999 resultados para Auto exame de mama
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as ações do Programa "Um Beijo Pela Vida", desenvolvido em um município do Nordeste brasileiro visando ampliar a adesão ao rastreamento do câncer de mama em mulheres cadastradas pela Estratégia Saúde da Família. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se abordagem quantitativa para avaliar a cobertura das ações de rastreamento nas mulheres com 40 anos de idade ou mais. Foi realizada busca ativa das mulheres por agentes comunitários de saúde das nove Equipes de Saúde da Família do município. Os percentuais das mulheres submetidas ao exame clínico das mamas e à mamografia; de exames na faixa etária recomendada pelo Programa; da classificação das lesões mamográficas, de acordo com o BI-RADS®; das mulheres que receberam encaminhamento para diagnóstico e tratamento e o número de casos de câncer de mama detectados foram colhidos por meio de um questionário estruturado, analisados pelo programa EPI-INFO TM e confrontados a padrões previamente fixados. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídas 3.608 mulheres, correspondendo a 68,4% da população-alvo inscrita na Estratégia Saúde da Família. As taxas de cobertura do exame clínico das mamas para mulheres de 40 a 49 anos e da mamografia para mulheres de 50 a 69 anos foram de 58,9 e 56,7%, respectivamente. As mulheres com lesões mamográficas altamente suspeitas foram submetidas à punção por agulha fina ou por agulha grossa (100%). Seis casos novos de câncer foram detectados. Foram cumpridos 80% dos padrões analisados. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação das ações do Programa aponta para sua adequação, considerando-se o grau de cumprimento das exigências previamente definidas.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações do sistema venoso axilo-subclávio e do sistema linfático em mulheres com linfedema após linfadenectomia axilar para o tratamento do câncer de mama. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo de série de casos, envolvendo 11 mulheres com linfedema unilateral de membro superior após linfadenectomia axilar para o tratamento do câncer de mama. O estudo foi realizado em hospital universitário do Brasil Central no período compreendido entre os meses de março de 2010 e março de 2011. Avaliou-se a presença de alterações venosas nas veias subclávia e axilar, por meio do exame de ultrassonografia com dopplervelocimetria, e de alterações linfáticas, pela linfocintilografia, em ambos os membros superiores. O teste Exato de Fisher foi utilizado na comparação entre os membros. RESULTADOS: No membro superior com linfedema, detectou-se diferença significativa na veia subclávia, em relação ao membro contralateral, quanto ao volume do fluxo (p<0,001), sendo que 54,6% das mulheres apresentaram fluxo aumentado. Já, na veia axilar, 45,4% apresentaram fluxo aumentado e 45,4% reduzido, com diferença significante (p<0,01) na comparação entre os membros. Também foram observadas alterações linfáticas significativas (p<0,05), em relação ao membro contralateral, representadas pelo trajeto do vaso (não visibilizado), número de vasos linfáticos (nenhum), linfonodos axilares (ausentes) e refluxo dérmico (presente). No membro superior contralateral sem linfedema, não foram encontradas alterações venosas ou linfáticas. CONCLUSÃO: As mulheres submetidas à linfadenectomia axilar para o tratamento do câncer de mama apresentam tanto alterações venosas quanto linfáticas no membro superior com linfedema.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a viabilidade e acurácia diagnóstica da ultrassonografia pré-operatória combinada com biopsia por agulha fina (US-PAAF) e do exame clínico da axila em pacientes com câncer de mama. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo prospectivo 171 axilas de pacientes com câncer de mama foram avaliadas pelo exame clínico e ultrassonografia (US) com e sem biopsia por agulha fina (PAAF). Os linfonodos com espessura cortical maior que 2,3 mm na ultrassonografia foram considerados suspeitos e submetidos a US-PAAF. RESULTADOS: A análise de regressão logística não mostrou correlação estatisticamente significativa entre exame clínico e axilas positivas no exame patológico. Em relação à avaliação axilar com US, o risco de achados anatomopatológicos positivos aumentou 12,6 vezes, valor Kappa de Cohen foi de 0,12 para exame clínico, 0,48 para US e 0,80 para US-PAAF. A acurácia foi de 61,4% para o exame clínico, 73,1% para os US e 90,1% para US-PAAF. Análise Receiver Operating Chracteristics (ROC) mostrou que uma espessura de 2,75 mm cortical correspondeu à mais elevada sensibilidade e especificidade na predição metástase axilar (82,7 e 82,2%, respectivamente). CONCLUSÕES: A US combinada com aspiração por agulha fina é mais precisa que o exame clínico na avaliação do status axilar no pré-operatório em mulheres com câncer de mama. Aquelas que são US-PAAF positivo podem ser direcionadas para esvaziamento linfonodal axilar imediatamente, e somente aqueles que são US-PAAF negativos devem ser considerados para biópsia de linfonodo sentinela.
Mammography is a diagnostic imaging method in which interpretation depends on knowledge of radiological aspects as well as the clinical exam and pathophysiology of breast diseases. In this work a mammography phantom was developed to be used for training in the operation of mammographic x-ray equipment, image quality evaluation, self-examination and clinical examination of palpation. Polyurethane was used for the production of the phantoms for its physical and chemical properties and because it is one of the components normally used in prostheses. According to the range of flexibility of the polyurethane, it was possible to simulate breasts with higher or lower amount of adipose tissue. Pathologies such as areolar necrosis and tissue rejection due to surgery reconstruction after partial mastectomy were also simulated. Calcifications and nodules were simulated using the following materials: polyethylene, poly (methyl methacrylate), polyamide, polyurethane and poly (dimethyl silicone). Among these, polyethylene was able to simulate characteristics of calcification as well as breast nodules. The results from mammographic techniques used in this paper for the evaluation of the phantoms are in agreement with data found in the literature. The image analyses of four phantoms indicated significant similarities with the human skin texture and the female breast parenchyma. It was possible to detect in the radiographic images produced regions of high and low radiographic optical density, which are characteristic of breasts with regions of different amount of adipose tissue. The stiffnesses of breast phantoms were adjusted according to the formulation of the polyurethane which enabled the production of phantoms with distinct radiographic features and texture similar to human female breast parenchyma. Clinical palpation exam of the phantoms developed in this work indicated characteristics similar to human breast in skin texture, areolar region and parenchyma
This study is an exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The objective was to identify the actions for the early detection of breast cancer conducted by the health professionals of the Family Health Strategy in the Trairi region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The research was conducted in nine municipalities of the region. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire with 52 Family Health Strategy professionals, 30 nurses and 22 physicians, that work in the region. Analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. The results were organized and discussed in three areas: Knowledge about the early detection of breast cancer; Actions for early detection detection of breast cancer, and Difficulties experienced in the screening actions for breast cancer. The results indicate that these professionals (100%) have knowledge of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and that the majority (96,2%) conduct screening actions in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. However, a considerable number (55,8%) of these professionals encounters difficulties while conducting the screening procedures in his work setting. The difficulties varied from those of a personal nature to those of access to the procedure, such as the unavailability of sufficient quotas of screening exams. We conclude that the majority of health professionals execute the screening actions for breast cancer in their work settings according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, even though they encounter difficulties in the conclusion of the mammography and ultrasound exams, essential procedures in the early detection of breast cancer. We understand that these professionals demonstrate knowledge of secondary prevention even though they do not execute all the actions necessary for early detection primarily because they are impeded by the blockage of access to exam quotas. We conclude that, in spite of the difficulties experienced, the procedures for the early detection of breast cancer are being executed by the majority of the Family Health Strategy professionals in the Trairí region, specifically the clinical examination of the breast, orientation of breast self examination, requests for mammography and ultra sound examinations. Measures are needed that can mediate the difficulties, that will permit the realization of secondary prevention procedures with the population at risk in the region. We suggest training and actualization courses on the complete screening process that includes a wide discussion of the new legislation that provides the mammography exam for women over 40 years. We believe that the acquisition of such a work perspective for the early detection of breast cancer, along with knowledge of health vigilance and of breast cancer, will enhance integral health care of women that constitutes an aim of the nurse and the family health team
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The aging process modifies various systems in the body, leading to changes in mobility, balance and muscle strength. This can cause a drop in the elderly, or not changing the perceived self-efficacy in preventing falls. Objective: To compare the mobility, body balance and muscle performance according to self-efficacy for falls in community-dwelling elderly. Methods: A cross-sectional comparative study with 63 older (65-80 years) community. Were evaluated for identification data and sociodemographic, cognitive screening using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), effective for the fall of Falls Efficacy Scale International Brazil (FES-I-BRAZIL), Mobility through the Timed Up and Go Test , the balance Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and the Modified Clinical Test tests of Sensory Interaction on Balance (mCTSIB), tandem walk (TW) and Sit to Stand (STS) of the Balance Master® System. Finally, muscle performance by using isokinetic dynamometry. Statistical analysis was performed Student t test for comparison between groups, with p value ≤ 0.05. Results: Comparing the elderly with low-efficacy for falls with high-efficacy for falls, we found significant differences only for the variable Timed Up and Go Test (p = 0.04). With regard to data on balance tests were significant differences in the speed of oscillation firm surface eyes open modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Test of Balance (p = 0.01). Variables to isokinetic dynamometry were no significant differences in movement knee extension, as regards the variables peak torque (p = 0.04) and power (p = 0.03). Conclusion: The results suggest that, compared to older community with low-and high-efficacy for falls, we observed differences in variables related to mobility, balance and muscle function
This work deals with an analysis related to the social worker s practice in the oncology area. It aims to identify demands, work conditions as well as current challenges related to this profession. It considers the specificities of breast cancer and relates it to political decisions in the health sector considering the concept of contemporary capitalism. The study analyzes professional action and the demands presented by breast cancer patients who are currently in treatment in Hospital Dr. Luiz Antônio em Natal-Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. The methodological procedures considered of documental analysis, semi-structured interviews (with two social workers that work with fifteen breast cancer patients) as well as participant observation; which was done counting with my own professional practice in the oncology area. Thus, the research also discusses the breast cancer issue in the life of the users considering their social-economical, cultural and political determinants. Factors such as age in which the diagnosis was known, the relation user/social workers, number of children, rights of the oncology patient, place where he/she lives, education, civil status, (re)insertion of the professional in the work field, perception of self-esteem and bio-psycho-social representation of breast cancer in the lives of these women, all of which were dealt with in this research
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB