990 resultados para Balneário Municipal Manoel Severo Lins (Rancharia, SP)


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In order to ensure the teaching and learning process of written and spoken language, the state government of São Paulo established as the official curriculum Read and Write Program (2007) and EMAI (2012). In municipal elementary schools in Bauru SP, since 2013, went into action the Common curriculum, targeting a unified curriculum. The curriculum has a wide range of definitions, which vary according to the conception of the authors, as well as its practice can occur of different ways resulting from the worldview and teacher's work. So, this study aimed to analyze the relationship between the curriculum of state and municipal schools in Bauru regarding its articulation with the use of technology in the early years of elementary school, opposing proposal curriculum and teaching practice. For this, was necessary check the view of teachers on this process, because they are responsible for putting the curriculum in action and link it with the use of technology. Several authors report that the use of technology in education to provide qualitative advances in school learning, thereby we asked whether there is a joint in the daily life of state and municipal schools, through the existing curriculum. To answer these and other questions in this work, we realized a qualitative empirical research base that used as an instrument of data collection: literature review, documentary, interview and questionnaire with nine teachers from public schools in the city Bauru, on which we identified that there curricular flexibility to articulate the use of technologies. However, there are also many challenges and opportunities related to public policies and training of teachers to cope with the demands of the digital age


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The present study aims to analyze the contribution of storytelling as a didactic resource in science education. The stories represents effective indicators to challenging situations as well as strengthen social, educational and emotional bonds. The research reported here allowed to present new ways to work the contents of Science Education, using the stories as interaction capabilities between content and affection. Keeping this in view, this work objectives was to observe the story telling as a resource for Science Education as well as identifying, analyze and to ponder which meanings assigned by teachers to this technique, their frequency of use and difficulties encountered in carrying out the activity. By the means of qualitative research, this study collected through interviews and by observations of practice in the classroom by their teachers from a municipal school in Pederneiras-SP. We concluded that the activities in the classroom, with the children propitiated them an interaction with the scientific content in a playful and pleasurable way, playing an important role in the formation of a critical and creative individual


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The playful objects challenge and support the child to the playful action. These actions leverage the use of imagination and fantasy, necessary skills throughout our life. These objects are ways to create situations and play day by day. Games and toys are also augmenting resources of learning processes in various areas of knowledge. However, this process does not occur spontaneously, there is a need of scientific knowledge for selection and use of these resources in educational formal processes, especially in schools. The objective of this study was to identify, classify and analyze the play material performance of a primary school of the Municipal System of Education from Bauru-SP. To attain the goal, became a literature review in indexed data bases and printed materials. Subsequently, based on the theoretical references, tools for collection and analysis of data were developed, enabling the triangulation of data collected and analyzed for the closest to the reality studied. The instruments for collecting and analyzing data: a) survey and identification of playful collection based on COL (KOBAYSHI, 2009), b) questionnaire with school teachers and c) field observations. The survey results and the triangulation of sources allowed better characterization of the collection available at the school and their uses as resources and education and recreation procedures


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In humans, psychic and motor skills are interdependent, and therefore, cannot fail to take into account the influence of a good psychomotor development in the prevention of learning difficulties. Another factor that interferes with the learning process is the social. Family problems, socioeconomic status of the child, among others, may be associated with learning difficulties and, consequently, the student's performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate through the elements of psychomotor, if a delay in neuropsychomotor development may be related to the presence of learning problems in children entering elementary school. Also, determine whether there were differences regarding the presence or absence of these difficulties in students from middle and low social class and have family problems or not. For this, we analyzed two classes of 49 students from 1 year of elementary education at a public school in the city of Bauru/SP, aged between 6 and 7 years. These students were tested for the ENE proposed by Lefèvre (1976) to assess the maturity of the nervous system. A pre-designed questionnaire was answered by the teachers of classes to know students' academic performance, learning difficulties presented by them, social status and the presence of family problems. All students participating in the survey had the term sheet signed by the parents, allowing participation in the study. To reach the results, we applied the Anova and Tukey test for comparison analysis of mean age in the performance of ENE. To investigate the existence of a relationship between performance in the ENE and learning difficulties, we used the calculation of Pearson correlation. To analyze the difference in average scores of learning disabilities in students from different social classes and among those who had family problems or not, comparative graphs were used with the averages obtained from the questionnaire answered by the teachers for each learning...


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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This study was performed in two kindergarten classes of the public network education (Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil). The major aim of the present work was to realize an environmental mapping with the children, inspired on the research-action-participative methodology, which is guided by the evolved group organization about the search of the problems solutions lived by the group. For that, from the mapping, environmental problems more significant were selected, identified at the school and in the surroundings to realize cooperative actions in this environment as a means to deepen our comprehension about then and also problematize their solutions.


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Esta pesquisa analisa a TV CÂMARA canal legislativo municipal da cidade de Bauru, SP. Os objetivos foram levantar as formas de uso do canal, analisar o conteúdo da programação produzida e veiculada para a realidade bauruense, suas contribuições sociais na construção da consciência cidadã e a aceitação do canal junto ao telespectador. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluíram a observação participante, que consistiu no acompanhamento interno das atividades do canal de março de 2002 a fevereiro de 2003 e em julho de 2003. A pesquisa documental que ofereceu dados sobre estratégias da programação e entrevistas, as quais permitiram colher informações sobre participação da comunidade nos programas e sua percepção sobre o papel do canal televisivo no município. Conclui-se que o canal abriu um considerável leque de opções na televisão local. A cidade se enxerga quando assiste o canal legislativo. Ainda assim a TV Câmara precisa se solidificar no meio em que atua. A participação da sociedade pode ser ampliada com mais programas e ainda de forma mais direta, inclusive na elaboração de pautas. O mais importante: o canal é um instrumento público.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a eficácia adaptativa e situações de crise de indivíduos portadores do vírus HIV do Programa Municipal DST/AIDS de Aparecida SP. O instrumento utilizado foi a Entrevista Clínica Preventiva - EDAO (Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada). Participaram do estudo 5 homens e 5 mulheres que freqüentavam o serviço de saúde. Os resultados do trabalho revelaram que ser portador de uma doença crônica carregada de estigmas como a AIDS é um fator desestruturante para o diagnóstico. Foi percebida na população estudada o comprometimento dos setores afetivo-relacional e produtividade, seguido do sóciocultural. Foram observados alguns aspectos importantes como: a crise do impacto diagnóstico como sendo algo marcante em todos os participantes, bem como o uso de drogas, comportamentos vulneráveis que possivelmente levaram à infecção pelo vírus HIV, dificuldades de resolução de conflitos e nas relações interpessoais, perdas vivenciadas durante toda a vida e também no decorrer da infecção e o fenômeno da feminização do vírus HIV através das mulheres entrevistadas, que foram infectadas por seus parceiros sexuais estáveis. No setor orgânico de funcionamento, a população estudada mostrou adesão ao tratamento A maioria da população estudada foi diagnosticada com adaptação ineficaz severa. Este estudo trouxe questionamentos importantes sobre a maneira com a qual o indivíduo portador do vírus HIV mantém seu equilíbrio psíquico e suas relações com o trabalho que executa, chamando atenção para a necessidade de outros estudos que contemplem diferentes instrumentos para a compreensão do tema.


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Why students of 6th year still present oral marks in written? To answer this question our paper presents what they are and how writing and grammatical deviations occur and emerged in an attempt to expand on these studies. The same objective to evaluate the presence of these deviations in genres produced by students of the 6th year of the Municipal School Manoel Catarino Filho and check if there are more variation deviations or grammatical deviations. It also aims to improve the linguistic and discursive ability of students in various traffic environments of certain genres and consequently the formation of active readers and writers. In order to better understand how this process occurs, the text starts of the socio discursive conception of gender, with the theoretical background studies of Bakhtin (1992) and Marcuschi (2002) about this conception and the rhetoric conception of Aristoteles and Platão. The text underlies even the works of Callou (2007), Neves (2003), Faraco (2002), Franchi (2006) and Cagliari (2005) on the Grammar School, linguistic variation as also on the sociolinguistic parameters as well in research on the phonetics and phonology of Oliveira e Nascimento (1990), Seara (2009), Hora (2009) and in the PCN. To compose the corpus of this study we collected 23 texts produced by students to serve as a data source for analysis of the presented deviations by quantitative and qualitative research method, in which categorize the deviations found in two groups: oral and linguistic variation deviations and writing and grammar deviations. The results showed that there was a rate of occurrence of oral and variation deviations greater of writing and grammar deviations. We concluded that the orality has a great influence on the written production of students. Finally, we propose some activities aimed at minimizing the occurrence of deviations in written productions of the students.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o desempenho inicial de genótipos de coqueiro anão e híbridos anão x gigante no Município de Moju (PA), em quatro avaliações efetuadas de fevereiro de 2000 a novembro de 2001. Os genótipos testados foram: AVG, AAG, AveJ, AveJ x GBrRN, AVG x GOA, AveJ X GOA, por meio dos seguintes caracteres vegetativos: circunferência do coleto (CC), número de folhas vivas (NFV), número de folíolos na folha três (NfoF3), comprimento do folíolo da folha três (CfoF3), comprimento da folha três (CF3) e comprimento do limbo (CL). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, e parcelas representadas por nove plantas. Detectaram-se diferenças significativas para todas as épocas de avaliação apenas para o caráter CC. Em relação às demais, a significância foi variável de acordo com a época de avaliação. Os híbridos AVG x GBrPF, AAG x GOA, AveJ x GOA e AveJ x GBrRN e o genótipo anão AveJ apresentaram os melhores desempenhos iniciais para as características avaliadas. Desta forma, constituem um conjunto geneticamente promissor para a seleção de genótipos superiores de coqueiro, com vistas a atender tanto as indústrias (albúmen fresco) quanto à venda de cocos "in natura" para consumo de água.


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Algae biofuel have emerged as viable renewable energy sources and are the potential alternatives to fossil-based fuels in recent times. Algae have the potential to generate significant quantities of commercially viable biofuel apart from treating wastewater. Three algal species, viz. Chlorococcum sp., Microcystis sp. and Phormidium sp. proliferating in wastewater ponds were isolated and cultured in the laboratory myxotrophically under similar wastewater conditions. Chlorococcum sp. attained a mean biomass productivity of 0.09 g. I(-1)d(-1) with the maximum `biomass density of 1.33 g I-1 and comparatively higher lipid content of 30.55% (w/w) on the ninth day of the culture experiment. Under similar conditions Microcystis sp. and Phormidium sp. attained mean biomass productivities of 0.058 and 0.063 g I-1 d(-1) with a total lipid content of 8.88% and 18.66% respectively. Biochemical composition (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and phosphates) variations and lipid accumulation studies were performed by comparison of the ratios of carbohydrate to protein; lipid to protein (L/P) and lipid to phosphates using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy which showed higher L/P ratio during the stationary phase of algal growth. Composition analysis of fatty acid methyl ester has been performed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Chlorococcum sp. with higher productivity and faster growth rate has higher lipid content with about 67% of saturated fatty acid dominated by palmitate (36.3%) followed by an unsaturate as linoleate (14%) and has proved to be an economical and viable feedstock for biofuel production compared to the other wastewater-grown species.


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Phenotypic and phylogenetic studies were performed on three isolates of an unknown Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, non-motile, yellow-pigmented, rod-shaped organism isolated from raw sewage. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that these strains were members of the Bergeyella-Chryseobacterium-Riemerella branch of the family Flavobacteriaceae. The unknown bacterium was readily distinguished from reference strains by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and biochemical tests. The organism contained menaquinone MK-6 as the predominant respiratory quinone and had a DNA G + C content of 31 mol%. A most probable number-PCR approach was developed to detect, and estimate the numbers of, this organism. Untreated wastewater from one plant yielded an estimated count of 1.4 x 10(5) cells ml(-1), and untreated wastewater from a second plant yielded an estimated count of 1.4 x 10(4) cells ml(-1). Signal was not detected from treated effluent or from human stool specimens. On the basis of the results of the study presented, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium be classified in a novel genus Cloacibacterium, as Cloacibacterium normanense gen. nov., sp. nov., which is also the type species. The type strain of Cloacibacterium normanense is strain NRS1(T) (=CCUG 46293(T)=CIP 108613(T) =ATCC BAA-825(T) = DSM 15886(T)).


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O objetivo dessa pesquisa é fazer uma avaliação dos resultados obtidos por novas políticas de saúde implementadas em escala municipal. Essa avaliação foi feita pela caracterização do processo de cessão parcial da rede de Atenção Básica de um município de médio porte - Suzano, SP - para gestão pelo setor privado por meio de convênio. A parceria com o setor privado na prestação de serviços de saúde é uma das mais importantes políticas introduzidas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) desde sua criação; contudo, existem poucos estudos que avaliem o seu impacto na saúde da população ou no acesso aos serviços de saúde, e isso se deve à falta de compreensão sobre os variados tipos de interação entre o sistema de saúde e os atores sociais e instituições que estão envolvidos em sua implementação e gestão. O estudo foi realizado com pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a contratualização, convênios e parcerias na saúde brasileira, seguida de trabalho de campo no município de Suzano. Lá foram ouvidos gestores públicos na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMS) e, depois, foram realizadas 19 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com gerentes, médicos e enfermeiros de 12 equipamentos de saúde da rede de Atenção Básica municipal. Depois foram realizadas outras 4 entrevistas com gestores da SMS. O conjunto de unidades investigado reflete a diversidade de bairros, populações e necessidades de saúde de um município de porte médio, com uma rede de saúde bastante sofisticada e avaliada positivamente dentro dos parâmetros nacionais. Verificou-se que, apesar das dificuldades e dos objetivos que ainda não foram alcançados, existe um padrão recorrente na gestão do SUS que é bastante positivo: as reformas federais que foram implementadas paulatinamente desde 1990 têm baseado-se em avaliações corretas sobre os problemas do SUS e, ainda que lentamente, têm conseguido produzir transformações positivas no mesmo.


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Para implementar políticas públicas nos municípios, um dos problemas é a ausência de dados que informem a realidade da situação local, o que evidencia o benefício e a necessidade dos instrumentos de tecnologia de informação para maior eficiência e eficácia na gestão pública. No município de Louveira, analisou-se o caso específico da implantação de uma ferramenta da tecnologia de informação que é utilizado por toda a prefeitura, denominado no local como Cartão Cidadão, que visa documentar o acesso e utilização dos serviços públicos municipais, porém no estudo do caso foi realizado um corte para averiguar o instrumento como estratégia de gestão para aprimorar o planejamento no município, mais precisamente na área da saúde. A gestão do sistema do Cartão Cidadão aliado aos registros em prontuário eletrônico de saúde deram maior confiabilidade ao banco de dados da saúde municipal, possibilitando averiguar e traçar estratégia definida para a gestão do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) local, assim como permitiu melhor averiguação dos desvios do sistema. Finalmente, apresentamos questionamentos sobre o sistema SUS frente a municipalização e ainda sobre e a questões do pacto de saúde e do próprio pacto federativo brasileiro.


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A Lei Federal 10.257, de 10 de julho de 2001, regulamentou os artigos 182 e 183 da Constituição Federal de 1988 no que trata da política urbana, especialmente da propriedade, sendo obrigatório para municípios com mais de 20.000 habitantes. Até então, os planos diretores municipais vinham sendo feitos levando em conta apenas as respectivas áreas urbanas, A partir desta lei, tais planos tiveram de levar em conta também as áreas rurais, integrando-as no processo do planejamento municipal sustentado. Analisando-se os planos diretores municipais recentes, elaborados a partir dessas novas diretrizes, nota-se que a maioria ainda enfatiza a área urbana, em detrimento da área rural. O objetivo deste trabalho foi, a partir de um estudo de caso, avaliar e validar metodologias e tecnologias rotineiramente empregadas em Geociências e Ciências Agrárias.