1000 resultados para Aquífero Bauru


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This paper presents results of settlements measurement and analysis of column building, which are in construction in the city of Bauru - SP, using optical level. The foundation of the columns is in drilled caissons. The local soil is a fine clayey sand, and the phreatic water level is deep. When the latest measurement were performed it was assumed that 75% of the final load were acting in the column. The paper presents local soil parameters, dimension of foundation, total and differential settlements which were measured.


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The integration of outcrop and subsurface information, including micropaleontological data, facies and sequence stratigraphic studies, and oxygen isotope analysis, allow us to present a new stratigraphic model for the Cretaceous continental deposits of the Bauru Group, Brazil. Thirty-eight fossil taxa were recovered from these deposits, including 29 species of ostracodes and 9 species of charophytes. Seven of these ostracode species and three subspecies are new and formally described here. The associations of Chara barbosai - Ilyocypris cf. riograndensis, found in the Adamantina Formation, and Amblyochara sp. - Neuquenocypris minor mineira nov. subsp., found in the Marília Formation. Ponte Alta Member, represent two distinct groups that are respectively Turonian-Santonian and Maastrichtian (probably Late Maastrichtian) in age. Therefore, a hiatus, encompassing more than 11 Ma, separates those two formations. From bottom to top, four depositional cycles were recognized in the Bauru Group in western São Paulo: cycles 1 and 2 belong to Caiuá Formation (fluvio-lacustrine and lacustrine deposits in the Presidente Prudente region), cycle 3 to the Santo Anastácio and lower Adamantina Formation (respectively fluvial and lacustrine deposits), and cycle 4 to the upper Adamantina Formation (fluvio-lacustrine facies). An erosional unconformity separates the Caiuá and Santo Anastácio Formations (between cycles 2 and 3). The Marília Formation is a distinct unit from the underlying succession; it does not occur in western São Paulo, but is found in restricted areas of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás States. During the deposition of the Bauru Group (Aptian? to Maastrichtian) the climate was hot and arid-semiarid. Shallow lakes underwent fluctuations in expansion (wet phases) and contraction (dry phases), as well as variations in salinity. During the deposition of the Adamantina Formation (Turonian-Santonian) there were long, dry periods that caused segmentation of large lakes (due to topographic irregularities in the basaltic substrate) and sometimes exposures of the lake floors; when flooded these lake floors were colonized by extensive meadows of single species of charophytes. Small ephemeral ponds, that were hydrochemically unstable and colonized by multiple species of charophytes, were the depositional sites for the marls and mudstones of Ponte Alta Member (Maastrichtian, Late Maastrichtian?). Our micropaleontological age control, combined with the Late Cretaceous ages of volcanic ashes found in the southeastern Brazil coastal basins, and the stratigraphic position of analcimites from the Jaboticabal-SP region, suggest a Late Coniacian-Santonian age for important magmatic events occurred in the interior of Brazil (north-central São Paulo State, Triângulo Mineiro, and southwestern Goiás State).


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Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the fluoride concentration in the public water supply and the prevalence of dental fluorosis in schoolchildren between 7 and 15 years old, living in a peripheral district of the municipality of Bauru. Material and Methods: For this, fifty two water samples were collected on three different days of one week. These samples were analyzed for fluoride by means of the ion-sensitive electrode method (Orion 9609) coupled to a potentiometer (Procyon, model 720). In this method, 1.0 mL of TISAB II (Orion) was added to 1.0 mL of the sample. For the epidemiological survey of fluorosis, 52 schoolchildren of both genders, aged between 7 and 15 were assessed, with prior authorization from their caretakers. Only one person examined the children, after supervised toothbrushing and drying with cotton wool rolls. The TF index was used. Results: The fluoride concentrations in the water samples ranged from 0.62 to 1.20 mg/L, with a mean of 0.9 mg/L. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 33%, with severity ranging from TF1 to TF4 (Kappa of 0.73 and concordance of 83.33%). Conclusions: The results from the analysis of water samples indicated a fluoride concentration greater than recommended for Bauru. The fluorosis levels found were higher than expected for a peripheral district, in which water is one of the few sources of fluoride.


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There is yet enthusiastic debate in the literature about the environmental conditions that originated the Cretaceous deposits of the Bauru Group, despite many authors accept that arid climatic conditions widely dominant at the base, evolved to chiefly fluvial-lacustrine conditions at the intermediate portion, and to arid conditions again at the top of the unit. The Bauru Group covers an area of about 117.000 km 2 of the Paraná Basin in São Paulo State territory. Core samples of this lithostratigraphic unit collected from a drill hole at Pirapozinho (Southwest of the São Paulo State) are described and together with well log data brought new information that do not agree with the described model. It was identified in this well the Caiuá, Pirapozinho, Santo Anastácio, Araçatuba and Adamantina formations. The study of these core samples clearly showed the dominance of hydrodynamic sedimentary structures and high to medium intensity of bioturbation in whole profile. These characteristics observed in core samples and compared to patterns of geophysical logs testify the dominance of fluvial processes in the Bauru Group deposition at the studied area. These new data suggests that the paleo-environmental evolution of the unit was much more complex, showing strong lateral and vertical changes that diverges from the model more widely accepted in the literature.


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Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of dental fluorosis in scholars aging 12 to 15 years old, residents in the city of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: 1318 volunteers were enrolled in this study and examined in 18 public schools of the State of São Paulo. The examinations were performed in the schools' court by three dentists (with a Master's degree in Public Health), after toothbrushing supervised by another dentist. The teeth were dried with cotton pellets and examined under natural light by visual inspection, using an explorer as recommended by the WHO, a plane mirror and a tongue depressor. The Thylstrup-Fejerskov (TF) index was used for rating fluorosis. Intra and inter-examiner reproducibility was calculated and data were submitted to descriptive analysis. Results: Approximately 36% of the children presented dental fluorosis, of which 28% was diagnosed as TF1 while the remaining received scores between TF2 and TF4. Conclusion: The prevalence of dental fluorosis in Bauru is within the expected range, based on previous studies. Although fluoride is an important resource for caries control, its use must be adequate to the needs of each specific population.


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The increasing consumption of juices, soft drinks and teas among children has increased significantly fluoride ingestion at the age range of risk for development of dental fluorosis. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate fluoride concentrations in some brands of industrialized beverages consumed by children in the city of Bauru, SP, Brazil. Material and Methods: 98 brands of beverages were analyzed, divided into 3 lots, comprising 36, 32 and 30 brands, respectively, for the first, second and third lots. Fluoride concentrations were determined by HMDS-facilitated diffusion, using a fluoride ion-specific electrode (Orion 9409). Results: Fluoride concentrations ranged between 0.04 and 1.76 μg F/mL. It was observed a wide variation in fluoride concentrations among the different brands, as well as the different lots of the same brand. There was no information on fluoride concentrations on the labels of any product. Conclusions: Some of the products analyzed could contribute significantly to the total fluoride intake and, thus, be important risk factors for development of dental fluorosis, which indicates the need of controlling the production of these beverages with respect to fluoride concentration.


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Objectives: To determine the consumption of bottled water by children in the city of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A stratified sample of the 17 areas established by the city plan was used to identify a total of 1,000 homes for visitation. Information was collected using a questionnaire concerning the type of water consumed and population demographics. Results: Overall, around 30 percent of all residences used bottled water. Among all households where bottled water was consumed, about 26 percent had children residing. For those with children and bottled water, 81 percent reported to use bottled water for the preparation of the children's foods and beverages. Conclusions: An important percentage of children consume bottled water in the city of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Considering previous studies showing that fluoride concentrations vary in bottled water, public health measures should be implemented in order to guarantee adequate levels of fluoride in commercialized water. © 2007, American Association of Public Health Dentistry.


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This study evaluated the water quality of the Vargem Limpa stream and tested the hypothesis that protected stretches of the aquatic system, located within a conservation unit, favor the preservation of the diversity of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera). Samplings were conducted in four stations, where some physical and chemical variables were measured. The results obtained by the study indicated the predominance of genera associated with arenaceous substrata, and that the stretches protected by the conservation unit presented better environmental conditions, with better-preserved Chironomidae diversity, demonstrating the importance of these areas in maintaining the diversity of Chironomidae.


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Genetic population data for five X-STR (DXS6854, DXS7424, DXS101, DXS6808 and DXS7132) were obtained from Bauru population (São Paulo, Brazil). No deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed, with the exception of DXS101. The combined powers of discrimination in males and females were 0.99897253 and 0.99999120, respectively. These high values show the potential of this system in human identification and paternity testing. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Model: Prevalence study. Objectives: To evaluate the presence of self-reported hypertension to compare with blood pressure measurements. Besides, this work investigated health information level of workers and if the job position has any influence on blood pressure (BP). Methods: This study evaluated 349 health workers (44±10 years old) from Bauru and Jau cities, who answered some questions about history of health condition, use of medicines, past surgeries as well as social, scholar and physical conditions and had their blood pressure measured. Each subject selfreported as normotensive or hypertensive. Values of systolic ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic PA ≥ 90 mmHg were considered elevated. Among the health workers evaluated, 198 were submitted to anthropometric and biochemical evaluations. Values are presented as means ± SD and frequency of distribution. It was used T-student test (p<0.05). Results: From all workers evaluated only 16% self-reported as hypertensive, which 56% presented high BP, however 91% used to take antihypertensive medicines. Among the 84% who self-reported as normotensive, 24% presented high BP and 8% used to take medicines. Although most of the employees of each section self-reported as normotensive, more than a half presented high BP and which was more common in the health's section (76.3%). Conclusion: These results suggest that besides the majority of the employees self-reported as normotensive, an elevated number of health workers presented high blood pressure and used to take medicines inappropriately, which indicates that they did not have enough knowledge about their health. Furthermore, it was observed that Health Section presented the higher blood pressure values.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to classify and determine the prevalence of individuals with vertical alteration of facial relationships, according to the severity of discrepancy, especially individuals with long face pattern. METHODS: The sample was composed of 5,020 individuals of Brazilian nationality, of both genders, aged 10 years to 16 years and 11 months, attending fundamental schools at the city of Bauru-SP. Examination of facial morphology comprised direct observation of the face in frontal and lateral views, always with the lips at rest, aiming to identify the individuals presenting vertical alteration of facial relationships. After identification, these individuals were scored, according to severity, into three subtypes, namely mild, moderate and severe. The prevalence of individuals with long face pattern considered only the individuals scored as subtypes moderate and severe. RESULTS: There was prevalence of 34.94% of vertical alteration of facial relationships and 14.06% of long face pattern. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained in this study revealed that the prevalence of vertical alteration of facial relationships and long face pattern was higher than reported in the literature.


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This study was done to determine compactness of soil strata in the urban area of Bauru, central São Paulo State using standard penetration test (SPT) and seismic refraction methods. Frequency distribution within boreholes was measured every meter to a depth of 30 meters. The geometric mean of standard penetration test values was computed every meter. A biplot graph showing the relationship of SPT with depth indicates soil stratification. In addition, five sections of seismic refraction values, which also indicate the compactness of soil strata, were obtained. A comparison of the two methods shows significant correlation between the results obtained from each.


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Several geothermometers have been employed to determine the expected temperature in the groundwater reservoirs, most part of them based on the chemical equilibrium between thermal groundwaters and minerals which constitute the aquifer framework. Based on this principle, groundwater from Guarani Aquifer System, which presents temperatures upon to 38°C, classified as hyperthermal by the Brazilian Mineral Water Code, had their chemical composition evaluated with the main purpose to determine the expected temperatures in the reservoir based on the application of several geothermometers. These groundwaters can be classified as Na-HCO3 type evolving to Na-HCO3-Cl-SO4 type due the increase in sulphate and chloride concentrations. Measured groundwater temperatures show a good correlation with the depth of the aquifer, indicating an average geothermal gradient of 27.7°C/km. The lowest geothermal gradients, bellow 25°C/km, are observed in the central portion of the study area; meanwhile the highest gradients are observed in NE and W portions of the study area. Quartz equilibrium based geothermometers return temperature over the measured temperatures, meanwhile chalcedony geothermometer returns temperatures near the measured in the wells, except for the wells located in the area which presents the lowest geothermal gradients. The geothermometers based on the equilibrium between Na/K have returned temperatures diverse from the measured at the field, meanwhile the geothermometer based on the equilibrium between Na/K/Ca has presented good match with groundwater which present temperatures under 50°C, due the thermodynamic equilibrium between these waters and feldspars. Geothermometers show evidences about mixtures between groundwaters from GAS and underlying units, especially in wells located in the SW portion of the study area.


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The present study presents a taxonomic review of Palaeolimnadiopsis suarezi Mezzalira described in Bauru Group. The geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the genus Palaeolimnadiopsis is widespread, including occurrences in several countries as Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, USA, Congo, China, Australia, Tasmania, Russia, Germany, Scottland, France and Belgium, in rocks from the Devonian to the Cretaceous. This taxon was probably eurytopic, with a high dispersal potential and very conservative in evolution. One specimen identified as Palaeolimnadiopsis sp. is much larger than the average (~3.5 cm long), presenting relatively wide and few growth bands. The gigantism of this specie may be related to conditions that excluded potential predators and competitors from the environment, as is indicated by the presence of more saline and/or alkaline water conditions than in normal fresh water suggested a relatively high proportion of carbonates in that region and stratigraphic interval. © 2013 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.