1000 resultados para Bacia potiguar
This study was conducted in the adjacent Brazilian equatorial inner shelf to Rio Grande do Norte, between the region of Porto do Mangue and Galinhos. The main objective is the characterization of biogenic sediments, especially foraminifera and ostracod collected on the surface of the seafloor. The methodology involved standard procedures including literature, surveys, processing of samples in the laboratory and identification of foraminifera and ostracods by genera or species under stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Multivariate statistical analyzes and study of ecological indexes were also applied to the study of foraminifera. Three transects, from inner shelf to slope were sampled: profile 01 (east, near Galos), profile 02 (center, near the city of Macau) and profile 03 (west, near Ponta do Mel). Results indicated the predominance of benthic foraminifera and little plankton occurrence. Benthic foraminifera genera observed in abundance were Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Globigerina and Pyrgo, Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Pyrgo, Ammonia, Elphidium, Pseudononion, Peneroplis, Bolivina and Poroeponides, occurred more frequently. Less frequently been described Amphistegina, Archaias, Bigenerina, Cibicides, Cassidulina, Amphicorina, Cornuspira, Paterina, Hopkunsina, Oolina, Uvigerina, Fusenkoina, Nonionella, Amphisorus, Wiesrella, Reussella, Reophax, Nodosaria, Marginulina and Cyclogyra. Six genera of ostracods were also identified: Puriana variabilis / P. convoluted?, Loxoconcha sp, Bairdiidae, Xestoleberis sp, Hemicytheridae and Ruggiericythere sp. Groups of organisms found in the studied shelf presented chemical composition of Ca, C, O, Na, Cl, Al, Mg, and Si. The proportions of chemical elements may vary according to the type of biogenic sediment, with the highest values identified as Ca, C, Cl, Na and O. The absolute dating by carbon 14 method indicated sediments of different colors (light and dark), correspond to a single age from 3000 to 6000 years BP, related to the Quaternary. These data intend to complement information about biogenic sediments in the Brazilian continental shelf, especially in the Northeast, where there is a lack of such studies.
The Potiguar basin has large fields of viscous oil where the used method for recovering is based on vapor injection; this operation is carried out by injecting vapor in the oilwell directly, without the protection of a revetment through thermal insulation, what causes its dilation and, consequently, cracks in the cement placed on the annular, and lost of hydraulic insulation; this crack is occasioned by the phenomenon of retrogression of the compressive resistance due to the conversion of the hydrated calcium silicate in phases calcium-rich, caused by the high temperatures in the wells, subjected to thermal recuperation. This work has evaluated the application of composite pastes with addition of residue of biomass of ground sugar-cane bagasse as anti-retrogression mineral admixture for cementation of oil-wells subjected to thermal recuperation. The addition of the mineral residue was carried out considering a relative amount of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 59% in relation to cement mass, trying to improve the microstructure of the paste, still being developed a reference paste only with cement and a paste with addition of 40% of silica flour - renowned material in the oil industry as anti-retrogression additive. Pozzolanic activity of the ash was evaluated through XRD, TG/DTG, as the resistance to compression, and it was also determined the physical and mechanical behavior of the pastes when submitted to cure at low temperatures (22 and 38º C); besides it was evaluated the behavior of the pastes when submitted to two cycles of cure at high temperature (280ºC) and pressure (7 MPa). It was verified that the ash of the sugar-cane biomass presents pozzolanic reaction and has great efficiency in decrease the permeability of the paste by filler effect, as well as that addition of ash in a relative amount of 10, 20 e 30% increases cured compressive resistance at low temperatures. It was also showed that the ash in a relative amount of 40% and 59% has very significant efficiency as anti-retrogression additive, since it prevents the decrease of compressive resistance and forms hydrated calcium silicate type xenotlita and tobermorita which have more resistance and stability in high temperatures
Among the industries, those that produce ceramic porcelain for use in construction industry and oil, during the exploration and production period, play an important role in the production of waste. Much research has been carried out both by academia and the productive sector, sometimes reintroducing them in the same production line that generated them, sometimes in areas unrelated to their generation, as in the production of concrete and mortar for the construction, for example, but each one in an isolated way. In this research, the aim is to study the combined incorporation of the waste drill cuttings of oil well and the residue of the polishing of porcelain, generated in the final stage of finishing of this product in a clay matrix, for the production of red pottery, specifically bricks, ceramic blocks and tiles. The clay comes from the municipality of São Gonçalo, RN, the drilling waste is from the Natal basin, in Rio Grande do Norte, and the residue of the polishing proceeds from a ceramic porcelain of the State of Paraíba. For this purpose, we used a mixture of a plastic clay with a non-plastic, in a ratio of 50% each, settling formulations with the addition of these two residues in this clay matrix. In the formulations, both residues were incorporated with a minimum percentage of 2.5% and maximum of 12.5%, varying from 2.5% each, in each formulation, which the sum of the waste be no more than 15%. It should be noted that the residue of the polishing of ceramic porcelain is a IIa class (not inert). The materials were characterized by XRF, XRD, TG, DTA, laser granulometry and the plasticity index. The technological properties of water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage of burning, flexural tensile strength and bulk density were evaluated after the sintering of the pieces to 850 °C, 950 °C and 1050 °C, with a burning time of 3 hr, 3 hr and 30 minutes, and 3 hr and 50 minutes, respectively, with a heating rate of 10 °C/minute, for all formulations and landing of 30 minutes. To better understand the influence of each residue and temperature on the evaluated properties, we used the factorial planning and its surfaces of response for the interpretation of the results. It was found that the temperature has no statistical significance at a 95% of reliability level in flexural tensile strength and that it decreases the water absorption and the porosity, but increases the shrinkage and the bulk density. The results showed the feasibility of the desired incorporation, but adjusting the temperature to each product and formulation, and that the temperatures of 850 °C and 950 °C were the one that responded to the largest number of formulations
Currently a resource more and more used by the petroleum industry to increase the efficiency of steam flood mechanism is the addition of solvents. The process can be understood as a combination of a thermal method (steam injection) with a miscible method (solvent injection), promoting, thus, the reduction of interfacial tensions and oil viscosity. The use of solvent alone tends to be limited because of its high cost. When co-injected with steam, the vaporized solvent condenses in the cooler regions of the reservoir and mixes with the oil, creating a zone of low viscosity between the steam and the heavy oil. The mobility of the displaced fluid is then improved, resulting in an increase of oil recovery. To better understand this improved oil recovery method, a numerical study of the process was done contemplating the effects of some operational parameters (distance between wells, injection steam rate, kind of solvent and injected solvent volume)on the accumulated production of oil, recovery factor and oil-steam rate. Semisynthetic models were used in this study but reservoir data can be extrapolated for practical applications situations on Potiguar Basin. Simulations were performed in STARS (CMG, 2007.11). It was found that injected solvent volumes increased oil recovery and oil rates. Further the majority of the injected solvent was produced and can be recycled
Until the early 90s, the simulation of fluid flow in oil reservoir basically used the numerical technique of finite differences. Since then, there was a big development in simulation technology based on streamlines, so that nowadays it is being used in several cases and it can represent the physical mechanisms that influence the fluid flow, such as compressibility, capillarity and gravitational segregation. Streamline-based flow simulation is a tool that can help enough in waterflood project management, because it provides important information not available through traditional simulation of finite differences and shows, in a direct way, the influence between injector well and producer well. This work presents the application of a methodology published in literature for optimizing water injection projects in modeling of a Brazilian Potiguar Basin reservoir that has a large number of wells. This methodology considers changes of injection well rates over time, based on information available through streamline simulation. This methodology reduces injection rates in wells of lower efficiency and increases injection rates in more efficient wells. In the proposed model, the methodology was effective. The optimized alternatives presented higher oil recovery associated with a lower water injection volume. This shows better efficiency and, consequently, reduction in costs. Considering the wide use of the water injection in oil fields, the positive outcome of the modeling is important, because it shows a case study of increasing of oil recovery achieved simply through better distribution of water injection rates
Continuous steam injection is one of heavy oil thermal recovery methods used in the Brazilian Northeast because of high occurrence of heavy oil reservoir. In this process, the oil into the reservoir is heated while reduces, substantially, its viscosity and improves the production. This work analyzed how the shaly sand layers influenced in the recovery. The studied models were synthetics, but the used reservoir data can be extrapolated to real situations of Potiguar Basin. The modeling was executed using the STARS - Steam Thermal and Advanced Process Reservoir Simulator - whose version was 2007.10. STARS is a tool of CMG Computer Modeling Group. The study was conducted in two stages, the first we analyzed the influence of reservoir parameters in the thermal process, so some of these were studied, including: horizontal permeability of the reservoir and the layer of shaly sand, ratio of horizontal permeability to vertical permeability, the influence of capillary pressure layer of shaly sand and as the location and dimensions of this heterogeneity can affect the productivity of oil. Among the parameters studied the horizontal permeability of the reservoir showed the most significant influence on the process followed by diversity. In the second stage three models were selected and studied some operational parameters such as injection rate, distance between wells, production time and completion intervals. Among the operating parameters studied the low rate and intermediate distances between wells showed the best recoveries
The general objective of this study was to contribute to the understanding of the chemical evolution of fluids that percolate through carbonate rocks of the Jandaíra Formation. The oxidation and reduction conditions in which grains, source and cement were formed was investigated using the cathodoluminescence technique (CL). The study area is located in the west part of the Potiguar Basin (Fazenda Belém field) and Rosário Ledge (Felipe Guerra municipality, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). The analysis of thin sections of carbonate rocks under CL revealed that grains (allochemical or not) and diagenetic products (micritization, dolomitization, neomorphism and cementation) exhibit since absence of luminescence the various luminescence colors (yellow, orange, red, brown, and blue) in a variety of intensities. As pure calcite shows dark blue luminescence, the occurrence of different luminescence colors in calcite crystals suggest one or more punctual crystal defects such as free electron, free space and impurity. The dyeing of thin sections with alizarin and potassium ferrocyanide revealed the absence of ferrous carbonate in the different lithotypes of Jandaíra Formation. Therefore, the different colors and intensities of CL observed in these rocks are probably caused by the presence of ion activators such as Mn2+ and is not an activator/inhibitor combination. In the same way, the absence of luminescence is very probably caused by the absence of activator ions and not due to the low concentration of inhibitor ions such as Fe2+. The incorporation of Mn2+ in the different members of the Jandaíra Formation must have been controlled by the redox state of the depositional environment and diagenesis. Therefore, it is possible that the luminescent members have been formed (e.g.,ooids) or have been modified (gastropod neomorphism) under reduction conditions in the depositional environments, in subsurface during the burial, or, in the case of Rosario Ledge samples , during the post-burial return to surface conditions. As regards the sudden changes from low to moderate and to strong luminescence, these features should indicate the precipitation of a fluid with chemical fluctuations, which formed the frequent zonations in the block cement of the Rosario Ledge samples. This study suggests that the different intensities and colors of CL should be correlated with the Mn2+ and Fe2+ contents, and stable isotopes of samples to determine the salinity, temperature, pH e Eh conditions during deposition
This work presents the results of a survey in oil-producing region of the Macau City, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. All work was performed under the Project for Monitoring Environmental Change and the Influence of Hydrodynamic forcing on Morphology Beach Grass Fields, Serra Potiguar in Macau, with the support of the Laboratory of Geoprocessing, linked to PRH22 - Training Program in Geology Geophysics and Information Technology Oil and Gas - Department of Geology/CCET/UFRN and the Post-Graduation in Science and Engineering Oil/PPGCEP/UFRN. Within the economic-ecological context, this paper assesses the importance of mangrove ecosystem in the region of Macau and its surroundings as well as in the following investigative exploration of potential areas for projects involving reforestation and / or Environmental Restoration. At first it was confirmed the ecological potential of mangrove forests, with primary functions: (i) protection and stabilization of the shoreline, (ii) nursery of marine life, and (iii) source of organic matter to aquatic ecosystems, (iv) refuge of species, among others. In the second phase, using Landsat imagery and techniques of Digital Image Processing (DIP), I came across about 18,000 acres of land that can be worked on environmental projects, being inserted in the rules signed the Kyoto Protocol to the market carbon. The results also revealed a total area of 14,723.75 hectares of activity of shrimp production and salting that can be harnessed for the social, economic and environmental potential of the region, considering that over 60% of this area, ie, 8,800 acres, may be used in the planting of the genus Avicennia considered by the literature that the species best sequesters atmospheric carbon, reaching a mean value of 59.79 tons / ha of mangrove
Oil spills in marine environments represent immediate environmental impacts of large magnitude. For that reason the Environmental Sensitivity to Oil Maps constitute a major instrument for planning actions of containment and cleanup. For both the Environmental Sensitivity Maps always need to be updated, to have an appropriate scale and to represent accurately the coastal areas. In this context, this thesis presents a methodology for collecting and processing remote sensing data for the purpose of updating the territorial basis of thematic maps of Environmental Sensitivity to Oil. To ensure greater applicability of the methodology, sensors with complementary characteristics, which provide their data at a low financial cost, were selected and tested. To test the methodology, an area located on the northern coast of the Northeast of Brazil was chosen. The results showed that the products of ASTER data and image hybrid sensor PALSAR + CCD and HRC + CCD, have a great potential to be used as a source of cartographic information on projects that seek to update the Environmental Sensitivity Maps of Oil
The objective of the thermal recovery is to heat the resevoir and the oil in it to increase its recovery. In the Potiguar river basin there are located several heavy oil reservoirs whose primary recovery energy provides us with a little oil flow, which makes these reservoirs great candidates for application of a method of recovery advanced of the oil, especially the thermal. The steam injection can occur on a cyclical or continuous manner. The continuous steam injection occurs through injection wells, which in its vicinity form a zone of steam that expands itself, having as a consequence the displace of the oil with viscosity and mobility improved towards the producing wells. Another possible mechanism of displacement of oil in reservoirs subjected to continuous injection of steam is the distillation of oil by steam, which at high temperatures; their lighter fractions can be vaporized by changing the composition of the oil produced, of the oil residual or to shatter in the amount of oil produced. In this context, this paper aims to study the influence of compositional models in the continuous injection of steam through in the analysis of some parameters such as flow injection steam and temperature of injection. Were made various leading comparative analysis taking the various models of fluid, varying from a good elementary, with 03 pseudocomponents to a modeling of fluids with increasing numbers of pseudocomponents. A commercial numerical simulator was used for the study from a homogeneous reservoir model with similar features to those found in northeastern Brazil. Some conclusions as the increasing of the simulation time with increasing number of pseudocomponents, the significant influence of flow injection on cumulative production of oil and little influence of the number of pseudocomponents in the flows and cumulative production of oil were found
Many of hydrocarbon reserves existing in the world are formed by heavy oils (°API between 10 and 20). Moreover, several heavy oil fields are mature and, thus, offer great challenges for oil industry. Among the thermal methods used to recover these resources, steamflooding has been the main economically viable alternative. Latent heat carried by steam heats the reservoir, reducing oil viscosity and facilitating the production. This method has many variations and has been studied both theoretically and experimentally (in pilot projects and in full field applications). In order to increase oil recovery and reduce steam injection costs, the injection of alternative fluid has been used on three main ways: alternately, co-injected with steam and after steam injection interruption. The main objective of these injection systems is to reduce the amount of heat supplied to the reservoir, using cheaper fluids and maintaining the same oil production levels. This works discusses the use of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and water as an alternative fluid to the steam. The analyzed parameters were oil recoveries and net cumulative oil productions. The reservoir simulation model corresponds to an oil reservoir of 100 m x 100 m x 28 m size, on a Cartesian coordinates system (x, y and z directions). It is a semi synthetic model with some reservoir data similar to those found in Brazilian Potiguar Basin. All studied cases were done using the simulator STARS from CMG (Computer Modelling Group, version 2009.10). It was found that waterflood after steam injection interruption achieved the highest net cumulative oil compared to other fluids injection. Moreover, it was observed that steam and alternative fluids, co-injected and alternately, did not present increase on profitability project compared with steamflooding
A significant fraction of the hydrocarbon reserves in the world is formed by heavy oils. From the thermal methods used to recovery these resources, Steamflooding has been one of the main economically viable alternatives. In Brazil, this technology is widely used by Petrobras in Northeast fields. Latent heat carried by steam heats the oil in the reservoir, reducing its viscosity and facilitating the production. In the last years, an alternative more and more used by the oil industry to increase the efficiency of this mechanism has been the addition of solvents. When co-injected with steam, the vaporized solvent condenses in the cooler regions of the reservoir and mixes with the oil, creating a low viscosity zone between the steam and the heavy oil. The mobility of the displaced fluid is then improved, resulting in an increase of oil recovery. To better understand this improved oil recovery method and investigate its applicability in reservoirs with properties similar to those found in Potiguar Basin, a numerical study was done to analyze the influence of some operational parameters (steam injection rate, injected solvent volume and solvent type) on oil recovery. Simulations were performed in STARS ("Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator"), a CMG ("Computer Modelling Group") program, version 2009.10. It was found that solvents addition to the injected steam not only anticipated the heated oil bank arrival to the producer well, but also increased the oil recovery. Lower cold water equivalent volumes were required to achieve the same oil recoveries from the models that injected only steam. Furthermore, much of the injected solvent was produced with the oil from the reservoir
In the contemporary world to the deterioration of semi-arid areas of the planet has been the focus of media attention and the scientific community. Brazil has a semiarid, considered the most problematic of the world, either by pressure from physical factors, whether as a result of misguided public policies, has over time been suffering from the consequences of a deterioration that expands over the years. Methodologies, that amidst the problems of semi-arid, come against the deteriorating local, have a good chance to be reapplied in other contexts around the world. This research, based on methodological model for analyzing environmental deterioration, introduced and examined the applicability of the methodology in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil. Although the results provide guidelines for the introduction of underground dams, the application of the methodology was ineffective, given the high rates of forest cover that gave low values for the physical diagnosis conservationist
The Pitimbu River Watershed (PRW), belonging to Potiguar capital metropolitan area, State of Rio Grande do Norte, contributes, among other purposes, to human using and animal watering. This watershed is extremely important because, besides filling up with freshwater approximately 30% of the south part of Natal (South, East and West Zones), contributes to the river shore ecosystem equilibrium. Face to the current conjuncture, this study aims to evaluate the urban development dynamics in the PRW, applying Cellular Automata as a modeling instrument, and to simulate future urban scenarios, between 2014 and 2033, using the simulation program SLEUTH. In the calibration phase, urban spots for 1 984, 1992, 2004 and 2013 years were used, with resolution from 100 meters. After the simulation, it was found a predominance of organic growth, expanding the BHRP from existing urban centers. The spontaneous growth occurred through the fullest extent of the watershed, however the probability of effective growth should not exceed 21%. It was observed that, there was a 68% increase for the period between 2014 and 2033, corresponding to an expansion area of 1,778 ha. For 2033, the source of Pitimbu River area and the Jiqui Lake surroundings will increase more than 78%. Finally, it was seen an exogenous urban growth tendency in the watershed (outside-in). As a result of this growth, hydraulics resources will become scarcer
Water is essential to life and all living organisms and their supply is necessary for economic development and quality of life of human populations, but their quality has been altered by human actions. In semi-arid northeast, the water is an issue of concern, especially its quality. This region is common to the construction of reservoirs that capture rain water, streams and temporary rivers in search of ease this situation, being intended for various purposes. Water scarcity is a limiting factor for the economic and social development of the region and contributes to the maintenance of waterborne diseases. About 80% of diseases that occur in developing countries are infected by waterborne pathogens. Therefore, this study aimed to determine in two environments that are part of semilênticos Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves reservoir, and a stretch of the river Assu, all located in the semiarid RN, the occurrence of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria; check the conceptions of teachers and health workers about the issues "waterborne diseases" and "bacteria" and a diagnosis of diarrheal diseases that affect the population in some municipalities of the semi-arid region of RN from a survey of epidemiological data. For identification of bacteria using commercial kits and the diagnosis of diarrheal disease was based on information from databases. The previous conceptions of teachers and health workers were obtained through questionnaires. The results confirmed the presence of opportunistic bacteria in the studied area, showing the importance of monitoring water quality. There was an under-reporting of cases of diarrhea pointing out flaws in the monitoring of Diarrheal Diseases and indicating the need to improve it. It was felt also the need to implement educational activities on topics dealt with both with teachers and health workers, since they were identified misconceptions on the subject