973 resultados para BURST ABDOMEN


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The classical DIEP-flap is considered state-of-the-art in microsurgical autologous breast reconstruction. Some patients may require additional volume to match the contralateral breast. This quality control study prospectively evaluates the feasibility and outcome of a surgical technique, which pursues the volumetric augmentation of the DIEP-flap by harvesting of additional subscarpal fat tissue cranial to the classical flap border.


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Postoperative fascial dehiscence and open abdomen are severe postoperative complications and are associated with surgical site infections, fistula, and hernia formation at long-term follow-up. This study was designed to investigate whether intraperitoneal implantation of a composite prosthetic mesh is feasible and safe.


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During wakefulness and sleep, neurons in the neocortex emit action potentials tonically or in rhythmic bursts, respectively. However, the role of synchronized discharge patterns is largely unknown. We have recently shown that pairings of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and action potential bursts or single spikes lead to long-term depression (burst-LTD) or long-term potentiation, respectively. In this study, we elucidate the cellular mechanisms of burst-LTD and characterize its functional properties. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained from layer V pyramidal cells in somatosensory cortex of juvenile rats in vitro and composite EPSPs and EPSCs were evoked extracellularly in layers II/III. Repetitive burst-pairings led to a long-lasting depression of EPSPs and EPSCs that was blocked by inhibitors of metabotropic glutamate group 1 receptors, phospholipase C, protein kinase C (PKC) and calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum, and that required an intact machinery for endocytosis. Thus, burst-LTD is induced via a Ca2+- and phosphatidylinositol-dependent activation of PKC and expressed through phosphorylation-triggered endocytosis of AMPA receptors. Functionally, burst-LTD is inversely related to EPSP size and bursts dominate single spikes in determining the sign of synaptic plasticity. Thus burst-firing constitutes a signal by which coincident synaptic inputs are proportionally downsized. Overall, our data thus suggest a mechanism by which synaptic weights can be reconfigured during non-rapid eye movement sleep.


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The aim of the study was to compare the effect duration of two different protocols of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on saccade triggering. In four experiments, two regions (right frontal eye field (FEF) and vertex) were stimulated using a 1-Hz and a theta burst protocol (three 30Hz pulses repeated at intervals of 100ms). The same number of TMS pulses (600 pulses) was applied with stimulation strength of 80% of the resting motor threshold for hand muscles. Following stimulation the subjects repeatedly performed an oculomotor task using a modified overlap paradigm, and saccade latencies were measured over a period of 60min. The results show that both 1-Hz and theta burst stimulation had inhibitory effects on saccade triggering when applied over the FEF, but not over the vertex. One-hertz rTMS significantly increased saccade latencies over a period of about 8min. After theta burst rTMS, this effect lasted up to 30min. Furthermore, the decay of rTMS effects was protocol-specific: After 1-Hz stimulation, saccade latencies returned to a baseline level much faster than after theta burst stimulation. We speculate that these time course differences represent distinct physiological mechanisms of how TMS interacts with brain function.


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The case of a 20 month-old girl that was admitted to the emergency ward because of worsening of her general condition in the setting of acute non-bloody gastroenteritis is reported. The clinical examination revealed signs of severe dehydration and a prominent tender abdomen. Laboratory evaluation showed leucocytosis, elevated C-reactive protein and severe hypochromic microcytic anemia. Abdominal X-ray revealed diffuse meteorism. The child underwent laparascopic evaluation. A perforated Meckel's diverticulum was found. Perforation and anemia due to occult bleeding are unusual presentations of Meckel's diverticulum. The differential diagnosis of children presenting with an acute abdomen with special focus on Meckel's diverticulum is discussed.


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Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors are rare pseudosarcomatous tumors found in virtually all anatomic sites. Our case report describes an elderly female patient with an inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor in the proximal jejunum, accidentally discovered at laparotomy for an acute abdomen. The localization in the jejunum is a very rare finding, and perforation has not been described before.


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The aim of this study was to develop a standardized procedure for examination of the canine abdomen using endoscopic ultrasound and to describe the organs and structures that could be identified transgastrically. The abdomen of four healthy dogs and two cadavers were examined with endoscopic ultrasound. Five anatomic landmarks were used for standardized imaging of the cranial abdomen. These were the portal vein, splenic head and body, duodenum, left kidney, and aorta. High-resolution images of the following organs and structures could be made: distal esophagus, gastric wall from the cardia to the pylorus, liver, caudal vena cava, hepatic lymph nodes, liver hilus, and associated vessels, trifurcation of the celiac artery as well as the path of its branches and the left pancreatic limb and body. Structures that were more difficult to image were the distal duodenum and right pancreatic limb, the entire jejunum, ileum, and cecum as well as the tail of the spleen. Endoscopic ultrasound allowed excellent visualization of the gastric wall and regional structures without interference with gas artefacts. Centrally located organs such as the pancreas could be well examined transgastrically with endoscopic ultrasound without interference by overlying intestinal segments as is common with transabdominal ultrasound.


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The aim of the current study was to examine the effect of theta burst repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) activation during repeated functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measurements. Theta burst rTMS was applied over the right frontal eye field in seven healthy subjects. Subsequently, repeated fMRI measurements were performed during a saccade-fixation task (block design) 5, 20, 35, and 60 min after stimulation. We found that theta burst rTMS induced a strong and long-lasting decrease of the BOLD signal response of the stimulated frontal eye field at 20 and 35 min. Furthermore, less pronounced alterations of the BOLD signal response with different dynamics were found for remote oculomotor areas such as the left frontal eye field, the pre-supplementary eye field, the supplementary eye field, and both parietal eye fields. Recovery of the BOLD signal changes in the anterior remote areas started earlier than in the posterior remote areas. These results show that a) the major inhibitory impact of theta burst rTMS occurs directly in the stimulated area itself, and that b) a lower effect on remote, oculomotor areas can be induced.


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Theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (TBS) may induce behavioural changes that outlast the stimulation period. The neurophysiological basis of these behavioural changes are currently under investigation. Given the evidence that cortical information processing relies on transient synchronization and desynchronization of neuronal assemblies, we set out to test whether TBS is associated with changes of neuronal synchronization as assessed by surface EEG. In four healthy subjects one TBS train of 600 pulses (200 bursts, each burst consisting of 3 pulses at 30 Hz, repeated at intervals of 100 ms) was applied over the right frontal eye field and EEG synchronization was assessed in a time-resolved manner over 60 min by using a non-overlapping moving window. For each time step the linear cross-correlation matrix for six EEG channels of the right and for the six homotopic EEG channels of the left hemisphere were computed and their largest eigenvalues used to assess changes of synchronization. Synchronization was computed for broadband EEG and for the delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequency bands. In all subjects EEG synchronization of the stimulated hemisphere was significantly and persistently increased relative to EEG synchronization of the unstimulated hemisphere. This effect occurred immediately after TBS for the theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequency bands and 10-20 min after TBS for broadband and delta frequency band EEG. Our results demonstrate that TBS is associated with increased neuronal synchronization of the cerebral hemisphere ipsilateral to the stimulation site relative to the unstimulated hemisphere. We speculate that enhanced synchronization interferes with cortical information processing and thus may be a neurophysiological correlate of the impaired behavioural performance detected previously.


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Although surgical techniques and the quality of mammary prostheses have been improved significantly in recent years, capsular contracture attendant on prosthetic mammary reconstruction remains a major flaw. Although rarely, some patients are confronted with recurrent and intractable capsular contractures with resultant breast deformity, even after multiple attempts at capsulectomies and implant exchange. Patients with recurrent capsular contracture often do not want replacement with a new prosthesis, but desire the maintenance of their breast volume with a safe alternative. In an attempt to maintain breast volume and to improve the aesthetic appearance, secondary breast reconstruction using bilateral deepithelialized free flaps from the lower abdomen was performed in a series of seven patients. Three bilateral muscle-sparing TRAM flaps, two bilateral DIEP flaps, one bilateral SIEA flap, one unilateral SIEA flap, and one unilateral DIEP flap (a total number of 14 flaps) were used following implant removal, total capsulectomy, and prophylactic subcutaneous mastectomy. The early postoperative course was uneventful, and all flaps survived completely with no complications. There were no donor-site problems, except in one patient (case 5), who had partial skin necrosis of the abdominal flap. The long-term results (mean follow-up: 4.8 years) demonstrated an aesthetically satisfactory appearance of the breasts, with no major donor-site problems. Several advantages, as well as drawbacks, are highlighted with this technique.