992 resultados para Austria-Historia-1740-1789
Contiene : Romance endecasilabo donde se celebra la feliz aparicion de la imagen de San Christoval / Don Joseph Vicente Orti y Mayor
Sign. : *7, A-L8
Historia de prodigiosa e admiravel vida do apostolo valenciano ... S. Vicente Ferrer [Texto impreso]
Sign.: [paragrafo]6, A-Z8, 2A-2D8, 2E6
This folder contains a bill from Samuel Shapleigh to the Town of Cambridge for keeping school from July 20 through October 20, 1789; it was submitted on November 2, 1789. Shapleigh requested reimbursement for his room, board, and furniture, in addition to his teaching.
Shapleigh and Adams' signatures have been cut out from the bottom of this document. It was "signed, sealed and delivered" in the presence of Thomas Gray and Darius Shaw.
Shapleigh and the unknown co-signatory's signatures have been cut out from the bottom of this document. It was "signed, sealed and delivered" in the presence of Owen Warland and William Wahan.
This folder contains a bill from Samuel Shapleigh to the Town of Cambridge for keeping school from July 20 through October 20, 1789; it was submitted on November 2, 1789. Shapleigh requested reimbursement for his room, board, and furniture, in addition to his teaching.
The form of name which Alvear used was: Carlos María de Alvear. His certificate of baptism, which was found after his death, gives as his baptismal name: Carlos Antonio Josef Gabino del Angel de la Guardia. cf. v.1, p. [49]-50.