682 resultados para Art 72 Ley 80 de 1993
热分析技术应用甚广,尤其自80年代初我国开始热分析学会活动以来,10余年间我国在该领域取得了长足的进步,尽管相继出现了一些热分析的译著和专著,但适于作教材的著述,由蔡正千编写的《热分析》(高等教育出版社1993年出版)还是第一本。作者基于多年从事热分析教学和科研的切身体会和坚实基础,用简明的语言,阐述了热分析的一些基本问题,作到了言简意赅,深入浅出。表现出如下一些明显特点: ·本书作为教材详简适度,布局合理。全书258页,21万字。首先从基本的物理化学概念,如物质的热学性质和热量传递等入手,接着讲解几种主要的热分析方法,再讲一些典型的应用示例。从上述几个侧面,可让学习者通过为数不多的课时就可了解热分析总的概貌。
甘肃文县阳山金矿的探明黄金储量已达308t,平均品位4.74g/t,是我国地质勘查储量最大的金矿床。该矿床产于西秦岭造山带,是一个同碰撞形成的类卡林型金矿床,矿体受EW向韧脆性剪切带控制,赋矿围岩为泥盆系碳质千枚岩-板岩-碳酸盐-硅质岩和侵入其中的花岗斑岩脉。流体成矿过程包括:形成石英-绢云母-黄铁矿组合的早阶段,形成石英-黄铁矿-毒砂-方铅矿等多金属组合的主成矿阶段,形成碳酸盐-辉锑矿-石英网脉的晚阶段。 与矿体关系较为密切的花岗斑岩富集LILE 和 LREE, 亏损 Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, P 和Ti,ΣREE=54.35~124.01 μg/g ,(La/Yb)N=9.72~27.80,δEu=0.70~0.89, ISr值为0.70806~0.71756,平均0.71107;εNd(t)平均-3.4;Nd模式年龄(T2DM)平均1.34(Ga)。表明花岗斑岩岩浆应源自成熟度较低的中元古代基底地壳物质。花岗斑岩的(206Pb/204Pb)220Ma、(207Pb/204Pb)220Ma和(208Pb/204Pb)220Ma的平均值分别为17.875、15.604和38.296,与秦岭微陆块的中元古代基底和碧口地体碧口群的Pb同位素组成一致。考虑到前人获得碧口群的年龄为1.235~1.367Ga,而秦岭微陆块沿勉略缝合带向南仰冲到碧口地体之上,我们认为由碧口群等组成的俯冲板片的变质脱水熔融作用导致了阳山金矿带花岗斑岩的形成。因此,阳山金矿带的花岗斑岩是扬子与华北大陆中生代碰撞造山过程中形成的同碰撞花岗岩类。 最新的S,Sr和Pb同位素研究表明:热液成矿早阶段的黄铁矿的34S值范围介于-15.5‰~6.59‰之间,总体离散性比较大,显示沉积地层来源的特征,硫同位素组成属离散型,不具有岩浆主导的成矿的塔式效应。花岗岩中黄铁矿硫同位素范围很集中,34S值处于-1.47‰~2.12‰之间,本区花岗斑岩不可能为成矿物质的主要来源。矿石硫化物的初始锶同位素比值范围较大(0.70877~0.71697,平均为0.71258),显示成矿物质并非单一来源,考虑到花岗斑岩先于矿床形成,只在后期构造作用的岩体部分成矿的地质事实,少量矿石中的低锶同位素比值黄铁矿有可能来自作为围岩的花岗斑岩,也可能来自基底物质。矿石硫化物Pb同位素206Pb/204Pb=17.552~18.853,平均18.260;207Pb/204Pb=15.574~15.928,平均15.685;208Pb/204Pb=37.894~39.293,平均38.680,变化范围比较大。μ=9.46~10.06,平均为9.65,ω值介于36.96~42.21,显示了铅源的物质成熟度较高,要求最佳物源是浅变质化学-碎屑沉积建造,恰好与本区泥盆构造层为浅变质细碎屑岩夹薄层灰岩系的特征一致,部分低Sr和Pb同位素比值的成矿物质可能来自于作为围岩的花岗斑岩和/或者基地物质。 总结前人阳山金矿床的H-O-C同位素体系的研究得出,初始成矿流体来源于碳酸盐地层或相似岩石建造的变质或/和改造脱水,成矿流体系统从早到晚、从深到浅,由变质热液演变为大气降水热液。与本文得出的结论一致。 总而言之, 阳山金矿矿成矿流体的来源早期具有变质水特征,应来自赋矿地层或相似岩性组合的改造或变质脱水作用,晚阶段大气水为主的流体性质。成矿物质主要来自于赋矿围岩。流体经过作为部分围岩的花岗斑岩时从中萃取少部分成矿物质,而导致了少部分的低锶、铅同位素的矿石硫化物组成。 在中生代扬子板块北缘(包括碧口地块)向南秦岭陆陆碰撞过程中,扬子北缘板片沿勉略断裂向北俯冲到南秦岭之下,下插板片增温增压,发生变质、脱水和部分熔融。碰撞中期,构造背景由挤压向伸展转变,减压增温的环境导致大量变质流体沿深大断裂向上运移,不断萃取围岩中大量成矿元素,并将成矿元素搬运至有利于流体聚集、成矿物质卸载的空间,使成矿物质富集成矿。阳山金矿床定位于泥盆系构造层中,成矿时代为190Ma左右,紧随花岗斑岩侵入作用(220Ma左右),主成矿作用发生于碰撞作用由挤压-伸展转变期的减压增温环境。成岩、成矿模式与CMF模式吻合。 阳山超大型金矿是世界罕见的碰撞造山带内类卡林型金矿床,其地质地球化学特征复杂、独特,流体性质主要与造山型金矿一致,矿床地质主要与卡林型金矿一致,部分特征兼与造山型和卡林型两类矿床之间,花岗斑岩本身成矿的特点又为阳山所特有,总体具有造山型向卡林型金矿过渡的性质。因此建议以“秦岭式”或“阳山式”类卡林型金矿床代表与阳山金矿具有类似成矿背景及地球化学性质的矿床。
Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia
RESUMO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação de esquemas de tratamento alternativos para o carcinoma da próstata com radioterapia externa (EBRT) e braquiterapia de baixa taxa de dose (LDRBT) com implantes permanentes de Iodo-125, biologicamente equivalentes aos convencionalmente usados na prática clínica, com recurso a modelos teóricos e a métodos de Monte Carlo (MC). Os conceitos de dose biológica efetiva (BED) e de dose uniforme equivalente (EUD) foram utilizados, com o modelo linear-quadrático (LQ), para a determinação de regimes de tratamento equivalentes. Numa primeira abordagem, utilizou-se a BED para determinar: 1) esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT mantendo as complicações retais tardias de regimes convencionais com doses totais de 75,6 Gy, 77,4 Gy, 79,2 Gy e 81,0 Gy; e 2) a relação entre as doses totais de EBRT e LDRBT de modo a manter a BED do regime convencional de 45 Gy de EBRT e 110 Gy de LDRBT. Numa segunda abordagem, recorreu-se ao código de MC MCNPX para a simulação de distribuições de dose de EBRT e LDRBT em dois fantomas de voxel segmentados a partir das imagens de tomografia computorizada de pacientes com carcinoma da próstata. Os resultados das simulações de EBRT e LDRBT foram somados e determinada uma EUD total de forma a obterem-se: 1) esquemas equivalentes ao tratamento convencional de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT em combinação com 110 Gy de LDRBT; e 2) esquemas equivalentes a EUD na próstata de 67 Gy, 72 Gy, 80 Gy, 90 Gy, 100 Gy e 110 Gy. Em todos os resultados nota-se um ganho terapêutico teórico na utilização de esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT. Para uma BED no reto equivalente ao esquema convencional, tem-se um aumento de 2% na BED da próstata com menos 5 frações. Este incremento dá-se de forma cada vez mais visível à medida que se reduz o número de frações, sendo da ordem dos 10-11% com menos 20 frações e dos 35-45% com menos 40 frações. Considerando os resultados das simulações de EBRT, obteve-se uma EUD média de 107 Gy para a próstata e de 42 Gy para o reto, com o esquema convencional de 110 Gy de LDRBT, seguidos de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT. Em termos de probabilidade de controlo tumoral (igual EUD), é equivalente a este tratamento a administração de EBRT em 66 frações de 1,8 Gy, 56 de 2 Gy, 40 de 2,5 Gy, 31 de 3 Gy, 20 de 4 Gy ou 13 de 5 Gy. Relativamente à administração de 66 frações de 1,8 Gy, a EUD generalizada no reto reduz em 6% com o recurso a frações de 2,5 Gy e em 10% com frações de 4 Gy. Determinou-se uma BED total de 162 Gy para a administração de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT em combinação com 110 Gy de LDRBT. Variando-se a dose total de LDRBT (TDLDRBT) em função da dose total de EBRT (TDEBRT), de modo a garantir uma BED de 162 Gy, obteve-se a seguinte relação:.......... Os resultados das simulações mostram que a EUD no reto diminui com o aumento da dose total de LDRBT para dose por fração de EBRT (dEBRT) inferiores a 2, Gy e aumenta para dEBRT a partir dos 3 Gy. Para quantidades de TDLDRBT mais baixas (<50 Gy), o reto beneficia de frações maiores de EBRT. À medida que se aumenta a TDLDRBT, a EUD generalizada no reto torna-se menos dependente da dEBRT. Este trabalho mostra que é possível a utilização de diferentes regimes de tratamento para o carcinoma da próstata com radioterapia que possibilitem um ganho terapêutico, quer seja administrando uma maior dose biológica com efeitos tardios constantes, quer mantendo a dose no tumor e diminuindo a toxicidade retal. A utilização com precaução de esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT, para além do benefício terapêutico, pode trazer vantagens ao nível da conveniência para o paciente e economia de custos. Os resultados das simulações deste estudo e conversão para doses de efeito biológico para o tratamento do carcinoma da próstata apresentam linhas de orientação teórica de interesse para novos ensaios clínicos. --------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was to determine alternative radiotherapy regimens for the treatment of prostate cancer using external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and low dose-rate brachytherapy (LDRBT) with Iodine-125 permanent implants which are biologically equivalent to conventional clinical treatments, by the use of theoretical models and Monte Carlo techniques. The concepts of biological effective dose (BED) and equivalent uniform dose (EUD), together with the linear-quadratic model (LQ), were used for determining equivalent treatment regimens. In a first approach, the BED concept was used to determine: 1) hypofractionated schemes of EBRT maintaining late rectal complications as with the conventional regimens with total doses of 75.6 Gy, 77.4 Gy, 79.2 Gy and 81.0 Gy; and 2) the relationship between total doses of EBRT and LDRBT in order to keep the BED of the conventional treatment of 45 Gy of EBRT and 110 Gy of LDRBT. In a second approach, the MC code MCNPX was used for simulating dose distributions of EBRT and LDRBT in two voxel phantoms segmented from the computed tomography of patients with prostate cancer. The results of the simulations of EBRT and LDRBT were added up and given an overall EUD in order to obtain: 1) equivalent to conventional treatment regimens of 25 fraction of 1.8 Gy of EBRT in combination with 110Gy of LDRBT; and 2) equivalent schemes of EUD of 67 Gy, 72 Gy, 80 Gy, 90 Gy, 100 Gy, and 110Gy to the prostate. In all the results it is noted a therapeutic gain using hypofractionated EBRT schemes. For a rectal BED equivalent to the conventional regimen, an increment of 2% in the prostate BED was achieved with less 5 fractions. This increase is visibly higher as the number of fractions decrease, amounting 10-11% with less 20 fractions and 35-45% with less 20 fractions. Considering the results of the EBRT simulations an average EUD of 107 Gy was achieved for the prostate and of 42 Gy for the rectum with the conventional scheme of 110 Gy of LDRBT followed by 25 fractions of 1.8 Gy of EBRT. In terms of tumor control probability (same EUD) it is equivalent to this treatment, for example, delivering the EBRT in 66 fractions of 1.8 Gy, 56 fractions of 2 Gy, 40 fractions of 2.5 Gy, 31 fractions of 3 Gy, 20 fractions of 4 Gy or 13 fractions of 5 Gy. Regarding the use of 66 fractions of 1.8 Gy, the rectum EUD is reduced to 6% with 2.5 Gy per fraction and to 10% with 4 Gy. A total BED of 162 Gy was achieved for the delivery of 25 fractions of 1.8 Gy of EBRT in combination with 110 Gy of LDRBT. By varying the total dose of LDRBT (TDLDRBT) with the total dose of EBRT (TDEBRT) so as to ensure a BED of 162 Gy, the following relationship was obtained: ....... The simulation results show that the rectum EUD decreases with the increase of the TDLDRBT, for EBRT dose per fracion (dEBRT) less than 2.5 Gy and increases for dEBRT above 3 Gy. For lower amounts of TDLDRBT (< 50Gy), the rectum benefits of larger EBRT fractions. As the TDLDRBT increases, the rectum gEUD becomes less dependent on the dEBRT. The use of different regimens which enable a therapeutic gain, whether deivering a higher dose with the same late biological effects or maintaining the dose to the tumor and reducing rectal toxicity is possible. The use with precaution of hypofractionated regimens, in addition to the therapeutic benefit, can bring advantages in terms of convenience for the patient and cost savings. The simulation results of this study together with the biological dose conversion for the treatment of prostate cancer serve as guidelines of interest for new clinical trials.
Background: The Geneva Prognostic Score (GPS), the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI), and its simplified version (sPESI) are well known clinical prognostic scores for pulmonary embolism (PE).Objectives: To compare the prognostic performance of these scores in elderly patients with PE. Patients/Methods: In a multicenter Swiss cohort of elderly patients with venous thromboembolism, we prospectively studied 449 patients aged ≥65 years with symptomatic PE. The outcome was 30-day overall mortality. We dichotomized patients as low- vs. higher-risk in all three scores using the following thresholds: GPS scores ≤2 vs. >2, PESI risk classes I-II vs. III-V, and sPESI scores 0 vs. ≥1. We compared 30-day mortality in low- vs. higher-risk patients and the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). Results: Overall, 3.8% of patients (17/449) died within 30 days. The GPS classified a greater proportion of patients as low risk (92% [413/449]) than the PESI (36.3% [163/449]) and the sPESI (39.6% [178/449]) (P<0.001 for each comparison). Low-risk patients based on the sPESI had a mortality of 0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0-2.1%) compared to 0.6% (95% CI 0-3.4%) for low-risk patients based on the PESI and 3.4% (95% CI 1.9-5.6%) for low-risk patients based on the GPS. The areas under the ROC curves were 0.77 (95%CI 0.72-0.81), 0.76 (95% CI 0.72-0.80), and 0.71 (95% CI 0.66-0.75), respectively (P=0.47). Conclusions: In this cohort of elderly patients with PE, the GPS identified a higher proportion of patients as low-risk but the PESI and sPESI were more accurate in predicting mortality.
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