957 resultados para Belief and doubt.


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Multiculturalism in design advocates that people's belief and cultures should be placed at the centre of design processes and designers should be capable of addressing cultural diversity in multiple ways of thinking. However, contemporary design discourses seem not to be philosophically inclusive and practically applicable in mulriculmral contexts. This paper theoretically reviews three predominant metaphysical conceptual thinking frameworks: Dualism, Monism and Holism in many multicultural societies and argue a possibility of the culturally inclusive design.


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In Haven, a female voice guides a meditation while an abstract animated form progressively morphs from geometric to irregular on screen. As the video develops, the tone shifts from relaxation to seduction and, eventually, to hints of mild contempt. Through its subtle shifts in tone and form, the work plays with the relationships between self-help, self-absorption and self-pity. Its verbal and visual references gently suggest a disjunction between internalised thoughts and external realities. In doing so, it also alludes to the ways that desire and doubt can inform quests for inner peace.


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Embobied Object, Material Family. Late-Medieval Wood Sculptures Depicting Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child in Finland Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary, was one of the most popular saints in Western Europe in the late Middle Ages. She was often depicted with two other figures, the Virgin and the Christ Child (Anna Selbdritt). The dissertation examines the polychrome wood sculptures showing this motif, with a special focus on those remaining in Finland. It investigates the meanings these sculptures had to their observers in the fifteenth-century Finland. The study sheds light to important material heritage which is little known and offers new insights into the cult and imagery of the holy grandmother. Methodologically the study is based on iconology and post-formalist art history, and it appropriates concepts such as spatiality, sanctity, corporeality, and gender. Taking a comparative approach it knits together larger tendencies and local people and incidents. By conflating methodological domains it renews the ways how fragmentary wood sculptures, lacking documentary written sources, can be contextually interpreted and comprehended. The sculptures are analyzed from three angles. Firstly, the study explores the sculptures by focusing on their materiality and facture, which is to consider them as records of their own making. The analysis provides new information concerning the quantity, location, and current condition of the sculptures and it also elucidates problems regarding attribution, dating, display, and craftsmanship. The book presents the results of the empirical study of 45 Saint Anne groups; these works are individually described in the large Appendix. Secondly, the works are contextualized to the specific historical conditions in which they were observed. The study discusses closely the circumstances in the Turku Cathedral around the shrine of Saint Anne, the popular belief, and the piety of individual persons. The sculptures, deemed as the embodiments of the holy characters, interacted with the devotees. Thirdly, the works are examined within the wider theological and ideological currents of the era centered on the body and Incarnation. Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child motif demonstrated the Carnal Trinity, the motherly side of the Holy Trinity. The dissertation argues that Saint Anne was interpreted as the female counterpart or, in a mythical sense, wife of God. Furthermore, the Child s implicit, simultaneous presence as a suffering or dead man imbues the sculptures with a sense of the Passion, thus associating them with the pietà and the Mater dolorosa motifs. The naked Christ Child underlines him as the offering and, eventually, the Eucharistic wafer. The study suggests that the sculptures mediate continuity and the bloodline between the generations by the intertwined and repeated gestures, clothing and positions of the portrayed figures. Regardless of the ostensible homeliness of the sculptures, so readily reiterated by earlier scholars, these sculptures represented creation and birth through the carnal yet holy mothers.


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Regional impacts of climate change remain subject to large uncertainties accumulating from various sources, including those due to choice of general circulation models (GCMs), scenarios, and downscaling methods. Objective constraints to reduce the uncertainty in regional predictions have proven elusive. In most studies to date the nature of the downscaling relationship (DSR) used for such regional predictions has been assumed to remain unchanged in a future climate. However,studies have shown that climate change may manifest in terms of changes in frequencies of occurrence of the leading modes of variability, and hence, stationarity of DSRs is not really a valid assumption in regional climate impact assessment. This work presents an uncertainty modeling framework where, in addition to GCM and scenario uncertainty, uncertainty in the nature of the DSR is explored by linking downscaling with changes in frequencies of such modes of natural variability. Future projections of the regional hydrologic variable obtained by training a conditional random field (CRF) model on each natural cluster are combined using the weighted Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory of evidence combination. Each projection is weighted with the future projected frequency of occurrence of that cluster (''cluster linking'') and scaled by the GCM performance with respect to the associated cluster for the present period (''frequency scaling''). The D-S theory was chosen for its ability to express beliefs in some hypotheses, describe uncertainty and ignorance in the system, and give a quantitative measurement of belief and plausibility in results. The methodology is tested for predicting monsoon streamflow of the Mahanadi River at Hirakud Reservoir in Orissa, India. The results show an increasing probability of extreme, severe, and moderate droughts due to limate change. Significantly improved agreement between GCM predictions owing to cluster linking and frequency scaling is seen, suggesting that by linking regional impacts to natural regime frequencies, uncertainty in regional predictions can be realistically quantified. Additionally, by using a measure of GCM performance in simulating natural regimes, this uncertainty can be effectively constrained.


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Solid-solid collapse transition in open framework structures is ubiquitous in nature. The real difficulty in understanding detailed microscopic aspects of such transitions in molecular systems arises from the interplay between different energy and length scales involved in molecular systems, often mediated through a solvent. In this work we employ Monte-Carlo simulation to study the collapse transition in a model molecular system interacting via both isotropic as well as anisotropic interactions having different length and energy scales. The model we use is known as Mercedes-Benz (MB), which, for a specific set of parameters, sustains two solid phases: honeycomb and oblique. In order to study the temperature induced collapse transition, we start with a metastable honeycomb solid and induce transition by increasing temperature. High density oblique solid so formed has two characteristic length scales corresponding to isotropic and anisotropic parts of interaction potential. Contrary to the common belief and classical nucleation theory, interestingly, we find linear strip-like nucleating clusters having significantly different order and average coordination number than the bulk stable phase. In the early stage of growth, the cluster grows as a linear strip, followed by branched and ring-like strips. The geometry of growing cluster is a consequence of the delicate balance between two types of interactions, which enables the dominance of stabilizing energy over destabilizing surface energy. The nucleus of stable oblique phase is wetted by intermediate order particles, which minimizes the surface free energy. In the case of pressure induced transition at low temperature the collapsed state is a disordered solid. The disordered solid phase has diverse local quasi-stable structures along with oblique-solid like domains. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This thesis studies decision making under uncertainty and how economic agents respond to information. The classic model of subjective expected utility and Bayesian updating is often at odds with empirical and experimental results; people exhibit systematic biases in information processing and often exhibit aversion to ambiguity. The aim of this work is to develop simple models that capture observed biases and study their economic implications.

In the first chapter I present an axiomatic model of cognitive dissonance, in which an agent's response to information explicitly depends upon past actions. I introduce novel behavioral axioms and derive a representation in which beliefs are directionally updated. The agent twists the information and overweights states in which his past actions provide a higher payoff. I then characterize two special cases of the representation. In the first case, the agent distorts the likelihood ratio of two states by a function of the utility values of the previous action in those states. In the second case, the agent's posterior beliefs are a convex combination of the Bayesian belief and the one which maximizes the conditional value of the previous action. Within the second case a unique parameter captures the agent's sensitivity to dissonance, and I characterize a way to compare sensitivity to dissonance between individuals. Lastly, I develop several simple applications and show that cognitive dissonance contributes to the equity premium and price volatility, asymmetric reaction to news, and belief polarization.

The second chapter characterizes a decision maker with sticky beliefs. That is, a decision maker who does not update enough in response to information, where enough means as a Bayesian decision maker would. This chapter provides axiomatic foundations for sticky beliefs by weakening the standard axioms of dynamic consistency and consequentialism. I derive a representation in which updated beliefs are a convex combination of the prior and the Bayesian posterior. A unique parameter captures the weight on the prior and is interpreted as the agent's measure of belief stickiness or conservatism bias. This parameter is endogenously identified from preferences and is easily elicited from experimental data.

The third chapter deals with updating in the face of ambiguity, using the framework of Gilboa and Schmeidler. There is no consensus on the correct way way to update a set of priors. Current methods either do not allow a decision maker to make an inference about her priors or require an extreme level of inference. In this chapter I propose and axiomatize a general model of updating a set of priors. A decision maker who updates her beliefs in accordance with the model can be thought of as one that chooses a threshold that is used to determine whether a prior is plausible, given some observation. She retains the plausible priors and applies Bayes' rule. This model includes generalized Bayesian updating and maximum likelihood updating as special cases.


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Nas últimas décadas, observa-se no campo evangélico no Brasil um maciço investimento na Psicologia, o qual se manifesta tanto no interesse pela Psicologia enquanto profissão leiga, quanto na utilização do conhecimento psicológico em atividades eclesiásticas. Outro fato especialmente verificado entre os fieis evangélicos é a demanda por realizar psicoterapia com um profissional que também seja da mesma fé. A partir da década de 1990, o investimento evangélico na Psicologia cresceu de forma visível e suscitou diversos confrontos entre psicólogos evangélicos e os órgãos de regulação profissional, principalmente o Conselho Federal de Psicologia, em torno da articulação entre a fé evangélica e a atuação profissional em Psicologia, especialmente em psicoterapia. Os evangélicos são o segmento religioso que mais cresce no Brasil nas últimas décadas, apresentando uma expansão não apenas quantitativa, mas notadamente em termos de seu destaque no cenário social brasileiro. As articulações entre Religião e Ciência são fortemente observadas na História da Psicologia no Brasil desde o período colonial, onde houve importante circulação de escritos católicos com temáticas psicológicas ("psicologia da alma"), até meados do século XX, com a introdução da psicologia em seminários católicos para auxiliar a formação dos padres. Não obstante a grande importância da temática religiosa nos processos psicossociais, percebe-se no campo da psicologia uma lacuna no tocante a estudos sobre as religiões (especialmente, em uma perspectiva histórico-social). Neste sentido, impõe-se a necessidade de reflexão sobre os sentidos da apropriação do discurso psicológico efetuada pelos evangélicos. Nossa investigação empírica teve duas etapas: a) foi aplicado um questionário eletrônico em 104 psicólogos pertencentes à religião evangélica, com o objetivo de levantar informações sobre a formação e prática profissional destes psicólogos, além de sua perspectiva pessoal acerca da relação entre sua crença religiosa e atuação profissional; b) foram selecionados 5 participantes do questionário para a realização de entrevistas, visando aprofundar a investigação de determinados temas, que emergiram da análise do questionário. Nossos resultados apontam em geral para uma multiplicidade de discursos sobre a influência da fé evangélica na atuação profissional. Entre os que relatam a total influência da religiosidade e os que afirmam uma neutralidade estrita, há um espectro com diversas posições ambivalentes que, em geral, apontam uma indissociabilidade entre a visão de mundo influenciada pela religião e a prática profissional, ao mesmo tempo em que assinalam a necessidade ética de suspensão do juízo, a fim de que a religiosidade do terapeuta não se interponha para o cliente. Tais resultados apontam a existência de um núcleo comum entre os sistemas discursivos da Psicologia e da religião evangélica que gera neste segmento religioso o interesse pela apropriação do conhecimento e prática psicológicos. A análise destas inter-relações é fundamental para os debates éticos atualmente em curso na categoria dos psicólogos acerca da interseção entre religião e atuação profissional.


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O papel da religiosidade na determinação do comportamento suicida é controverso, havendo estudos que a consideram um fator protetor e outros um fator de risco. Neste estudo os autores conduziram uma revisão sistemática da literatura para avaliar a relação entre a religiosidade e o comportamento suicida. Dentre os 154 artigos publicados em periódicos científicos inicialmente identificados nas bases Medline, Lilacs, Scielo e PsycInfo, foram selecionados 59 artigos que enfocavam a associação entre religiosidade e comportamento suicida. Para a avaliação dos atributos qualitativos dos artigos foi desenvolvido um Roteiro de Avaliação Qualitativa. Os resultados mostram que grande parte dos artigos encontrados apresentava falta de rigor metodológico na mensuração do conceito de religiosidade, possivelmente devido à característica subjetiva desse constructo. Contudo, verificou-se que o papel protetor contra o comportamento suicida exercido pela religiosidade, sofre variações de acordo com a cultura na qual está inserida, considerando que para algumas culturas o comportamento suicida não é visto com total desaprovação. Porém, a maioria dos estudos reforça a hipótese de que a religiosidade diminui o risco de comportamento suicida nos indivíduos que professam algum tipo de credo e, que participam de algum espaço religioso. Não foram encontrados, nesta pesquisa, estudos que medissem a associação, entre religiosidade e comportamento suicida, em religiões de matriz africana.


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A tese analisa decisões judiciais prolatadas em casos da bioética clínica, especificamente: requerimento de autorização para interrupção de gestação de feto anencéfalo, liberdade de recusa à imposição de procedimento de transfusão de sangue em razão de crença religiosa em paciente Testemunha de Jeová e a mudança de nome e sexo de transexual com ou sem realização de cirurgia de transgenitalismo. A escolha dos três tipos de casos levados a julgamento ao Poder Judiciário se deu em virtude de serem questões características ao direito existencial, de repercussão no Ser do indivíduo, em seus direitos personalíssimos. Para isso foram analisadas 84 decisões judiciais, mediante a aplicação da teoria Principiológica de Beauchamp & Childress e análise de cada decisão quanto à aplicação dos quatro Princípios que desenvolve: do respeito à autonomia, da não maleficência, da beneficência e da justiça. O resultado da análise demonstrou que ao utilizar os quatro Princípios, com especificação e ponderação dos mesmos, o julgador profere decisões de cunho liberal. Quando não utiliza os Princípios ou extrapola os limites de sua aplicação, o julgador profere decisões de cunho conservador. As decisões judiciais de caráter liberal são despidas de preconceitos e moralismos e permitem o respeito aos direitos individuais sem descuidar dos direitos dos demais membros da sociedade. As decisões conservadoras se baseiam na literalidade da lei e violam direitos individuais, sem acrescentar segurança à sociedade. A apropriação desta teoria da ética biomédica pelo biodireito, se apresenta como método seguro e eficaz na prolação de decisão judicial em casos da bioética clínica e conduz o julgador a decisões mais justas por serem apoiadas em boas razões.


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The aim of this paper is to show that Dempster-Shafer evidence theory may be successfully applied to unsupervised classification in multisource remote sensing. Dempster-Shafer formulation allows for consideration of unions of classes, and to represent both imprecision and uncertainty, through the definition of belief and plausibility functions. These two functions, derived from mass function, are generally chosen in a supervised way. In this paper, the authors describe an unsupervised method, based on the comparison of monosource classification results, to select the classes necessary for Dempster-Shafer evidence combination and to define their mass functions. Data fusion is then performed, discarding invalid clusters (e.g. corresponding to conflicting information) thank to an iterative process. Unsupervised multisource classification algorithm is applied to MAC-Europe'91 multisensor airborne campaign data collected over the Orgeval French site. Classification results using different combinations of sensors (TMS and AirSAR) or wavelengths (L- and C-bands) are compared. Performance of data fusion is evaluated in terms of identification of land cover types. The best results are obtained when all three data sets are used. Furthermore, some other combinations of data are tried, and their ability to discriminate between the different land cover types is quantified


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Lee, M. H., Lacey, N. J. (2003). The Influence of Epistemology on the Design of Artificial Agents. Minds and Machines, 13 (3), 367-395


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde.


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Using the lenses of contemporary cultural geography, this research develops an understanding of pilgrimage as a relational and reciprocal process that co-produces self and world. Drawing on the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, I argue that through the performances and experiences of contemporary pilgrimage in Ireland, participants and locations emerge as pilgrims and pilgrimage places. This approach unites different strands of cultural geography, including the mobilities field, more-than representational concerns, discussions of embodiment and practice, emotional and affective geographies, and religious and spiritual geographies. I explore how pilgrimage is an active process in which self and world, belief and practice, and the numinous and material entwine and merge. An autoethnographic methodology is enacted as an embodied, intersubjective, and reflexive research approach that incorporates the motivations, experiences, and beliefs of research participants, alongside my own descriptions and reflections. The methodology is focused on encountering and documenting pilgrimage practices as they occur in place and relating these embodied spatial practices to the accounts of pilgrims. The insights generated by engagements with research participants and through my own pilgrimages, offer new appreciations of the enduring appeal of pilgrimage in Ireland as a religious-spiritual and cultural activity that allows people to express personal intentions, to develop their faith, and to seek numinous encounters. Through the pilgrimages at Lough Derg, Croagh Patrick, and three holy wells, I produce a layered account of the empirical circumstances of the practices. The presentation of these places and events is enhanced by the use of evocative images and audiovisual recordings. By centring my study on the practices and experiences of different pilgrimages in present-day Ireland, and critically deploying strands of cultural geography and pilgrimage studies, this research produces new qualitative understandings of pilgrimage and contributes to discussions concerned with the relationships between self and world.


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This article places Northern Ireland within the unfolding sociological debate on religion in modern Britain. It measures secularization along Casanova’s three dimensions (1994): religious differentiation, decline and privatization. It finds that Northern Ireland has, in common with Britain, high levels of religious differentiation, grey areas of religious belief and little convinced secularism. However, Northern Ireland differs in that it has higher levels of religious affiliation and practice, and religion plays more roles in civil society than it does in other parts of Britain. The article explores the role of conflict in forming these religious trends, asking if they represent a persistence of the sacred, or simply mask deeper ethnic divisions. It concludes that the social dimensions of religion are just as important as the supernatural, and that they often inform each other. Finally, it suggests that the dynamics of religious change are comparable across regions and, as such, Northern Ireland might be a useful case study for British policy makers, particularly as it becomes increasingly multicultural and religiously plural.


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One of the main pillars in the development of inclusive schools is the initial teacher training. Before determining if it is necessary to make changes (and of what type) in training programs or curriculum guides related to the attention to diversity and inclusive education, the attitudes of future education professionals in this area should be analyzed. This includes the identification of the relevant predictors of inclusive attitudes. The research reported in this article pursued this objective, doing so with a quantitative survey methodology based on the use of cross-sectional structured data collection and statistical analyses related to the quality of the attitude questionnaire (factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha), descriptive statistics, correlations, hypothesis tests for difference of means, and regression analysis in order to predict attitudes towards inclusion in education. Firstly, the results show that the participants held very positive attitudes toward the inclusion of students with special educational needs. Particularly, older respondents, those with a longer training and, to a lesser extent, women and those who had been in touch with disabled people stood out within this attitude. Secondly, it is evidenced that self-transcendence values ​and, more weakly, contact, function as robust predictors of attitudes of future practitioners towards the inclusion of students with special needs. Some applications for the initial professionalization of educators are suggested in the discussion.