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O trabalho de pesquisa se desenvolveu nos bairros Cristo Rei e Progresso do município de Erechim (RS), visando saber da possibilidade de uma ressignificação da identidade como “catador” de material reciclável, por meio do trabalho realizado numa associação e também através da moradia. O estudo comparou a situação dos associados da Associação dos Recicladores Cidadãos Amigos da Natureza (ARCAN), que trabalham na unidade de triagem como selecionadores; dos que coletam nas ruas da cidade, e dos catadores independentes, ou seja, aqueles que não possuem nenhum vínculo com a Associação. Observou-se a atividade interna da Associação, baseada nos moldes da economia solidária, assim como a importância da mesma e do espaço de moradia dos catadores, na concepção de lugar e território. Foram consideradas as relações de produção, coletividade, solidariedade e comprometimento que se revelam no cotidiano dos associados da ARCAN e dos catadores independentes.O grupo da ARCAN, por fazer parte da população que compõe a pobreza extrema, é visto pela sociedade como uma ameaça, um temor e, muitas vezes, como sinônimo de marginalidade. Frente a essa realidade, os catadores sentem a desconfiança e o descrédito moral e, por serem muito pobres, sofrem uma exclusão social, mas a questão torna-se mais grave em virtude de realizarem um trabalho que é tido por muitos como sendo o mais medíocre e inferior. A ARCAN tem tido um papel fundamental para a diminuição dos preconceitos e para a ressignificação da identidade e a inclusão social dos seus associados, principalmente dos vinculados às atividades internas. Através de uma vivência direta, da aplicação de questionários e observações, foi possível fazer comparativos e observar que, por exemplo: os catadores independentes vivem um pouco melhor que os demais, os associados catadores apresentam situação mais crítica quanto à sobrevivência e os da unidade de triagem vêm conquistando um espaço na sociedade, o que tem contribuído para sua integração social. Foi possível constatar, também, uma melhora da auto-estima e uma relativa ascensão sócio-econômica entre os associados da ARCAN, principalmente entre os que trabalham na unidade de triagem, que conquistaram o respeito e consideração por grande parte da sociedade erechinense.


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A transição da escola elementar para a Escola Básica traz consigo maus momentos para muitos alunos. No momento em que as mudanças da adolescência a nível físico, emocional e social começam, as crianças encontram-se num ambiente escolar radicalmente diferente daquele a que estavam habituadas. Para alguns alunos esta mudança marca o começo de uma descida em espiral em relação ao rendimento académico, desistência escolar e outros problemas sérios. No nosso país, cerca de 41.1 por cento dos adolescentes desistem da escola antes de completarem o ensino secundário. Portugal é o país da União Europeia com a mais elevada taxa de abandono escolar precoce. A percentagem de crianças/jovens até aos 15 anos que não completam a escolaridade básica é de 2.7 por cento (17.874). De acordo com o estudo “Insucesso e Abandono Escolar” elaborado pelo Ministério da Educação em 2003, as taxas de abandono escolar são insignificantes no 1º ciclo, revelando-se crescentes nos ciclos seguintes e acentuam-se de forma marcante nos anos seguintes à passagem de ciclo (5º, 7º e 10º). Segundo o mesmo estudo, o abandono escolar tem muito mais a ver com a idade do que com o ano de escolaridade que se frequenta e é geralmente precedido de histórias de insucesso repetido. Os anos de escolaridade críticos para a retenção dos alunos são os que se seguem à mudança de ciclo. O referido estudo chama a atenção para o excesso de transferências de escola a que os alunos estão sujeitos. No grupo dos pré adolescentes é comum verem-se descidas de níveis académicos, descida de auto estima e declínio de motivação. Resultados de investigações sugerem que a transição de ciclo quando envolve mudança de escolas não é um factor benigno. A maneira como o ambiente e contexto da nova escola satisfaz as necessidades dos prés adolescentes tem um papel importante nos seus percursos académicos e nas suas vidas. Nesta comunicação, faremos o resumo de algumas investigações sobre os efeitos de transição de ciclo e escola, analisaremos as perspectivas de todos os alunos do 5º ano duma Escola Básica e Secundária que passaram por essa transição e apresentaremos sugestões práticas para uma suave transição entre o 1º e o 2º ciclo.


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Este artigo apresenta a concepção e validação dum Programa de estratégias de motivação para a aprendizagem para adolescentes com insucesso escolar. Trata-se duma pesquisa quasi-experimental, com pré e pós-teste, grupos de controle (GC) e experimental (GE), na faixa etária dos 14-15 anos a frequentar o 9º ano de escolaridade. Avaliou-se o efeito do programa na auto-estima, atribuições causais de sucesso, hábitos de estudo, rendimento escolar e opiniões dos professores. O programa inclui também perfis de interesses profissionais dos alunos. Inclui ainda perfis dos professores que melhor podem motivar os alunos para aprender, tendo em conta as variáveis acima descritas. O GE (n=110) melhorou significativamente comparativamente ao GC (n=99) indicando que o Programa traz benefícios em termos de motivação para aprender escolares e, consequentemente, benefícios em termos de sucesso académico e pessoal, nomeadamente, aos estudantes portugueses com insucesso escolar.


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Nos dias de hoje verifica-se que no contexto escolar surgem diversas situações em que os alunos demonstram ter baixa motivação, o que resulta de uma baixa auto-estima e baixa auto-eficácia académica. Nesta perspectiva torna-se fulcral clarificar estes construtos e também outros não menos importantes, nomeadamente as atribuições causais e metas académicas e a pertinência dos mesmos no sucesso académico dos alunos. Nesta óptica, o objectivo central deste estudo consiste em tentar evidenciar se as características motivacionais, tais como, a auto-estima global, a auto-eficácia académica, as atribuições causais e as metas académicas influenciam de alguma forma o sucesso académico dos alunos que frequentam o 9º e 12ºanos, operacionalizado através das classificações dos exames nacionais (Língua Portuguesa/Português e Matemática). Complementarmente pretende-se perceber se as características motivacionais variam em função das variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, ano de escolaridade, género, habilitações literárias dos pais e área de residência). Neste estudo participaram 450 alunos de ambos os sexos, sendo 54,2% do sexo feminino e 45,8% do sexo masculino, que frequentam o 9º e 12º ano de escolaridade, em várias escolas da Região Autónoma da Madeira no ano lectivo 2009/2010. Os resultados apontam para a existência correlações positivas e negativas entre as características motivacionais e o sucesso académico, tais como a auto-estima global, a auto-eficácia académica, as atribuições causais e as metas académicas encontram-se de alguma forma correlacionadas com o sucesso académico. Relativamente às variáveis sociodemográficas, os resultados evidenciam a existência de diferenças significativas entre as atribuições causais para factores aleatórios e evitamento pressão social em contexto escolar e o ano de escolaridade. Foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas na auto-eficácia académica para o género, habilitações literárias dos pais e área de residência. Para a auto-estima global não foram constatadas diferenças em função das variáveis sociodemográficas.


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Este estudo visa contribuir para a ampliação do conhecimento sobre o Desenvolvimento Vocacional na Infância, através da construção de uma escala teórica que seja capaz de avaliar a consciência de Carreira dos alunos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. As bases conceptuais para a construção do instrumento assentam nas nove dimensões do modelo teórico do Desenvolvimento de Carreira na Infância de Super (1990): curiosidade, exploração, informação, figuras de referência, interesses, locus de controlo, perspectiva de tempo, autoconceito e capacidade de planeamento. O objectivo principal desta investigação consiste na construção e validação da escala. A construção inicial da escala, incluindo a geração e o exame dos itens envolveu três peritos vocacionais da área da Psicologia, um pertencente ao Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade da Madeira e os outros, à Direcção Regional de Educação. Este estudo pressupôs uma revisão da literatura acerca do desenvolvimento vocacional na infância, procurando fazer uma análise aos modelos conceptuais com maior representatividade neste campo. Pretende dar sustentação à importância da integração progressiva desta orientação, no contexto educativo e fomentar a discussão e reflexão acerca da importância da educação para a carreira a partir da infância, nomeadamente a partir do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico, através da realização de actividades de exploração vocacional, desenvolvidas de forma transversal ao currículo escolar. Estas visam o desenvolvimento de competências de responsabilidade, autonomia, auto-estima, sociabilidade, hábitos de trabalho, planeamento do futuro e tomada de decisão, indispensáveis às escolhas conscientes e realistas.


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This anthropological study investigates the lived-experience of oral diseases in the context of poverty in Northeast Brazil. During six months in 2004???, ethnographic interviews, narratives and participant-observation with 31 residents of the low-income community, Dendê, located in Fortaleza, Ceará were conducted and analyzed utilizing a hermeneutic-dialetic method. It is revealed that precarious life conditions make prioritizing caretaking a difficult task. Despite suffering tooth pain, seeking a dentist's care is perceived as "a luxury" not a citzens' right. Difficulties in accessing services and poor quality restorations, favor tooth extractions as the most effective intervention. The deterioration of one's oral health is lamented by community members who seek help from popular clinics, politicians and traditional healers. The experience of dental disease differs according to social class, leaves oral scars of inequity, harms self-esteem and inhibits social inclusion. In this context, "treating" the Teeth of Inequity demands that we deepen our comprehension of the social determinants of health, reduce injustice in the access to quality care, remove demoralizing stigmas and empower the community to confront structural forces which affect its life


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Resilience consists of a capacity to adapt and overcome situations of risk, from the aid of protective factors. This construct constitutes a process of preventive and multidimensional present in all stages of human development. During this development, it has been immersed in the elderly biopsychosocial changes resulting from the aging process. In this sense, there was a need for a multidisciplinary study, combining psychology, medicine, nursing, social work and gerontology in order to check the resilience, its risk factors, such as life events and health, and protection, such as self-esteem and social support. For this, we performed a descriptive exploratory study of cross-sectional nature, along with a convenience sample consisting of 65 elderly users of the public health of the district east of the city of Natal/RN, Brazil. This research allowed the collection of socio-demographic, economic, relational, physical, biological and psychological in understanding the aging process. It is observed that the studied sample socio-economic status and chronic health conditions in their own lives and their families, that demand for care and attention every day, are resilient, have faced significant losses, have positive self-esteem and social support perceived as external satisfactory. Given this multidimensional nature, the aging process deserves the attention of many professionals and health policies, seeking provide to the elderly a better living conditions and mechanisms that promote well-being and health


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This work has for objective to analyze the perception of benefited of Pronaf B Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar, in relation to the results that are presented concerning this program. For this, it is presented hypothesis of that the familiar agriculturists, fit in the norms of credit of Pronaf B, have a peculiar perception on the end item of this program, produced from inherent characteristics to the agricultural reality where they live. Ahead of this, I broke myself of estimated of that the searched familiar agriculturists are more socially vulnerable to the inaqualities the agricultural areas. For this research, they had been used, mainly, theoretical reflections of studious of the campesinato, familiar agriculture and of researchers of the impacts of Pronaf B in the agricultural way. The empirical data of the research had been gotten, through the application of questionnaires with the benefited ones and interviews with the mediators of this program in the two searched cities, Apodi and Antônio Martins, in the Rio Grande do Norte, who proportionally withholds the biggest contract number of Pronaf B in the state. The conclusion of the research ratifies the initial hypothesis of that the perception on the results of Pronaf B for benefited its is peculiar, and points stops beyond the economic results, such as: the rise of auto-esteem; the rescue of the citizenship feeling and as impact in autoconsumo of the families of the agriculturists benefited for Pronaf B


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Currently, we attend a reverence of concepts ahead as health, life, youth and body. In we widen amount the ideals concerned to the healthful life, to the quality of life, the longevity and joviality and the extremities of the body represented by the illness, for the virus infection, the physical deficiency and the aging. Of the historical shades of the plague, of the hunger and the war that gagged the defenseless individual and its body, in the current days we increase the search for a full and powerful life, independent of a religious imaginary to predict the epidemic curse, the threat represented for the sick people and the incarnate divine anger in the death; or of medical science presented in the spaces of the technology and the physiology, being left fragile the social and psychological dimensions of the human confined to the patient issue and, finally, the commanded urban health politics in quantitative goals of hygienic cleaning, of the medical techniques and the education citizen. For beyond these instances, emerges in our days a plural, close and biographical agreement well of the body and welfare. On the other hand, an understanding of the healthful life and well-being that more certifies the presence of something the one that clear landmarks amongst normality and the irregularity, the esteem and the destructive vice: it has a projection of healthful life measures without conceptual models of body and health under the doctor-scientific standard occidental. This thematic one will confide in way to the enclosure for spaces to the muscles and fitness exercises and the bars from the city of Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, while comprehensive interchange concerning as the individual comes dealing with the notion the body and health and, mainly, if perceiving inside of its body and its health. Amongst these two spaces of typical leisure of the modern urban phenomenon, the hedonism bodily with its muscles and salience and one another form of hedonism in the fruition of allowed drugs will be across itself in a dialogue about which social s relationships are really in game in an imaginary construction amongst an doctor-aesthetic ideal of health and the social and subjective experience in the option for a healthful life


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For the development of this research the following general objective has been formulated, indicator of the process of inquiry: To discuss the relation between the attitudinal and the sportive contents presented in the proposal of Curricular Lines for the Physical Education of Young and Adults in Brazil. According to the corporeity and the ludicity, questioning the formation of the professional of Physical Education and delineating the perspective for a sport andragogy that values the Being and the Life. From this general objective, the following objectives, which had given greater specificity to the investigative process, were defined: 1. To create the theoretical context from the corporeity/ludicity axis, articulating transversally sportive knowledge, aiming to contribute for a sport Andragogy; 2. To analyze the objectives proposed for the Physical Education of Young and Adults according to an elaborated theoretical reference and to the testimonies of the egresses of 2005 of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 3. To interpret the relation between attitudinal and educative content from the academic reality lived by the egresses of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 4. To understand the most urgent necessities of sustained formation of the egresses of 2005 for satisfactory performance with the Physical Education of Young and Adults. 5. To propose perspectives for the construction of a sport Andragogy from the corporeity/ludicity axis. In attendance to the nature of this research and as form of guiding ourselves in this epistemological adventure, the following ones had been basically and theoretically estimated. 1. Corporeity is a radiant focus, prime and main of educational criteria; 2. The task of the education must be carried through with men and not for men; 3. Man must only play with the beauty and with the beauty he only must play. ; 4. The sportive education must be based on esthetic and fair play. The adopted research approach is of a qualitative nature, using the interview procedure with a group consisting of twelve egresses of the Physical Education Course of the UFRN of the year of 2005.2 After the discussion of the results on the attitudinal objectives and content for the Physical Education for Adults and Young, the study shows nine themes presented by the investigated group as priorities for their sustained formation, aiming at the performance of the professional of Physical Education with the EJA: inclusive experiences; leisure and quality of life; relationships; body and personal care; social values; self esteem; sportive phenomenon; EJA training; attitudinal contents. As a contribution to the construction of knowledge for a Andragogy of Sports, the study presents a metaphorical structure called Galaxy of Knowledge righteous Glamor of integrating nine elements inspired by the Ode to the Sport of Pierre de Coubertin: life, beauty, justice, daring, honesty, joy; Fertility; progress; peace. At the heart of the structure of knowledge is righteous install a system that articulates five principles ludopoiético epistemological function of connecting with the righteous knowledge of the sport that must integrate the content attitudinal proposed for Fitness for Youth and Adults in order to facilitate the realization of their objectives proposed for this method of teaching


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We understand that the successful old age is not confined only in the analysis of quantitative aspects concerning the economic situation of the subject that gets old, but this special way of aging is related to other values, such as dignity, happiness, self-esteem, willingness, autonomy, independence, social involvement with family and friends, among others. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the human aging process, considering the history of life of ten seniors who fit the profile of successful old age, seeking to identify elements that contribute to educational thinking in order to get a successful aging. In this perspective, we argue in this study, the idea that we need to learn to engage in experiences that more than providing satisfaction and well-being in the moment in which we conducted, serve as a potentiating to a successful old age. Thus, throughout this thesis we question: what are the present indicative in the histories of life of elderly people, considered successful, which may contribute to an education that people experiencing their age more satisfactorily. This is a qualitative study, that took as universe a methodological oral history, in which we used as a technique of research a semistructured interview as a part of their life history, with emphasis on consideration of the following categories: diary routine, with emphasis on social harmony in the family, at work and in friendship groups of leisure and physical activity, self-knowledge and the learning experiences throughout life. To get the objectives outlined, as well as lectured on the categories analyzed, we support our reflection on the theory of the course of life, which includes human aging as a historical and cultural contextual reality. Our research revealed, among other things, that successful aging is coupled to an active lifestyle, where the involvement in physical activities, recreational and social experiences throughout life is important for increasing self-esteem, autonomy and joy of living, conditions that enable successful old age. Our study also revealed that the educationfor successful old age is linked with the consumption along the life, educational activities which broaden the possibilities of social interaction between people, even among different generations, since the interaction is important to learn and accept our possibilities and limits.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) has given special attention to therapeutic procedures other than those practiced in conventional therapy, including homeopathy, phytotherapy, spiritual therapies and prayers, making possible the transition from a mere medicalizating model to a holistic view of the human being. This trend, earmarked in 1978 at the Alma-Ata Conference, questions the ability of technological and specialized medicine to solve the health problems of humankind. In Brazil, the onset of the Brazilian unified health system in 1988, introduced changes in the population s health care model where, within the scope of basic care, emphasis has been given to the Family Health Program since 1994. In this scenery, there is a broad area of complementary practices used in promoting health and preventing and treating diseases to support an understanding of the habits and beliefs underpinning popular practices. The purpose of this study was to analyze the perception users participating in the Peace and Balance group of the Family Health Unit of Nova Cidade, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, started in 1999, have of the relationship between the experience of prayer and the changes that may have taken place in their lives after joining the group. It is a case study of descriptive nature and qualitative approach. The data were collected during focus group interviews between January and February 2007, using as tools a questionnaire to describe the research participants and a discussion outline. The theoretical support approached the following: religion and the evolution of thought; complementary health practices; and religion as a complementary health practice. Those interviewed reported, as results of such experience, a reduction in stress and depression, an increase in socialization and self-esteem, improved family interaction, comfort, safety, assurance, improved blood pressure levels and a decrease in the use of antihypertension medication and psychopharmacs. Although most professionals do not consider attention to the religious and spiritual aspects an effective therapeutical complement in health care, its understanding and practice may democratize knowledge and relationships, out of which they can learn how to make health production more effective, strengthening assurance and confidence, and developing and expanding soft technologies aimed at health care promotion and wholeness


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Suicide rates have been rising all over the world. In Rio Grande do Norte state, a study carried out by Dutra (1999) investigated suicide rates among youngsters and found that in 1997 alone 244 cases of suicide attempt were registered. The author took an interest in studying this phenomenon among adolescents after reviewing Dutra s study and the technical literature on suicide. In addition to that, another topic caught her attention and raised new research questions: suicide attempts motivated by love, i.e., the end of a relationship, the fantasy of being abandoned by a partner. These have made the author to question how love manifested itself among adolescents and how it could become a reason for adolescents to give up their lives. Based on the data she analyzed and the research questions she developed, her research objective was to understand how adolescents who have attempted suicide because of love-related reasons have gone through this experience. The theoretical reference for the research was the Client-centered Therapy and more specifically, the construct self , according to Carl Rogers. The methodological strategy was inspired by the existential-phenomenological strategy. It used the narrative as a research instrument, inspired by the work of Walter Benjamim (1994) which was developed into a research strategy by Schmidt (1990). Four youngsters (three male and one female) have participated in this study. They have attempted suicide for love-related reasons during dolescence, when they were 12 to 18 years old. The interviews were recorded on cassette tapes, transcribed and literalized into narratives. The understanding of the narratives was based on the meanings that emerged from the youngsters speeches, as well as from the moments that touched the author. These moments highlighted the meaning of the experience of giving up life and the experience of love-based relationship as experienced by the youngsters. The study detected, among the adolescents who were interviewed, the existence of impulsiveness related to the suicide attempt. Also, the majority of the interviewees came from unstructured family backgrounds and had lost of one of their parents or had to face their parents divorce. The suicide was attempted by these youngsters through the ingestion of medicines. The research also revealed that the youngsters had regretted attempting suicide and felt guilty about it. With regards to their self-evaluation, the author observed that the youngsters had low self-esteem, negative perceptions about themselves and distorted views of themselves. These findings helped the author to reflect on the close relationship between the construct self and the suicide attempt. She also observed that a few factors, i.e., family context, education, social and cultural values, have influenced the way the youngsters perceived themselves . The results of this research confirm the idea that we have to understand the suicide attempt as a multi-determined phenomenon. This study contributed to the analysis and reflection on the factors that contribute to suicide attempts thus providing a foundation for the development of public health programs and policies to deal with this topic


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Our professional everyday life, as a psychologist, we often come across the narrative made by women of a permanent suffering experience in loving and sexual relation. This checking created questions which indicated to the questioned experience singularity, taking into account the historic and cultural aspects (genre and romantic love) that seemed to permeate such an experience. The conduction given to this research was guided by the following question: how is to the woman the experience of going on suffering on loving and sexual relation? Therefore, the objective was to understand that experience. Were carried out with six women that were living the experience which intend to investigate. The narrative, in according to the purposal by Walter Benjamin was the access tool to the experience. The narrative analysis shows the singularity of constant suffering experience on loving relation as well as common aspects. It is remarkable the presence of relative questions to the genre and romantic loving dimension, influencing the way as the interviewed women perceive themselves on the existence and realize the loving suffering which experience. Women reveal several ways of expressing and perceiving to the loving suffering which is common the manifestation of several physical and psychic symptoms. The most participants had experiences of protected familiar contact of feeling development of low self-esteem, disability, unstableness and fear. We realize that the suffering of interviewed women, on loving relation, it revels, above all, a way of being in the world, perveiving themselves, marked by solitude fear, lovelessness, leading the life itself giving origin to the lifestyle and of really new loving. Thus, we emphasize the importance of greater engagement of professionals and institutions which deal with the thematic this research in order to develop actions that consider its complexity. We also emphasize new reflections about the loving suffering so that different sense possibilities can emerge propitiating a greater comprehension of human subjectivity


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The concern about a good physical condition is heavily present nowadays, in documentary films about health and in the media, and it is also expressed through the outstanding growth of physical academies, beauty institutes and aesthetic medicine and all kind of aesthetic surgeries. In the western world the body wave is a significant trend, characterized by the great investments in body image. However, what is overlooked is the fact that in parallel trend grows the number of teenagers, especially females, with all kind of problems related to their body image. As adolescence is a moment of transformations, teenagers tend to be more aware of their body image and often neglect food ingestion and try to build their bodies following the images they have from top models and movie stars. The low self-esteem accompanying this sort of experience is an additional problem. Therefore the research aim to analyze discourses regarding the body image produced in world wide web diaries (blogs). The blogs selection was made through the site www.blogs.com.br, which is considered the widest guide of electronic diaries in Brazil. We looked after blogs including the keyword body and from adolescents aged 10 to 19, who showed concern about a slim body. Three blogs were chosen, considering the example criteria. Discourse analysis shows that these teenagers feel unsatisfied with their bodies, searching by all means the thinness presented as a aesthetic paradigm in western societies which often implies neglecting their own health, using appetite inhibitor drugs, restricting or totally abstaining food ingestion for long periods of time, or provoking themselves vomits after ingesting food. These behaviors, together with intense fear of gaining weight, can be characterized as alimentary disorders, related to the body image. As they usually hide this sort of behaviors from family and friends who do not share this concern, the blogs seem to be an easy tool for adolescents to find peers with whom to share common values and ideas and reaffirm their identities and virtual sense of community