990 resultados para Array elements


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Esta tesis que tiene por título "Contribución a los arrays de antenas activos en banda X", ha sido desarrollada por el estudiante de doctorado Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, ingeniero de telecomunicación en el Grupo de Radiación del Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones de la ETSI de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid bajo la dirección de los doctores Manuel Sierra Castañer y José Manuel Fernández González. Esta tesis contiene un profundo estudio del arte en materia de antenas activas en el campo de apuntamiento electrónico. Este estudio comprende desde los fundamentos de este tipo de antenas, problemas de operación y limitaciones hasta los sistemas actuales más avanzados. En ella se identifican las partes críticas en el diseño y posteriormente se llevan a la práctica con el diseño, simulación y construcción de un subarray de una antena integrada en el fuselaje de un avión para comunicaciones multimedia por satélite que funciona en banda X. El prototipo consta de una red de distribución multihaz de banda ancha y una antena planar. El objetivo de esta tesis es el de aplicar nuevas técnicas al diseño de antenas de apuntamiento electrónico. Es por eso que las contribuciones originales son la aplicación de barreras electromagnéticas entre elementos radiantes para reducir los acoplamientos mutuos en arrays de exploración electrónica y el diseño de redes desfasadoras sencillas en las que no son necesarios complejos desfasadores para antenas multihaz. Hasta la fecha, las barreras electromagnéticas, Electronic Band Gap (EBG), se construyen en sustratos de permitividad alta con el fin de aumentar el espacio disponible entre elementos radiantes y reducir el tamaño de estas estructuras. Sin embargo, la utilización de sustratos de alta permitividad aumenta la propagación por ondas de superficie y con ellas el acoplo mutuo. Utilizando sustratos multicapa y colocando la vía de las estructuras en su borde, en vez de en su centro, se consigue reducir el tamaño sin necesidad de usar sustratos de alta permitividad, reducir la eficiencia de radiación de la antena o aumentar la propagación por ondas de superficie. La última parte de la tesis se dedica a las redes conmutadoras y desfasadoras para antenas multihaz. El diseño de las redes de distribución para antenas son una parte crítica ya que se comportan como un atenuador a la entrada de la cadena receptora, modificando en gran medida la figura de ruido del sistema. Las pérdidas de un desfasador digital varían con el desfase introducido, por ese motivo es necesario caracterizar y calibrar los dispositivos correctamente. Los trabajos presentados en este manuscrito constan de un desfasador reflectivo con un conmutador doble serie paralelo para igualar las pérdidas de inserción en los dos estados y también un conmutador de una entrada y dos salidas cuyos puertos están adaptados en todo momento independientemente del camino del conmutador para evitar las reflexiones y fugas entre redes o elementos radiantes. El tomo finaliza con un resumen de las publicaciones en revistas científicas y ponencias en congresos, nacionales e internacionales, el marco de trabajo en el que se ha desarrollado, las colaboraciones que se han realizado y las líneas de investigación futuras. ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out in the Radiation Group of the Signals, Systems and Radiocomunications department of ETSI de Telecomunicación from Technical University of Madrid. Its title is "Contribution to active array antennas at X band" and it is developed by Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, Electrical Engineer MsC. under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Manuel Sierra Castañer and Dr. José Manuel Fernández González. This thesis is focused on active antennas, specifically multibeam and electronic steering antenas. In the first part of the thesis a thorough description of the state of the art is presented. This study compiles the fundamentals of this antennas, operation problems and limits, up to the breakthrough applications. The critical design problems are described to use them eventually in the design, simulation and prototyping of an airborne steering array antenna for satellite communication at X band. The main objective of this thesis is to apply new techniques to the design of electronically steering antennas. Therefore the new original contributions are the application of Electromagnetic Band Gap materials (EBG) between radiating elements to reduce the mutual coupling when phase shift between elements exist and phase shifting networks where special characteristics are required. So far, the EBG structures have been constructed with high permitivity substrates in order to increase the available space between radiating elements and reduce the size of the structures. However, the surface wave propagation modes are enhanced and therefore the mutual coupling increases when high permitivity substrates are used. By using multilayered substrates and edge location via, the size is reduced meanwhile low permitivity substrates are used without reducing the radiation efficiency or enhancing the surface propagation modes. The last part of the thesis is focused on the phase shifting distribution networks for multibeam antennas. This is a critical part in the antenna design because the insertion loss in the distribution network behaves as an attenuator located in the first place in a receiver chain. The insertion loss will affect directly to the receiver noise figure and the insertion loss in a phase shifter vary with the phase shift. Therefore the devices must be well characterized and calibrated in order to obtain a properly operation. The work developed in this thesis are a reflective phase shifter with a series-shunt switch in order to make symmetrical the insertion loss for the two states and a complex Single Pole Double Through (SPDT) with matched ports in order to reduce the reflections and leakage between feeding networks and radiating elements. The end of this Ph D. dissertation concludes with a summary of the publications in national and international conferences and scientific journals, the collaborations carried out along the thesis and the future research lines.


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The Space Situational Awareness (SSA) program from the European Space Agency (ESA) protects Europe's citizens and their satellite-based services by detecting space hazards. ESA Ground Systems (GS) division is currently designing a phased array radar composed of thousands of radiating elements for future stages of the SSA program [1]. The radar shall guarantee the detection of most of the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) space debris, providing a general map of space junk. While range accuracy is mainly dictated by the radar waveform, the detection and tracking of small objects in LEO regimes is highly dependent on the angular accuracy achieved by the smart phased array antenna, demonstrating the important of the performance of this architecture.


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This paper presents the design and characterization process of an active array demonstrator for the mid-frequency range (i.e., 300 MHz-1000 MHz) of the future Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope. This demonstrator, called FIDA3 (FG-IGN: Fundación General Instituto Geográfico Nacional - Differential Active Antenna Array), is part of the Spanish contribution for the SKA project. The main advantages provided by this design include the use of a dielectric-free structure, and the use of a fully-differential receiver in which differential low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are directly connected to the balanced tapered-slot antennas (TSAs). First, the radiating structure and the differential low-noise amplifiers were separately designed and measured, obtaining good results (antenna elements with low voltage standing-wave ratios, array scanning capabilities up to 45°, and noise temperatures better than 52 K with low-noise amplifiers at room temperature). The potential problems due to the differential nature of the proposed solution are discussed, so some effective methods to overcome such limitations are proposed. Second, the complete active antenna array receiving system was assembled, and a 1 m2 active antenna array tile was characterized.


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A novel tunable liquid crystal microaxicon array is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The proposed structure is capable of generating tunable axicons (thousands of elements) of micrometric size, with simple control (four control voltages) and low voltage, and is totally reconfigurable. Depending on the applied voltages, control over the diameter, as well as the effective wedge angle, can be achieved. Controls over the diameter ranging from 107 to 77 μm have been demonstrated. In addition, a control over the phase profile tunability, from 12π to 24π radians, has been demonstrated. This result modifies the effective cone angle. The diameter tunability, as well the effective cone angle, results in a control over the nondiffractive Bessel beam distance. The RMS wavefront deviation from the ideal axicon is only λ∕3. The proposed device has several advantages over the existing microaxicon arrays, including being simple having a low cost. The device could contribute to developing new applications and to reducing the fabrication costs of current devices.


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The DAN/TIR mannoprotein genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DAN1, DAN2, DAN3, DAN4, TIR1, TIR2, TIR3 and TIR4) are expressed in anaerobic cells while the predominant cell wall proteins Cwp1 and Cwp2 are down-regulated. Elements involved in activation and repression of the DAN/TIR genes were defined in this study, using the DAN1 promoter as a model. Nested deletions in a DAN1/lacZ reporter pinpointed regions carrying activation and repression elements. Inspection revealed two consensus sequences subsequently shown to be independent anaerobic response elements (AR1, consensus TCGTTYAG; AR2, consensus AAAAATTGTTGA). AR1 is found in all of the DAN/TIR promoters; AR2 is found in DAN1, DAN2 and DAN3. A 120 bp segment carrying two copies of AR1 preferentially activated transcription of lacZ under anaerobic conditions. A fusion of three synthetic copies of AR1 to MEL1 was also expressed anaerobically. Mutations in either AR1 site within the 120 bp segment caused a drastic loss of expression, indicating that both are necessary for activation and implying cooperativity between adjacent transcriptional activation complexes. A single AR2 site carried on a 46 bp fragment from the DAN1 promoter activated lacZ transcription under anaerobic conditions, as did a 26 bp synthetic AR2 fragment fused to MEL1. Nucleotide substitutions within the AR2 sequence eliminated the activity of the 46 bp segment. Ablation of the AR2 sequences in the full promoter caused a partial reduction of expression. The presence of the ATTGTT core (recognized by HMG proteins) in the AR2 sequence suggests that an HMG protein may activate through AR2. One region was implicated in aerobic repression of DAN1. It contains sites for the heme-induced Mot3 and Rox1 repressors.


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Despite the fact that Papilio glaucus and Papilio polyxenes share no single hostplant species, both species feed to varying extents on hostplants that contain furanocoumarins. P. glaucus contains two nearly identical genes, CYP6B4v2 and CYP6B5v1, and P. polyxenes contains two related genes, CYP6B1v3 and CYP6B3v2. Except for CYP6B3v2, the substrate specificity of which has not yet been defined, each of the encoded cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) metabolizes an array of linear furanocoumarins. All four genes are transcriptionally induced in larvae by exposure to the furanocoumarin xanthotoxin; several are also induced by other furanocoumarins. Comparisons of the organizational structures of these genes indicate that all have the same intron/exon arrangement. Sequences in the promoter regions of the P. glaucus CYP6B4v2/CYP6B5v1 genes and the P. polyxenes CYP6B3v2 gene are similar but not identical to the -146 to -97 region of CYP6B1v3 gene, which contains a xanthotoxin-responsive element (XRE-xan) important for basal and xanthotoxin-inducible transcription of CYP6B1v3. Complements of the xenobiotic-responsive element (XRE-AhR) in the dioxin-inducible human and rat CYP1A1 genes also exist in all four promoters, suggesting that these genes may be regulated by dioxin. Antioxidant-responsive elements (AREs) in mouse and rat glutathione S-transferase genes and the Barbie box element (Bar) in the bacterial CYP102 gene exist in the CYP6B1v3, CYP6B4v2, and CYP6B5v1 promoters. Similarities in the protein sequences, intron positions, and xanthotoxin- and xenobiotic-responsive promoter elements indicate that these insect CYP6B genes are derived from a common ancestral gene. Evolutionary comparisons between these P450 genes are the first available for a group of insect genes transcriptionally regulated by hostplant allelochemicals and provide insights into the process by which insects evolve specialized feeding habits.


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Using a Radial Guide Field Matching Method, an investigation is performed into reducing the height of an electronically steered circular array of monopole antennas composed of a central active element surrounded by passive elements being either short- or open-circuited. It is shown that a considerable height reduction can be achieved using top hats attached to monopoles ends and by applying dielectric coating underneath the top hats. The trade-off in achieving height reduction is narrower impedance bandwidth.


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A new method for ameliorating high-field image distortion caused by radio frequency/tissue interaction is presented and modeled, The proposed method uses, but is not restricted to, a shielded four-element transceive phased array coil and involves performing two separate scans of the same slice with each scan using different excitations during transmission. By optimizing the amplitudes and phases for each scan, antipodal signal profiles can be obtained, and by combining both images together, the image distortion can be reduced several-fold. A hybrid finite-difference time-domain/method-of-moments method is used to theoretically demonstrate the method and also to predict the radio frequency behavior inside the human head. in addition, the proposed method is used in conjunction with the GRAPPA reconstruction technique to enable rapid imaging. Simulation results reported herein for IIT (470 MHz) brain imaging applications demonstrate the feasibility of the concept where multiple acquisitions using parallel imaging elements with GRAPPA reconstruction results in improved image quality. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This paper presents the design and results of a dual-band antenna array integrated with bandpass filters for WLAN applications. The array is fed with a single 50 Ω port and consists of two radiating elements; thereby having a 1x2 array structure. The two bands of the antenna array correspond to the two WLAN bands of 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz. A standalone array has first been designed. Other than the two fundamental resonant frequencies, the standalone array exhibits spurious harmonics at various other frequencies. For the suppression of these harmonics, the array has been integrated with two bandpass filters, centered at 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz. The resulting filtenna array was simulated, fabricated and measured. Obtained simulation and measurement results agree well with each other and have been presented to validate the accuracy of the proposed structure. Measured return loss of the structure shows dual-bands at 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz of more than 30 dB each and also a successful suppression of the spurious harmonics of the antenna array has been achieved. Radiation patterns have also been simulated and measured and both results shown. The gain and efficiency have also been presented; with the values being 6.7 dBi and 70% for the 2.4 GHz band and 7.4 dBi and 81% for the 5.8 GHz band respectively.


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The goal of this study is to better simulate microscopic and voxel-based dynamic contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging. Specifically, errors imposed by the traditional two-compartment model are reduced by introducing a novel Krogh cylinder network. The two-compartment model was developed for macroscopic pharmacokinetic analysis of dynamic contrast enhancement and generalizing it to voxel dimensions, due to the significant decrease in scale, imposes physiologically unrealistic assumptions. In the project, a system of microscopic exchange between plasma and extravascular-extracellular space is built while numerically simulating the local contrast agent flow between and inside image elements. To do this, tissue parameter maps were created, contrast agent was introduced to the tissue via a flow lattice, and various data sets were simulated. The effects of sources, tissue heterogeneity, and the contribution of individual tissue parameters to an image are modeled. Further, the study attempts to demonstrate the effects of a priori flow maps on image contrast, indicating that flow data is as important as permeability data when analyzing tumor contrast enhancement. In addition, the simulations indicate that it may be possible to obtain tumor-type diagnostic information by acquiring both flow and permeability data.