953 resultados para Automatic model transformation systems
We consider a simple model consisting of particles with four bonding sites ("patches"), two of type A and two of type B, on the square lattice, and investigate its global phase behavior by simulations and theory. We set the interaction between B patches to zero and calculate the phase diagram as the ratio between the AB and the AA interactions, epsilon(AB)*, varies. In line with previous work, on three-dimensional off-lattice models, we show that the liquid-vapor phase diagram exhibits a re-entrant or "pinched" shape for the same range of epsilon(AB)*, suggesting that the ratio of the energy scales - and the corresponding empty fluid regime - is independent of the dimensionality of the system and of the lattice structure. In addition, the model exhibits an order-disorder transition that is ferromagnetic in the re-entrant regime. The use of low-dimensional lattice models allows the simulation of sufficiently large systems to establish the nature of the liquid-vapor critical points and to describe the structure of the liquid phase in the empty fluid regime, where the size of the "voids" increases as the temperature decreases. We have found that the liquid-vapor critical point is in the 2D Ising universality class, with a scaling region that decreases rapidly as the temperature decreases. The results of simulations and theoretical analysis suggest that the line of order-disorder transitions intersects the condensation line at a multi-critical point at zero temperature and density, for patchy particle models with a re-entrant, empty fluid, regime. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3657406]
Concepts like E-learning and M-learning are changing the traditional learning place. No longer restricted to well-defined physical places, education on Automation and other Engineering areas is entering the so-called ubiquitous learning place, where even the more practical knowledge (acquired at lab classes) is now moving into, due to emergent concepts such as Remote Experimentation or Mobile Experimentation. While Remote Experimentation is traditionally regarded as the remote access to real-world experiments through a simple web browser running on a PC connected to the Internet, Mobile Experimentation may be seen as the access to those same (or others) experiments, through mobile devices, used in M-learning contexts. These two distinct client types (PCs versus mobile devices) pose specific requirements for the remote lab infrastructure, namely the ability to tune the experiment interface according to the characteristics (e.g. display size) of the accessing device. This paper addresses those requirements, namely by proposing a new architecture for the remote lab infrastructure able to accommodate both Remote and Mobile Experimentation scenarios.
Modular design is crucial to manage large-scale systems and to support the divide-and-conquer development approach. It allows hierarchical representations and, therefore, one can have a system overview, as well as observe component details. Petri nets are suitable to model concurrent systems, but lack on structuring mechanisms to support abstractions and the composition of sub-models, in particular when considering applications to embedded controllers design. In this paper we present a module construct, and an underlying high-level Petri net type, to model embedded controllers. Multiple interfaces can be declared in a module, thus, different instances of the same module can be used in different situations. The interface is a subset of the module nodes, through which the communication with the environment is made. Module places can be annotated with a generic type, overridden with a concrete type at instance level, and constants declared in a module may have a new value in each instance.
Dissertation presented to obtain a PhD degree in Biochemistry at Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Multi-agent approaches have been widely used to model complex systems of distributed nature with a large amount of interactions between the involved entities. Power systems are a reference case, mainly due to the increasing use of distributed energy sources, largely based on renewable sources, which have potentiated huge changes in the power systems’ sector. Dealing with such a large scale integration of intermittent generation sources led to the emergence of several new players, as well as the development of new paradigms, such as the microgrid concept, and the evolution of demand response programs, which potentiate the active participation of consumers. This paper presents a multi-agent based simulation platform which models a microgrid environment, considering several different types of simulated players. These players interact with real physical installations, creating a realistic simulation environment with results that can be observed directly in the reality. A case study is presented considering players’ responses to a demand response event, resulting in an intelligent increase of consumption in order to face the wind generation surplus.
O presente trabalho enquadra-se na temática de segurança contra incêndio em edifícios e consiste num estudo de caso de projeto de deteção e extinção de incêndio num Data Center. Os objetivos deste trabalho resumem-se à realização de um estudo sobre o estado da arte da extinção e deteção automática de incêndio, ao desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de software de apoio a projetos de extinção por agentes gasosos, como também à realização de um estudo e uma análise da proteção contra incêndios em Data Centers. Por último foi efetuado um estudo de caso. São abordados os conceitos de fogo e de incêndio, em que um estudo teórico à temática foi desenvolvido, descrevendo de que forma pode o fogo ser originado e respetivas consequências. Os regulamentos nacionais relativos à Segurança Contra Incêndios em Edifícios (SCIE) são igualmente abordados, com especial foco nos Sistemas Automáticos de Deteção de Incêndio (SADI) e nos Sistemas Automáticos de Extinção de Incêndio (SAEI), as normas nacionais e internacionais relativas a esta temática também são mencionadas. Pelo facto de serem muito relevantes para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, os sistemas de deteção de incêndio são exaustivamente abordados, mencionando características de equipamentos de deteção, técnicas mais utilizadas como também quais os aspetos a ter em consideração no dimensionamento de um SADI. Quanto aos meios de extinção de incêndio foram mencionados quais os mais utilizados atualmente, as suas vantagens e a que tipo de fogo se aplicam, com especial destaque para os SAEI com utilização de gases inertes, em que foi descrito como deve ser dimensionado um sistema deste tipo. Foi também efetuada a caracterização dos Data Centers para que seja possível entender quais as suas funcionalidades, a importância da sua existência e os aspetos gerais de uma proteção contra incêndio nestas instalações. Por último, um estudo de caso foi desenvolvido, um SADI foi projetado juntamente com um SAEI que utiliza azoto como gás de extinção. As escolhas e os sistemas escolhidos foram devidamente justificados, tendo em conta os regulamentos e normas em vigor.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores
Atualmente os sistemas Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) fazem parte do dia-a-dia de muitas empresas. Esta tecnologia tem evoluído significativamente ao longo da última década, tornando-se mais acessível e fácil de utilizar. Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema de localização de veículos para smartphone Android. Para tal, foram desenvolvidas duas aplicações: uma aplicação de localização para smarphone Android e uma aplicação WEB de monitorização. A aplicação de localização permite a recolha de dados de localização GPS e estabelecer uma rede piconet Bluetooth, admitindo assim a comunicação simultânea com a unidade de controlo de um veículo (ECU) através de um adaptador OBDII/Bluetooth e com até sete sensores/dispositivos Bluetooth que podem ser instalados no veículo. Os dados recolhidos pela aplicação Android são enviados periodicamente (intervalo de tempo definido pelo utilizador) para um servidor Web No que diz respeito à aplicação WEB desenvolvida, esta permite a um gestor de frota efetuar a monitorização dos veículos em circulação/registados no sistema, podendo visualizar a posição geográfica dos mesmos num mapa interativo (Google Maps), dados do veículo (OBDII) e sensores/dispositivos Bluetooth para cada localização enviada pela aplicação Android. O sistema desenvolvido funciona tal como esperado. A aplicação Android foi testada inúmeras vezes e a diferentes velocidades do veículo, podendo inclusive funcionar em dois modos distintos: data logger e data pusher, consoante o estado da ligação à Internet do smartphone. Os sistemas de localização baseados em smartphone possuem vantagens relativamente aos sistemas convencionais, nomeadamente a portabilidade, facilidade de instalação e baixo custo.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Health Technical Memorandum 82 Alarm and detection systems Supplement A: Automatic fire control systems and voice alarm systems
Health Technical Memorandum 82 Alarm and detection systems Supplement A: Automatic fire control systems and voice alarm systems
Supervisory systems evolution makes the obtaining of significant information from processes more important in the way that the supervision systems' particular tasks are simplified. So, having signal treatment tools capable of obtaining elaborate information from the process data is important. In this paper, a tool that obtains qualitative data about the trends and oscillation of signals is presented. An application of this tool is presented as well. In this case, the tool, implemented in a computer-aided control systems design (CACSD) environment, is used in order to give to an expert system for fault detection in a laboratory plant
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les aspects comportementaux d'agents qui interagissent dans des systèmes de files d'attente à l'aide de modèles de simulation et de méthodologies expérimentales. Chaque période les clients doivent choisir un prestataire de servivce. L'objectif est d'analyser l'impact des décisions des clients et des prestataires sur la formation des files d'attente. Dans un premier cas nous considérons des clients ayant un certain degré d'aversion au risque. Sur la base de leur perception de l'attente moyenne et de la variabilité de cette attente, ils forment une estimation de la limite supérieure de l'attente chez chacun des prestataires. Chaque période, ils choisissent le prestataire pour lequel cette estimation est la plus basse. Nos résultats indiquent qu'il n'y a pas de relation monotone entre le degré d'aversion au risque et la performance globale. En effet, une population de clients ayant un degré d'aversion au risque intermédiaire encoure généralement une attente moyenne plus élevée qu'une population d'agents indifférents au risque ou très averses au risque. Ensuite, nous incorporons les décisions des prestataires en leur permettant d'ajuster leur capacité de service sur la base de leur perception de la fréquence moyenne d'arrivées. Les résultats montrent que le comportement des clients et les décisions des prestataires présentent une forte "dépendance au sentier". En outre, nous montrons que les décisions des prestataires font converger l'attente moyenne pondérée vers l'attente de référence du marché. Finalement, une expérience de laboratoire dans laquelle des sujets jouent le rôle de prestataire de service nous a permis de conclure que les délais d'installation et de démantèlement de capacité affectent de manière significative la performance et les décisions des sujets. En particulier, les décisions du prestataire, sont influencées par ses commandes en carnet, sa capacité de service actuellement disponible et les décisions d'ajustement de capacité qu'il a prises, mais pas encore implémentées. - Queuing is a fact of life that we witness daily. We all have had the experience of waiting in line for some reason and we also know that it is an annoying situation. As the adage says "time is money"; this is perhaps the best way of stating what queuing problems mean for customers. Human beings are not very tolerant, but they are even less so when having to wait in line for service. Banks, roads, post offices and restaurants are just some examples where people must wait for service. Studies of queuing phenomena have typically addressed the optimisation of performance measures (e.g. average waiting time, queue length and server utilisation rates) and the analysis of equilibrium solutions. The individual behaviour of the agents involved in queueing systems and their decision making process have received little attention. Although this work has been useful to improve the efficiency of many queueing systems, or to design new processes in social and physical systems, it has only provided us with a limited ability to explain the behaviour observed in many real queues. In this dissertation we differ from this traditional research by analysing how the agents involved in the system make decisions instead of focusing on optimising performance measures or analysing an equilibrium solution. This dissertation builds on and extends the framework proposed by van Ackere and Larsen (2004) and van Ackere et al. (2010). We focus on studying behavioural aspects in queueing systems and incorporate this still underdeveloped framework into the operations management field. In the first chapter of this thesis we provide a general introduction to the area, as well as an overview of the results. In Chapters 2 and 3, we use Cellular Automata (CA) to model service systems where captive interacting customers must decide each period which facility to join for service. They base this decision on their expectations of sojourn times. Each period, customers use new information (their most recent experience and that of their best performing neighbour) to form expectations of sojourn time at the different facilities. Customers update their expectations using an adaptive expectations process to combine their memory and their new information. We label "conservative" those customers who give more weight to their memory than to the xiv Summary new information. In contrast, when they give more weight to new information, we call them "reactive". In Chapter 2, we consider customers with different degree of risk-aversion who take into account uncertainty. They choose which facility to join based on an estimated upper-bound of the sojourn time which they compute using their perceptions of the average sojourn time and the level of uncertainty. We assume the same exogenous service capacity for all facilities, which remains constant throughout. We first analyse the collective behaviour generated by the customers' decisions. We show that the system achieves low weighted average sojourn times when the collective behaviour results in neighbourhoods of customers loyal to a facility and the customers are approximately equally split among all facilities. The lowest weighted average sojourn time is achieved when exactly the same number of customers patronises each facility, implying that they do not wish to switch facility. In this case, the system has achieved the Nash equilibrium. We show that there is a non-monotonic relationship between the degree of risk-aversion and system performance. Customers with an intermediate degree of riskaversion typically achieve higher sojourn times; in particular they rarely achieve the Nash equilibrium. Risk-neutral customers have the highest probability of achieving the Nash Equilibrium. Chapter 3 considers a service system similar to the previous one but with risk-neutral customers, and relaxes the assumption of exogenous service rates. In this sense, we model a queueing system with endogenous service rates by enabling managers to adjust the service capacity of the facilities. We assume that managers do so based on their perceptions of the arrival rates and use the same principle of adaptive expectations to model these perceptions. We consider service systems in which the managers' decisions take time to be implemented. Managers are characterised by a profile which is determined by the speed at which they update their perceptions, the speed at which they take decisions, and how coherent they are when accounting for their previous decisions still to be implemented when taking their next decision. We find that the managers' decisions exhibit a strong path-dependence: owing to the initial conditions of the model, the facilities of managers with identical profiles can evolve completely differently. In some cases the system becomes "locked-in" into a monopoly or duopoly situation. The competition between managers causes the weighted average sojourn time of the system to converge to the exogenous benchmark value which they use to estimate their desired capacity. Concerning the managers' profile, we found that the more conservative Summary xv a manager is regarding new information, the larger the market share his facility achieves. Additionally, the faster he takes decisions, the higher the probability that he achieves a monopoly position. In Chapter 4 we consider a one-server queueing system with non-captive customers. We carry out an experiment aimed at analysing the way human subjects, taking on the role of the manager, take decisions in a laboratory regarding the capacity of a service facility. We adapt the model proposed by van Ackere et al (2010). This model relaxes the assumption of a captive market and allows current customers to decide whether or not to use the facility. Additionally the facility also has potential customers who currently do not patronise it, but might consider doing so in the future. We identify three groups of subjects whose decisions cause similar behavioural patterns. These groups are labelled: gradual investors, lumpy investors, and random investor. Using an autocorrelation analysis of the subjects' decisions, we illustrate that these decisions are positively correlated to the decisions taken one period early. Subsequently we formulate a heuristic to model the decision rule considered by subjects in the laboratory. We found that this decision rule fits very well for those subjects who gradually adjust capacity, but it does not capture the behaviour of the subjects of the other two groups. In Chapter 5 we summarise the results and provide suggestions for further work. Our main contribution is the use of simulation and experimental methodologies to explain the collective behaviour generated by customers' and managers' decisions in queueing systems as well as the analysis of the individual behaviour of these agents. In this way, we differ from the typical literature related to queueing systems which focuses on optimising performance measures and the analysis of equilibrium solutions. Our work can be seen as a first step towards understanding the interaction between customer behaviour and the capacity adjustment process in queueing systems. This framework is still in its early stages and accordingly there is a large potential for further work that spans several research topics. Interesting extensions to this work include incorporating other characteristics of queueing systems which affect the customers' experience (e.g. balking, reneging and jockeying); providing customers and managers with additional information to take their decisions (e.g. service price, quality, customers' profile); analysing different decision rules and studying other characteristics which determine the profile of customers and managers.
Yhtenäistetty mallinnuskieli, Unified Modeling Language (UML), on saavuttanut ohjelmistoteollisuudessa defacto standardin mallinnuskielen aseman. UML:n pääasiallinen käyttökohde on ollut ohjelmistojärjestelmien mallinnus, mutta sitä on sovellettu myös muillakin ongelma-alueilla, kuten erilaisten prosessien mallinnuksessa. Tässä diplomityössä mallinnetaan eräs betoniaseman ohjausjärjestelmä käyttäen UML:ää. Työssä perehdytään alan kirjallisuuden avulla siihen, miten teollisuus on hyödyntänyt UML:ää prosessien ohjausjärjestelmien mallinnuksessa. Kirjallisuudesta saatua tietoa sovelletaan betoniaseman ohjausjärjestelmän mallinnuksessa. Luotua mallia analysoidaan sen oikeellisuuden ja käytettävyyden perusteella. Työssä havaittiin, että UML soveltuu hyvin betoniaseman ohjausjärjestelmän kaltaisen teollisuusprosessin ohjauksen mallinnukseen. UML-mallilla voidaan kuvata järjestelmän rakenne ja toiminta kattavasti. Luotua mallia voidaan hyödyntää suoraan ohjausjärjestelmän jatkokehityksessä. Julkista tutkimustietoa aiheesta on kuitenkin niukasti saatavilla, joten lisätarve julkiselle tutkimukselle on olemassa.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia kattilalaitosten järjestelmällistä suunnittelua, huomioiden laitoksen elinkaariprosessit ja modulaarinen tuoterakenne. Kattilalaitokset investointituotteina toteutetaan tyypillisesti projektitoimintamallilla, jolloin jokainen toimitus suunnitellaan alusta kyseisen kohteen vaatimusten perusteella. Päätöksenteon peruste on laitosasiakkaiden osalta tyypillisesti hinta, jonkavuoksi laitoksen perusratkaisut tulee olla ennalta määriteltyjä ja toimitusprosessi huolellisesti suunniteltu, jotta kustannukset ja aikataulu ovat ennustettavissa. Projektitoimituksissa projektipäälliköllä on merkittävä vastuu myös suunnittelun onnistumisesta ja käytössä olevat projektinhallintamallit ovat hyvin tuotekeskeisiä, jolloin vaatimuksia ei riittävästi huomioida ja siten toteutettu laitosratkaisu ei täytä usein sidosryhmien asettamia vaatimuksia. Monimutkaisten järjestelmien kehittämiseen ja suunnitteluun on olemassa Systems Engineering - suunnittelumalli, jonka hyödyntäminen energiatekniikan alalla on ollut vielä vähäistä. Malli tarjoaa yhdessä ISO/ICE 15288 standardin kanssa valmiit prosessit tuotteen järjestelmälliselle suunnittelulle. Modulaariset tuoterakenteet ovat olleet perusvaatimus komponenttien toimitusten osalta, mutta laitosjärjestelmien tuotteistaminen on koettu vaikeaksi runsaan räätälöintitarpeen takia. Prosessimaisella toimintamallilla voidaan tuottaa modulaarisia tuoterakenteita ja tehostaa kattilalaitosten muutosten hallintaa. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin tyypilliset kattilalaitoksen suunnittelun prosessit kattilalaitosten kokonaistoimituksiin erikoistuneelle KPA Unicon Oy:lle.