986 resultados para Atomic scattering length


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The scale invariance manifested by the weakly-bound Efimov states implies that all the Efimov spectrum can be merged in a single scaling function. By considering this scaling function, the ratio between two consecutive energy levels, E3 (N+1) and E3 (N), can be obtained from a two-body low-energy observable (usually the scattering length a), given in units of the three-body energy level N. The zero-ranged scaling function is improved by incorporating finite range corrections in first order of r0/a (r0 is the potential effective range). The critical condition for three-identical bosons in s-wave, when the excited E3 (N+1) state disappears in the 2 + 1 threshold, is given by √E2/E3 (N) ≈ 0.38+0.12(r0/a). © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Using a recent shape-independent approximation for the 3S1-3D1 mixing parameter, theoretical prevision for the low-energy mixing parameters is made. The present prevision is consistent with the deuteron binding energy, its asymptotic D-state to S-state ratio, ηd, the triplet-scattering length, and the meson exchange tail of the tensor nucleon-nucleon potential. The theoretical prevision up to an incident laboratory energy of 25 MeV is consistent with the recent multi-energy determination of mixing parameters, but is much higher than many single-energy determinations of the same. The low single-energy values of the mixing parameter could be reproduced by meson-theoretical potentials only with a substantially reduced ηd. © 1994 The American Physical Society.


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In questo lavoro di tesi è stato svolto uno studio analitico sul modello di Hubbard esteso unidimensionale al fine di osservare la presenza di eventuali risonanze che possano dare origine alla formazione di stati legati di due particelle. L'esistenza di uno stato legato stabile ha suscitato grande interesse negli ultimi anni, sia in ambito teorico che sperimentale, poichè è alla base di molti fenomeni che vengono osservati nei sistemi a molti corpi a basse temperature, come il BCS-BEC crossover. Pertanto si è ritenuto utile studiare il problema a due corpi nel modello di Hubbard esteso, che in generale non è integrabile. Il modello considerato contiene interazioni a primi e secondi vicini, in aggiunta all'interazione di contatto presente nel modello di Hubbard. Il problema è stato indagato analiticamente attraverso il Bethe ansatz, che consente di trovare tutti gli autovalori e le autofunzioni dell'Hamiltoniana. L'ansatz di Bethe sulla funzione d'onda è stato generalizzato per poter tener conto dei termini di interazione a più lungo raggio rispetto all'interazione di contatto. Si trova che, in questo modello, nel limite termodinamico, possono avvenire delle risonanze (o quasi-risonanze) in cui la lunghezza di scattering diverge, contrariamente a quanto avviene nel modello di Hubbard. Tale fenomeno si verifica quando il livello energetico discreto degli stati legati “tocca” la banda di scattering. Inoltre, con l'aggiunta di nuovi termini di interazione emergono nuovi stati legati. Nel caso in esame, si osservano due famiglie di stati legati, se lo spin totale delle due particelle è 1, e tre famiglie di stati legati, se lo spin totale è 0.


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The performance of the positive P phase-space representation for exact many- body quantum dynamics is investigated. Gases of interacting bosons are considered, where the full quantum equations to simulate are of a Gross-Pitaevskii form with added Gaussian noise. This method gives tractable simulations of many-body systems because the number of variables scales linearly with the spatial lattice size. An expression for the useful simulation time is obtained, and checked in numerical simulations. The dynamics of first-, second- and third-order spatial correlations are calculated for a uniform interacting 1D Bose gas subjected to a change in scattering length. Propagation of correlations is seen. A comparison is made with other recent methods. The positive P method is particularly well suited to open systems as no conservation laws are hard-wired into the calculation. It also differs from most other recent approaches in that there is no truncation of any kind.


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We present a theory for a superfluid Fermi gas near the BCS-BEC crossover, including pairing fluctuation contributions to the free energy similar to that considered by Nozieres and Schmitt-Rink for the normal phase. In the strong coupling limit, our theory is able to recover the Bogoliubov theory of a weakly interacting Bose gas with a molecular scattering length very close to the known exact result. We compare our results with recent Quantum Monte Carlo simulations both for the ground state and at finite temperature. Excellent agreement is found for all interaction strengths where simulation results are available.


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The role of the Sm3+ ions in the structure of vitreous Sm2O3•4P2O5 has been investigated using the neutron diffraction anomalous dispersion technique, which employs the wavelength dependence of the real and imaginary parts of the neutron scattering length close to an absorption resonance. The data described here represent the first successful complete neutron anomalous dispersion study on an amorphous material. This experimental methodology permits one to determine exclusively the closest Sm• •• Sm separation. Knowledge of the R•••R (R = rare-earth) pairwise correlation is key to understanding the optical and magnetic properties of rare-earth phosphate glasses. The anomalous difference correlation function, ΔT''(r), shows a dominant feature pertaining to a Sm•••Sm separation, centred at 4.8 Å. The substantial width and marked asymmetry of this peak indicates that the minimum approach of Sm3+ ions could be as close as 4 Å. Information on other pairwise correlations is also revealed via analysis of T (r) and ΔT (r) correlation functions: Sm3+ ions display an average co-ordination number, n Sm(O), of 7, with a mean Sm–O bond length of 2.375(5) Å whilst the PO4 tetrahedra have a mean P–O bond length of 1.538(2) Å. Second- and third-neighbour correlations are also identified. These results corroborate previous findings. Such consistency lends support to the application of the anomalous dispersion technique to determine separations.


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We study the interspecies scattering properties of ultracold Li-Cs mixtures in their two energetically lowest spin channels in the magnetic field range between 800 and 1000 G. Close to two broad Feshbach resonances (FR) we create weakly bound LiCs dimers by radio-frequency association and measure the dependence of their binding energy on the external magnetic field strength. Based on the binding energies and complementary atom loss spectroscopy of three other Li-Cs s-wave FRs we construct precise molecular singlet and triplet electronic ground state potentials using a coupled-channels calculation. We extract the Li-Cs interspecies scattering length as a function of the external field and obtain almost a ten-fold improvement in the precision of the values for the pole positions and widths of the s-wave FRs as compared to our previous work (Pires et al 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 250404). We discuss implications on the Efimov scenario and the universal geometric scaling for LiCsCs trimers.


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The anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) method using Cu and Mo K absorption edges has been employed for obtaining the local structural information of superionic conducting glass having the composition (CuI)(0.3)(Cu2O)(0.35)(MoO3)(0.35). The possible atomic arrangements in near-neighbor region of this glass were estimated by coupling the results with the least-squares analysis so as to reproduce two differential intensity profiles for Cu and Mo as well as the ordinary scattering profile. The coordination number of oxygen around Mo is found to be 6.1 at the distance of 0.187 nm. This implies that the MoO6 octahedral unit is a more probable structural entity in the glass rather than MoO4 tetrahedra which has been proposed based on infrared spectroscopy. The pre-peak shoulder observed at about 10 nm(-1) may be attributed to density fluctuation originating from the MoO6 octahedral units connected with the corner sharing linkage, in which the correlation length is about 0.8 nm. The value of the coordination number of I- around Cu+ is estimated as 4.3 at 0.261 nm, suggesting an arrangement similar to that in molten CuI.


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Micelles of different dimeric amphiphiles Br-, n-C(16)H(33)NMe(2)(+) -(CH)(m)-N(+)Me(2)-n-C16H33, Br- (where m = 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12) adapt different morphologies and internal packing arrangements in aqueous media depending on their spacer chain length (m). Detailed measurements of small angle neutron scattering (SANS) cross sections from different bis-cationic, dimeric surfactant micelles in aqueous media (D2O) are reported. The data have been analyzed using the Hayter and Penfold model for macro ion solution to compute the interparticle structure factor S(Q) taking into account the screened Coulomb interactions between the dimeric micelles. The SANS analysis clearly indicated that the extent of aggregate growth and the variations of shapes of the dimeric micelles depend primarily on the spacer chain length. With spacer chain length, m less than or equal to 4, the propensity of micellar growth was particularly pronounced. The effects of the variation of the concentration of dimeric surfactants with m = 5 and 10 on the SANS spectra and the effects of the temperature variation for the micellar system with m = 10 were also examined. The critical micelle concentrations (cmc) and their microenvironmental feature, namely, the microviscosities that the dimeric micellar aggregates offer to a solubilized, extrinsic fluorescence probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, were also determined. The changes of cmcs and microviscosities as a function of spacer chain length have been explained in terms of conformational variations and progressive looping of the spacer in micellar core upon increasing m values.


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We present a method of image-speckle contrast for the nonprecalibration measurement of the root-mean-square roughness and the lateral-correlation length of random surfaces with Gaussian correlation. We use the simplified model of the speckle fields produced by the weak scattering object in the theoretical analysis. The explicit mathematical relation shows that the saturation value of the image-speckle contrast at a large aperture radius determines the roughness, while the variation of the contrast with the aperture radius determines the lateral-correlation length. In the experimental performance, we specially fabricate the random surface samples with Gaussian correlation. The square of the image-speckle contrast is measured versus the radius of the aperture in the 4f system, and the roughness and the lateral-correlation length are extracted by fitting the theoretical result to the experimental data. Comparison of the measurement with that by an atomic force microscope shows our method has a satisfying accuracy. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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Qens/wins 2014 - 11th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and 6th International Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers / editado por:Frick, B; Koza, MM; Boehm, M; Mutka, H


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The dependence of electron conduction of oligo(1,4-phenylene ethynylene)s (OPEs) on length, terminal group, and main chain structure was examined by conductive probe-atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) via a metal substrate-molecular wire monolayer-conductive probe junction. The electron transport in the molecular junction was a highest occupied molecule orbital (HOMO)-mediated process following a coherent, non-resonant tunneling mechanism represented by the Simmons equation.


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We report a simple method for the label-free detection of double-stranded DNA using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). We prepared cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-capped silver nanoparticles and a DNA-nanoparticle complex by adding silver nanoparticles to lambda-DNA solutions. In the present study, the utilization of CTAB-capped silver nanoparticles facilitates the electrostatic interaction between DNA molecules and silver nanoparticles; at the same time, the introduction of DNA avoids adding aggregating agent for the formation of nanoparticle aggregates to obtain large enhancement of DNA, because the DNA acts as both the probe molecules and aggregating agent of Ag nanoparticles.