988 resultados para BEHAVIOURAL STRESS


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Early embryonic development is known to be susceptible to maternal undernutrition, leading to a disease-related postnatal phenotype. To determine whether this sensitivity extended into oocyte development, we examined the effect of maternal normal protein diet (18% casein; NPD) or isocaloric low protein diet (9% casein; LPD) restricted to one ovulatory cycle (3.5 days) prior to natural mating in female MF-1 mice. After mating, all females received NPD for the remainder of gestation and all offspring were litter size adjusted and fed standard chow. No difference in gestation length, litter size, sex ratio or postnatal growth was observed between treatments. Maternal LPD did, however, induce abnormal anxiety-related behaviour in open field activities in male and female offspring (P <0.05). Maternal LPD offspring also exhibited elevated systolic blood pressure (SBP) in males at 9 and 15 weeks and in both sexes at 21 weeks (P <0.05). Male LPD offspring hypertension was accompanied by attenuated arterial responsiveness in vitro to vasodilators acetylcholine and isoprenaline (P <0.05). LPD female offspring adult kidneys were also smaller, but had increased nephron numbers (P <0.05). Moreover, the relationship between SBP and kidney or heart size or nephron number was altered by diet treatment (P <0.05). These data demonstrate the sensitivity of mouse maturing oocytes in vivo to maternal protein undernutrition and identify both behavioural and cardiovascular postnatal outcomes, indicative of adult disease. These outcomes probably derive from a direct effect of protein restriction, although indirect stress mechanisms may also be contributory. Similar and distinct postnatal outcomes were observed here compared with maternal LPD treatment during post-fertilization preimplantation development which may reflect the relative contribution of the paternal genome. © Journal compilation © 2008 The Physiological Society.


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Incontinentia Pigmenti (IP, OMIM#308300) is a rare X-linked genomic disorder (about 1,400 cases) that affects the neuroectodermal tissue and Central Nervous System (CNS). The objective of this study was to describe the cognitive-behavioural profile in children in order to plan a clinical intervention to improve their quality of life. A total of 14 girls (age range: from 1 year and 2 months to 12 years and 10 months) with IP and the IKBKG/NEMO gene deletion were submitted to a cognitive assessment including intelligence scales, language and visuo-spatial competence tests, learning ability tests, and a behavioural assessment. Five girls had severe to mild intellectual deficiencies and the remaining nine had a normal neurodevelopment. Four girls were of school age and two of these showed no intellectual disability, but had specific disabilities in calculation and arithmetic reasoning. This is the first description of the cognitive-behavioural profile in relation to developmental age. We stress the importance of an early assessment of learning abilities in individuals with IP without intellectual deficiencies to prevent the onset of any such deficit.


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The use of behavioural indicators of suffering and welfare in captive animals has produced ambiguous results. In comparisons between groups, those in worse condition tend to exhibit increased overall rate of Behaviours Potentially Indicative of Stress (BPIS), but when comparing within groups, individuals differ in their stress coping strategies. This dissertation presents analyses to unravel the Behavioural Profile of a sample of 26 captive capuchin monkeys, of three different species (Sapajus libidinosus, S. flavius and S. xanthosternos), kept in different enclosure types. In total, 147,17 hours of data were collected. We explored four type of analysis: Activity Budgets, Diversity indexes, Markov chains and Sequence analyses, and Social Network Analyses, resulting in nine indexes of behavioural occurrence and organization. In chapter One we explore group differences. Results support predictions of minor sex and species differences and major differences in behavioural profile due to enclosure type: i. individuals in less enriched enclosures exhibited a more diverse BPIS repertoire and a decreased probability of a sequence with six Genus Normative Behaviour; ii. number of most probable behavioural transitions including at least one BPIS was higher in less enriched enclosures; iii. proeminence indexes indicate that BPIS function as dead ends of behavioural sequences, and proeminence of three BPIS (pacing, self-direct, active I) were higher in less enriched enclosures. Overall, these data are not supportive of BPIS as a repetitive pattern, with a mantra-like calming effect. Rather, the picture that emerges is more supportive of BPIS as activities that disrupt organization of behaviours, introducing “noise” that compromises optimal activity budget. In chapter Two we explored individual differences in stress coping strategies. We classified individuals along six axes of exploratory behaviour. These were only weakly correlated indicating low correlation among behavioural indicators of syndromes. Nevertheless, the results are suggestive of two broad stress coping strategies, similar to the bold/proactive and shy/reactive pattern: more exploratory capuchin monkeys exhibited increased values of proeminence in Pacing, aberrant sexual display and Active 1 BPIS, while less active animals exhibited increased probability in significant sequences involving at least one BPIS, and increased prominence in own stereotypy. Capuchin monkeys are known for their cognitive capacities and behavioural flexibility, therefore, the search for a consistent set of behavioural indictors of welfare and individual differences requires further studies and larger data sets. With this work we aim contributing to design scientifically grounded and statistically correct protocols for collection of behavioural data that permits comparability of results and meta-analyses, from whatever theoretical perspective interpretation it may receive.


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Les procédures appliquées avant l’abattage des animaux influencent directement la qualité de la viande en modulant l’état physiologique des porcs; ainsi, l’augmentation de la température corporelle, les taux élevés de lactate sanguin et l’épuisement des réserves de glycogène entre autres, occasionnent la majorité des baisses de qualité. L’objectif de cette thèse était de valider des outils indicateurs de stress porcin pour les fermes et les abattoirs. Ceux-ci seraient appliqués à la surveillance du bien-être animal et à la prédiction de variation de qualité de la viande porcine au niveau commercial. Premierement, les résultats de la thèse ont permis de conclure qu’un des outils développés (analyseur portatif de lactate) mesure la variation du niveau de lactate sanguin associé à l’état physiologique des porcs dans la phase péri-mortem et aide à expliquer la variation de la qualité de la viande chez le porc à l’abattoir, en particulier dans les muscles du jambon. Deuxièmement, les résultats des audits du bien-être animal appliqués de la ferme à l’abattoir ont démontré que la qualité du système d’élevage à la ferme d’origine et les compétences du chauffeur de camion sont d’importants critères affectant la réponse comportementale des porcs à la manipulation avant l’abattage. Ces résultats ont également démontré que les conditions de logement à la ferme (la faible densité et l’enrichissement dans les enclos), le comportement des porcs en période pré-abattage (glissade), ainsi que les interventions du manipulateur (utilisation du bâton électrique) dans la zone d’étourdissement de l’abattoir affectent négativement la variation de la qualité de la viande. L’application des protocoles d’audits dans la filière porcine a également démontré que le respect des critères de bien-être animal fixés par un outil de vérification est primordiale et permet de contrôler les conditions de bien-être des porcs à chaque étape de la période pré-abattage, de produire une viande de qualité supérieure et de réduire les pertes. Les audits de bien-être animal sont donc un outil qui apporte des resultats très pertinents pour aider a éviter les variations de la qualité de la viande chez le porc. Troisièmement, la thermographie infrarouge s’est avéré être une technique prometteuse permettant d’évaluer la variation de température corporelle de l’animal pendant et après un stress physique, en particulier lorsque cette mesure est prise derrière les oreilles. En conclusion, les outils validés à travers cette thèse représentent des méthodologies non invasives et potentiellement complémentaires à d’autres approches d’évaluation de l’état physiologique et du bien-être animal par rapport au stress, permettant de réduire les pertes de qualité de viande (par exemple en utilisation conjointe avec le niveau de lactate sanguin et les indicateurs de stress comportemental, entre autres).


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There has long been a question as to whether crowding in rail passenger transport poses a threat to passenger health related to the experience of stress. A review of the scientific literature was conducted. Little rail-specific empirical research was identified. The more general research that does exist suggests that high-density environments are not necessarily perceived as crowded and that stress-related physiological, psychological and behavioural reactions do not necessarily follow from exposure to such environments. Several factors are identified that may moderate the impact of a high-density environment on perceptions of crowding and the subsequent experience and effects of stress. These include, inter alia, perceptions of control and predictability of events. However, if caused, the experience and effects of stress may be made worse by inadequate coach design that gives rise to discomfort. The model that emerges from these findings offers a suitable framework for the development of research questions that should help translate emerging knowledge into practical interventions, for the reduction of any adverse health outcomes associated with crowding.


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The brain is exposed throughout life to oxidative stress, and certain diseases of the brain and nervous system are thought to involve free radical processes and oxidative damage. This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of kolaviron on kolanut-induced oxidative stress in developing rat brain. Twenty-five adult pregnant Wistar rats weighing between 160 and 180g were used for the experiment. They were randomly divided into five groups of five animals each. The animals were fed with standard diets of mice cubes and water provided ad libitum. The control rats received water and cornoil, while the experimental animals received 200 mg/kg body weight of kolanut (kn), 200 mg/kg of kolaviron (kv), and 200 mg/kg body weight of vitamin E which served as a standard antioxidant with cornoil as vehicle orally in pre- and post-natal life. After birth, gross morphometry and behavioural changes of the pups of days 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 postpartum were evaluated. Blood samples were collected from pups of day 21 for hematological, liver and renal function analyses, while the brains of pups of day 21 postpartum were preserved in phosphate buffer at a temperature of 4oC and pH 7.4 for biochemical analysis. There were significant alterations in the gross morphometry and behavioural parameters studied in the treated animals compared with the control at p< 0.05. There were elevated levels of RBC, WBC and platelets in the treated group compared with the control at p< 0.05. However, no significant change was observed in the PCV, Hb, liver and renal function parameters studied at p>0.05. A non-significant increase in levels of malondialdehyde, MDA, a bye-product of lipid peroxidation in the kolanut group was observed. However, administration of kolaviron and vitamin E non-significantly (p>0.05) reversed these changes. In conclusion, maternal consumption of kolanut induced mild oxidative stress and the administration of kolaviron and vitamin E decreased the rate at which kolanut induced oxidative stress in developing rat brain.


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The study aim was to test whether a 12-week publically rebated group programme, based upon Steketee and Frost's Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-based hoarding treatment, would be efficacious in a community-based setting. Over a 3-year period, 77 participants with clinically significant hoarding were recruited into 12 group programmes. All completed treatment; however, as this was a community-based naturalistic study, only 41 completed the post-treatment assessment. Treatment included psychoeducation about hoarding, skills training for organization and decision making, direct in-session exposure to sorting and discarding, and cognitive and behavioural techniques to support out-of-session sorting and discarding, and nonacquiring. Self-report measures used to assess treatment effect were the Savings Inventory-Revised (SI-R), Savings Cognition Inventory, and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales. Pre-post analyses indicated that after 12 weeks of treatment, hoarding symptoms as measured on the SI-R had reduced significantly, with large effect sizes reported in total and across all subscales. Moderate effect sizes were also reported for hoarding-related beliefs (emotional attachment and responsibility) and depressive symptoms. Of the 41 participants who completed post-treatment questionnaires, 14 (34%) were conservatively calculated to have clinically significant change, which is considerable given the brevity of the programme judged against the typical length of the disorder. The main limitation of the study was the moderate assessment completion rate, given its naturalistic setting. This study demonstrated that a 12-week group treatment for hoarding disorders was effective in reducing hoarding and depressive symptoms in an Australian clinical cohort and provides evidence for use of this treatment approach in a community setting. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: A 12-week group programme delivered in a community setting was effective for helping with hoarding symptoms with a large effect size. Hoarding beliefs (emotional attachment and responsibility) and depression were reduced, with moderate effect sizes. A third of all participants who completed post-treatment questionnaires experienced clinically significant change. Suggests that hoarding CBT treatment can be effectively translated into real-world settings and into a brief 12-session format, albeit the study had a moderate assessment completion rate.


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Researchers interested in the neurobiology of the acute stress response in humans require a valid and reliable acute stressor that can be used under experimental conditions. The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) provides such a testing platform. It induces stress by requiring participants to make an interview-style presentation, followed by a surprise mental arithmetic test, in front of an interview panel who do not provide feedback or encouragement. In this review, we outline the methodology of the TSST, and discuss key findings under conditions of health and stress-related disorder. The TSST has unveiled differences in males and females, as well as different age groups, in their neurobiological response to acute stress. The TSST has also deepened our understanding of how genotype may moderate the cognitive neurobiology of acute stress, and exciting new inroads have been made in understanding epigenetic contributions to the biological regulation of the acute stress response using the TSST. A number of innovative adaptations have been developed which allow for the TSST to be used in group settings, with children, in combination with brain imaging, and with virtual committees. Future applications may incorporate the emerging links between the gut microbiome and the stress response. Future research should also maximise use of behavioural data generated by the TSST. Alternative acute stress paradigms may have utility over the TSST in certain situations, such as those that require repeat testing. Nonetheless, we expect that the TSST remains the gold standard for examining the cognitive neurobiology of acute stress in humans.