979 resultados para Bat trapping


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Lan honekin Donostiako bizitza kalitatea ikertu nahi dute, hau da etxebizitzetako bizilagunen eta etxebizitzen egitura eta erabileraren arteko erlazio posiblea. Biztanle mota, etxebizitza mota eta Donostiako eremu homogeneoen arteko lotura bilatzen saiatuko dira, Aldagai Anitzeko Analisia, batez ere Osagai Nagusizko Analisia, erabiliz aldagai kopurua murrizteko eta faktore edo osagai gutxitan aldagaien informazio gehiena jasotzeko. Jarraian, Cluster aplikatuko dute auzo homogeneoen taldeak osatzeko.


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[EUS[ Ingurumen-ondasun eta zerbitzuen gaineko balorazio ekonomikoa ebaluazio-tresna erabilgarri gisa azal daiteke, bereziki natura-eremu babestuen (NEB) politikak gero eta garrantzi handiagoa eskuratzen duen testuinguruetan. Nahiz eta NEBen gaineko balorazio ekonomikoak tradizio luzea duen, Euskal Herriko NEBen gain egindakoak oraintsukoak dira. Artikulu honek balorazio ekonomiko horiek jasotzen dituzten ikerlanen berrikusketa bibliografikoa egiten du. Egindako azterketak disparekotasun nabarmena azaltzen du emaitzei dagokienez, zeinak neurri handian balorazio-ariketetan definitutako ingurumen-ondasun eta erabilitako metodologien menpe dauden. Horrekin batera, NEBen izendatze eta garapenean arrazoi ekonomikoez gain beste era batzuetako arrazoiak kontuan hartzeko beharra ere azpimarratzen da.


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Euskara. EAEko hezkuntza zentroetan ikasle haurdunak saioetatik eskluituak izan ez daitezen, Gorputz Hezkuntzako saioetarako inklusibotasun programa proposamen bat. Horretarako aurrena errebisio bibliografikoa egin da, eta jarraian proposamenaren garapena.


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Lan hau eskola kiroleko egitasmo bat da eta proposamen berritzailea kirol jokoen ezaugarri eta egitura oinarri harturik egiten da.


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[EN] In this paper a short basque text included in a french comedy from XVIIth century is published and analyzed. That text appears in the second scene ofthe Raymond Poisson's comedy, "Le Poète Basque". It seems difficult to specify which variety of Basque is used by Poisson; anyway, I try to demonstrate that text shows characteristics of the dialects of Labourd and Low Navarre.


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[EU] Gure diputazioetako artxiboetan gordetzen diren eskuizkribu anitzetarik bat ematen dut lan honetan argitara: Nafarroako Artxibo Nagusiko Bonaparte Ondarean B-118 signatura daraman "Doctrina Uscaraz", erronkarieraz idatzitako dotrina osatugabea. Testu honen edizioa paratzeaz gain, iruzkina ere eransten dut, hala testuko puntu ilunak hobeki ulertarazteko nola kontu askotan hain bitxi gertatzen zaigun erronkariera ezagutzeko aurrerapauso txiki bat egiteko asmoz.


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 41 a 50 horas


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Lan honetan ingeles irakasleen oinarrizko prestakuntzaren inguruan azterketa bat egingo dugu. Horretarako, Suediako Stockholms Universitet eta Bilboko Irakasle Unibertsitate Eskolan eskaintzen diren bi kurtsoren arteko konparazioa burutu dugu.


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[EUS] Ipuinak haurren egunerokotasunean erabiliak diren baliabideak dira eta hauen funtzio hezitzailea ukaezina da. Hala ere, genero berdintasunari dagokionez, ipuinek eta bertako irudien funtzioa eztabaidagarri bihurtzen da, tradizionalki genero estereotipoak transmititu dituztela eta genero jendarteratzean duten eragina kontuan izanik. Lan honetan, beraz, gaur eguneko ilustrazioek iruditegi parekideago bat sortzera bidean, genero estereotipoak transmititzen jarraitzen duten eta emakume eta gizonen eredu berriak eta anitzak eskaintzen dituzten aztertu da. Premisa horrekin, ikerketa kualitatibo baten bidez, irudiz hornituriko hiru ipuin aztertu dira. Emaitzak aztertuta, ondorioek, irudietan parekidetasuna sustatzeko aurrerapausoak egin direla argitu dute, oraindik ere zenbait estereotiporen aztarnak nabariak diren arren.


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Improved measurement of the neutrino mass via β decay spectroscopy requires the development of new energy measurement techniques and a new β decay source. A promising proposal is to measure the β energy by the frequency of the cyclotron radiation emitted in a magnetic field and to use a high purity atomic tritium source. This thesis examines the feasibility of using a magnetic trap to create and maintain such a source. We demonstrate that the loss rate due to β decay heating is not a limiting factor for the design. We also calculate the loss rate due to evaporative cooling and propose that the tritium can be cooled sufficiently during trap loading as to render this negligible. We further demonstrate a design for the magnetic field which produces a highly uniform field over a large fraction of the trap volume as needed for cyclotron frequency spectroscopy while still providing effective trapping.


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We investigate the fluorescence spectrum in a nearly degenerate atomic system of a F-e = 0 -> F-g = 1 transition by analytically solving Schrodinger equations. An ultranarrow fluorescence spectral line in between the two coherent population trapping windows has been found. Our analytic solutions clearly show the origin of the ultranarrow spectral line. Due to quantum interference effects between two coherent population trapping states, the width and intensity of the central spectral line can be controlled by an external magnetic field. Such an effect may be used to detect a magnetic field.


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We report an experiment of trapping of neutral Rb-87 atoms on a, self-made atomchip. The H-shaped atomchip is made by magnetron sputtering technology, which is different from the atomchip technology of other teams. We collect 3 x 10(6) Rb-87 atoms in the mirror magneto-optical trap (MOT) using the external MOT coils, and 1 X 10(5) Rb-87 atoms are transferred to U-MOT using U-shaped wire in chip and a pair of bias coils.


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We measure the signal amplitude and linewidth of a dark line in coherent population trapping in the Rb vapour cell filled with mixed buffer gas N-2 and Ar as a function of cell temperature. We find that the dark line signal amplitude increases with temperature up to a maximum at 49 degrees C and then drops at higher temperatures due to quenching effects of N-2. The linewidth of the dark line remains basically constant, at 1080 Hz. We also measure the linewidth of the dark line as a function of laser intensity. The linewidth increases linearly with laser intensity. An intrinsic linewidth (FWHM=896 Hz at 3.4 GHz) of the Rb cell is obtained.


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We present the theoretical analysis and the numerical modeling of optical levitation and trapping of the stuck particles with a pulsed optical tweezers. In our model, a pulsed laser was used to generate a large gradient force within a short duration that overcame the adhesive interaction between the stuck particles and the surface; and then a low power continuous - wave (cw) laser was used to capture the levitated particle. We describe the gradient force generated by the pulsed optical tweezers and model the binding interaction between the stuck beads and glass surface by the dominative van der Waals force with a randomly distributed binding strength. We numerically calculate the single pulse levitation efficiency for polystyrene beads as the function of the pulse energy, the axial displacement from the surface to the pulsed laser focus and the pulse duration. The result of our numerical modeling is qualitatively consistent with the experimental result. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.