115 resultados para Archeology


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Based on the author's paper published in the Ulster journal of archeology, v.1, pt.3, April 1895 under title: Spanish Armada in Ulster and Connacht.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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No. 467- accompanied by 5 1/4 in. computer disk.


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Cornerstone laid May 26, 1888; dedicated June 1891. Gift of Helen H. Newberry of Detroit as headquarters of Students' Christian Association. Leased by U-M as classroom in 1921; gift to U-M from SCA in 1937. Adapted as museum in 1928, named the Francis W. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology in 1953. On verso: Left: West Hall; Center: Site cleared for Helen Newberry Residence; right: Newberry Hall. Later Archeology Museum


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List of members in each report


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[I] Memphis I, 1908, by W.M.F. Petrie and J.H. Walker.--[II] The Palace of Apries (Memphis II) 1909.--[III] Meydum and Memphis III, 1910, by Petrie, E. Mackay, and G. Wainwright.--[IV] Roman portraits and (Memphis IV) 1911.--[V] Tarkhan I and Memphis V, 1912.--[VI] Riqqeh and Memphis VI, 1913, by R. Engelbach and W.M.F. Petrie, 1915.


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Description based on: Fiscal year 2001; title from cover.


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The CIDOC CRM provides an extensive ontology for describing entities and properties appearing in cultural heritage (CH) documentation, history and archeology. CRM provides some means for describing information about properties (property types, attribute assignment, and "long-cuts") and guidelines for extending the vocabulary. However, these means are far from complete, and in some cases there is little guidance how to "implement" them in RDF. In this article we outline the problems, relate them to established RDF patterns and mechanisms, and describe several implementation alternatives.


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Police is Dead is an historiographic analysis whose objective is to change the terms by which contemporary humanist scholarship assesses the phenomenon currently termed neoliberalism. It proceeds by building an archeology of legal thought in the United States that spans the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. My approach assumes that the decline of certain paradigms of political consciousness set historical conditions that enable the emergence of what is to follow. The particular historical form of political consciousness I seek to reintroduce to the present is what I call “police:” a counter-liberal way of understanding social relations that I claim has particular visibility within a legal archive, but that has been largely ignored by humanist theory on account of two tendencies: first, an over-valuation of liberalism as Western history’s master signifier; and second, inconsistent and selective attention to law as a cultural artifact. The first part of my dissertation reconstructs an anatomy of police through close studies of court opinions, legal treatises, and legal scholarship. I focus in particular on juridical descriptions of intimate relationality—which police configured as a public phenomenon—and slave society apologetics, which projected the notion of community as an affective and embodied structure. The second part of this dissertation demonstrates that the dissolution of police was critical to emergence of a paradigm I call economism: an originally progressive economic framework for understanding social relations that I argue developed at the nexus of law and economics at the turn of the twentieth century. Economism is a way of understanding sociality that collapses ontological distinctions between formally distinct political subjects—i.e., the state, the individual, the collective—by reducing them to the perspective of economic force. Insofar as it was taken up and reoriented by neoliberal theory, this paradigm has become a hegemonic form of political consciousness. This project concludes by encouraging a disarticulation of economism—insofar as it is a form of knowledge—from neoliberalism as its contemporary doctrinal manifestation. I suggest that this is one way progressive scholarship can think about moving forward in the development of economic knowledge, rather than desiring to move backwards to a time before the rise of neoliberalism. Disciplinarily, I aim to show that understanding the legal historiography informing our present moment is crucial to this task.


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Sur le site de Ras el Bassit, durant les campagnes de fouilles menées de 1971 à 1984, 133 timbres amphoriques furent trouvés principalement dans le Tell du Meidan. Ces timbres sont des artefacts précieux. En effet, ce mémoire démontre comment les timbres amphoriques contribuent à l’élaboration de l’histoire d’un site, vue ici par l’analyse de ces 133 timbres amphoriques. Tout d’abord, les termes de base sont présentés pour expliquer ce que sont une amphore et un timbre. Par la suite, l’historiographie des recherches faites sur les timbres montre que, depuis le recueillement des informations sur les sites de production, certaines séries de timbres furent datés à l’année près, contribuant ainsi à améliorer les datations des autres sites. C’est de cette manière que les anses timbrées contribuent le plus souvent à améliorer un site. Il existe aussi d’autres apports. Par exemple, en localisant la production d’une série de timbres, les échanges commerciaux peuvent être aperçus. À travers l’analyse de ces 133 timbres, le site de Ras el Bassit pourra être mieux daté pendant l’époque hellénistique. En effet, les couches stratigraphiques en contexte pourront alors avoir un élément datable d’une grande précision, si tel est le cas. De plus, en connaissant la provenance de ces timbres amphoriques, elle démontrera que les échanges (avec des amphores timbrées) commencèrent dès le IVe siècle, ce qui correspond à une reprise des importations grecques. Ces importations dureront pendant toute l’époque hellénistique.


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El presente artículo es síntesis de un trabajo doctoral dedicado al interés por los restos del pasado y su conocimiento así como a los comienzos de la tutela jurídica del patrimonio arqueológico en el Estado Pontificio. Se trata de una primera entrega que tendrá continuidad con otras posteriores. Se analiza en ésta la reacción del papado al Sacco de Roma y las mediadas de protección que se pusieron en marcha, destacando la creación del cargo de Commissario dell’antichità primera autoridad creada en Europa para el control de las excavaciones arqueológicas, hallazgos y exportaciones. Al mismo tiempo se analizan las Proibizioni y Editti promulgados para el control de los bienes arqueológicos desde 1527 hasta 1795.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la narrativa espacial como género artístico, dentro del Arte en el espacio público y valorar su contextualización en la ciudad donde se ponen en evidencia huellas y restos, al mismo tiempo que queda vinculada a nuevas formas de Arqueología Pública implicando la participación ciudadana. Pretendemos establecer las bases teóricas de una propuesta artística de nuestra Tesis Doctoral, el álbum caminado. Partimos de la hipótesis de que la narración, relato textual o de imágenes ordenados con una relativa coherencia, situada en el espacio real, adquiere una nueva dimensión que extravasa el ámbito literario. De manera similar la excavación arqueológica y exhibición de los restos en el lugar al que pertenecieron formando parte del presente, se aparta del carácter lineal de la Historia. Las narrativas espaciales y distintas formas de Arqueología Pública muestran elementos comunes tales como ubicación en el espacio en el que se contextualizan implicando un desplazamiento in situ para participar de la obra o del resto arqueológico, su estructura narrativa multilineal y multitemporal y su temática social.


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A partir del hallazgo de un tipo particular de envases: ungüentarios y perfumarios en una nueva tumba en el territorio de Arados/Amrit, observamos cómo se incrementa la presencia de estos envases en tumbas de incineración e inhumación durante el primer milenio antes de Cristo en la cuenca mediterránea. Hemos elaborado una serie de análisis y discusiones sobre su distribución, cronología, significado y uso social, tratando de establecer una periodización de sus usos y una contextualización cultural y social dentro del ritual funerario y del uso de determinadas materias primas empleadas para su elaboración.


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Many critics of Doctorow have classified him as a postmodernist writer, acknowledging that a wide number of thematic and stylistic features of his early fiction emanate from the postmodern context in which he took his first steps as a writer. Yet, these novels have an eminently social and ethical scope that may be best perceived in their intellectual engagement and support of feminist concerns. This is certainly the case of Doctorow’s fourth and most successful novel, Ragtime. The purpose of this paper will be two-fold. I will explore Ragtime’s indebtedness to postmodern aesthetics and themes, but also its feminist elements. Thus, on the one hand, I will focus on issues of uncertainty, indeterminacy of meaning, plurality and decentering of subjectivity; on the other hand, I will examine the novel’s attitude towards gender oppression, violence and objectification, its denunciation of hegemonic gender configurations and its voicing of certain feminist demands. This analysis will lead to an examination of the problematic collusion of the mostly white, male, patriarchal aesthetics of postmodernism and feminist politics in the novel. I will attempt to establish how these two traditionally conflicting modes coexist and interact in Ragtime.