991 resultados para BETA TITANIUM ALLOY


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: determinar as características mecânicas de molas T e T com helicóides, quando da incorporação de variações na liga metálica (aço inoxidável e beta-titânio), na intensidade de dobras de pré-ativação (0º e 40º/180º) e na secção transversal do fio utilizado para a construção destas molas (0,017 x 0,025 e 0,019 x 0,025). METODOLOGIA: foram submetidas ao ensaio mecânico 80 molas para fechamento de espaços, sendo estas centralizadas em um espaço de 21mm. As magnitudes de força horizontal, proporção momento/força e relação carga/deflexão produzidas pelos corpos de prova foram quantificadas utilizando-se um transdutor de momentos acoplado ao módulo indicador digital para extensiometria e adaptado a uma máquina universal de ensaios Instron. As molas foram submetidas a uma ativação total de 5mm, sendo registrados os valores a cada 1mm de ativação. No tratamento estatístico dos dados obtidos, foi realizada a análise de variância, sendo esta complementada pelo teste de comparações múltiplas de Tukey, considerando o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados demonstraram que, de maneira geral, as molas T com helicóides produziram menores magnitudes de força horizontal e relação carga/deflexão do que as molas T. Na presença de pré-ativação, as molas produziram altas proporções momento/força, enquanto, na ausência de dobras de pré-ativação, as mesmas geraram baixas proporções momento/força. Dentre todas as variáveis analisadas, aquela que apresentou uma maior influência na força horizontal e na relação carga/deflexão produzidas pelas molas foi a liga metálica. Já a proporção momento/força mostrou ser influenciada em maior grau pela pré-ativação das molas de fechamento.


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Metallographic techniques and digital image processing have been used to investigate heat-treated Ti-6Al-4V pitting corrosion, often used as aircraft components. LM and SEM metallography of 'as received', annealed (heating up to 800 degreesC/30 min and cooling furnace) and aged (heating up to 900 degreesC/30 min, quenching in water, heating up to 540 degreesC/240 min and again water-quenched) microstructures reveal pitting sites at primary and secondary alpha/beta interfaces. Microstructural arrangements influence and corrosive environment association on pit morphology could be demonstrated by digital image analysis and results statistical treatment. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Titanium alloy parts are ideally suited for advanced aerospace systems and surgical implants because of their unique combination of high specific strength at both room temperature and moderately elevated temperature, in addition to excellent corrosion resistance. In this work, results of the Ti-35Nb alloy sintering are presented. This alloy, due to its lower modulus of elasticity and high biocompatibility, is a promising candidate for surgical and aerospace applications. Samples were produced by mixing of initial metallic hydride powders followed by uniaxial and cold isostatic pressing with subsequent densification by isochronal sintering between 700 and 1500 degrees C, in vacuum. Sintering behavior was studied by means of microscopy and density. Sintered samples were characterized for phase composition, microstructure and microbardness by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and Vickers indentation, respectively. Samples sintered at high temperatures display a fine plate-like a structure and intergranular P. A few remaining pores are still found, and density above 97% for specimens sintered at 1500 degrees C is reached. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim: Nowadays, research on orthopedic and dental implants is focused on titanium alloys for their mechanical properties and corrosion resistance in the human body environment. Another important aspect to be investigated is their surface topography, which is very important to osseointegration. With laser beam irradiation for roughening the implants surface an easier control of the microtopography is achieved, and surface contamination is avoided. The aim of this study was to assess human bone marrow stem cells response to a newly developed titanium alloy, Ti-15Mo, with surface topography modified by laser beam irradiation. Materials and methods: A total of 10 Ti machined disks (control), 10 Ti-15Mo machined disks and 10 Ti-15Mo disks treated by laser beam-irradiation were prepared. To study how Ti-15Mo surface topografy can induce osteoblast differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells, the expression levels of bone related genes and mesenchymal stem cells marker were analyzed, using real time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction. Results: In Test 1 (comparison between Ti-15Mo machined disks and Ti-machined disks) quantitative real-time RT-PCR showed a significant induction of ALPL, FOSL1 and SPP1, which increase 20% or more. In Test 2 (comparison between Ti-15Mo laser treated disks and Ti-machined disks) all investigated genes were up-regulated. By comparing Test 1 and Test 2 it was detected that COL1A1, COL3A1, FOSL1 and ENG sensibly increased their expression whereas RUNX2, ALPL and SPP1 expression remained substantially unchanged. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that laser treated Ti-15Mo alloys are promising materials for implants application.


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Objective: To determine the mechanical characteristics of teardrop loop with and without helix fabricated using different metal alloy compositions (stainless steel and beta-titanium), submitted to different intensities of bends preactivation (0° and 40°), and with different cross-sectional dimension of the wire used to build these loops (0.017 x 0.025-in and 0.019 x 0.025-in). Methods: Eighty loops used to close spaces were submitted to mechanical tests. The magnitudes of horizontal force, the moment/force ratio, and the load/deflection ratio produced by the specimens were quantified. Loops were submitted to a total activation of 5.0 mm and the values were registered for each 1.0 mm of activation. For statistic data analysis, a analysis of variance was performed and a Tukey's Multiple Comparison test was used as supplement, considering a 5% level of significance. Results: In general, teardrop loops with helix produced lower magnitudes of horizontal force and load/deflection ratio, and higher moment/force ratio than teardrop loops without helix. Among all analyzed variables, metal alloy composition presented greater influence in the horizontal force and in the load/deflection ratio. The moment/force ratio showed to be more influenced by the preactivation of loops for space closure. © 2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of casting produced in an experimental short-term heating-cycle investment. Thus, reaction layer and castability of titanium casting using an experimental spinel-based investment (VR) with short heating cycle were compared with the commercial short-heating-cycle spinel-based investment Trinell (TR), the silica-phosphate-based investment Rematitan Plus ( RP), and the conventional spinel-based investment Rematitan Ultra (RU). VR has polymeric fibers added to inorganic particles. Reaction layer assessments were carried out using Vickers hardness and elemental analysis using dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX). Mesh patterns were used for castability test, and powder characterization was made by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Hardness evaluation showed no difference among the investments between 100 and 200 mu m. The most important contaminant element for VR, TR, and RU was oxygen. Higher levels of mold filling were found for TR, VR, and RU compared with that obtained with RP. The quality of castings, characterized by means of the assessments of reaction layer and castability, made from the VR was similar to the commercial investments TR and RU but superior to the RP.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Statement of problem. Removable partial dentures are affected by fatigue because of the cyclic mechanism of the masticatory system ansi frequent insertion and removal. Titanium and its alloys have been used in the manufacture of denture frameworks; however, preventive agents with fluorides are thought to attack titanium alloy surfaces.Purpose. This study evaluated, compared, analyzed the corrosion-fatigue life of commercially pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy in different storage environments.Material and methods. For each metal, 33 dumbbell rods, 2.3 mm in diameter at the central segment, were cast in the Rematitan system. Corrosion-fatigue strength test was carried out through a universal testing machine with a load 30% lon er than the 0.2% offset yield strength and a combined influence of different: environments: in air at room temperature, with synthetic saliva, and with fluoride synthetic saliva. After failure, the number of cycles were recorded, and fracture surfaces were examined with on SEM.Results. ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison rest indicated that Ti-6Al-4V alloy achieved 21,269 cycles (SD = 8,355) against 19,157 cycles (SD = 3,624) for the commercially purr Ti. There were no significant differences between either metal in the corrosion-fatigue life for dry specimens, but when the solutions were present, the fatigue life was significantly reduced, probably because of the product-ion of corrosion pits caused by superficial reactions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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During clinical routine, the orthodontist uses several materials, which include metallic alloys in the form of metallic wires. However, it is necessary that the professional has some knowledge of the properties of those wires. Different types of wires are commercially available: stainless steel wires, chrome-cobalt wires, nickel-titanium wires and beta-titanium wires. Among the nickel-titanium wires, there are three subdivisions: a conventional alloy and two superelastic alloys. The superelasticity, associated to the effect of form memory, is a property used in orthodontics to initiate the dental movement in the first phase of the orthodontic treatment. This property is considered to be biologically compatible with the effective dental movement. These wires are available at the market in different transformation temperatures, and they offer the best adaptation in the groove of the bracket, simplicity and a faster treatment. However, they present little formability, and they don’t accept solder. They are also more onerous than other wires. Moreover, the low rigidity of these wires doesn’t allow them to be used for the retraction of the anterior teeth or closing of spaces. Therefore, the coherent use of superelastic orthodontic wires is recommended, accompanied by a detailed diagnosis and planning, so the result will be an efficient orthodontic correction, accomplished in a shorter period of time.


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The adsorption behavior of the Tet-124 antimicrobial peptide and the Tet-124 peptide modified at the C- and N-terminus with the sequence glycine-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine-glycine (G-DOPA-G) on titanium surfaces was studied using quartz crystal micro balance with dissipation (QCM-D). At a low pH level (4.75) Tet-124 and Tet-124-G-DOPA-G form rigid layers. This is attributed to the electrostatic interactions of the positively charged lysine and arginine residues in the peptide sequence with the negatively charged titanium oxide layer. At an elevated pH level (6.9) Tet-124 shows a lower mass adsorption at the surface than Tet-124-G-DOPA-G. This is attributed to the interaction of the catechol due to the formation of complexes with the titanium oxide and titanium surface layer. The C terminal and N terminal modification with the sequence G-DOPA-G shows similar adsorption rate and mass adsorption coverage at saturation; however it is presented a more loosely layers on the G-DOPA-G-TeT-124. Fibroblast adhesion and the biocompatibility test of both the surfaces following modification with Tet-124-G-DOPA-G and the titanium alloy control showed similar results. In addition, no changes in the adhesion of E. coli bacteria due to the modification of the surface were detected.