SO3). Os compostos foram obtidos com rendimentos de 97%, 90% e 60%, respectivamente. Após, a reação multicomponente de Biginelli foi realizada na presença de InCl3 utilizando os β- cetoésteres graxos 3a-c, os aldeídos aromáticos, benzaldeído, 3-hidroxi benzaldeído e 4-dimetilaminobenzaldeído, na presença de uréia ou tiouréia, levando às 3,4- diidropirimidinonas graxas 5-substituídas 6-11a-c em rendimentos que variaram entre 60–94%. Todos os compostos, ainda inéditos na literatura, foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho (IV) e ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio (RMN ¹H) e carbono (RMN ¹³C). A análise do efeito das novas 3,4-diidropirimidin-2(1H)-onas graxas pelo método do MTT na linhagem de glioma C6 rato e UG-138 humana demonstrou uma maior diminuição da viabilidade celular para os compostos graxos contendo as cadeias palmítica e oleica derivados da tiouréia e do 3-hidroxi benzaldeído, respectivamente. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para os compostos contendo as cadeias palmítica e oleica, porém derivados da uréia. Uma diminuição significativa da viabilidade celular, porém em menor grau, foi observada para os compostos graxos contendo as cadeias palmítica e oleica derivados da uréia e do benzaldeído. Os resultados mostraram até o momento que os derivados graxos contendo a cadeia oleica na posição 5 do anel diidropirimídinico derivado do 3- hidroxi benzaldeído e da tiouréia apresentaram maior atividade na diminuição da viabilidade celular de linhagem de glioma.


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Neste trabalho testou-se o potencial antagonista de 16 fungos endofíticos isolados de videiras (Vitis vinifera L.), de castas representativas do Alentejo produzidas em modo de proteção integrada e em modo biológico, contra Guignardia bidwellii. Os isolados identificados após ITS-PCR e sequenciação pertencem aos géneros Epicoccum, Alternaria, Botrytis, Athelia, Phoma e Gibberella. Os isolados testados mostraram atividade antagonista contra G. bidwellii quer por inibição direta, quer através da produção de compostos voláteis, à exceção dos dois isolados de B. cinerea. No entanto, todos os isolados produziram alguns compostos voláteis com reconhecida atividade antimicrobiana, tais como benzaldeído, 3-metil-1-butanol e derivados de ácido propanoico. Foi ainda observado que seis dos isolados produziram também metabolitos não voláteis com capacidade de inibir o crescimento de G. bidwellii. Os resultados obtidos vêm mostrar o potencial dos fungos endofíticos como agentes de luta biológica no controlo de G. bidwellii, podendo constituir novas alternativas no âmbito de Proteção de Plantas; ABSTRACT: Endophytic fungi present in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) with the ability to inhibit the growth of the causal agent of black rot (Guignardia bidwellii) In this work the antagonistic potential of 16 endophytic grapevine fungi isolates (Vitis vinifera L.), from representative cultivars of the Alentejo region produced either under integrated pest management or organic mode, was tested against Guignardia bidwellii. Isolates were identified through ITS-PCR and sequencing, as belonging to the genera Epicoccum, Alternaria, Botrytis, Athelia, Phoma and Gibberella. Isolates showed antagonist activity against G. bidwellii either by direct inhibition or through the production of volatile compounds, with the exception of two isolates of B. cinerea. Nevertheless, all isolates produced volatile compounds with known antimicrobial activity such as benzaldehyde, 3-methyl-1-butanol and propionic acid derivatives. Additionally, six isolates produced non-volatile metabolites with the ability to inhibit G. bidwellii growth. These results show the potential that endophytic fungi have as agents for biological control of G. bidwellii, opening new options in the field of Plant Protection.


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Diffuse reflectance and laser-induced techniques were used to study photochemical and photophysical processes of benzil adsorbed on two solid powdered supports, microcrystalline cellulose and beta-cyclodextrin. In both substrates, a distribution of ground-state benzil conformers exists, largely dominated by skew conformations where the carbonyl groups are twisted one to the other. Room temperature phosphorescence was observed in air-equilibrated samples in both cases. The decay times vary greatly and the largest lifetime was obtained for benzil/beta-cyclodextrin, showing that this host's cavity accommodates benzil well, enhancing its room temperature phosphorescence. Triplet - triplet absorption of benzil entrapped in cellulose was detected and benzil ketyl radical formation also occurred. With benzil included into beta-cyclodextrin, and following laser excitation, benzoyl radicals were detected on the millisecond timescale. Product analysis and identification of laser-irradiated benzil samples in the two hosts clearly showed that the main degradation photoproducts were benzoic acid and benzaldehyde. The main differences were a larger benzoic acid/benzaldehyde ratio in the case of cellulose and the formation of benzyl alcohol in this support.


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Este trabalho descreve a síntese de novos derivados de coumarinas 3-substituídas por grupos arilo, etenilarilo e etenil-organometálicos, através de novas metodologias via reacções de Heck e de metátese (Grubbs), com controlo da regioquímica e com significativos rendimentos reaccionais. A aplicação destas metodologias permitiu a síntese dos derivados, 3-fenilcoumarina (131), 3-(4-bromofenil)coumarina, (132), 3-(4-iodofenil)­coumarina (134), 3-(4-nitrofenil)coumarina (136), 3-(4-etilfenil)coumarina (133), 4-(coumarin-3-il)benzaldeído (135), 3-(4-metoxifenil)coumarina (137), (E)-3-acrilato-[4-(coumarin-3-il)fenil] de metilo (138), 6,7-metileno­dioxi-[3-(E)-2'-feniletenil]coumarina (145), 6,7-dimetoxi-[-(E)-2'-fenil­etenil]coumarina (146), 6,7-dimetoxi-[3-(E)-2'-(6'-nitrofenil)etenil]coumarina (147), 4-[2-(E)-(6,7-dimetoxicoumarin-3-il)etenil]benzaldeído (148) e 6,7-dimetoxi-[3-(E)-2'-ferroceniletenil]coumarina (149), dos quais os últimos nove, são compostos novos, identificados e caracterizados pela primeira vez. A deslocalização do sistema de electrões  conjugados, induzida pelos diversos substituintes das coumarinas, foi igualmente avaliada através da espectroscopia de UV/Vis. De referir que parte deste trabalho foi publicado como: "New Methodology for the Synthesis of 3-Substituted Coumarins via Pd-Catalyzed Site-Se/ective Cross-Coupling Reactions”, Sérgio Martins, Paula S. Branco, María C. de la Torre, Miguel A. Sierra e António Pereira, Synlett, 2010 (https://www.thieme-connect.com/ejournals/abstract/ synlett/doi/1 O.1 OS5/s-0030-1259014). ABSTRACT: This work describes the synthesis of new 3-aryl, ethenylaryl and ethenyl-organometallics coumarin derivatives, using a new methodology via Heck and metathesis (Grubbs) reactions, with regiochemistry control and significant reaction yields. The application of these methodologies allowed the synthesis of derivatives, 3-phenylcoumarin (131), 3-(4-bromophenyl)coumarin (132), 3-(4-iodophenyl)coumarin (134), 3-(4-nitrophenyl)coumarin (136), 3-(4-ethylphenyl)coumarin {133), 4-(coumarin-3-yl)benzaldehyde {135), 3-(4-methoxiphenyl)coumarin (137), (E)-ethyl 3-[4(coumarin-3-yl)phenyl]­acrylate (138), 6,7-methylenedioxy-[3-(E)-2'-phenylethenyl]coumarin (145), 6,7-dimethoxy-[-(E)-2'-phenylethenyl]coumarin (146), 6,7-dimethoxy-[3-(E)­-2'-(6'-nitrophenyl)ethenyl]coumarin (147), 4-[2-(E)-(6,7-dimethoxy­coumarin-3-yl)ethenyl]benzaldehyde {148) e 6,7-dimethoxy-[3-(E)-2'-(ferro­ cene)ethenyl]coumarin (149), the last nine of these are new compounds, identified and characterized for the first time. The delocalization of conjugated -electron system, induced by different substituents of coumarins, was also assessed by spectroscopy UV/Vis. Part of this work was published at: "New Methodology for the Synthesis of 3-Substituted Coumarins via Pd-Catalyzed Site-Selective Cross-Coupling Reactions", Sérgio Martins, Paula S. Branco, María C. de la Torre, Miguel A. Sierra e António Pereira, Synlett, 2010 (https://www.thieme­connect.com/ejournaIs/abstract/synlett/doi/1O.1 055/s-0030-1259014).


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This thesis work contains an overview of potential alternative options to couple formate produced from CO2 with other coupling partners than formate itself. Ultimately, the intent is to produce high value chemicals from CO2 at a high selectivity and conversion, whilst keeping the required utility of electrons in the electrochemical CO2 conversion at a minimum. To select and find new coupling partners, a framework was developed upon which a broad variety of candidates were assessed and ranked. A multi-stage process was used to select first potential classes of molecules. For each class, a variety of commercially available compounds was analysed in depth for its potential suitability in the reaction with the active carbonite intermediate. This analysis has shown that a wide variety of factors come into play and especially the reactivity of the hydride catalyst poses a mayor challenge. The three major potential classes of compounds suitable for the coupling are carbon oxides (CO2 & CO), and aldehydes. As a second step the remaining options were ranked to identify which compound to test first. In this ranking the reactants sustainability, ease of commercial operation and commercial attractiveness of the compound were considered. The highest-ranking compounds that proposed the highest potential are CO2, benzaldehyde and para-formaldehyde. In proof-of-principle experiments CO2 could successfully be incorporated in the form of carbonate, oxalate and potentially formate. The overall incorporation efficiency based on the hydride consumption was shown to be 50%. It is suggested to continue this work with mechanistic studies to understand the reaction in detail as, based on further gained knowledge, the reaction can then be optimized towards optimal CO2 incorporation in the form of oxalate.