258 resultados para Autochthones ictiofauna
Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento ecológico rápido da ictiofauna demersal, com ocorrência de pelágicos, e do ictioplâncton na região do Arquipélago dos Alcatrazes, São Sebastião (SP - Brasil), na Estação Ecológica Tupinambás. Foram realizadas 15 estações oceanográficas entre os dias 26 e 29 de setembro de 2011, a bordo do N/Pq. Soloncy Moura, do ICMBio. As amostras de ictiofauna foram coletadas com rede de arrasto de fundo com portas e para a coleta de ictioplâncton utilizou-se arrasto oblíquo com rede bongô. Os elasmobrânquios capturados foram pesados e medidos a bordo, sendo devolvidos vivos ao local de captura. Com relação à ictiofauna, foram registradas a ocorrência de 68 espécies, pertencentes a 32 famílias de actinopterígios e cinco de elasmobrânquios. Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, Pagrus pagrus, Prionotus punctatus, Porichthys porosissimus, Dactilopterus volitans, Stephanolepis hispidus e Cyclichthys spinosus representaram 81 % dos organismos coletados. Dentre as espécies capturadas, 42 % são de ocorrência comum, tanto ao litoral central (Santos) como às plataformas interna e média do estado de São Paulo. 25 % das espécies já haviam sido registradas em um levantamento, realizado em 1989. Observou-se a ocorrência de Rhinobatos sp., cujos exemplares não foram identificados por se tratar de juvenis de pequeno porte. Em relação ao ictioplâncton, foram identificadas seis famílias de actinopterígios. Sciaenidae e Engraulidae representaram 74 % de um total de 41 larvas. Também foram encontrados 203 ovos, sendo 64 % concentrados principalmente nas estações mais costeiras ou próximas das ilhas, localizadas entre o continente e a Ilha de São Sebastião e a de Alcatrazes. Foram também encontradas paralarvas de Loliginidae e Argonautidae. Este trabalho representou um levantamento rápido, no qual já se observa a importância da região, devido à alta diversidade de espécies e abundância de larvas, além da ocorrência de espécies ameaçadas de extinção.
Programa de doctorado: Medio Ambiente y Gestión de Recursos Marinos. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
El arrecife artificial de Tabarca se diseñó e instaló principalmente con el objetivo de impedir la pesca de arrastre ilegal sobre las praderas de Posidonia oceanica. Además se diseñó un arrecife alveolar experimental para estudiar sus efectos sobre la ictiofauna litoral y sus posibilidades como lugar de pesca alternativo a la flota artesanal de Tabarca. La ictiofauna asociada al arrecife artificial de Tabarca se estudió mediante censos visuales durante tres años consecutivos entre 1990 y 1992, con una frecuencia estacional. Los resultados muestran una estructura de la comunidad condicionada por el diseño y emplazamiento de los módulos. La dinámica temporal manifiesta una clara diferencia según consideremos el poblamiento total o sólo el residente: el primero refleja una pauta muy fluctuante, poco predecible; el poblamiento residente muestra una tendencia hacia la estructuración, con un aumento progresivo de especies sedentarias predadoras, y un incremento significativo de la biomasa. Estos resultados refuerzan las interpretaciones que dan un papel condicionante al tamaño del arrecife artificial y a su localización.
The expansion of shrimp farming has caused a series of environmental impacts, often as a result of lack of planning and adequate management. Organic aquaculture has emerged as an alternative to conventional shrimp farming, and differently, aims at the economical, ecological and farming potential of other organisms, such as fishes, oysters and seaweeds. The present study aimed at evaluating the biological diversity and abundance of the ichthyofauna associated to Litopenaeus vannamei organic culture at PRIMAR farm (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). The sampling period consisted of four culture cycles (1, 2, 3, and 4) accomplished in four grow-out ponds (V1, V7, V2, and V4) in 2005. The first two culture cycles were carried out during the rainy season, and the last two cycles, during the dry season. Environmental (temperature, salinity, transparency, and rainfall), biodiversity (diversity and uniformity and abundance indexes) of the ichthyofauna, and shrimp productivity data were collected throughout these four culture cycles. The results obtained for the environmental variables showed that both salinity and transparency oscillated in a significant way (p < 0.001) between culture cycles. In relation to the abundance of the ichthyofauna, fifty four species associated to the organic culture of Litopenaeus vannamei were collected and identified at PRIMAR. For the biodiversity criterion, larger species richness (S = 46) and uniformity (E = 0.59 ± 0.16) were observed during cycles 3 and 4 than in cycles 1 and 2 (S = 41 and E = 0.15 ± 0.12). A positive and significant correlation was obtained for the transparency with diversity and uniformity of fish species between cycles 1 and 2 (wet season) and cycles 3 and 4 (dry season) (p < 0.017 - Shannon Index; p < 0.008 - Pielou Index, respectively). A correlation could not be established between shrimp productivity and fish biomass. However, fish biomass decreased from cycles 1 and 2 to cycles 3 and 4, concomitant with an increase in shrimp productivity, most probably due to a higher (from 58.0% to 71.0%) shrimp survival. Regarding the culture potential of the ichthyofauna, three species (Mugil curema, Mugil liza and Chaetodipterus faber) were identified as potential farming alternatives, either singly or in consortium with Litopenaeus vannamei. A fourth species (Centropomus undecimalis) was indicated as an alternative for single culture or in consortium with other fish species. In conclusion, the large diversity of estuarine fishes associated to Litopenaeus vannamei farming observed at PRIMAR clearly indicated the ecological feasibility for organic aquaculture in northeastern Brazil
We present a checklist of the shores fishes of the coast of the Rio Grande do Norte state. Species were registered through the specimens collection, underwater records, samples in landings of artisanal fleet and by compilation of data from literature and ichthyologic collections, between January 2004 to 2006. A total of 440 species form 2 classes, 25 orders, 106 families and 253 genus were registered. It is believed that due the great increase of the number of species registered, the ichthyofauna of the coast of this state is reasonably known
Ictiofauna de dos praderas de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile con distinto grado de conservación.
Ecological studies were conducted in the ichthyofauna of Cedro, a small headwater stream located in a degraded area of State of São Paulo, Brazil, situated in the upper Paraná River basin. These are the results of two non-consecutive years observations and collections in two biotopes of that stream: a pool and a rapid. The ecological characteristics studied change in space and time. The present richness of species is high (21 species), nine of which are constant, six accessory and six accidental. The diversity is low (0.69 to 2.38), and the numeric predominance, from one to three species, occurred in both biotopes. The most frequent species are Poecilia reticulata (Peters, 1859) (28.1%), Corydoras cf. aeneus (Gill, 1858) (20.3%) and Hypostomus cf. ancistroides (Ihering, 1911) (19.8%). The density ranges from 0.7 to 19.8 specimens/m³. The similarity index indicates high similarity between the ichthyofauna (45.0% to 95.0%) inside the same or contiguous biotopes. The evenness (0.46 to 1.0) is comparable to those found in similar studies carried out in other streams.
The expansion of shrimp farming has caused a series of environmental impacts, often as a result of lack of planning and adequate management. Organic aquaculture has emerged as an alternative to conventional shrimp farming, and differently, aims at the economical, ecological and farming potential of other organisms, such as fishes, oysters and seaweeds. The present study aimed at evaluating the biological diversity and abundance of the ichthyofauna associated to Litopenaeus vannamei organic culture at PRIMAR farm (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). The sampling period consisted of four culture cycles (1, 2, 3, and 4) accomplished in four grow-out ponds (V1, V7, V2, and V4) in 2005. The first two culture cycles were carried out during the rainy season, and the last two cycles, during the dry season. Environmental (temperature, salinity, transparency, and rainfall), biodiversity (diversity and uniformity and abundance indexes) of the ichthyofauna, and shrimp productivity data were collected throughout these four culture cycles. The results obtained for the environmental variables showed that both salinity and transparency oscillated in a significant way (p < 0.001) between culture cycles. In relation to the abundance of the ichthyofauna, fifty four species associated to the organic culture of Litopenaeus vannamei were collected and identified at PRIMAR. For the biodiversity criterion, larger species richness (S = 46) and uniformity (E = 0.59 ± 0.16) were observed during cycles 3 and 4 than in cycles 1 and 2 (S = 41 and E = 0.15 ± 0.12). A positive and significant correlation was obtained for the transparency with diversity and uniformity of fish species between cycles 1 and 2 (wet season) and cycles 3 and 4 (dry season) (p < 0.017 - Shannon Index; p < 0.008 - Pielou Index, respectively). A correlation could not be established between shrimp productivity and fish biomass. However, fish biomass decreased from cycles 1 and 2 to cycles 3 and 4, concomitant with an increase in shrimp productivity, most probably due to a higher (from 58.0% to 71.0%) shrimp survival. Regarding the culture potential of the ichthyofauna, three species (Mugil curema, Mugil liza and Chaetodipterus faber) were identified as potential farming alternatives, either singly or in consortium with Litopenaeus vannamei. A fourth species (Centropomus undecimalis) was indicated as an alternative for single culture or in consortium with other fish species. In conclusion, the large diversity of estuarine fishes associated to Litopenaeus vannamei farming observed at PRIMAR clearly indicated the ecological feasibility for organic aquaculture in northeastern Brazil
We present a checklist of the shores fishes of the coast of the Rio Grande do Norte state. Species were registered through the specimens collection, underwater records, samples in landings of artisanal fleet and by compilation of data from literature and ichthyologic collections, between January 2004 to 2006. A total of 440 species form 2 classes, 25 orders, 106 families and 253 genus were registered. It is believed that due the great increase of the number of species registered, the ichthyofauna of the coast of this state is reasonably known