965 resultados para Axima noyesi species group
The vocalizations of Hypsiboas ericae (Caramaschi & Cruz, 2000) are described and new information on the external morphology and osteology of the species are presented. H. ericae presents a bony spine in the prepolex and the individuals can present green or brown dorsal color, as other species of the Hypsiboas pulchellus (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) species group. The vocalizations of H. ericae are similar to the vocalizations of Hypsiboas bischoffi (Boulenger, 1887), Hypsiboas guentheri (Boulenger, 1886), and other species in the H. polytaenius (Cope, 1870 "1869") clade of the H. pulchellus species group, but some osteological aspects are different to those found in the majority of the species of this group.
The tadpole of Hypsiboas atlanticus (Caramaschi & Velosa, 1996) is described from the municipality of Maceió, State of Alagoas, Brazil. At stage 36 the larvae have an overall elliptical body in lateral and dorsal views, oral disc anteroventral, spiracular tube sinistral, and labial tooth row formula 2(1,2)/3(1). The oral disc is surrounded, almost completely (anterior medial gap present) by a single row of marginal papillae. Described tadpoles of the H. punctatus species group can be differentiated by a combined disc oral features. Additional descriptions of H. punctatus (Schneider, 1799) tadpoles from populations throughout South America may be helpful in determining the status of these populations.
Lutzomyia derelicta n. sp. is described from specimens collected in an isolated xeric habitat in the rainforest in the north of the State of Pará, Brazil. The new species lacks the posterior bulge in the dorsal wall of the cibarium characteristic of the New World genus Lutzomyia, and the armature of the male genitalia is of the pattern found elsewhere only in the Old World species of Sergentomyia. L. derelicta is phenetically intermediate between the known species of Lutzomyia and Sergentomyia, and cannot readily be placed in any existing subgenus or species group of either genus.
The black flies of the genus Inaequalium present a Neotropical distribution, with Panama at the northern limit, and the Argentinian pampas at the southern, but do not occur in the Central Amazon. This study offers a cladistic analysis establishing a hypothesis of relationships between the species of Inaequalium. A total of 37 characters have been considered in order to establish the hypothetic phylogenetic relationships. Cerqueirellum (Py-Daniel, 1983) was considered as outgroup. Data were analyzed using Henning 86 version 1.5. Wich the ie* command and implicit enumeration a unique possible cladogram was obtained in Inaequalium with 52 steps, and a CI of 0.76 and RI of 0.81. Two well-defined clades was obtained in the resulting cladogram, the "botulibranchium" species-group, includes I. travassosi, I. souzalopesi, I. botulibranchium and I. petropoliense, and the "inaequale" species-group, includes I. rappae, I. nahimi, I. inaequale, I. leopoldense, I. subnigrum, I. diversibranchium, I. mariavulcanoae, I. nogueirai, I. beaupertuyi, I. clavibranchium and I. subclavibranchium.
A new species of the Culicoides hylas species group, Culicoides pseudoheliconiae Felippe-Bauer is described and illustrated based on female specimens from Peruvian Amazon, and Culicoides contubernalis Ortiz & Leon from Ecuador is resurrected and redescribed as a valid species. A systematic key, table with numerical characters of females of species of the Culicoides hylas group are given.
We studied the distribution of Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup), an anuran species group with three ploidy levels, inhabiting the Central Asian Amudarya River drainage. Various approaches (one-way, multivariate, components variance analyses and maximum entropy modelling) were used to estimate the effect of altitude, precipitation, temperature and land vegetation covers on the distribution of toads. It is usually assumed that polyploid species occur in regions with harsher climatic conditions (higher latitudes, elevations, etc.), but for the green toads complex, we revealed a more intricate situation. The diploid species (Bufo shaartusiensis and Bufo turanensis) inhabit the arid lowlands (from 44 to 789 m a.s.l.), while tetraploid Bufo pewzowi were recorded in mountainous regions (340-3492 m a.s.l.) with usually lower temperatures and higher precipitation rates than in the region inhabited by diploid species. The triploid species Bufo baturae was found in the Pamirs (Tajikistan) at the highest altitudes (2503-3859 m a.s.l.) under the harshest climatic conditions.
Recently, knowledge of Neotropical Simuliidae has been accumulating quickly. However, information about supra-specific relationships is scarce and diagnoses of Simulium subgenera are unsatisfactory. To investigate the relationships among Simulium (Chirostilbia) species and test the subgenus monophyly, we performed a cladistic analysis. The ingroup included all species of this subgenus and the outgroup included representatives of the 17 species groups of Neotropical Simulium and three Holarctic species. The study was based on a data matrix with 31 terminal taxa and 45 morphological characteristics of adult, pupa and larva. The phylogenetic analysis under equal weights resulted in eight most-parsimonious trees (length = 178, consistency index = 34, retention index = 67). The monophyly of the S. (Chirostilbia) was not supported in our analysis. The Simulium subpallidum species group was closer to Simulium (Psilopelmia) and Simulium (Ectemnaspis) than to the Simulium pertinax species group. Additionally, we describe the three-dimensional shape of the terminalia of male and female of Simulium (Chirostilbia) for the first time and provide comments about the taxonomic problems involving some species of the subgenus: Simulium acarayense, Simulium papaveroi, S. pertinax, Simulium serranum, Simulium striginotum and S. subpallidum.
This study aimed to evaluate the use of conventional polymerase chain reaction (cPCR) and real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) in the diagnosis of human strongyloidiasis from stool samples in tropical areas. Stool samples were collected from individuals and were determined to be positive for Strongyloides stercoralis (group I), negative for S. stercoralis (group II) and positive for other enteroparasite species (group III). DNA specific to S. stercoralis was found in 76.7% of group I samples by cPCR and in 90% of group I samples by qPCR. The results show that molecular methods can be used as alternative tools for detecting S. stercoralis in human stool samples in tropical areas.
Larvae and pupae of the cryptic firefly Photuris fulvipes (Blanchard,1837) are described. They were reared to adult stage from eggs laid by a female collected in São Luiz do Paraitinga, São Paulo, Brazil. Additionally, adult diagnosis and some bionomic data observed in the laboratory are presented. The bionomical and morphological characteristics of P. fulvipes were compared to other unidentified species of the genus and to Bycellonycha sp. from literature. At moment, the data are insufficient to propose a diagnosis for the species, but some characteristics appear to define species group or, at least, they may have generic value.
Geographical body size variation has long interested evolutionary biologists, and a range of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the observed patterns. It is considered to be more puzzling in ectotherms than in endotherms, and integrative approaches are necessary for testing non-exclusive alternative mechanisms. Using lacertid lizards as a model, we adopted an integrative approach, testing different hypotheses for both sexes while incorporating temporal, spatial, and phylogenetic autocorrelation at the individual level. We used data on the Spanish Sand Racer species group from a field survey to disentangle different sources of body size variation through environmental and individual genetic data, while accounting for temporal and spatial autocorrelation. A variation partitioning method was applied to separate independent and shared components of ecology and phylogeny, and estimated their significance. Then, we fed-back our models by controlling for relevant independent components. The pattern was consistent with the geographical Bergmann's cline and the experimental temperature-size rule: adults were larger at lower temperatures (and/or higher elevations). This result was confirmed with additional multi-year independent data-set derived from the literature. Variation partitioning showed no sex differences in phylogenetic inertia but showed sex differences in the independent component of ecology; primarily due to growth differences. Interestingly, only after controlling for independent components did primary productivity also emerge as an important predictor explaining size variation in both sexes. This study highlights the importance of integrating individual-based genetic information, relevant ecological parameters, and temporal and spatial autocorrelation in sex-specific models to detect potentially important hidden effects. Our individual-based approach devoted to extract and control for independent components was useful to reveal hidden effects linked with alternative non-exclusive hypothesis, such as those of primary productivity. Also, including measurement date allowed disentangling and controlling for short-term temporal autocorrelation reflecting sex-specific growth plasticity.
Notes on the systematics of the orchid-bee genus Eulaema (Hymenoptera, Apidae). The classification of the genus Eulaema is modified in order to make it congruent with recent phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular data. The speciosa group, containing E. peruviana, E. speciosa and related species, is removed from E. (Eulaema) and transferred to E. (Apeulaema). New morphological characters are presented to support the revised scope of the subgenera and their diagnostic features are revised. Six species groups are recognized herein: two in E. (Apeulaema) and four in E. (Eulaema). A list of valid species in each species group and an identification key to males of each of the subgenera and species groups are provided. Finally, an older overlooked designation of a type species for Eulaema is presented in the Appendix.
In this study we tested whether communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonizing the roots of maize (Zea mays L.) were affected by soil tillage practices (plowing, chiseling, and no-till) in a long-term field experiment carried out in Tanikon (Switzerland). AMF were identified in the roots using specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) markers that had been developed for the AMF previously isolated from the soils of the studied site. A nested PCR procedure with primers of increased specificity (eukaryotic, then, fungal, then AMF species or. species-grouop specific) was used. Sequencing of amplified DNA confirmed that the DNA obtained from the maize roots was of AMF origin. Presence of particular AMF species or species-group was scored as a presence of a DNA product after PCR with specific primers. We also used single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP), of amplified DNA samples to-check if the amplification of the DNA from maize roots matched the expected profile for a particular AMF isolate with a given specific primer pair. Presence of the genus Scutellospora, in maize roots was strongly reduced in plowed and chiseled soils. Fungi from the suborder Glomineae were more prevalent colonizers of maize roots growing in plowed soils, but were also present in the roots from other tillage treatments. These changes in community of AMF colonizing maize roots might be due to (1), the differences in tolerance to the tillage-induced disruption of the hyphae among the different AMF species, (2) changes in nutrient content of the soil, (3) changes in microbial activity, or (4) changes in weed populations in response to soil tillage. This is the first report on community composition of AMF in the roots of a field-grown crop plant (maize) as affected by soil tillage.
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) are known to generally present a high degree of insular endemism: half of the 28 species known from Corsica and Sardinia are considered as endemic. We sequenced the DNA barcode (a fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene) of 349 specimens from 50 localities in Corsica, Sardinia, continental Europe and North Africa. We reconstructed gene trees of eight genera or species groups representing the main mayfly families. Alternative topologies were built to test if our reconstructions suggested a single or multiple Corsican/Sardinian colonization event(s) in each genus or species group. A molecular clock calibrated with different evolution rates was used to try to link speciation processes with geological events. Our results confirm the high degree of endemism of Corsican and Sardinian mayflies and the close relationship between these two faunas. Moreover, we have evidence that the mayfly diversity of the two islands is highly underestimated as at least six new putative species occur on the two islands. We demonstrated that the Corsican and Sardinian mayfly fauna reveals a complex history mainly related to geological events. The Messinian Salinity Crisis, which is thought to have reduced marine barriers, thus facilitating gene flow between insular and continental populations, was detected as the most important event in the speciation of most lineages. Vicariance processes related to the split and rotation of the Corso-Sardinian microplate had a minor impact as they involved only two genera with limited dispersal and ecological range. Colonization events posterior to the Messinian Salinity Crisis had only marginal effects as we had indication of recent gene flow only in two clades. With very limited recent gene flow and a high degree of endemism, mayflies from Corsica and Sardinia present all the criteria for conservation prioritization.
Strains from anal swabs and chronic otitis externa in dogs were shown to be phylogenetically related to the Enterococcus faecium species group. They shared a number of phenotypic characteristics with these species, but they could be easily differentiated by biochemical reactions. In addition, the canine strains were unusual in their nearly complete failure to grow on sodium azide-containing enterococci-selective media and in their Voges-Proskauer reactions (usually negative). By using 16S rRNA sequencing and DNA-DNA hybridization of representative strains, as well as tDNA interspacer gene PCR and SDS-PAGE of whole-cell proteins, the group of canine strains was shown to constitute a novel enterococcal species. The name Enterococcus canis sp. nov. is proposed for this species, with LMG 12316(T) (= CCUG 46666(T)) as the type strain. Concurrently, the taxonomic situation and nomenclatural position of Enterococcus porcinus were investigated. As no phenotypic or genotypic differences were found between this species and Enterococcus villorum, the name E. porcinus is considered to be a junior synonym of E. villorum.
Dendropsophus gaucheri is a recently described species which inhabits open areas of the eastern part of the Guiana Shield and is currently assigned to the D. parviceps species group based on the presence of a subocular cream spot. Herein we investigate its phylogenetic position including material from the type locality and newly documented populations from Suriname and Brazil based on mtDNA sequences. The species, as well as D. riveroi which is assigned to the D. minimus species group, were recovered nested within the D. microcephalus species group which implies the paraphyly of the three Dendropsophus species groups. Such result, along with other evidences, highlights the need for a thorough revision of the genus. The genetic distances among D. gaucheri samples studied are low confirming their conspecificity and suggesting recent connections among populations from open areas currently isolated by rainforest in the lowlands of the Guiana Shield.