970 resultados para Atendimento Educacional Especializado
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
This study aimed to analyze how the families of cancer patients perceived the treatment provided at a specialist public outpatient clinic, using Bardin's method of Content Analysis. Seven families consisting of fourteen family members were interviewed. They underlined doctor-patient relationship, judging it to be impersonal and superficial, resulting in a lack of security and trust. Families try to to participate but feel undervalued and excluded from the care. Necessary information that they are not given is sought in the media, while comfort is achieved through religious or spiritual practices. Health care training must encourage professionals to view the family as a unit of care, aligning training to different modes of health care.
Este trabalho, foi realizado como Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso e Iniciação Científica. Este identifica, caracteriza e analisa, no conjunto dos municípios paulistas de 10.001 a 50.000 habitantes, os diferentes arranjos institucionais firmados entre o Poder Público Municipal e instituições privadas para a oferta educacional em creches. O período considerado para o presente estudo foi entre 2000 e 2009. O início do período em 2000 se justifica pelo prazo final estabelecido pela LDB 9394/96 para integração das creches aos respectivos sistemas de ensino ser dezembro de 1999. O estudo realizado nos permitiu observar a manutenção dos convênios firmados entre o Poder Público Municipal e instituições privadas sem fins lucrativos. As justificativas utilizadas para esclarecer a opção municipal pelo convênio com instituições que oferecem vagas à crianças de 0 a 3 anos, se voltarão para atender a demanda existente no município que este não consegue suprir e auxílio financeiro à instituição que oferece o atendimento a tempos no município. Outro fato que podemos constatar foi o que um número considerável que municípios cadastram as matrículas das entidades privadas conveniadas com o poder público, como matrículas públicas. Utilizamos como procedimento teórico-metodológico o levantamento e análise bibliográfica, contatos telefônicos diretos com os gestores municipais para coletar informações sobre as parcerias, dados disponibilizados no Banco de Dados do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Política Educacional (GREPPE), sites oficiais dos municípios e sites governamentais. Constitui-se este trabalho como parte integrante da pesquisa “Oferta Educacional nas creches: Arranjos Institucionais entre o Público e o Privado” financiada pelo CNPq e coordenada pela Profª Drª Raquel Fontes Borghi
This work is situated in the universe of resource rooms with a focus on the teachinglearning disabled students with low vision and visual in two cities of São Paulo. The paper discusses theoretically the historical emergence of these rooms, the deployment in the State of São Paulo and its importance within the context of school inclusion of students with visual impairments. Its purpose is to conduct a general survey of the operating conditions of the rooms from the perspective of the teacher of students. The results verified the contribution of this service as a complementary tool of the ordinary classroom, the use of specific instructional materials and overall educational performance of students. The results indicate that this type of specialized care while receiving criticism, does not promote segregation, but what about the educational needs of these students, who despite the lack of vision, school performance is equal to or better than the other students in the classroom common, it all depends on family support, and dedication to studies by the student. Research has shown students satisfied with the services provided in the resource room, as well as integration and good relationships between teachers and students. We could also highlight the importance of specific training and mastery of knowledge by the teacher to work with the visually impaired person. At the end the results were sent to the schools of this research object of study so that it can contribute to effective work in the educational process for visually impaired students in resource rooms
This article presents part of a study that analyzed the concepts, feelings and attitudes of children without disabilities about mental retardation and inclusion and evaluated the effects of an informative program that deals with the issue. The study included forty children from two first grade classrooms in a public school in Marília-SP. One classroom participated as a control group. All children underwent pre and post tests in the form of interviews on the subject and a scale of children's social attitudes towards inclusion was applied. The experimental group participated in the informative program, composed of thirteen weekly meetings, in which the limitations and possibilities of people with mental retardation, specialized care, their schooling and family and social aspects, were discussed, using various educational and recreational strategies. The data collected in the interviews were categorized and content analysis was conducted. With the scale, individual scores were obtained. Statistical calculations were performed to verify the significance of differences between groups. In this paper we discuss the data obtained with the scale which were crossed with interview data. The results of the interviews and the scale indicated several changes in children's attitudes towards inclusion, but relations between many of these data could not be statistically confirmed. These results indicate the importance of expanding the research on the relationship between the phenomena presented.
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop an educational oral health digital game for 5-to-7-year-old children. Method: The game, called “Dr. Trata Dente”, was based on the approach to three different oral health-related topics: a) bacterial plaque and the main diseases caused by it; b) oral hygiene methods for bacterial plaque control; c) dental caries and preventive measures for this disease. These topics were discussed in sequential order in three different stages of the game. Dr. Trata Dente is represented by the figure of a little super-hero dentist, who talks to the children about oral health during the game. The game is sub-divided according to its propositions to the children, into an association game, a memory game and a coloring game. After its development, the game was evaluated by three professionals of each of the following areas: Dentistry, Pedagogy and Psychology (n=9), who verified the suitability of the concepts presented in the game as regards oral health, linguistic abilities worked with the children, fulfillment of the intended didactic criteria, and the playful aspect of the game. Results: According to the dentists, the dental concepts presented in the game are adequate. According to the pedagogues, the choice of a super-hero was correct and the given explanations are well elaborated, organized and have accessible language, although long. For the psychologists, the game has a potential positive effect on the children’s learning, but there should be more interaction of the character with the children. After this evaluation, changes were made in the game according to the professionals’ suggestions. Conclusion: It was concluded that in spite of the suggested alterations, the game is suitable for teaching oral health by means of children’s play.
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
The ideal of Waldorf Education, since the opening of the first school in 1919, was based on innovative principles for a humanized society. Among those principles, there was the attendance of all children without distinction, which is exactly the main idea of the inclusive school. Waldorf pedagogy defends that under the right pedagogical action and care with the individual development, anyone can develop, regardless of their disability. This statem ent highlights the main objective of this methodology, that is the human development, aligned to another fundamental guideline of inclusive education. Accordingly, the hypothesis of this work is that Waldorf education promotes inclusive schooling contexts, attending diversity and valuing differences. The general objective of this study is: analyze Waldorf Education to verify if it promotes inclusive contexts. And the specific objetives were: identify elements in this practice that favors diversity attend; analyze the practice of a Waldorf school, considering documentation, structure, and conception of managers, teachers and parents. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative research approach, and the data was collected trough observation of teaching practices in a classroom where a disabled student was present, as well as through documentation and observation of the school environment. Furthermore, in order to verify the understanding of parents (71 individuals) and teachers (18 individuals) on inclusion, a specific questionnaire was developed for each of these two groups. For the records, a diary and an observation script were used. It was concluded that Waldorf methodology provides all the necessary conditions to inclusion, mainly due to it's enhancement of individuality, didactic organization and it's roots in social relations
The ideal of Waldorf Education, since the opening of the first school in 1919, was based on innovative principles for a humanized society. Among those principles, there was the attendance of all children without distinction, which is exactly the main idea of the inclusive school. Waldorf pedagogy defends that under the right pedagogical action and care with the individual development, anyone can develop, regardless of their disability. This statem ent highlights the main objective of this methodology, that is the human development, aligned to another fundamental guideline of inclusive education. Accordingly, the hypothesis of this work is that Waldorf education promotes inclusive schooling contexts, attending diversity and valuing differences. The general objective of this study is: analyze Waldorf Education to verify if it promotes inclusive contexts. And the specific objetives were: identify elements in this practice that favors diversity attend; analyze the practice of a Waldorf school, considering documentation, structure, and conception of managers, teachers and parents. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative research approach, and the data was collected trough observation of teaching practices in a classroom where a disabled student was present, as well as through documentation and observation of the school environment. Furthermore, in order to verify the understanding of parents (71 individuals) and teachers (18 individuals) on inclusion, a specific questionnaire was developed for each of these two groups. For the records, a diary and an observation script were used. It was concluded that Waldorf methodology provides all the necessary conditions to inclusion, mainly due to it's enhancement of individuality, didactic organization and it's roots in social relations
O artigo apresenta resultados finais de pesquisa interinstitucional que teve por objetivo analisar a natureza e as consequências de parcerias firmadas entre setores privados e governos municipais paulistas para atendimento da educação infantil e do ensino fundamental. O período correspondeu aos anos de 1996 a 2006, tendo em vista a percepção de que o aumento das responsabilidades dos municípios pela oferta educacional, decorrente da municipalização do ensino fundamental, poderia estimular processos de privatização da educação municipal, por meio do aumento de "parcerias" entre a gestão municipal e o setor privado lucrativo e não lucrativo. O estudo apresenta tendências relacionadas a três modalidades de parcerias: subvenção pública para oferta de vagas em instituições privadas de educação infantil, aquisição de "sistemas" privados de ensino e contratação de assessoria privada para a gestão da educação municipal. As tendências percebidas na análise indicam que as atuais relações entre as esferas públicas e privadas no campo da educação, decorrentes da descentralização havida no setor, representam um movimento em direção a sua privatização.