995 resultados para BIN LANDEN, OSAMA, 1957-
Presenta datos meteorológicos sobre el litoral peruano, en especial de las islas Lobos de Punta Coles, proporcionando las condiciones barométricas en base a un cuadro comparativo trimestral de la temperatura media del aire entre los años 1956 y 1957, caracterizándose por a ver tenido un verano muy caluroso.
This document is the State Map of Iowa, both front and back of the year in the title. All maps were are in pdf format and can be used as a historical reference.
Contains a forward by the Governor of Iowa, Herschel C. Loveless and photos of the current Lieutenant Governor and other state officials and Supreme Court Justices of Iowa. Includes Iowa facts, trivia, historical information along with photos, with detailed captions, of scenic Iowa, tourist destinations and native plants and wildlife. Lists many other points of interest in Iowa with map legends of state parks in the back of the book.
A transcript of the Condition of the State of Iowa speech by Governor Hoegh delivered at the State Capitol.
[spa] El artículo trata de la retórica del periodismo y la comunicación institucional en la localidad de Manlleu (Barcelona, Spain). El boletín municipal Manlleu (1940-1957) fue una cabecera local en el franquismo de posguerra que publicó los programas de fiesta mayor. El estudio muestra cómo creó la propaganda política una memoria histórica con el martirologio y los agravios de la República. Esta investigación forma parte de los estudios sobre fiesta y discurso Celebratio et oratio. Y contribuye a los repertorios históricos de comunicación local e institucional (ReCoLI). El repertorio combina los ámbitos del discurso, las instituciones locales y la ideología, bajo una perspectiva histórica. "Institutional communication and local press during the Franco regime in Manlleu (Spain, 1940-1957)".
This is the Inaugural Address of Governor to the General Assembly.
In the preparation of this compilation of drainage laws of Iowa, an attempt has been made to include those sections of the Code to which reference is frequently required by the State Highway Commission, Boards of Supervisors and County Engineers in the conduct of highway and road administration as it is affected by the Iowa drainage laws. Of necessity some Code provisions which have a bearing on the principal subject were omitted. Enactments of the 56th General Assembly which modify existing code sections have been included as part of the regular text of the Code sections included in this publication. THE USER IS CAUTIONED THAT THESE CODE SECTIONS, AS MODIFIED BY THE 56th GENERAL ASSEMBLY, ARE NOT A PART OF THE 1954 CODE OF IOWA AND ARE OFFICIAL ONLY INSOFAR AS THEY ARE PRINTED IN THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ACTS OF THE 56TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. SINCE THE 57TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY IS IN SESSION DURING THE PRINTING OF THIS PUBLICATION, ENACTMENTS OF THAT BODY WHICH AMEND OR REPEAL SECTIONS SET OUT HEREIN ARE INCLUDED IN THE BACK OF THIS VOLUME ON THE PINK-COLORED PAPER. THE USER IS CAUTIONED IN USING THIS VOLUME TO REFER TO THE TABLE OF SECTIONS REPEALED OR AMENDED, ON THE PINK-COLORED PAPER AT THE BACK OF THIS VOLUME. This publication is offered with the hope and belief that it will prove to be of value and assistance to those concerned with the problems of administering a highway, road and drainage system.