177 resultados para Barrie


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Final report of the the Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory (ASELL) project. 

Most researchers agree that the laboratory experience ranks as a significant factor that influences students’ attitudes to their science courses. Consequently, good laboratory programs should play a major role in influencing student learning and performance. The laboratory program can be pivotal in defining a student's experience in the sciences, and if done poorly, can be a major contributing factor in causing disengagement from the subject area. The challenge remains to provide students with laboratory activities that are relevant, engaging and offer effective learning opportunities.

The Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory (ASELL) project has developed over the last 10 years with the aim of improving the quality of learning in undergraduate laboratories, providing a validated means of evaluating and improving the laboratory experience of students, and effective professional development for academic staff. After successful development in chemistry and trials using the developed principles in physics and biology, the project, with ALTC funding, has now expanded to include those disciplines.

The launching pad for ASELL was a multidisciplinary workshop held in Adelaide in April, 2010. This workshop involved 100 academics and students, plus 13 Deans of Science (or delegates), covering the three enabling sciences of biology, chemistry and physics. Thirty-nine undergraduate experiments were trialled over the three days of the workshop. More importantly, professional development in laboratory education was developed in the 42 academic staff that attended the workshop.

Following the workshop, delegates continued to evaluate, develop and improve both individual experiments and whole laboratory programs in their home institutions, mentored by the ASELL Team. Some highlights include:
- more than 15,000 student surveys carried out by delegates during 2010/11
- 10 whole lab programs were surveyed by delegates
- 4 new ASELL-style workshops, conducted by ASELL-trained delegates were run in 2010/11
- more than 100 ASELL-tested experiments available on the website (www.asell.org)
- ASELL workshops conducted in Philippines, Ireland in 2010, and planned in the USA and Thailand for 2011
- significant improvement in student evaluation of whole laboratory programs and individual experiments measured in universities using the ASELL approach
- high profile of ASELL activities in the Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS)
- research project on the misconceptions of academic staff about laboratory learning completed
- significant research on student learning in the laboratory, and staff perceptions of student learning have been carried out during 2010/11
- research results have been benchmarked against staff and students in the USA.

The biggest unresolved issue for ASELL is one of sustainability in the post-ALTC funding era. ASELL will make a series of recommendations to the ACDS, but the future of the program depends, to a large part, on how the ACDS responds.


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Risky alcohol consumption is the subject of considerable community concern in Australia and internationally, particularly the risky drinking practices of young people consuming alcohol in the night-time economy. This study will determine some of the factors and correlates associated with alcohol-related risk-taking, offending and harm in and around licensed venues and night-time entertainment precincts across five Australian cities (three metropolitan and two regional). The primary aim of the study is to measure levels of pre-drinking, drinking in venues, intoxication, illicit drug use and potentially harmful drinking practices (such as mixing with energy drinks) of patrons in entertainment areas, and relating this to offending, risky behaviour and harms experienced. The study will also investigate the effects of license type, trading hours, duration of drinking episodes and geographical location on intoxication, offending, risk-taking and experience of harm. Data collection involves patron interviews (incorporating breathalysing and drug testing) with 7500 people attending licensed venues. Intensive venue observations (n=112) will also be undertaken in a range of venues, including pubs, bars and nightclubs. The information gathered through this study will inform prevention and enforcement approaches of policy makers, police and venue staff.


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The Dirichlet is one of the most important theoretical achievements of marketing science. It provides insights into the distribution of consumer loyalties and is used widely in industry for benchmarking and interpreting brand performance. The Dirichlet’s implications run counter to some well-entrenched marketing pedagogy and so, unsurprisingly, it has attracted criticism arguing that it cannot adequately reflect the dynamic nature of consumer choice. The authors address these criticisms by discussing how consumer loyalties are manifested and examining whether changes in consumer loyalties do, in fact, disrupt Dirichlet buying patterns. To the best of our discipline’s knowledge, based on extensive empirical and theoretical work, brands compete in a Dirichlet world.


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Student experience surveys have become increasingly popular to probe various aspects of processes and outcomes in higher education, such as measuring student perceptions of the learning environment and identifying aspects that could be improved. This paper reports on a particular survey for evaluating individual experiments that has been developed over some 15 years as part of a large national Australian study pertaining to the area of undergraduate laboratories—Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory. This paper reports on the development of the survey instrument and the evaluation of the survey using student responses to experiments from different institutions in Australia, New Zealand and the USA. A total of 3153 student responses have been analysed using factor analysis. Three factors, motivation, assessment and resources, have been identified as contributing to improved student attitudes to laboratory activities. A central focus of the survey is to provide feedback to practitioners to iteratively improve experiments. Implications for practitioners and researchers are also discussed.


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Purpose – At present no frameworks exist for services marketers to incorporate social media (SM) within marketing communications planning. The majority of integrated marketing communications (IMC) frameworks were developed prior to the development of the widespread use of digital and SM for information seeking, sales and service. The purpose of this paper is to investigate this issue for services marketers specifically as they differ from FMCG, industrial and durable marketers in terms of marketing messages, branding, media and channels. Furthermore, as they are less reliant on outsourced sale channels they have more potential than other industries to integrate social and digital media to build awareness, brands and sales.

– Depth interviews were conducted with eight senior services marketing executives to identify the impact of SM on marketing communications planning, implementation and measurement.

Findings – The findings revealed that the unique characteristics of SM (such as interactivity and individualisation, integration of communication and distribution channels, immediacy and information collection) impact traditional marketing communications frameworks. These impacts manifested in 12 modifications specific to services and SM to traditional generic IMC frameworks encompassed by the themes of reach, service channel, word-of-mouth advocacy, consumer generated messages, listening and behavioural measurement.

Practical implications
– The rapidly evolving nature of SM means senior services marketers need to educate organisational stakeholders regarding implementation issues, which may be a barrier to effective integration of SM within marketing communications.

– With digital marketing communications budgets reaching 30 per cent within some organisations, it is timely to put forward a marketing communication decision-making framework that first incorporates SM and second is suitable for services marketers.


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This paper describes the formulation of a Multi-objective Pipe Smoothing Genetic Algorithm (MOPSGA) and its application to the least cost water distribution network design problem. Evolutionary Algorithms have been widely utilised for the optimisation of both theoretical and real-world non-linear optimisation problems, including water system design and maintenance problems. In this work we present a pipe smoothing based approach to the creation and mutation of chromosomes which utilises engineering expertise with the view to increasing the performance of the algorithm whilst promoting engineering feasibility within the population of solutions. MOPSGA is based upon the standard Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) and incorporates a modified population initialiser and mutation operator which directly targets elements of a network with the aim to increase network smoothness (in terms of progression from one diameter to the next) using network element awareness and an elementary heuristic. The pipe smoothing heuristic used in this algorithm is based upon a fundamental principle employed by water system engineers when designing water distribution pipe networks where the diameter of any pipe is never greater than the sum of the diameters of the pipes directly upstream resulting in the transition from large to small diameters from source to the extremities of the network. MOPSGA is assessed on a number of water distribution network benchmarks from the literature including some real-world based, large scale systems. The performance of MOPSGA is directly compared to that of NSGA-II with regard to solution quality, engineering feasibility (network smoothness) and computational efficiency. MOPSGA is shown to promote both engineering and hydraulic feasibility whilst attaining good infrastructure costs compared to NSGA-II.


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Background: The aim of this study was investigate the relationship between ABCB1 and ABCC3 gene expressions in peripheral blood cells (PBC) and the response to clopidogrel in patients with coronary arterial disease (CAD). Methods: Twenty-six male CAD patients (50-70 years) under treatment with clopidogrel (75 mg/day) for at least 5 days were selected. Blood samples were obtained to evaluate platelet reactivity and ABCB1 and ABCC3 mRNA expression. Platelet reactivity was measured in P2Y12 Reaction Units (PRU) using VerifyNow. RNA was extracted from PBC and mRNA levels were measured by qPCR, using GAPD as a reference gene. Results: Platelet response to clopidogrel was categorized in to PRU quartiles. Individuals with PRU values within the first quartile (Q1, <151 units) were considered good responders, while those who had PRU within the fourth quartile (Q4. PRU>260) were considered non-responders. ABCC3 was 1.7 times more expressed in Q4 than in Q1 PRU group (p=0.048). Moreover, CAD patients with low ABCC3 expression (Qe1, <2.5x10(-3)) had higher probability to have a good response to clopidogrel (OR: 18.00, 95%CI: 1.90-169.99, p=0.001). Univariate linear regression analysis demonstrated that low ABCC3 mRNA expression contributed with a reduction of 73 PRU in relation to the patients with expression value higher than 2.5x10(-3) (p=0.027). Neither ABCB1 mRNA levels nor clinical variables studied influenced PRU values. Conclusions: Low ABCC3 mRNA expression in peripheral blood cells is associated with increased clopidogrel response, but further studies are needed to describe the functional relationship of clopidogrel with the ABCC3. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Definitive diagnosis of the bat disease white-nose syndrome (WNS) requires histologic analysis to identify the cutaneous erosions caused by the fungal pathogen Pseudogymnoascus [formerly Geomyces] destructans (Pd). Gross visual inspection does not distinguish bats with or without WNS, and no nonlethal, on-site, preliminary screening methods are available for WNS in bats. We demonstrate that long-wave ultraviolet (UV) light (wavelength 366-385 nm) elicits a distinct orange yellow fluorescence in bat-wing membranes (skin) that corresponds directly with the fungal cupping erosions in histologic sections of skin that are the current gold standard for diagnosis of WNS. Between March 2009 and April 2012, wing membranes from 168 North American bat carcasses submitted to the US Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center were examined with the use of both UV light and histology. Comparison of these techniques showed that 98.8% of the bats with foci of orange yellow wing fluorescence (n=80) were WNS-positive based on histologic diagnosis; bat wings that did not fluoresce under UV light (n=88) were all histologically negative for WNS lesions. Punch biopsy samples as small as 3 mm taken from areas of wing with UV fluorescence were effective for identifying lesions diagnostic for WNS by histopathology. In a nonlethal biopsy-based study of 62 bats sampled (4-mm diameter) in hibernacula of the Czech Republic during 2012, 95.5% of fluorescent (n=22) and 100% of nonfluorescent (n=40) wing samples were confirmed by histopathology to be WNS positive and negative, respectively. This evidence supports use of long-wave UV light as a nonlethal and field-applicable method to screen bats for lesions indicative of WNS. Further, UV fluorescence can be used to guide targeted, nonlethal biopsy sampling for follow-up molecular testing, fungal culture analysis, and histologic confirmation of WNS.


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A 10-yr-old female Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea) presented with a history of right forelimb lameness. Antebrachial radiographs revealed a Monteggia lesion, classified by cranial radial head luxation and distal diaphyseal ulnar fracture. Open reduction with placement of an ulnar-radial positional screw was performed. The lateral collateral ligament was reconstructed using suture anchored by a condylar screw and bone tunnel in the radius. Reduction and proper implant placement was confirmed on postoperative radiographs. The ulnar-radial positional screw was removed 6 wk postoperatively to allow proper supination and pronation. Limb function was greatly improved at this time; however, a mild lameness was still observed. At 7 mo postoperatively, the otter was ambulating lameness-free. Radiographs documented proper joint reduction and stable condylar screw. At 32 mo postoperatively, the otter continued to exhibit normal ambulation.


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En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar descripciones que se hacen del personaje Peter Pan, como recreación eduardiana del arquetipo del dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan esas construcciones con los diferentes sentidos que esta deidad fue connotando en contextos diversos en los que ocurrió su figura (desde obras de la literatura clásica, atravesadas por las lecturas, re-lecturas y re-escrituras de la tradición literaria británica). Veremos que Peter Pan, en los textos que el escritor escocés James M. Barrie escribió sobre él en un lapso de alrededor de treinta años, oficia "como Pan", en una dimensión alegórica, de nexo/puente entre dos conceptos que se presentan como opuestos: la Naturaleza y la Civilización. La primera aparece como el lugar donde se encuentran los dominios del dios/niño eterno, a los que solo pueden ingresar algunos pocos elegidos, y es símbolo de una nostalgia por una esencia perdida que, a su vez, se asocia con el concepto de infancia. La segunda representa negativamente el modelo de sociedad capitalista moderna que impone reglas que se contraponen a ese yo «natural». En este sentido, esa Arcadia se conecta con la literatura para niños, ya que son ellos "junto con los poetas" quienes tienen todavía permitido el acceso a ese lugar, y la capacidad de oír el «llamado» que Peter hace con la música de su flauta, del mismo modo en que son ellos quienes pueden disfrutar de esas lecturas y a quienes estas están dirigidas. Esta oposición de Naturaleza vs. Civilización conforma la «estructura del sentir» de la cultura de principios del siglo XX en Gran Bretaña, de la cual la literatura para niños es parte fundamental


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En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar descripciones que se hacen del personaje Peter Pan, como recreación eduardiana del arquetipo del dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan esas construcciones con los diferentes sentidos que esta deidad fue connotando en contextos diversos en los que ocurrió su figura (desde obras de la literatura clásica, atravesadas por las lecturas, re-lecturas y re-escrituras de la tradición literaria británica). Veremos que Peter Pan, en los textos que el escritor escocés James M. Barrie escribió sobre él en un lapso de alrededor de treinta años, oficia "como Pan", en una dimensión alegórica, de nexo/puente entre dos conceptos que se presentan como opuestos: la Naturaleza y la Civilización. La primera aparece como el lugar donde se encuentran los dominios del dios/niño eterno, a los que solo pueden ingresar algunos pocos elegidos, y es símbolo de una nostalgia por una esencia perdida que, a su vez, se asocia con el concepto de infancia. La segunda representa negativamente el modelo de sociedad capitalista moderna que impone reglas que se contraponen a ese yo «natural». En este sentido, esa Arcadia se conecta con la literatura para niños, ya que son ellos "junto con los poetas" quienes tienen todavía permitido el acceso a ese lugar, y la capacidad de oír el «llamado» que Peter hace con la música de su flauta, del mismo modo en que son ellos quienes pueden disfrutar de esas lecturas y a quienes estas están dirigidas. Esta oposición de Naturaleza vs. Civilización conforma la «estructura del sentir» de la cultura de principios del siglo XX en Gran Bretaña, de la cual la literatura para niños es parte fundamental


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En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar descripciones que se hacen del personaje Peter Pan, como recreación eduardiana del arquetipo del dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan esas construcciones con los diferentes sentidos que esta deidad fue connotando en contextos diversos en los que ocurrió su figura (desde obras de la literatura clásica, atravesadas por las lecturas, re-lecturas y re-escrituras de la tradición literaria británica). Veremos que Peter Pan, en los textos que el escritor escocés James M. Barrie escribió sobre él en un lapso de alrededor de treinta años, oficia "como Pan", en una dimensión alegórica, de nexo/puente entre dos conceptos que se presentan como opuestos: la Naturaleza y la Civilización. La primera aparece como el lugar donde se encuentran los dominios del dios/niño eterno, a los que solo pueden ingresar algunos pocos elegidos, y es símbolo de una nostalgia por una esencia perdida que, a su vez, se asocia con el concepto de infancia. La segunda representa negativamente el modelo de sociedad capitalista moderna que impone reglas que se contraponen a ese yo «natural». En este sentido, esa Arcadia se conecta con la literatura para niños, ya que son ellos "junto con los poetas" quienes tienen todavía permitido el acceso a ese lugar, y la capacidad de oír el «llamado» que Peter hace con la música de su flauta, del mismo modo en que son ellos quienes pueden disfrutar de esas lecturas y a quienes estas están dirigidas. Esta oposición de Naturaleza vs. Civilización conforma la «estructura del sentir» de la cultura de principios del siglo XX en Gran Bretaña, de la cual la literatura para niños es parte fundamental


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En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar descripciones que se hacen del personaje Peter Pan, como recreación eduardiana del arquetipo del dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan esas construcciones con los diferentes sentidos que esta deidad fue connotando en contextos diversos en los que ocurrió su figura (desde obras de la literatura clásica, atravesadas por las lecturas, re-lecturas y re-escrituras de la tradición literaria británica). Veremos que Peter Pan, en los textos que el escritor escocés James M. Barrie escribió sobre él en un lapso de alrededor de treinta años, oficia "como Pan", en una dimensión alegórica, de nexo/puente entre dos conceptos que se presentan como opuestos: la Naturaleza y la Civilización. La primera aparece como el lugar donde se encuentran los dominios del dios/niño eterno, a los que solo pueden ingresar algunos pocos elegidos, y es símbolo de una nostalgia por una esencia perdida que, a su vez, se asocia con el concepto de infancia. La segunda representa negativamente el modelo de sociedad capitalista moderna que impone reglas que se contraponen a ese yo «natural». En este sentido, esa Arcadia se conecta con la literatura para niños, ya que son ellos "junto con los poetas" quienes tienen todavía permitido el acceso a ese lugar, y la capacidad de oír el «llamado» que Peter hace con la música de su flauta, del mismo modo en que son ellos quienes pueden disfrutar de esas lecturas y a quienes estas están dirigidas. Esta oposición de Naturaleza vs. Civilización conforma la «estructura del sentir» de la cultura de principios del siglo XX en Gran Bretaña, de la cual la literatura para niños es parte fundamental


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Desde la perspectiva de la genética textual, en este trabajo observamos las representacionesdel personaje de Peter Pan en los textos de J. M. Barrie dedicados a este con respecto a sussemejanzas con el dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan con los diferentes sentidosque el dios fue connotando a través de siglos. Analizamos la fotonovela The Boys Castawaysof Black Lake Island (1901); The Little White Bird (1902), novela en la que aparece en seiscapítulos; las "Fairy Notes" (1903) en borrador y el libreto inédito llamado Anon: a play de la obra teatral Peter Pan or The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up (estrenada en 1904); la novela Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906), que consiste en esos seis capítulos de The LittleWhite Bird; la novela Peter and Wendy (1911), adaptación de la obra de teatro; un guion cinematográfico,Scenario for a Proposed Film of Peter Pan (c. 1918), que no se filmó; y ellibreto de la obra, finalmente publicado, con bastantes cambios, en 1928


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Desde la perspectiva de la genética textual, en este trabajo observamos las representacionesdel personaje de Peter Pan en los textos de J. M. Barrie dedicados a este con respecto a sussemejanzas con el dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan con los diferentes sentidosque el dios fue connotando a través de siglos. Analizamos la fotonovela The Boys Castawaysof Black Lake Island (1901); The Little White Bird (1902), novela en la que aparece en seiscapítulos; las "Fairy Notes" (1903) en borrador y el libreto inédito llamado Anon: a play de la obra teatral Peter Pan or The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up (estrenada en 1904); la novela Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906), que consiste en esos seis capítulos de The LittleWhite Bird; la novela Peter and Wendy (1911), adaptación de la obra de teatro; un guion cinematográfico,Scenario for a Proposed Film of Peter Pan (c. 1918), que no se filmó; y ellibreto de la obra, finalmente publicado, con bastantes cambios, en 1928