997 resultados para Antenatal Classes


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The need to generate new views of a 3D object from a single real image arises in several fields, including graphics and object recognition. While the traditional approach relies on the use of 3D models, we have recently introduced techniques that are applicable under restricted conditions but simpler. The approach exploits image transformations that are specific to the relevant object class and learnable from example views of other "prototypical" objects of the same class. In this paper, we introduce such a new technique by extending the notion of linear class first proposed by Poggio and Vetter. For linear object classes it is shown that linear transformations can be learned exactly from a basis set of 2D prototypical views. We demonstrate the approach on artificial objects and then show preliminary evidence that the technique can effectively "rotate" high- resolution face images from a single 2D view.


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Trees are a common way of organizing large amounts of information by placing items with similar characteristics near one another in the tree. We introduce a classification problem where a given tree structure gives us information on the best way to label nearby elements. We suggest there are many practical problems that fall under this domain. We propose a way to map the classification problem onto a standard Bayesian inference problem. We also give a fast, specialized inference algorithm that incrementally updates relevant probabilities. We apply this algorithm to web-classification problems and show that our algorithm empirically works well.


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Panorama geral sobre os métodos de mapeamento de solos e/ou de suas propriedades, assim como sobre as principais técnicas quantitativas usadas.


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Revisão sobre o uso das funções de pedotransferência e discussão sobre os vários tipos de PTFs. Diferentes abordagens e alguns princípios são considerados para desenvolver PTFs. Um conceito de sistema de inferência de solo é proposto (SINFERS), em que funções de pedotransferência são as regras do conhecimento, para serem usadas como ferramentas de inferência. É fornecida extensa bibliografia para consulta e expansão do conhecimento e uso da metodologia de pedotransferência.


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R. Daly, Q. Shen and S. Aitken. Speeding up the learning of equivalence classes of Bayesian network structures. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, pages 34-39.


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R. Daly, Q. Shen and S. Aitken. Using ant colony optimisation in learning Bayesian network equivalence classes. Proceedings of the 2006 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, pages 111-118.


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R. Daly and Q. Shen. A Framework for the Scoring of Operators on the Search Space of Equivalence Classes of Bayesian Network Structures. Proceedings of the 2005 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, pages 67-74.


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Riley, M. C., Clare, A., King, R. D. (2007). Locational distribution of gene functional classes in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Bioinformatics 8, Article No: 112 Sponsorship: EPSRC / RAEng


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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em em Biotecnologia e Saúde, Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública.


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We give an explicit and easy-to-verify characterization for subsets in finite total orders (infinitely many of them in general) to be uniformly definable by a first-order formula. From this characterization we derive immediately that Beth's definability theorem does not hold in any class of finite total orders, as well as that McColm's first conjecture is true for all classes of finite total orders. Another consequence is a natural 0-1 law for definable subsets on finite total orders expressed as a statement about the possible densities of first-order definable subsets.


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This paper proposes a method for detecting shapes of variable structure in images with clutter. The term "variable structure" means that some shape parts can be repeated an arbitrary number of times, some parts can be optional, and some parts can have several alternative appearances. The particular variation of the shape structure that occurs in a given image is not known a priori. Existing computer vision methods, including deformable model methods, were not designed to detect shapes of variable structure; they may only be used to detect shapes that can be decomposed into a fixed, a priori known, number of parts. The proposed method can handle both variations in shape structure and variations in the appearance of individual shape parts. A new class of shape models is introduced, called Hidden State Shape Models, that can naturally represent shapes of variable structure. A detection algorithm is described that finds instances of such shapes in images with large amounts of clutter by finding globally optimal correspondences between image features and shape models. Experiments with real images demonstrate that our method can localize plant branches that consist of an a priori unknown number of leaves and can detect hands more accurately than a hand detector based on the chamfer distance.


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There are a number of reasons why this researcher has decided to undertake this study into the differences in the social competence of children who attend integrated Junior Infant classes and children who attend segregated learning environments. Theses reasons are both personal and professional. My personal reasons stem from having grown up in a family which included both an aunt who presented with Down Syndrome and an uncle who presented with hearing impairment. Both of these relatives' experiences in our education system are interesting. My aunt was considered ineducable while her brother - my uncle - was sent to Dublin (from Cork) at six years of age to be educated by a religious order. My professional reasons, on the other hand, stemmed from my teaching experience. Having taught in both special and integrated classrooms it became evident to me that there was somewhat 'suspicion' attached to integration. Parents of children without disabilities questioned whether this process would have a negative impact on their children's education. While parents of children with disabilities debated whether integrated settings met the specific needs of their children. On the other hand, I always questioned whether integration and inclusiveness meant the same thing. My research has enabled me to find many answers. Increasingly, children with special educational needs (SEN) are attending a variety of integrated and inclusive childcare and education settings. This contemporary practice of educating children who present with disabilities in mainstream classrooms has stimulated vast interest on the impact of such practices on children with identified disabilities. Indeed, children who present with disabilities "fare far better in mainstream education than in special schools" (Buckley, cited in Siggins, 2001,p.25). However, educators and practitioners in the field of early years education and care are concerned with meeting the needs of all children in their learning environments, while also upholding high academic standards (Putman, 1993). Fundamentally, therefore, integrated education must also produce questions about the impact of this practice on children without identified special educational needs. While these questions can be addressed from the various areas of child development (i.e. cognitive, physical, linguistic, emotional, moral, spiritual and creative), this research focused on the social domain. It investigates the development of social competence in junior infant class children without identified disabilities as they experience different educational settings.


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This study investigates how the experiences of Junior Infants are shaped in multigrade classes. Multigrade classes are composed of two or more grades within the same classroom with one teacher having responsibility for the instruction of all grades in this classroom within a time-tabled period (Little, 2001, Mason and Doepner, 1998). The overall aim of the research is to problematize the issues of early childhood pedagogy in multigrade classes in the context of children negotiating identities, positioning and power relations. A Case Study approach was employed to explore the perspectives of the teachers, children and their parents in eight multigrade schools. Concurrent with this, a nation-wide Questionnaire Survey was also conducted which gave a broader context to the case study findings. Findings from the research study suggest that institutional context is vitally important and finding the space to implement pedagogic practices is a highly complex matter for teachers. While a majority of teachers reported the benefits for younger children being in mixed-age settings alongside older children, only a minority of case study school teachers demonstrated how it is possible to promote classroom climates which were provided multiple opportunities for younger children to engage fully in classrooms. The findings reveal constraints on pedagogical practice which included: time pressures within the job, an increase in diversity in pupil population, meeting special needs, large class sizes, high pupil/teacher ratios, and planning/organisation of tasks which intensified the complexities of addressing the needs of children who differ significantly in age, cognitive, social and emotional levels. An emergent and recurrent theme of this study is the representation of Junior Infants as apprentices in their ‘communities of practice’ who contributed in peripheral ways to the practices of their groups (Lave and Wenger, 1991, Wenger, 1998). Through a continuous process of negotiation of meaning, these pupils learned the knowledge and skills within their communities of practice that empowered some to participate more fully than others. The children in their ‘figured worlds’ (Holland, Lachiotte, Skinner and Caine 1998) occupy identities which are influenced by established arrangements of resources and practices within that community as well as by their own agentive actions. Finally, the findings of the study also demonstrate how the dimension of power is central to the exercise of social relations and pedagogical practices in multigrade classes.