968 resultados para Apparent Metabolizable Energy


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Um ensaio de digestibilidade (experimento 1) foi conduzido para determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparentes da matéria seca (CDMS), proteína bruta (CDPB), amido (CDAM) e energia bruta (CDEB) e o coeficiente de metabolização da energia bruta (CMEB) da silagem de grãos úmidos de milho (SGUM). Foram utilizados 12 suínos mestiços (Landrace, Large-White e Duroc) machos castrados, alojados em gaiolas de metabolismo, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. O método utilizado foi o da coleta total de fezes e urina. Os valores de matéria seca digestível (MSD), proteína digestível (PD), amido digestível (AD), energia digestível (ED) e energia metabolizável (EM), na matéria natural (60,18% de MS), foram, respectivamente, 48,70; 3,77; 42,35%; 2.389 e 2.327 kcal/kg de SGUM. O experimento 2 foi conduzido para avaliar o desempenho de leitões e a viabilidade econômica da utilização das rações com diferentes níveis de substituição do milho seco por SGUM. Foram utilizados 48 suínos mestiços (Landrace, Large White e Duroc), distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma ração à base de milho e farelo de soja e outras três com 33, 66 e 100% de substituição do milho seco por SGUM com base nos valores de energia digestível. Não houve efeito da inclusão de SGUM sobre o ganho de peso e o consumo de ração, porém ocorreu redução linear na conversão alimentar e no custo da ração por quilograma de peso vivo ganho. Os dados indicam que o milho seco pode ser totalmente substituído pela SGUM em rações para leitões em fase de creche, com melhora nos índices produtivos e econômicos.


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Esse trabalho visou investigar o efeito da idade de aves sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes da soja integral extrusada (SIE), soja integral tostada à vapor (SITV) e farelo de soja com óleo (FSO) na produção de enzimas digestivas do pâncreas. Cinco ensaios de digestibilidade foram conduzidos com frangos de corte de uma, duas, três, quatro e seis semanas de idade. Foi utilizada a metodologia de coleta total de excretas. A atividade das enzimas amilase e tripsina pancreática aumentou linearmente com a idade das aves, assim como o crescimento alométrico do pâncreas. A maior taxa de crescimento ocorreu na segunda semana, coincidindo com a fase de maior aumento da atividade das enzimas digestivas. Entretanto, para a atividade da lipase, o efeito da idade foi diferente para cada alimento. Para aves alimentadas com SITV, a atividade dessa enzima cresceu linearmente com a idade, enquanto nas alimentadas com SIE, FSO e ração, o efeito foi quadrático. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca e extrato etéreo e os valores de energia metabolizável dos tipos de sojas variaram em proporções diferentes em função da idade. Também, observou-se correlação positiva entre a digestibilidade do extrato etéreo e a atividade de lipase. Os valores de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida (EMAn) e verdadeira corrigida (EMVn) determinados para a SIE apresentaram comportamento quadrático em função da idade, ocorrendo aumento da energia metabolizável (EM) até a 3ª semana de idade e diminuindo a partir da 4ª semana. Entretanto, a em da SITV, FSO e da ração não foi afetada pela idade da ave. O aproveitamento da energia dos alimentos varia com a idade das aves, em função de sua dependência da atividade enzimática.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the total endogenous N losses, and protein and energy net requirements for maintenance in growing lambs. Thirty-four castrated lambs, 17 F1 Ideal X Ile de France wool and 17 Santa Inas hair lambs, averaging 20 +/- 0.14 kg BW, were used in the experiment. Five animals from each genotype were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment and taken as controls. Diets (D) were composed of concentrate mix (C) and Cynodon sp. c.v. Tifton 85 hay (R), combined in three different ratios: D1 = 60C:40R; D2 = 40C:60R and D3 = 20C:80R. Animals of each group of three lambs, that showed BW of 20 kg at the beginning of the dietary regimen, were slaughtered when one of them reached 35 kg, what always happened to be the one fed with D1. Total endogenous N losses estimated for wool lambs were 250 mg N/kg BW0.75. For hair lambs, total endogenous N losses reached 324 mg N/kg BW0.75 . Hair lambs showed higher (P < 0.01) (29.9%) net requirements of protein for maintenance than wool lambs. In contrast, net energy (NE) requirement for maintenance was similar (P > 0.05) for both genotypes (74.27 kcal/kg BW0.75 per day), the average of the antilog of the two intercept values obtained from the estimated regression equations of heat production for zero metabolizable energy (ME) consumption. Further studies should be done to check if this trend is also true for metabolizable energy and protein in animals exhibiting BW gains in tropical region. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to determine the net energy, protein and macrominerals requirements of 70 to 120 day old, 52 female White New Zealand rabbits, weighing 1900g +/- 40g were used. At the beginning of the experimental period, 14 of the 52 young does were slaughtered and the 38 remaining animals were kept under two dietary management: ad libitum and restricted feeding. Slaughters were performed to determine each nutrient body content. The weight gain nutrient requirements depicted by the quantities of each nutrient stored into the body were obtained by applying the regression equation, which estimate the empty body nutrient content logarithm as a function of the empty body weight logarithm, as described by ARC (1980). By determining the heat production logarithm at the zero level of metabolizable energy intake, the maintenance net energy requirement was estimated to be 45.31 Kcal/day/Kg(0.75) the mean net energy. protein, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium and potassium requirements for each gram of weight gain per day were estimated to be, 2.51 Kcal, 0.21g, 0.02g, 0.005g, 0.001g, 0.0004g and 0.002g, respectively.


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This work was conducted to evaluate food intake and digestive efficiency of temperate wool and tropic semi-arid hair lambs, according to different concentrate: forage ratios in diet. Twenty-four lambs, averaging 90 +/- 1.8 days old and a mean body weight of 20 +/- 0.69 kg, 12 of them wool lambs, F, from Ideal x Ile de France crossing, and 12 others pure Santa Ines hair lambs, were distributed into a four replication 3 x 2 factorial arrangement consisting of three diets and two genotypes. Experimental diets consisted of: D1 = 60% concentrate mix (C) and 40% Cynodon sp. cv. Tifton-85 hay (F), D2 = 40% C and 60% F, and D3 = 20% C and 80% F. D1 was formulated for a daily gain of 300g per animal. Increasing forage levels in diets resulted in linear reductions (P < 0.01) in DM, OM, CP, TCH and metabolizable energy (ME) intake, and a linear increase (P < 0.01) in NDF ingestion. Tropic semi-arid hair lambs had higher DM, OM, NDF, CP, and TCH intake than temperate wool lambs. Although there were no genotype effects in OM and GE coefficient of digestibility, hair lambs showed more efficient (P < 0.05) digestibility of DM, CP, NDF and TCH. Increases in forage levels of diets corresponded to a negative linear effect (P < 0.01) in the apparent digestibility of DM, OM, CP, TCH and GE, while apparent digestibility of NDF increased linearly (P < 0.01). Total endogenous nitrogen (fecal plus urinary N) for F(1) Ideal x Ilede France wool and Santa Ines hair lambs were, respectively, 182 and 312 mg/kg(0.75) per day. Thus, Santa Ines tropic semi-arid hair lambs showed to be more responsive than F(1) Ideal x Ile de France temperate wool lambs to low quality fibrous diets. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experiment was conducted to determine the apparent nitrogen-corrected metabolizable energy (AMEn) values and the coefficients' metabolization of the: dry matter, ether extract, calcium and phosphorus availabilities of experimental layer diets containing toasted (TSB) and extruded (ESB) soybeans. The soybean meal (SBM) was substituted at 0, 50, and 100% by TSB and ESB whole soybeans. The whole soybeans utilization in layer diets did not adversely affect calcium and phosphorus availability. The SBM and ESB, in diets with crude protein at 17%, showed the best ether extract coefficients of metabolization. When TSB replaced all SBM in the diets, it was observed the worst value for AMEn.


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Thirty piglets, weaned at an average age of 28 days, were used in experiment one. After weaning, 24 animals were transferred to the nursery in groups of two to each pen and fed simple or semi-complex diets ad libitum. On weaning day (day 0), six pigs were slaughtered. On days 7 and 21 post-weaning, one animal from each nursery pen was slaughtered to study mucosal thickness (MTD and MTJ) and villi heights (VHD and VHJ) in the duodenum and jejunum. The average values observed for MTD, VHD, MTJ, and VHJ were not influenced by type of diet. MTD, MTJ, and VHJ increased from days 7 to 21 post-weaning. Polynomial regression spanning days 0, 7, and 21 showed a linear effect for MTJ and a quadratic effect for VHD and VHJ. In experiment two, 16 piglets weaned at an average age of 28 days were used in two metabolic trials carried out during two periods of the initial phase (days 5 to 14 and days 19 to 28 postweaning), to determine the nutritional value of simple and semi-complex diets. There were no differences among treatments in apparent digestibility of crude protein and dry matter and the values for digestible or metabolizable energy of the diets. It was concluded that composition of the starter diet did not influence the intestinal morphology of piglets, the digestibilities of dry matter and crude protein, or the digestible and metabolizable energy contents of the diets.


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It was evaluated chemically and biologically the powdered fruits pulp residue, used in human food industry. In the digestibility study it was used 12 commercial hybrids barrows piglets, with initial weight 12.2 ± 1,6 kg, allotted in individual cages. The treatments were a basal and a test diet. In the test diet the fruits pulp residue replaced 30% of the basal dry matter. The following values were obtained: dry matter 89,54%, starch 71,1%, glucose 5.4%, fructose 2,2%, crude protein 5,33%, gross energy 3771 kcal/kg, apparent digestible dry matter 96,01%, digestible energy 3448 kcal/kg, metabolizable energy 3389 kcal/kg. By bromatologic results and metabolism study, the powdered fruits pulp residue was characterized as an alternative to be evaluated in piglet diets. In the performance assay 90 piglets with initial weight of 6,60 ± 0,76 kg were allotted in a randomized block design, with six replications and three animals per experimental unit. The treatments were levels of powdered fruits pulp residue (0. 25, 50, 75 and 100%) replacing the corn of the control diet. The studied phases were initial-1 (14 days), initial-2 (21 days) and total period. On the performance there was no difference between the studied inclusion levels. For meal diets, the fruits pulp residue can replace the corn.


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Two experiments were conducted to develop and evaluate a model to estimate ME requirements and determine Gompertz growth parameters for broilers. The first experiment was conducted to determine maintenance energy requirements and the efficiencies of energy utilization for fat and protein deposition. Maintenance ME (ME m) requirements were estimated to be 157.8, 112.1, and 127.2 kcal of ME/kg 0.75 per day for broilers at 13, 23, and 32°C, respectively. Environmental temperature (T) had a quadratic effect on maintenance requirements (ME m = 307.87 - 15.63T + 0.3105T 2; r 2= 0.93). Energy requirements for fat and protein deposition were estimated to be 13.52 and 12.59 kcal of ME/g, respectively. Based on these coefficients, a model was developed to calculate daily ME requirements: ME = BW 0.75 (307.87 - 15.63T + 0.3105 T 2) + 13.52 G f + 12.59 G p. This model considers live BW, the effects of environmental temperature, and fractional fat (G f) and protein (G p) deposition. The second experiment was carried out to estimate the growth parameters of Ross broilers and to collect data to evaluate the ME requirement model proposed. Live BW, empty feather-free carcass, weight of the feathers, and carcass chemical compositions were analyzed until 16 wk of age. Parameters of Gompertz curves for each component were estimated. Males had higher growth potential and higher capacity to deposit nutrients than females, except for fat deposition. Data of BW and body composition collected in this experiment were fitted into the energy model proposed herein and the equations described by Emmans (1989) and Chwalibog (1991). The daily ME requirements estimated by the model determined in this study were closer to the ME intake observed in this trial compared with other models. ©2005 Poultry Science Association, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)