933 resultados para Back pass non-perforated unglazed solar collector


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Questa tesi di dottorato tratta il tema delle Tecnologie Appropriate e delle Buone Pratiche per la gestione delle risorse idriche ed il risparmio energetico nell’ambito dell’abitato urbano e rurale. Viene fatta una breve panoramica sulle principali teorie e metodologie che fino ad oggi hanno fatto da linee guida per la progettazione sostenibile e il corretto utilizzo delle risorse. Questa visione d'insieme servirà per esprimere delle valutazioni e trovare dei comuni dominatori per proporre una nuova metodologia d'approccio alla gestione delle risorse con particolare attenzione rivolta alla condizione presente e alla zona d’intervento. Site specific sustainability Approach (S3A). I casi studio: • Un progetto di approvvigionamento idrico e di desalinizzazione delle acque per un’oasi del Sahara marocchino. • Un progetto di ricerca della Columbia University e della NASA legato alla sostenibilità urbana di New York che analizza i benefici apportati dall'installazione di coperture verdi nell'area di Manhattan da un punto di vista della gestione delle risorse idriche, energetiche e delle componenti ambientali. • Un progetto di verde verticale e giardino pensile a Milano. • Un progetto di approvvigionamento idrico sostenibile e gestione del verde per la città di Porto Plata in Repubblica Domenicana. Approfondimenti e sperimentazioni. • E’ stato approfondito il tema della distillazione solare per la dissalazione e potabilizzazione delle acque in zone rurali desertiche ed isolate. • E’ stato progettato e realizzato un prototipo innovativo di distillatore tubolare con collettore solare parabolico. Il prototipo è stato testato nei laboratori della Columbia University di New York. • Sono state approfondite le Khettaras o Qanat, tunnel sotterranei per l’approvvigionamento idrico nelle zone aride. • Infine sono stati approfonditi i benefici apportati dalle coperture a verde (tetti verdi) e dal verde verticale nelle zone urbane dal punto di vista della gestione delle risorse idriche ed il risparmio energetico.


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In this work, we present a novel method to compensate the movement in images acquired during free breathing using first-pass gadolinium enhanced, myocardial perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). First, we use independent component analysis (ICA) to identify the optimal number of independent components (ICs) that separate the breathing motion from the intensity change induced by the contrast agent. Then, synthetic images are created by recombining the ICs, but other then in previously published work (Milles et al. 2008), we omit the component related to motion, and therefore, the resulting reference image series is free of motion. Motion compensation is then achieved by using a multi-pass non-rigid image registration scheme. We tested our method on 15 distinct image series (5 patients) consisting of 58 images each and we validated our method by comparing manually tracked intensity profiles of the myocardial sections to automatically generated ones before and after registration. The average correlation to the manually obtained curves before registration 0:89 0:11 was increased to 0:98 0:02


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En los últimos años la tecnología láser se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible en la fabricación de dispositivos fotovoltaicos, ayudando a la consecución de dos objetivos claves para que esta opción energética se convierta en una alternativa viable: reducción de costes de fabricación y aumento de eficiencia de dispositivo. Dentro de las tecnologías fotovoltaicas, las basadas en silicio cristalino (c-Si) siguen siendo las dominantes en el mercado, y en la actualidad los esfuerzos científicos en este campo se encaminan fundamentalmente a conseguir células de mayor eficiencia a un menor coste encontrándose, como se comentaba anteriormente, que gran parte de las soluciones pueden venir de la mano de una mayor utilización de tecnología láser en la fabricación de los mismos. En este contexto, esta Tesis hace un estudio completo y desarrolla, hasta su aplicación en dispositivo final, tres procesos láser específicos para la optimización de dispositivos fotovoltaicos de alta eficiencia basados en silicio. Dichos procesos tienen como finalidad la mejora de los contactos frontal y posterior de células fotovoltaicas basadas en c-Si con vistas a mejorar su eficiencia eléctrica y reducir el coste de producción de las mismas. En concreto, para el contacto frontal se han desarrollado soluciones innovadoras basadas en el empleo de tecnología láser en la metalización y en la fabricación de emisores selectivos puntuales basados en técnicas de dopado con láser, mientras que para el contacto posterior se ha trabajado en el desarrollo de procesos de contacto puntual con láser para la mejora de la pasivación del dispositivo. La consecución de dichos objetivos ha llevado aparejado el alcanzar una serie de hitos que se resumen continuación: - Entender el impacto de la interacción del láser con los distintos materiales empleados en el dispositivo y su influencia sobre las prestaciones del mismo, identificando los efectos dañinos e intentar mitigarlos en lo posible. - Desarrollar procesos láser que sean compatibles con los dispositivos que admiten poca afectación térmica en el proceso de fabricación (procesos a baja temperatura), como los dispositivos de heterounión. - Desarrollar de forma concreta procesos, completamente parametrizados, de definición de dopado selectivo con láser, contactos puntuales con láser y metalización mediante técnicas de transferencia de material inducida por láser. - Definir tales procesos de forma que reduzcan la complejidad de la fabricación del dispositivo y que sean de fácil integración en una línea de producción. - Mejorar las técnicas de caracterización empleadas para verificar la calidad de los procesos, para lo que ha sido necesario adaptar específicamente técnicas de caracterización de considerable complejidad. - Demostrar su viabilidad en dispositivo final. Como se detalla en el trabajo, la consecución de estos hitos en el marco de desarrollo de esta Tesis ha permitido contribuir a la fabricación de los primeros dispositivos fotovoltaicos en España que incorporan estos conceptos avanzados y, en el caso de la tecnología de dopado con láser, ha permitido hacer avances completamente novedosos a nivel mundial. Asimismo los conceptos propuestos de metalización con láser abren vías, completamente originales, para la mejora de los dispositivos considerados. Por último decir que este trabajo ha sido posible por una colaboración muy estrecha entre el Centro Láser de la UPM, en el que la autora desarrolla su labor, y el Grupo de Investigación en Micro y Nanotecnologías de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, encargado de la preparación y puesta a punto de las muestras y del desarrollo de algunos procesos láser para comparación. También cabe destacar la contribución de del Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, CIEMAT, en la preparación de experimentos específicos de gran importancia en el desarrollo del trabajo. Dichas colaboraciones se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos, tales como el proyecto singular estratégico PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-iv 120000-2006-6), el proyecto INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), ambos financiados por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) “Una manera de hacer Europa” y el MICINN, y el proyecto del Plan Nacional AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02), cuya financiación ha permitido en gran parte llevar a término este trabajo. v ABSTRACT. Last years lasers have become a fundamental tool in the photovoltaic (PV) industry, helping this technology to achieve two major goals: cost reduction and efficiency improvement. Among the present PV technologies, crystalline silicon (c-Si) maintains a clear market supremacy and, in this particular field, the technological efforts are focussing into the improvement of the device efficiency using different approaches (reducing for instance the electrical or optical losses in the device) and the cost reduction in the device fabrication (using less silicon in the final device or implementing more cost effective production steps). In both approaches lasers appear ideally suited tools to achieve the desired success. In this context, this work makes a comprehensive study and develops, until their implementation in a final device, three specific laser processes designed for the optimization of high efficiency PV devices based in c-Si. Those processes are intended to improve the front and back contact of the considered solar cells in order to reduce the production costs and to improve the device efficiency. In particular, to improve the front contact, this work has developed innovative solutions using lasers as fundamental processing tools to metalize, using laser induced forward transfer techniques, and to create local selective emitters by means of laser doping techniques. On the other side, and for the back contact, and approached based in the optimization of standard laser fired contact formation has been envisaged. To achieve these fundamental goals, a number of milestones have been reached in the development of this work, namely: - To understand the basics of the laser-matter interaction physics in the considered processes, in order to preserve the functionality of the irradiated materials. - To develop laser processes fully compatible with low temperature device concepts (as it is the case of heterojunction solar cells). - In particular, to parameterize completely processes of laser doping, laser fired contacts and metallization via laser transfer of material. - To define such a processes in such a way that their final industrial implementation could be a real option. - To improve widely used characterization techniques in order to be applied to the study of these particular processes. - To probe their viability in a final PV device. Finally, the achievement of these milestones has brought as a consequence the fabrication of the first devices in Spain incorporating these concepts. In particular, the developments achieved in laser doping, are relevant not only for the Spanish science but in a general international context, with the introduction of really innovative concepts as local selective emitters. Finally, the advances reached in the laser metallization approached presented in this work open the door to future developments, fully innovative, in the field of PV industrial metallization techniques. This work was made possible by a very close collaboration between the Laser Center of the UPM, in which the author develops his work, and the Research Group of Micro y Nanotecnology of the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, in charge of the preparation and development of samples and the assessment of some laser processes for comparison. As well is important to remark the collaboration of the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, CIEMAT, in the preparation of specific experiments of great importance in the development of the work. These collaborations have been developed within the framework of various projects such as the PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-120000-2006-6), the project INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), both funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) “Una manera de hacer Europa” and the MICINN, and the project AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02), whose funding has largely allowed to complete this work.


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El siguiente proyecto lleva a cabo un estudio sobre la eficiencia energética en una vivienda unifamiliar basándose en la legislación actual europea y española. Para empezar se obtendrá la calificación energética del inmueble mediante el programa informático de la opción simplificada CE3X. A continuación se proporcionará un estudio con las medidas de mejora más adecuadas para mejorar la eficiencia energética de la vivienda, las medidas que se llevarán a cabo serán: la mejora de la envolvente térmica, mejorando el aislamiento de la fachada y la sustitución de ventanas, la instalación de una caldera de biomasa y la instalación de un sistema de colectores solares para cubrir la demanda de calefacción y ACS. Para finalizar se realiza un presupuesto de las medidas de mejoras propuestas, así como un análisis económico y una planificación y programación temporal. ABSTRACT The object of this Project is to carry out a study on the energy efficiency of a single family home in accordance with the present European and Spanish legislation. The first step is to obtain the home energy efficiency by means of a CE3X computer program. The second step is a study with the most appropriate improvement measures is provided in order to improve the home energy efficiency. The measures to be carried out will be as follows: improving the heat insulation, as well as, the facade heat insulation and replacing the windows, installing a biomass heating system and a solar collector in order to satisfy the heating and domestic hot water (DHW) demands. Finally a budget with the proposed improvement measures is made as well as a financial analysis and a time planning and programming of the project.


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Studies into gas-liquid flow patterns were carried out on commercial scale sieve trays where the ratio of froth depth to flow path length is typical of that found in practice. Experiments were conducted on a 2.44 m diameter air-water distillation simulator, in which flow patterns were investigated by direct observation, using directional flow pointers; by water cooling, to simulate mass transfer; and by height of clear liquid measurements across the tray. The flow rates used are typical of those found in practice. The approach adopted was to investigate the effect of the gas flow on the liquid flow by comparing water only flow patterns across an unperforated tray with air-water flow patterns on perforated trays. Initial gas-liquid contacting experiments on the 6.35 mm hole tray showed that, under certain conditions, the gas flow pattern beneath the test tray can have a significant effect on the tray liquid flow pattern such that gas-driven liquid circulation was produced. This was found to be a function of this particular air-water simulator design, and as far as is known this is the first time that this phenomenon has been observed. Consequently non-uniform gas flow effects were removed by modification of the gas distribution system. By eliminating gas circulation effects, the effect of the gas flow on the separation of liquid flow was similar to that obtained on the 1.0 mm hole tray (Hine, 1990). That is, flow separation occurred at the ends of the inlet downcomer which produced large circulating zones along the tray segments both on the non-perforated and perforated trays. The air when forced through the liquid, inhibited circulating flow such that it only occurred at high water inlet velocities. With the 6.35 mm hole tray, the growth and velocity of circulating flow was reduced at high superficial air velocities, and in the experiments to simulate distillation, liquid was in forward flow over most of the tray.


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The first observations of solar X-rays date back to late 1940 s. In order to observe solar X-rays the instruments have to be lifted above the Earth s atmosphere, since all high energy radiation from the space is almost totally attenuated by it. This is a good thing for all living creatures, but bad for X-ray astronomers. Detectors observing X-ray emission from space must be placed on-board satellites, which makes this particular discipline of astronomy technologically and operationally demanding, as well as very expensive. In this thesis, I have focused on detectors dedicated to observing solar X-rays in the energy range 1-20 keV. The purpose of these detectors was to measure solar X-rays simultaneously with another X-ray spectrometer measuring fluorescence X-ray emission from the Moon surface. The X-ray fluorescence emission is induced by the primary solar X-rays. If the elemental abundances on the Moon were to be determined with fluorescence analysis methods, the shape and intensity of the simultaneous solar X-ray spectrum must be known. The aim of this thesis is to describe the characterization and operation of our X-ray instruments on-board two Moon missions, SMART-1 and Chandrayaan-1. Also the independent solar science performance of these two almost similar X-ray spectrometers is described. These detectors have the following two features in common. Firstly, the primary detection element is made of a single crystal silicon diode. Secondly, the field of view is circular and very large. The data obtained from these detectors are spectra with a 16 second time resolution. Before launching an instrument into space, its performance must be characterized by ground calibrations. The basic operation of these detectors and their ground calibrations are described in detail. Two C-flares are analyzed as examples for introducing the spectral fitting process. The first flare analysis shows the fit of a single spectrum of the C1-flare obtained during the peak phase. The other analysis example shows how to derive the time evolution of fluxes, emission measures (EM) and temperatures through the whole single C4 flare with the time resolution of 16 s. The preparatory data analysis procedures are also introduced in detail. These are required in spectral fittings of the data. A new solar monitor design equipped with a concentrator optics and a moderate size of field of view is also introduced.


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Parabolic Trough Concentrators (PTC) are the most proven solar collectors for solar thermal power plants, and are suitable for concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) applications. PV cells are sensitive to spatial uniformity of incident light and the cell operating temperature. This requires the design of CPV-PTCs to be optimised both optically and thermally. Optical modelling can be performed using Monte Carlo Ray Tracing (MCRT), with conjugate heat transfer (CHT) modelling using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to analyse the overall designs. This paper develops and evaluates a CHT simulation for a concentrating solar thermal PTC collector. It uses the ray tracing work by Cheng et al. (2010) and thermal performance data for LS-2 parabolic trough used in the SEGS III-VII plants from Dudley et al. (1994). This is a preliminary step to developing models to compare heat transfer performances of faceted absorbers for concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) applications. Reasonable agreement between the simulation results and the experimental data confirms the reliability of the numerical model. The model explores different physical issues as well as computational issues for this particular kind of system modeling. The physical issues include the resultant non-uniformity of the boundary heat flux profile and the temperature profile around the tube, and uneven heating of the HTF. The numerical issues include, most importantly, the design of the computational domain/s, and the solution techniques of the turbulence quantities and the near-wall physics. This simulation confirmed that optical simulation and the computational CHT simulation of the collector can be accomplished independently.


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Purpose: To examine the relationship between hip abductor muscle (HABD) strength and the magnitude of pelvic drop (MPD) for patients with non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) and controls (CON) prior to and following a 3-week HABD strengthening protocol. At baseline, we hypothesized that NSLBP patients would exhibit reduced HABD strength and greater MPD compared to CON. Following the protocol, we hypothesized that strength would increase and MPD would decrease. Relevance: The Trendelenburg test (TT) is a common clinical test used to examine the ability of the HABD to maintain horizontal pelvic position during single limb stance. However, no study has specifically tested this theory. Moreover, no study has investigated the relationship between HABD strength and pelvic motion during walking or tested whether increased HABD strength would reduce the MPD. Methods: Quasi-experimental with 3-week exercise intervention. Fifteen NSLBP patients (32.5yrs,range 21-51yrs; VAS baseline: 5.3cm) and 10 CON (29.5yrs,range 22-47yrs) were recruited. Isometric HABD strength was measured using a force dynamometer and the average of three maximal voluntary contractions were normalized to body mass (N/kg). Two-dimensional MPD (degrees) was measured using a 60 Hz camera and was derived from two retroreflective-markers placed on the posterior superior iliac spines. MPD was measured while performing the static TT and while walking and averaged over 10 consecutive footfalls. NSLBP patients completed a 3-week HABD strengthening protocol consisting of 2 open-kinetic-chain exercises then all measures were repeated. Non-parametric analysis was used for group comparisons and correlation analysis. Results: At baseline, the NSLBP patients demonstrated 31% reduced HABD strength (mean=6.6 N/kg) compared to CON (mean=9.5 N/kg: p=0.03) and no significant differences in maximal pelvic frontal plane excursion while walking (NSLBP:mean=8.1°, CON:mean=7.1°: p=0.72). No significant correlations were measured between left HABD strength and right MPD (r=-0.37, p=0.11), or between right HABD strength and left MPD (r=-0.04, p=0.84) while performing the static TT. Following the 3-week strengthening protocol, NSLBP patients demonstrated a 12% improvement in strength (Post:mean=7.4 N/kg: p=0.02), a reduction in pain (VAS followup: 2.8cm), but no significant decreases in MPD while walking (p=0.92). Conclusions: NSLBP patients demonstrated reduced HABD strength at baseline and were able to increase strength and reduce pain in a 3-week period. However, despite increases in HABD strength, the NSLBP group exhibited similar MPD motion during the static TT and while walking compared to baseline and controls. Implications: The results suggest that the HABD alone may not be primarily responsible for controlling a horizontal pelvic position during static and dynamic conditions. Increasing the strength of the hip abductors resulted in a reduction of pain in NSLBP patients providing evidence for further research to identify specific musculature responsible for controlling pelvic motion.


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Irradiance profile around the receiver tube (RT) of a parabolic trough collector (PTC) is a key effect of optical performance that affects the overall energy performance of the collector. Thermal performance evaluation of the RT relies on the appropriate determination of the irradiance profile. This article explains a technique in which empirical equations were developed to calculate the local irradiance as a function of angular location of the RT of a standard PTC using a vigorously verified Monte Carlo ray tracing model. A large range of test conditions including daily normal insolation, spectral selective coatings and glass envelop conditions were selected from the published data by Dudley et al. [1] for the job. The R2 values of the equations are excellent that vary in between 0.9857 and 0.9999. Therefore, these equations can be used confidently to produce realistic non-uniform boundary heat flux profile around the RT at normal incidence for conjugate heat transfer analyses of the collector. Required values in the equations are daily normal insolation, and the spectral selective properties of the collector components. Since the equations are polynomial functions, data processing software can be employed to calculate the flux profile very easily and quickly. The ultimate goal of this research is to make the concentrating solar power technology cost competitive with conventional energy technology facilitating its ongoing research.


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Introduction Clinical guidelines for the treatment of chronic low back pain suggest the use of supervised exercise. Motor control (MC) based exercise is widely used within clinical practice but its efficacy is equivalent to general exercise therapy. MC exercise targets the trunk musculature. Considering the mechanical links between the hip, pelvis, and lumbar spine, surprisingly little focus has been on investigating the contribution of the hip musculature to lumbopelvic support. The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of two exercise programs for the treatment of non-specific low back pain (NSLBP). Methods Eighty individuals aged 18-65 years of age were randomized into two groups to participate in this trial. The primary outcome measures included self-reported pain intensity (0-100mm VAS) and percent disability (Oswestry Disability Index V2). Bilateral measures of hip strength (N/kg) and two dimensional frontal plane mechanics (º) were the secondary outcomes. Outcomes were measured at baseline and following a six-week home based exercise program including weekly sessions of real-time ultrasound imaging. Results Within group comparisons revealed clinically meaningful reductions in pain for both groups. The MC exercise only (N= 40, xˉ =-20.9mm, 95%CI -25.7, -16.1) and the combined MC and hip exercise (N= 40, xˉ = -24.9mm, 95%CI -30.8, -19.0). There was no statistical difference in the change of pain (xˉ =-4.0mm, t= -1.07, p=0.29, 95%CI -11.5, 3.5) or disability (xˉ =-0.3%, t=-0.19, p=0.85, 95%CI -11.5, 3.5) between groups. Conclusion Both exercise programs had similar and positive effects on NSLBP which support the use of the home based exercise programs with weekly supervised visits. However, the addition of specific hip strengthening exercises to a MC based exercise program did not result in significantly greater reductions in pain or disability. Trial Registration NCTO1567566 Funding: Worker’s Compensation Board Alberta Research Grant.


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Objectives To compare the efficacy of two exercise programs in reducing pain and disability for individuals with non-specific low back pain and to examine the underlying mechanical factors related to pain and disability for individuals with NSLBP. Design A single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Methods: Eighty participants were recruited from eleven community-based general medical practices and randomized into two groups completing either a lumbopelvic motor control or a combined lumbopelvic motor control and progressive hip strengthening exercise therapy program. All participants received an education session, 6 rehabilitation sessions including real time ultrasound training, and a home based exercise program manual and log book. The primary outcomes were pain (0-100mm visual analogue scale), and disability (Oswestry Disability Index V2). The secondary outcomes were hip strength (N/kg) and two-dimensional frontal plane biomechanics (°) measure during the static Trendelenburg test and while walking. All outcomes were measured at baseline and at 6-week follow up. Results There was no statistical difference in the change in pain (xˉ = -4.0mm, t= -1.07, p =0.29, 95%CI -11.5, 3.5) or disability (xˉ = -0.3%, t= -0.19, p =0.85, 95%CI -3.5, 2.8) between groups. Within group comparisons revealed clinically meaningful reductions in pain for both Group One (xˉ =-20.9mm, 95%CI -25.7, -16.1) and Group Two (xˉ =-24.9, 95%CI -30.8, -19.0). Conclusion Both exercise programs had similar efficacy in reducing pain. The addition of hip strengthening exercises to a motor control exercise program does not appear to result in improved clinical outcome for pain for individuals with non-specific low back pain.


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A novel solution-processable non-fullerene electron acceptor 6,6′-(5,5′-(9,9-dioctyl-9H-fluorene-2,7-diyl)bis(thiophene-5,2-diyl))bis(2,5-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-3-(thiophen-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione) (DPP1) based on fluorene and diketopyrrolopyrrole conjugated moieties was designed, synthesized and fully characterized. DPP1 exhibited excellent solubility and high thermal stability which are essential for easy processing. Upon using DPP1 as an acceptor with the classical electron donor poly(3-hexylthiophene), solution processable bulk-heterojunction solar cells afforded a power conversion efficiency of 1.2% with a high open-circuit voltage (1.1 V). As per our knowledge, this value of open circuit voltage is one of the highest values reported so far for a bulk-heterojunction device using DPP1 as a non-fullerene acceptor.


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A solution-processable, non-fullerene electron acceptor, 2,2′-(((5,5-dioctyl-5 H-dibenzo[b,d]silole-3,7-diyl)bis(thiophene-5,2-diyl))bis(methanylylidene))bis(1 H-indene-1,3(2 H)-dione) (called N5) comprised of dibenzosilole and 1,3-indanedione building blocks was designed, synthesized, and fully characterized. N5 is highly soluble in various organic solvents, has high thermal stability, and has energy levels matching those of archetypal donor poly(3-hexylthiophene). Solution-processable, bulk-heterojunction solar cells afforded promising power conversion efficiency of 2.76 % when N5 was used as a non-fullerene electron acceptor along with the conventional donor polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene). As per our knowledge, the material reported herein is the first example in the literature where synchronous use of such building blocks is demonstrated in the design an efficient, non-fullerene acceptor.


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Considering the growing energy needs and concern for environmental degradation, clean and inexhaustible energy sources, e.g solar energy are receiving greater attention for various applications. The use of solar energy systems for low temperature applications reduces the burden on conventional fossil fuels and has little or no harmful effects on the environment. The performance of a solar system depends to a great extent on the collector used for the conversion of solar radiant energy to thermal energy. A solar evaporatorcollector (SEC) is basically an unglazed flat plate collector where refrigerant, like R134a, is used as the working fluid. As the operating temperature of SEC is very low, it collects energy both from solar irradiation and ambient energy leading to a much higher efficiency than the conventional collectors. The capability of SEC to utilize ambient energy also enables the system to operate at night. Therefore it is not appropriate to use for the evaluation of performance of SEC by conventional efficiency equation where ambient energy and condensation is not considered as energy input in addition to irradiation. In the National University of Singapore, several Solar Assisted Heat Pump (SAHP) systems were built for the evaluation of performance under the metrological condition of Singapore for thermal applications of desalination and SEC was the main component to harness renewable energy. In this paper, the design and performance of SEC are explored. Furthermore, an attempt is made to develop an efficiency equation for SEC and maximum efficiency attained 98% under the meteorological condition of Singapore.