857 resultados para BULL SPERMATOZOA
Spermatozoa ultrastructure was studied in five marines (Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Larimus breviceps, Cynoscion striatus, Micropogonias furnieri, Menticirrhus americanus, Umbrina coroides, Stellifer rastrifer), and one freshwater (Plagioscion squamosissimus) species of Sciaenidae and one species of Polynemidae (Polydactylus virginicus). The investigation revealed that, in all species, spermatozoa display a round head, a nucleus containing highly condensed, filamentous chromatin clusters, no acrosome, a short midpiece with a short cytoplasmic channel, and a flagellum showing the classic axoneme structure (9 + 2) and short irregular lateral fins. In Sciaenidae, the spermatozoa are type II, the flagellar axis is parallel to the nucleus, the lateral nuclear fossa is double arched, the centriolar complex is outside the nuclear fossa, the proximal centriole is anterior and perpendicular to the distal centriole, and no more than ten spherical (marine species) or elongate (freshwater species) mitochondria are observed. Polynemidae spermatozoa are of the intermediate type with the flagellar axis eccentric to the hemi-arc-shaped nucleus, and exhibit no nuclear fossa, the centriolar complex close to the upper nuclear end, the proximal centriole lateral and oblique to the distal centriole, and one large ring-shaped mitocondrion. The data available show that no characteristic is exclusively found in the spermatozoa of members of the Sciaenidae family when compared to other Percoidei with type II spermatozoa. However, three characteristics were exclusively found in Polynemidae: (1) the hemi-arched nucleus; the positioning of the centrioles; and (2) the ring-shaped mitocondrion. The interrelationships between Sciaenidae and Polynemidae as well as between these two families and other Percoidei are herein discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spermiogenesis and spermatozoal structure were studied in Cichla intermedia, a primitive species of Neotropical cichlids. The analysis shows that spermiogenesis is characterized by chromatin compaction, flagellum development, nuclear rotation, nuclear fossa formation and residual cytoplasm elimination. In the spermatozoa, the head is round, the nucleus contains highly condensed filamentous clusters of chromatin and an acrosome is absent. The nuclear fossa is slightly eccentric and shows a projection that penetrates into the nuclear outline. The proximal centriole is located in the initial segment of the nuclear fossa. The midpiece and the cytoplasmic channel are long. The mitochondria, about 10 in number, are round or slightly elongated, disposed in two layers around the initial segment of the flagellum. The flagellum has a classical 9 + 2 axoneme and two lateral fins. The data available show that no characteristics of spermiogenesis or spermatozoa are exclusively found in members of the suborder Labroidei. However, three characteristics seem to be exclusively observed in Cichlidae: (1) compact filamentous clusters of chromatin; (2) slightly eccentric nuclear fossa; and, (3) number of mitochondria. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spermiogenesis in Diplomystes mesembrinus, one of the most primitive species from the Siluriformes, occurs in cysts. Differentiation of spermatids is characterized by chromatin compaction, flagellum development, nuclear fossa formation, rotation of the nucleus, and excess cytoplasm elimination. The spermatozoon head is round, the nucleus contains highly condensed chromatin clusters, the midpiece is short, the axoneme shows a 9 + 2 pattern with two discrete lateral projections, and the acrosome is absent. The nuclear fossa penetrates deeply into the nucleus, including the centriolar complex and the start of the axoneme. The single large C-shaped mitochondrion sur rounds the: initial segment of the axoneme. The structural features of D. mesembrinus spermatozoon are similar to the Clupeiformes. (C) 2001 the Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
A espermiogênese nas espécies Steindachnerina insculpta, Cyphocharax gillii, C. modestus, C. spilotus e Potamorhina altamazonica de Curimatidae é caracterizada pelo desenvolvimento lateral do flagelo, rotação do núcleo, formação excêntrica da fossa nuclear e cromatina compactada em fibras espessas. Estes espermatozóides exibem uma cabeça esférica contendo um núcleo com cromatina altamente condensada em fibras espessas com pequenas áreas eletronlúcidas, e sem acrossoma. A fossa nuclear é do tipo moderado e excêntrico, penetrada pelo complexo centriolar. A peça média é pequena, tem muitas vesículas alongadas e um curto canal citoplasmático. Mitocôndrias podem ser alongadas, ramificadas ou em forma de C, e são separadas do segmento inicial do axonema pelo canal citoplasmático. O flagelo contém a estrutura clássica do axonema (9+2) e tem um compartimento membranoso na região inicial; não possui expansões laterais (fins). Somente pequenas diferenças foram observadas entre as espécies e gêneros analisados de Curimatidae. A espermiogênese e os espermatozóides de Curimatidae têm muitas das características encontradas em quase todas as outras espécies de Characiformes. Por outro lado, a presença de um compartimento membranoso na região inicial do flagelo dos curimatídeos, uma estrutura comum nos espermatozóides de muitos cipriniformes, é desconhecida em outros characiformes. Discute-se sobre a espermiogênese e espermatozóides de Characiformes.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Even though shark-cetacean interactions have been the subject of numerous studies worldwide, several ecological aspects such as competition, predation risk and co-evolution remain unclear. on February 16th, 2008, during a photo-identification survey to investigate population parameters of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, in estuarine waters of Parana State (25[degree]S; 48[degree]W), Brazil, an adult dolphin was photographed without its dorsal fin. A detailed analysis of the healed area on the injured dolphin showed that the circular, crescent-shaped outlined wound was provoked by the bite of a bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas. Wound shape, prey-predator distributional patterns (sympatry) and feeding habits of the shark species here considered were indicative of the species' identity. The wound is likely to be the result of a failed predation attempt. Interactions between C. leucas and S. guianensis should be expected, since they are sympatric along almost all of their distribution range in the tropical and subtropical western South Atlantic. The presented observation adds S. guianensis to the list of cetacean species involved in interactions with large coastal predatory sharks.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the present study spermiogenesis was investigated in Cetopsis coecutiens (Cetopsidae), and Bunocephalus amazonicus (Aspredinidae), while spermatozoa ultrastructure was investigated in C. coecutiens, B. amazonicus, and Nematogenys inermis (Nematogenyidae). Aspredinidae and Cetopsidae share a spermatogenesis of the semicystic type, and a particular type of spermiogenesis process not reported in any fish group. In the three species analyzed, spermatozoa are biflagellate with flagella having the classical axoneme formulae (9 + 2). The analysis of thirteen characters showed the presence of eight characters shared by Cetopsidae and Aspredinidae, and six characters shared by Cetopsidae and Nematogenyidae, which may suggest that these three families may be more related than actually hypothesized, comprising a very primitive siluriform lineage originated after Diplomystidae.
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the protein composition of the sperm membranes (SM) of Nelore bulls, assessing protein markers associated with bull fertility, and whether these markers can be used for predicting bull fertility. Samples were obtained of 20 Nelore bulls, with fertility ranked and divided into three groups (greater, normal and least). To rank the bull's fertility weighted classification was used (according to the number of pregnant cows, number of AI cows and number of herds, considering three different breeding seasons), using the PROC GENMOD as a statistical model, with 99% significance. A total of 7897 Nelore cows, randomly distributed among 28 different farms, were considered in the statistical analyses. The bulls were divided into three fertility groups (pregnancy rates): greater (%F > 80), normal (79 <%F > 71) and least (< 68%F) with 3, 13 and 4 bulls, respectively. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) of sperm membranes indicated in 27 spots (SM40, SM53, SM69, SM93, SM102, SM111, SM137, SM138, SM189, SM196, SM201, SM202, SM204, SM225, SM236, SM237, SM239, SM241, SM246, SM247, SM275, SM283, SM342, SM346, SM355, SM372, SM391) was prevalent in the higher fertility group, and just one spot (SM244) was prevalent in the lower fertility group. Spots SM244 and SM239 had their identification defined by PMF/MALDI-MS, as BSP-A3 and aSFP, respectively. Both these proteins showed a great potential for predicting bull's fertility. The amount of aSFP was 8.5 times greater in the sperm membrane protein profile of the higher fertility groups of Nelore bulls. Besides that, the BSP-A3 was 2.5 times greater in the lower fertility group. For the other spots potentially associated with fertility not yet identified, additional tests will be necessary, but it is clear that the 2D electrophoresis of the sperm membrane can be used for a new approach to predict Nelore bull fertility. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.