950 resultados para Argentine journals


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Purpose – This paper aims to examine and compare a set of key characteristics of ethnocentricity that influence the policy of academic marketing journals, and hence the provenance, authorship and nature of articles in academic marketing journals.

Design/methodology/approach – The “fundamental” characteristics of three major marketing journals, published in the USA, the UK and New Zealand, were examined for the six-year period from the start of 2000 to the end of 2006. Data were collected from editorials and web homepages. Analysis was conducted of 811 articles, 1,676 authors, three editorial teams and three sets of reviewers

Findings – There is a challenging academic ethnocentricity in the management and implied policy of the three journals. The extent varies, but the inescapable conclusion is that the world-wide research community in marketing is not properly represented by leading journals.

Research limitations/implications – The sample was intentionally small, and unrepresentative of any category except “leading quality”. The findings are intended to add momentum to a debate and point ways forward, not to provide generalisable answers.

Practical implications – The findings suggest that: the editorial boards and reviewing teams should be made more representative geographically; editorships should be organized around the concept of a team of geographically differentiated editors; editorial and review teams should be ethnographically representative of individuals who do research and wish to publish it, particularly beyond the English-speaking world. In general, the world-wide research community in marketing would benefit from less ethnocentricity in academic journals, and these leading examples should strive to reduce it.

Originality/value – The impact of ethnocentricity is underestimated in this context. The issue needs to be discussed, because of paradigmatic influences that it can have on a journal and the profile of its authors, and hence on journal ranking and perceptions of journal quality.


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There has been an increasing focus internationally on the quality and impact of research outputs in recent years. Several countries, including the United Kingdom and New Zealand have implemented schemes to base the funding of research on research quality. The Australian government is planning to implement a Research Quality Framework (RQF) in the next few years that will impact greatly on funding of research in Australian universities. A key issue for Australian researchers is how the quality and impact of research is defined and measured in their discipline areas. Although peer review is widely used to assess the quality of research outputs, it is expensive and labour intensive. Other surrogate quality measures are often used. This paper focuses on measuring the quality of research outputs in the information systems discipline. We argue that measures such as citation indexes are inappropriate for information systems and that the publication outlet is a more suitable indicator of quality. We present a ranking list of journals for the information systems discipline, and discuss the approach we have taken in developing the list. We discuss how the ranking list may be used in defining and measuring the quality of information systems research outputs, the limitations inherent in the approach and discuss lessons we have learned in developing the list.


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The rating of refereed journals has become important for academics and institutions as well as for sport management as a field of study. This paper argues that the dearth of a rating system in sport management works against the best interests of the development of the field. This paper presents a rating scheme for sport management journals, which replicates an earlier study of marketing journals, using weighted multi-dimensional perceptual ratings (Polonsky & Whitelaw, 2006). Forty-five senior sport management academics evaluated 13 journals on four criteria: journal prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Using the weighted scores of the four criteria for each journal and a supporting cluster analysis, four categories of journals were identified. The results of this study will assist academics as they argue the case for the quality of journals in which they publish. Further it facilitates evaluation of sport management journals in relation to one another on the basis of their overall ranking and their scores on the four individual criteria.


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The objective is to perform a cross-continental examination and comparison of non-traditional descriptive criteria in a selection of leading academic journals in marketing. The sample of journals is restricted to the examination and comparison of three academic journals in marketing. The journal sample consists of the Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), the European Journal of Marketing (EJM) and the Journal of Marketing (JM). Empirical research manuscripts dominate in the selected marketing journals. In addition, in the selected journals regular issues dominate in favour of special issues. The descriptive criteria examined and compared in AMJ, EJM and JM are based upon the content analysis of 811 manuscripts published during a six-year period, namely 2000-2005. Manuscripts of types other than empirical research, such as general reviews, literature reviews, conceptual papers, commentaries and book reviews are less likely to get published. Special issues or special sections are less frequent in these journals. This may lead to the situation that specialized journals in sub-areas of marketing may provide better and more comprehensive leading edge coverage and knowledge. The insights provided are in particular valuable for those scholars that do not usually get involved in academic publishing and consequently have a limited understanding and experience of the publication arena of manuscripts in leading academic journals. These insights also will be informative for more experienced academic publishers as they highlight certain characteristics of these journals that enlighten one as to the journals that one should target for publication and the difficulty, just on a numbers basis alone, of getting published in one of these three journals. The principal contribution of this research is the examination and comparison of descriptive criteria in AMJ, EJM and JM – a cross-continental sample of journals and criteria that have not been explored or reported previously in literature.


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Purpose – Pareto’s Law often refers to the theory that a small percentage of a total is responsible for a large proportion of the total outcome. It is commonly known as the 80/20 law or principle. The objective is to review and debate whether there is a “Pareto syndrome” in the distribution of crucial research and journal criteria in top marketing journals.

Design/methodology/approach –
The authors provide a review and a debate based upon previous research on top marketing journals. For this purpose, the Pareto syndrome concept is introduced, based upon a set of research and journal criteria. Their distribution is examined.

Findings –
The review of research and journal criteria in top marketing journals generated an extremely skewed outcome. When it comes to the criteria, the top journals in marketing tend to be governed by narrow concerns of research rather than broad ones.

Research limitations/implications –
The research and journal criteria that have a skewed outcome may reinforce the rigidity and the lack of innovativeness of the marketing discipline. The evolutionary speed of the discipline may at best be reduced or it may at worst grind to a halt. The authors argue that there are a number of serious concerns to be addressed in the future review and debate of top journals in marketing.

Practical implications –
Editors and editorial boards need seriously to address the concerns reviewed and debated, namely the skewed distribution of criteria, such as affiliation, data and methodology.

Originality/value –
The authors debate that there is evidence that confirms the existence of a Pareto plus syndrome in key research and journal criteria of top marketing journals.


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Our objective is to assess the geocentricity of research data in a selection of continentally based leading academic marketing journals. The assessment considers a six-year period, namely 2000-2005. The content analysis consisted of 811 published contributions. The empirical findings may be illustrative to other academic journals in the field of marketing. The assessment is summarised on an aggregated level and per journal title. The journal sample consists of the Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), the European Journal of Marketing (EJM) and the Journal of Marketing (JM) – a cross-continental assessment. We contend that the selected journals should not be considered to be dramatically different in any particular sense in the area of academic marketing journals. On the contrary, together they may be quite representative of several others as well.


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Pareto’s Law refers to the theory that a small percentage of a total is responsible for a large proportion of the total outcome. It is commonly known as the 80/20 law or principle. The objective is to explore whether there is a ‘Pareto Effect’ in the distribution of crucial research and journal criteria in top marketing journals. The authors provide an exploration based upon previous research on top marketing journals. For this purpose, the Pareto Effect concept is introduced, based upon a set of research and journal criteria. The exploration of research and journal criteria in top marketing journals generated an extremely skewed outcome. When it comes to the criteria, the top journals in marketing tend to be governed by narrow concerns of research rather than broad concerns.


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The aim of this publication is to provide basic information about, and links to, either paper or electronic journal web sites, and more particularly, to provide links to their instructions to authors information.


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Many in the postmodern era recognise the subjectivity of the research process and in doing so seek to dismantle the traditional barrier between the researcher and the researched. How may the standpoint of this research subject be incorporated? How may this be implemented in practical terms? And how may this be analysed without theoretical recourse to essentialism? This paper proposes a new application of journalling to solve these methodological dilemmas drawing on a wider research project that investigates how practitioners conceptualise and enact policy reform. Responses to related postmodern methodological dilemmas and solutions will be invited from conference discussants.


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This paper develops a weighted multi-dimensional perceptual rankings based on respondents evaluation of a journals prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Comparisons are made between rankings of individual criteria and composite rankings. Comparisons are also made to recent single dimension perceptual-based rankings and citation-based rankings.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature and distribution of scholars engaged in knowledge production in journals focusing on marketing and society, broadly defined. Who is interested in issues of marketing and society? Where are they from? How does this compare to patterns of scholarship in recognized journals in marketing? The answers to these questions have implications for how sub-disciplines like Macromarketing can position themselves for future growth.


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Purpose of this paper was to examine the global contribution of academics to marketing literature between 1999 and 2003. This was done based on an examination of the location of academics institution of employment, as reported in published works within the targeted journals. This was then used to examine the globally dispersion of publishing by institutions.

Design/approach. The paper used a content analysis. The authorship of all articles in 20 leading journals was examined between 1999 and 2003. Empirical examination of institutions performance was undertaken across geographic regions. There was also an examination of whether the type of journal impacted on regional performance, using Polonsky and Whitelaw’s (2006) A, B and C journal groupings.

Findings. The research found that there is a significant “bias” of authorship within the 20 journals examined, with the majority of works published by academics at institutions in North America. There is some variation in regional performance based on the type of journal examined. However, when one considers the number of universities within each country/region, it is identified that the proportion of institutions within a country/region publishing within the targeted journals is in fact hight outside North America.

Limitations. There was no attempt to examine why any differences exist. The study also only focused on a sample of 20 English language journals over 5 years, although these journals have been ‘defined’ as a leading marketing journal for European marketing academics.

Practical Implications. The research suggests that there may in fact be a range of differences in publishing behaviour. It is unclear if these differences relate to variations in the “objectives” of institutions within each country or other factors. The research posits that a marketing knowledge may be unnecessarily restricted, if there is a bias against non-north American perspectives.

Originality. While there have been other works examining research performance of institutions, there have not been any marketing-related works that focused on the nation in which authors work. This work therefore takes a global “snapshot” of national research performance within marketing.


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This paper overviews the institutional publishing performance within 6 socially oriented journals. It identifies that authors publishing in these works come from a diverse range of countries. Although there is a dominance of publishing by North American Academics within the area, Australia and New Zealand in fact perform relatively better than one might anticipate based on the region’s size. A review of publishing performance by institutions in the region identifies that socially oriented research in fact occurs in a diverse cross section of institutions within the region as well.


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Purpose: This paper examines this issue by examining institutional publishing in six socially oriented marketing journals generally and then explores the performance within Asian institutions and those within Australia and New Zealand, in detail.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Authorships of Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing, International Journal of Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, and Social Marketing Quarterly, from 1999-2003 were tracked, by institution and nationality of school. Results are reported for both number of authors and percent of authorship.

Findings: There is a dominance of publishing by North American Academics within the social area. Asia academics appear to be generally under-represented, based on the region’s size, although scholars in Australia and New Zealand perform relatively better than one might anticipate.

Research Limitations/Implications: A review of socially oriented publishing performance by institutions in Asia identifies that socially oriented research appears to be a focus in Australia and New Zealand across a range of institutions, but occurs less frequently in other Asian countries.

Practical Implications: Results are useful for understanding the role of socially oriented research among scholars in Asia and the Pacific. While Australia and New Zealand have made marks in socially oriented research, it appears to be a potential “growth area” for marketing scholars in Asia and the Pacific.

Originality/Value: This is the first paper to examine the role of geography in publishing among those interested in social issues in marketing.