967 resultados para Arid regions agriculture.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de determinar a concentração hidrogeniônica (pH), acidez total titulável e tempo de redução do azul de metileno no fluido ruminal de caprinos com ou sem raça definida, mantidos em pastagens artificiais, exclusivas de gramíneas, ou em caatinga, durante as épocas chuvosa e seca do ano. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo analisado em esquema fatorial 2³ (animais com e sem raça definida, pastagens artificiais e em caatinga, épocas chuvosa e seca do ano). O tipo de pastagem influenciou significativamente (p < 0,05) os valores encontrados para acidez total titulável. em relação ao pH, o tipo de pastagem e época do ano foram significativamente (p < 0,05) os fatores mais incisivos. A atividade microbiana, avaliada através dos parâmetros estudados, foi mais intensa na época das águas e na caatinga em relação à da seca e pastagens artificiais, respectivamente. Na avaliação dos resultados desses testes, deve-se sempre levar em consideração principalmente a época do ano e o tipo de pastagem, sem, no entanto, desprezar o fator raça.


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The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) is a small rodent native to the arid regions of Mongolia and Northeastern China. The present study provides descriptions of both the cellular associations of the seminiferous-epithelium cycle and relative frequencies of stages in the gerbil. Based on the development of the acrosomic system and the nuclear morphology changes using the PAS-H staining technique, the transformation of spermatids into spermatozoa was divided into 15 steps. The first 12 steps were used to identify 12 stages or cellular associations and the other three steps were spread among the first six stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. The relative frequencies found for stages I through XII were: 13.15; 8.06; 8.98; 6.48; 5.37; 6.71; 7.36; 7.45; 7.27; 5.83; 11.53 and 11.81, respectively. Stage I had the highest frequency while stage V proved the lowest frequency among the XII stages. The pattern of spermatogenesis is similar to those of rodents used as laboratory animals. The present description is the first for this rodent and provides the foundation for a variety of future studies of the testis in this animal. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The municipality of Petrolina, located in the semi-arid region of Brazil, is highlighted as an important agricultural growing region, however the irrigated areas have cleared natural vegetation inducing a loss of biodiversity. To analyze the contrast between these two ecosystems the large scale values of biomass production (BIO), evapotranspiration (ET) and water productivity (WP) were quantified. Monteithś equation was applied for estimating the absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), while the new SAFER (Simple Algorithm For Evapotranspiration Retrieving) algorithm was used to retrieve ET. The water productivity (WP) was analysed by the ratio of BIO by ET at monthly time scale with four bands of MODIS satellite images together with agrometeorological data for the year of 2011. The period with the highest water productivity values were from March to April in the rainy period for both irrigated and not irrigated conditions. However the largest ET rates were in November for irrigated crops and April for natural vegetation. More uniformity of the vegetation and water variables occurs in natural vegetation, evidenced by the lower values of standard deviation when comparing to irrigated crops, due to the different crop stages, cultural and irrigation managements. The models applied with MODIS satellite images on a large scale are considered to be suitable for water productivity assessments and for quantifying the effects of increasing irrigated areas over natural vegetation on regional water consumption in situations of quick changing land use pattern. © 2012 SPIE.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Electromagnetic methods have been extensively applied in the prospecting of sulphide bodies and other conducting materials. The interpretation of e. m. data is based on the results obtained either with reduced scale or analytical modelling. In most models, the host rocks, the overburden as well as the halo of disseminated sulphides are considered highly resistive although in nature they are often weakly conductive. Presence of a well-developed conducting overburden in tropical and sub-tropical regions and a saline rich crustal layer in semi-arid regions have been found to modify significantly the e. m. anomalies in practice. Therefore, the parameters of the target, determined on the basis of simple models where the presence of the conducting environment is neglected, are found to be in considerable error. The effects of the overburden on the e. m. anomalies of a dipping tabular ore body were studied with reduced scale models for varying response parameters of both the overburden and the orebody, and also for different depths and dips of the target. The overburden and the orebody were represented by metallic sheets of varying thickness in the scale model developed in accordance with the law of electromagnetic similitude. The results of these investigations show that the overburden affects the anomaly by causing: a) phase rotation; b) amplitude reduction; c) base level displacement; d) reversion of the quadrature; and e) appearance of an extra peak in the quadrature in the case of low dipping models. The last two effects complicate the quantification of the anomalies but, on the other hand, provide a qualitative indication of the response parameters of both the ore body and the overburden. The results were assembled in the form of Argand diagrams and, finally, an interpretation scheme is suggested for the e. m. field data on the basis of these diagrams.


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A utilização dos métodos indutivos de propagação E.M. na exploração mineral em regiões tropicais, apresenta grandes dificuldades devido a presença de uma camada superficial condutiva (manto de intemperismo) comumente encontrada nestas regiões. Na região Amazônica, o manto apresenta-se bastante desenvolvido e condutivo, e em regiões semi-áridas, pode-se formar uma fina crosta superficial de sal. Em conseqüência disto, a interpretação dos dados E.M. obtidos para modelos que não consideram uma cobertura condutiva levam a erros consideráveis. Objetivando-se estudar os efeitos do manto sobre anomalias VLF devidas a corpos tabulares inclinados em contato com o manto (manto ohmico), foi realizada uma série de experimentos através do modelamento analógico, considerando-se diferentes parâmetros de resposta para o manto e o corpo. O manto de intemperismo foi simulado por soluções de cloreto de amônia (NH4Cl) dispostas horizontalmente e o corpo condutor por chapas de grafite colocadas em posições inclinadas verticalmente. Utilizou-se quatro corpos condutores e três mantos com diferentes espessuras e condutividades, simulando, desta forma, diversas situações geológicas. Os resultados são dados por simples situações dos corpos localizados em um meio não condutor (ar), onde os parâmetros variados são: profundidade do topo, condutividade e mergulho do corpo. Os efeitos da condutividade da cobertura são amplamente ilustrados e avaliados. Para a análise dos resultados, foi plotado um conjunto de curvas considerando-se os valores pico-a-pico das anomalias de "tilt angle" e de elipsidade. Os resultados foram sintetizados em um outro conjunto de curvas reunidas em diagramas de Argand. Estando ou não o manto presente, observou-se, tanto para o tilt angle quanto para a elipsidade, o efeito do aumento da profundidade é o de reduzir a magnitude pico-a-pico e a forma do pico da anomalia, fazendo com que este afaste-se do ponto de "cross-over". Para um condutor de mesma espessura, o aumento da condutividade causa um ligeiro aumento nas anomalias de tilt angle, e uma atenuação nas anomalias de elipsidade. O efeito geral na variação do mergulho do condutor é o de causar uma assimetria nos perfis de tilt angle e de elipsidade. O aumento da condutância do manto de intemperismo causa um acréscimo nas anomalias de elipsidade e uma ligeira diminuição nas anomalias de tilt angle; porém, a partir de um certo valor de condutância do manto (mantos mais condutivos) tanto as anomalias de tilt angle quanto as anomalias de elipsidade começam a atenuar. Há rotação de fase no sentido anti-horário, sendo mais intensa para grandes valores de número de indução do corpo. Na presença do manto, o corpo parece estar a uma profundidade inferior à verdadeira e a ser menos condutivo.


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O Nordeste do Brasil, em particular a região semi-árida do Estado da Paraíba, é muito castigada pelos períodos de grandes estiagens e escassez de recursos hídricos. A água de superfície não supre a demanda da região, portanto, a busca de água subterrânea e sua exploração é uma constante nos programas dos Governos Federal e Estadual. Nesta região, ocorrem geralmente apenas aquíferos aluviais rasos e aquíferos nas fraturas do embasamento cristalino. Tradicionalmente, as fraturas no cristalino são prospectados através de estudos aerofotogramétricos e geoestruturais, com média de 30% de furos secos. O dimensionamento dos aquíferos aluviais é feito através de perfurações sistemática do subsolo, que é uma metodologia muito demorosa e cara. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar que o emprego de métodos geofísicos, especialmente os métodos geoelétricos, são eficazes e econômicos para localizar e avaliar áreas promissoras de água subterrânea, tanto nos aquíferos aluviais como nos cristalinos. Neste trabalho, foram aplicados o convencional método da eletroresistividade e o método eletromagnético, ainda pouco usado na prospecção de água subterrânea, em três áreas selecionadas na região semi-árida de Patos - Pb, sendo duas representantes dos aquíferos aluviais e uma representante dos aquíferos cristalinos. Nos aquíferos aluviais, foi determinada a profundidade até o embasamento cristalino através de sondagens elétricas verticais (SEVs), e os respectivos limites laterais foram mapeados com perfilagens de eletroresistividade. Os resultados das SEVs são coerentes com as profundidades obtidas pelas sondagens mecânicas de confirmação mostrando, assim, a aplicabilidade desta metodologia na pesquisa deste tipo de aquífero. No aquífero cristalino, inicialmente determinou-se a orientação geral das zonas fraturadas do embasamento cristalino pela técnica modificada da sondagem elétrica vertical (SEV Radial) e, em seguida, a localização exata em planta das mesmas foram determinadas com perfilagens de eletroresistividade e eletromagnéticas no sistema horizontal coplanar nas frequências 880 Hz e 2640 Hz. Os resultados dos dois métodos utilizados foram satisfatórios, porém, a perfilagem eletromagnética é mais rápida, necessita de menos mão de obra, reduzindo assim os custos de prospecção de água subterrânea no embasamento cristalino.


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Die Fragmentierung von Waldgebieten, der Verlust geeigneter Habitate, die Invasion exotischer Arten und globale Klimaveränderung haben auf Artengemeinschaften erhebliche Auswirkungen. Vögel dienen in vielen Fällen als Indikatorarten für Umweltveränderungen und, besonders, für Veränderungen im Zusammenhang mit globaler Erwärmung. In meiner Arbeit habe ich zuerst einen Literaturüberblick über die Auswirkungen globaler Klimaveränderung auf die Verbreitungsgebiete, den Artenreichtum und die Zusammensetzung von Vogelgemeinschaften dargestellt. Zahlreiche Untersuchungen zeigen, daß die Grenzen der Verbreitungsgebiete der meisten Vogelarten mit klimatischen Faktoren korrelieren. Verschiebungen der Verbreitungsgebiete in nördliche Richtung oder in höhere Regionen im Gebirge konnten bereits für viele temperate Vogelarten beobachtet werden. Weiterhin wurde ein zunehmender Artenreichtum besonders in nördlichen Breiten und in höheren Lagen für viele temperate Vogelgemeinschaften vorhergesagt. In trockenen Gebieten ist dagegen mit einer Abnahme des Artenreichtums zu rechnen. Im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich untersucht, ob beobachtete Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung europäischer Vogelgemeinschaften tatsächlich durch aktuelle Klimaveränderungen beeinflußt werden. Das Zugverhalten der Arten war dabei ein Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung, weil zu erwarten war, daß Vogelarten mit verschiedenem Zugverhalten unterschiedlich auf Klimaveränderungen reagieren. Ich habe ein Regressionsmodell genutzt, welches die räumliche Beziehung zwischen dem Anteil von Langstreckenziehern, Kurzstreckenziehern und Standvögeln in europäischen Vogelgemeinschaften und verschiedenen Klimavariablen beschreibt. Für 21 Gebiete in Europa habe ich Daten über beobachtete Veränderungen in der Struktur der Vogelgemeinschaften und isochrone Klimaveränderungen zusammengetragen. Mit Hilfe dieser Klimaveränderungen und dem räumlichen Regressionsmodell konnte ich berechnen, welche Veränderungen in den Vogelgemeinschaften aufgrund der veränderten Klimabedingungen zu erwarten wären und sie mit beobachteten Veränderungen vergleichen. Beobachtete und berechnete Veränderungen korrelierten signifikant miteinander. Die beobachteten Veränderungen konnten nicht durch räumliche Autokorrelationseffekte oder durch alternative Faktoren, wie z.B. Veränderungen in der Landnutzung, erklärt werden. Im dritten Teil der Arbeit untersuchte ich für eine mitteleuropäische Vogelgemeinschaft welchen Einfluß Habitatveränderungen, die Invasion exotischer Arten und die Klimaveränderung auf Veränderungen der Häufigkeit und Verbreitungsgröße der 159 Vogelarten am Bodensee zwischen 1980-1981 und 2000-2002 hatten. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, daß Veränderungen in der regionalen Abundanz sowohl durch Habitatveränderungen als auch durch Klimavänderungen hervorgerufen wurden. Exotische Arten schienen in dieser Zeit keinen bedeutenden Einfluß zu haben. Besonders bei Agrarlandarten, Arten mit nördlicheren Verbreitungsgebieten und bei Langstreckenziehern konnten signifikante Abnahmen in der Abundanz beobachtet werden. Vor allem die anhaltenden negativen Bestandsveränderungen bei Langstreckenziehern und die in den letzten zehn Jahren aufgetretenen Abnahmen nördlicher verbreiteter Vogelarten deuten darauf hin, daß die Klimaveränderung aktuell als der größte Einfluß für Vögel in Europa angesehen werden muß. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, daß sich der anhaltende Druck auf die Umwelt in erster Linie durch Habitat- und Klimaveränderungen manifestiert.


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The arid regions are dominated to a much larger degree than humid regions by major catastrophic events. Although most of Egypt lies within the great hot desert belt; it experiences especially in the north some torrential rainfall, which causes flash floods all over Sinai Peninsula. Flash floods in hot deserts are characterized by high velocity and low duration with a sharp discharge peak. Large sediment loads may be carried by floods threatening fields and settlements in the wadis and even people who are living there. The extreme spottiness of rare heavy rainfall, well known to desert people everywhere, precludes any efficient forecasting. Thus, although the limitation of data still reflects pre-satellite methods, chances of developing a warning system for floods in the desert seem remote. The relatively short flood-to-peak interval, a characteristic of desert floods, presents an additional impediment to the efficient use of warning systems. The present thesis contains introduction and five chapters, chapter one points out the physical settings of the study area. There are the geological settings such as outcrop lithology of the study area and the deposits. The alluvial deposits of Wadi Moreikh had been analyzed using OSL dating to know deposits and palaeoclimatic conditions. The chapter points out as well the stratigraphy and the structure geology containing main faults and folds. In addition, it manifests the pesent climate conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind and evaporation. Besides, it presents type of soils and natural vegetation cover of the study area using unsupervised classification for ETM+ images. Chapter two points out the morphometric analysis of the main basins and their drainage network in the study area. It is divided into three parts: The first part manifests the morphometric analysis of the drainage networks which had been extracted from two main sources, topographic maps and DEM images. Basins and drainage networks are considered as major influencing factors on the flash floods; Most of elements were studied which affect the network such as stream order, bifurcation ratio, stream lengths, stream frequency, drainage density, and drainage patterns. The second part of this chapter shows the morphometric analysis of basins such as area, dimensions, shape and surface. Whereas, the third part points the morphometric analysis of alluvial fans which form most of El-Qaá plain. Chapter three manifests the surface runoff through rainfall and losses analysis. The main subject in this chapter is rainfall which has been studied in detail; it is the main reason for runoff. Therefore, all rainfall characteristics are regarded here such as rainfall types, distribution, rainfall intensity, duration, frequency, and the relationship between rainfall and runoff. While the second part of this chapter concerns with water losses estimation by evaporation and infiltration which are together the main losses with direct effect on the high of runoff. Finally, chapter three points out the factors influencing desert runoff and runoff generation mechanism. Chapter four is concerned with assessment of flood hazard, it is important to estimate runoff and tocreate a map of affected areas. Therefore, the chapter consists of four main parts; first part manifests the runoff estimation, the different methods to estimate runoff and its variables such as runoff coefficient lag time, time of concentration, runoff volume, and frequency analysis of flash flood. While the second part points out the extreme event analysis. The third part shows the map of affected areas for every basin and the flash floods degrees. In this point, it has been depending on the DEM to extract the drainage networks and to determine the main streams which are normally more dangerous than others. Finally, part four presets the risk zone map of total study area which is of high inerest for planning activities. Chapter five as the last chapter concerns with flash flood Hazard mitigation. It consists of three main parts. First flood prediction and the method which can be used to predict and forecast the flood. The second part aims to determine the best methods which can be helpful to mitigate flood hazard in the arid zone and especially the study area. Whereas, the third part points out the development perspective for the study area indicating the suitable places in El-Qaá plain for using in economic activities.


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The effects of climate change are expected to be very severe in arid regions. The Sonora River Basin, in the northwestern state of Sonora, Mexico, is likely to be severely affected. Some of the anticipated effects include precipitation variability, intense storm events, higher overall temperatures, and less available water. In addition, population in Sonora, specifically the capital city of Hermosillo, is increasing at a 1.5% rate and current populations are near 700,000. With the reduction in water availability and an increase in population, Sonora, Mexico is expected to experience severe water resource issues in the near future. In anticipation of these changes, research is being conducted in an attempt to improve water management in the Sonora River Basin, located in the northwestern part of Sonora. This research involves participatory modeling techniques designed to increase water manager awareness of hydrological models and their use as integrative tools for water resource management. This study was conducted as preliminary research for the participatory modeling grant in order to gather useful information on the population being studied. This thesis presents research from thirty-four in-depth interviews with water managers, citizens, and agricultural producers in Sonora, Mexico. Data was collected on perceptions of water quantity and quality in the basin, thoughts on current water management practices, perceptions of climate change and its management, experience with, knowledge of, and trust in hydrological models as water management tools. Results showed that the majority of interviewees thought there was not enough water to satisfy their daily needs. Most respondents also agreed that the water available was of good quality, but that current management of water resources was ineffective. Nearly all interviewees were aware of climate change and thought it to be anthropogenic. May reported experiencing higher temperatures, precipitation changes, and higher water scarcity and attributed those fluctuations to climate change. 65% of interviewees were at least somewhat familiar with hydrological models, though only 28% had ever used them or their output. Even with model usage results being low, 100% of respondents believed hydrological models to be very useful water management tools. Understanding how water, climate change, and hydrological models are perceived by this population of people is essential to improving their water management practices in the face of climate change.


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Fog is a potential source of water that could be exploited using the innovative technology of fog collection. Naturally, the potential of fog has proven its significance in cloud forests that are thriving from fog interception. Historically, the remains of artificial structures in different countries prove that fog has been collected as an alternative and/or supplementary water source. In the beginning of the 19th century, fog collection was investigated as a potential natural resource. After the mid-1980s, following success in Chile, fog-water collection commenced in a number of developing countries. Most of these countries are located in arid and semi-arid regions with topographic and climatic conditions that favour fog-water collection. This paper reviews the technology of fog collection with initial background information on natural fog collection and its historical development. It reviews the climatic and topographic features that dictate fog formation (mainly advection and orographic) and the innovative technology to collect it, focusing on the amount collected, the quality of fog water, and the impact of the technology on the livelihoods of beneficiary communities. By and large, the technology described is simple, cost-effective, and energy-free. However, fog-water collection has disadvantages in that it is seasonal, localised, and the technology needs continual maintenance. Based on the experience in several countries, the sustainability of the technology could be guaranteed if technical, economic, social, and management factors are addressed during its planning and implementation.


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In summer 2005, two pilot snow/firn cores were obtained at 5365 and 5206 m a.s.l. on Fedchenko glacier, Pamirs, Tajikistan, the world's longest and deepest alpine glacier. The well-defined seasonal layering appearing in stable-isotope and trace element distribution identified the physical links controlling the climate and aerosol concentration signals. Air temperature and humidity/precipitation were the primary determinants of stable-isotope ratios. Most precipitation over the Pamirs originated in the Atlantic. In summer, water vapor was re-evaporated from semi-arid regions in central Eurasia. The semi-arid regions contribute to non-soluble aerosol loading in snow accumulated on Fedchenko glacier. In the Pamir core, concentrations of rare earth elements, major and other elements were less than those in the Tien Shan but greater than those in Antarctica, Greenland, the Alps and the Altai. The content of heavy metals in the Fedchenko cores is 2-14 times lower than in the Altai glaciers. Loess from Afghan-Tajik deposits is the predominant lithogenic material transported to the Pamirs. Trace elements generally showed that aerosol concentration tended to increase on the windward slopes during dust storms but tended to decrease with altitude under clear conditions. The trace element profile documented one of the most severe droughts in the 20th century.