176 resultados para Anopheles marajoara


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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RESUMO O controlo vectorial representa uma parte importante da estratégia global actual para a prevenção das principais doenças transmitidas por insectos, como a malária, a febre de dengue ou do West Nile. Uma das vertentes do controlo vectorial é aquela que se associa à protecção individual dos hospedeiros contra a picada de insectos. É no âmbito desta problemática que surge o estudo aqui apresentado. Este teve como um dos objectivos testar em laboratório a eficácia de três compostos diferentes (permetrina, DEET e citronela) contra a picada de mosquitos Anopheles stephensi Liston, 1901, quando aplicados a tecidos de algodão. Com base neste estudo laboratorial, seleccionaram-se os tecidos mais eficientes que foram testados no terreno, na área da Comporta, em ensaios simuladores de uma situação real. Os resultados foram complementados com alguns ensaios preliminares efectuados em laboratório com a espécie Culex theileri Teobald, 1903. Nos primeiros ensaios laboratoriais, tecidos impregnados com permetrina mostraram induzir uma repelência mais eficaz do que tecidos com DEET e citronela micro-encapsulados. O efeito de repelência dos tecidos com permetrina manteve-se, mesmo quando estes foram sujeitos a vários ciclos de lavagem. No entanto, os ensaios de repelência/protecção efectuados no campo demonstraram que a eficácia do tecido impregnado com permetrina é afectada pelo número de lavagens. Testes laboratoriais realizados com Cx. theileri, a espécie mais abundante da área da Comporta, apontam para que a discrepância observada entre os resultados das experiências laboratoriais e de campo possa estar associada a um comportamento diferencial das espécies envolvidas nos dois tipos de ensaio. Em conclusão, embora o uso de vestuário tratado com microcápsulas de repelentes seja um método promissor na protecção contra as picadas de insectos, este terá de beneficiar de algum investimento futuro para que possa vir a ser considerado uma estratégia válida no controlo vectorial a larga escala. Há que melhorar o modo de incorporação e apresentação do composto activo nos tecidos de modo a obter-se um efeito repelente mais efectivo e prolongado e a procura de repelentes naturais, indutores de menor toxicidade e mais repelência, deve ser continuada.


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A malária, doença parasitária complexa que resulta da interacção entre parasita, hospedeiros humano e vector, constitui um dos principais problemas de saúde a nível mundial. À semelhança de outras doenças parasitárias e infecciosas a malária tem um papel importante na evolução, tendo já sido demonstrado o papel da variação genética humana na resistência à infecção. Após quase meio século de controlo, a malária persiste na ilha de Santiago onde, apesar da baixa endemicidade, os indivíduos apresentam geralmente manifestações moderadas, são diagnosticadas infecções abaixo do nível detectável pela microscopia e o vector se encontra muito próximo da população supostamente susceptível, desconhecendo-se a frequência dos principais polimorfismos genéticos humanos mais relacionados com a doença e a estrutura populacional do mosquito vector. Os objectivos gerais de trabalho desta tese assentam 1) no estudo dos dois clássicos factores genéticos do hospedeiro humano relacionados com a malária, nomeadamente os afectos à anemia das células falciformes, à deficiência em G6PD e a análise dum provável envolvimento da PK e 2) na análise genética das populações do mosquito vector, tentando contribuir para a compreensão da epidemiologia da doença na Ilha, e para a escolha de medidas de controlo apropriadas. Os trabalhos incidiram na detecção do alelo responsável pela hemoglobina S, de polimorfismos no gene da G6PD e da PK em indivíduos não aparentados (Infectados e não Infectados) com análise da sua provável associação com a infecção e, ainda, na genotipagem de loci microssatélites de Anopheles arabiensis com recurso a técnicas baseadas na PCR. Relativamente à anemia falciforme, a frequência dos portadores do traço (indivíduos HbAS) e do alelo HbS foi 6% e 5%, respectivamente, e para as variantes da G6PD, 0,8% para G6PDA- e 0,0% para a G6PDMed, não tendo sido encontrado associação entre os genótipos desses dois factores e a presença de infecção. No que concerne ao gene PKLR não foi encontrada uma associação clara entre os polimorfismos analisados e o estado de infecção, mas foi detectado um acentuado desequilíbrio de linkage entre os loci, apenas nos Não Infectados, o que pode significar que essa região do gene, aparentemente conservada, tenha sido seleccionada por fornecer protecção contra a infecção e/ou doença. A diversidade genética das populações de A. arabiensis em onze loci microssatélites foi moderada com valores médio de He, variando de 0,481 a 0,522 e a Rs de 4 a 5. O valor da diferenciação genética baseado em 7 loci polimórficos foi baixo (FST=0,012; p<0,001) mas significativo, variando entre 0,001 e 0,023 entre os pares de populações. Não foram detectados os alelos de resistência associados ao gene Kdr. A baixa frequência dos alelos associados à G6PD (A- e Med) tem implicações importantes nas estratégias de controlo definidas pelo Programa Nacional de Luta contra o Paludismo (PNLP), uma vez que a primaquina pode continuar a ser administrada como complemento aos regimes terapêuticos, em caso de necessidade. A população de A. arabiensis em Santiago revelou-se relativamente homogénea e com uma estrutura reduzida o que pode, por um lado, representar uma desvantagem por permitir uma provável dispersão dos genes de resistência. Por outro lado, essa relativa homogeneidade poderá representar uma vantagem para a introdução de um programa de controlo baseado na libertação de mosquitos transgénicos.


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Os flavivírus são vírus pertencentes à família Flaviviridae, género Flavivirus. Estes formam um grande grupo caraterizado pela sua ampla distribuição e diversidade genética. Os flavivírus são, na sua maioria, transmitidos por artrópodes vectores incluíndo agentes patogénicos para humanos e animais que podem potencialmente provocar grandes epidemias e causar elevadas taxas de mortalidade e morbidade. Nos últimos anos, tem-se registado uma grande expansão a nível da distribuição geográfica dos flavivirus e diversidade dos seus hospedeiros. O vírus do Nilo Ocidental tem sido continuamente detectado em toda a Europa recentemente, e também isolado de mosquitos colhidos no Sul de Portugal, onde já foram registados casos humanos e animais. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é o rastreio de flavivírus em mosquitos colhidos em duas regiões do Sul de Portugal, onde os mesmos foram anteriormente detectados. As colheitas de mosquitos foram realizadas em 24 locais em zonas húmidas nos districtos de Faro e Setúbal, através de armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC com CO2 e aspiradores mecânicos manuais para colheita de mosquitos em repouso em abrigos de animais. Os mosquitos colhidos foram agrupados por lotes contendo aproximadamente 50 espécimens cada, e rastreados para a presença de flavivírus por heminested RT-PCR, direccionado à amplificação de um pequeno fragmento do gene NS5 usando oligonucleótidos degenerados específicos para flavivírus. Entre Abril e Outubro de 2009 e 2010 foram colhidos no total 36273 mosquitos pertencentes às seguintes espécies: Anopheles algeriensis, An.atroparvus, Aedes berlandi, Ae.caspius, Ae.detritus, Coquillettidia richiardii, Culex laticinctus, Cx.pipiens, Cx.theileri, Cx.univittatus, Culiseta annulata, Cs.longiareolata, Cs.subochrea, e Uranotaenia unguiculata. As espécies mais abundantes foram Ae.caspius, Cx.theileri e Cx.pipiens, respectivamente. Contudo, as densidades de mosquitos foram variáveis de acordo com o método de colheita e área de amostragem. As densidades de mosquitos colhidos em 2010 foram quatro vezes superior às registadas no ano anterior. No total foram analisados 745 lotes dos quais 31% testaram positivos para a presença de sequências de flavivirus. As espécies que apresentaram taxas de positividade mais elevadas foram: An.algeriensis com uma Taxa Mínima de Infecção (TMI) de 56/1000 no Algarve em 2009, Cs.annulata TMI =22/1000 no Algarve em 2010, Cx.theileri e Cx.pipiens em Setúbal em 2010, TMI =20/1000. An. atroparvus, Ae. caspius, Ae. detritus e Cx. univittatus também produziram lotes positives. No geral, a positividade foi maior no Algarve. Análise das sequências virais obtidas revelou homologia das nossas sequências virais com sequências de referência de flavivírus específicos de mosquitos depositadas em bases de dados de acesso livre. A análise filogenética reflectiu a variabilidade genética dos flavivírus e revelou a relação genética das nossas sequências com as de outros flavivírus, especialmente os específicos de insectos. Tendo em consideração os anteriores isolamentos do vírus do Nilo Ocidental, o aumento acentuado nas densidades de mosquitos, o aumento de temperaturas que se tem vindo a registar, os casos recentes de transmissão de flavivírus por toda a Europa e o padrão desconhecido e imprevisível dos surtos destes vírus, os programas contínuos de vigilância epidemiológica têm-se revelado uma ferramenta indispensável para a Saúde Pública.


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RESUMO: A Malária é causada por parasitas do género Plasmodium, sendo a doença parasitária mais fatal para o ser humano. Apesar de, durante o século passado, o desenvolvimento económico e a implementação de diversas medidas de controlo, tenham permitido erradicar a doença em muitos países, a Malária continua a ser um problema de saúde grave, em particular nos países em desenvolvimento. A Malária é transmitida através da picada de uma fêmea de mosquito do género Anopheles. Durante a picada, os esporozoítos são injetados na pele do hospedeiro, seguindo-se a fase hepática e obrigatória do ciclo de vida. No fígado, os esporozoítos infetam os hepatócitos onde se replicam, dentro de um vacúolo parasitário (VP) e de uma forma imunitária silenciosa, em centenas de merozoitos. Estas novas formas do parasita são as responsáveis por infetar os eritrócitos, iniciando a fase sanguínea da doença, onde se os primeiros sintomas se manifestam, tais como a característica febre cíclica. A fase hepática da doença é a menos estudada e compreendida. Mais ainda, as interações entre o VP e os organelos da células hospedeira estão ainda pouco caracterizados. Assim, neste estudo, as interações entre os organelos endocíticos e autofágicos da célula hospedeira e o VP foram dissecados, observando-se que os anfisomas, que são organelos resultantes da intersecção do dois processos de tráfego intracelular, interagem com o parasita. Descobrimos que a autofagia tem também uma importante função imunitária durante a fase hepática inicial, ao passo, que durante o desenvolvimento do parasita, já numa fase mais tardia, o parasita depende da interação com os endossomas tardios e anfisomas para crescer. Vesiculas de BSA, EGF e LC3, foram, também, observadas dentro do VP, sugerindo que os parasitas são capazes de internalizar material endocítico e autofágico do hospedeiro. Mais ainda, mostramos que esta interação depende da cinase PIKfyve, responsável pela conversão do fosfoinositidio-3-fosfato no fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, uma vez que inibindo esta cinase o parasita não é capaz de crescer normalmente. Finalmente, mostramos que a proteína TRPML1, uma proteína efetora do fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, e envolvida no processo de fusão das membranas dos organelos endocíticos e autofágicos, também é necessária para o crescimento do parasita. Desta forma, o nosso estudo sugere que a membrana do VP funde com vesiculas endocíticas e autofágicas tardias, de uma forma dependente do fositidio-3,5-bifosfato e do seu effetor TRPML1, permitindo a troca de material com a célula hospedeira. Concluindo, os nossos resultados evidenciam que o processo autofágico que ocorre na célula hospedeira tem um papel duplo durante a fase hepática da malaria. Enquanto numa fase inicial os hepatócitos usam o processo autofágico como forma de defesa contra o parasita, já durante a fase de replicação o VP funde com vesiculas autofágicas e endocíticas de forma a obter os nutrientes necessários ao seu desenvolvimento.--------- ABSTRACT: Malaria, which is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, is the most deadly parasitic infection in humans. Although economic development and the implementation of control measures during the last century have erradicated the disease from many areas of the world, it remains a serious human health issue, particularly in developing countries. Malaria is transmitted by female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. During the mosquito blood meal, Plasmodium spp. sporozoites are injected into the skin dermis of the vertebrate host, followed by an obligatory liver stage. Upon entering the liver, Plasmodium parasites infect hepatocytes and silently replicate inside a host cell-derived parasitophorous vacuole (PV) into thousands of merozoites. These new parasite forms can infect red blood cells initiating the the blood stage of the disease which shows the characteristic febrile malaria episodes. The liver stage is the least characterized step of the malaria infection. Moreover, the interactions between the Plasmodium spp. PV and the host cell trafficking pathways are poorly understood. We dissected the interaction between Plasmodium parasites and the host cell endocytic and autophagic pathways and we found that both pathways intersect and interconnect in the close vicinity of the parasite PV, where amphisomes are formed and accumulate. Interestingly, we observed a clearance function for autophagy in hepatocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei parasites at early infection times, whereas during late liver stage development late endosomes and amphisomes are required for parasite growth. Moreover, we found the presence of internalized BSA, EGF and LC3 inside parasite vacuoles, suggesting that the parasites uptake endocytic and autophagic cargo. Furthermore, we showed that the interaction between the PV and host traffic pathways is dependent on the kinase PIKfyve, which converts the phosphoinositide PI(3)P into PI(3,5)P2, since PIKfyve inhibition caused a reduction in parasite growth. Finally, we showed that the PI(3,5)P2 effector protein TRPML1, which is involved in late endocytic and autophagic membrane fusion, is also required for parasite development. Thus, our studies suggest that the parasite parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) is able to fuse with late endocytic and autophagic vesicles in a PI(3,5)P2- and TRPML1-dependent manner, allowing the exchange of material between the host cell and the parasites, necessary for the rapid development of the latter that is seen during the liver stage of infection. In conclusion, we present evidence supporting a specific and essential dual role of host autophagy during the course of Plasmodium liver infection. Whereas in the initial hours of infection the host cell uses autophagy as a cell survival mechanism to fight the infection, during the replicative phase the PV fuses with host autophagic and endocytic vesicles to obtain nutrients required for parasite growth.


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Malaria, a disease caused by Plasmodium, represents a major health problem with a still disconcertingly high mortality rate (655 000 malaria deaths were estimated by the World Health Organization in 2012), mainly in Africa [1]. After a bite by an infected Anopheles mosquito occurs, Plasmodium sporozoites reach their target organ, the liver, within minutes. After traversing several hepatocytes, the parasite invades a final one and establishes a parasitophorous vacuole, where it replicates exponentially generating thousands of infective merozoites, the red blood cell infectious forms that are released in the blood stream. The liver stage is the first obligatory phase of malaria infection and, although no symptoms are associated with it, it is absolutely crucial to the establishment of a successful infection.(...)


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Malaria is an infectious disease of humans and other animals including birds, reptiles and most mammals. It is transmitted via the inoculation of Plasmodium sporozoites into the skin through the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. Although every year, around 700.000 lives are perished, mainly children under the age of 3-5 years old, to Plasmodium infection this deadly parasite has a relatively low efficiency of transmission from mosquitoes into humans.(...)


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Since the discovery of West Nile (WN) virus in the Western Hemisphere many surveillance programs have been implemented to monitor the epidemiology and genetic variation of WN virus in North America. This project was based on the WN virus Adult Mosquito Identification and Diagnostic Program conducted at Brock University for Ontario, Canada, during the 2002 and 2003 transmission seasons. There are three sections to this thesis. The first section investigated which mosquito species carry WN virus in Ontario, Canada throughout the 2002-2003 transmission seasons. It was found that from the 2002 data, eight mosquito species were detected with WN virus (Aedes vexans, Anopheles punctipennis, Coquilleltidia perlurbans, Culex salinarius, Cx. pipiens, Cx. resluans, Ochlerolalus Irivillalus and Och. Iriserialus) and 7.19% of the total mosquito pools tested were found to be WN virus positive (129 positive poolsll, 793 total pools tested). In 2003, WN virus was detected in only five mosquito species (Ae. vexans, Cx. salinarius, Och. Iriserialus, Cx. pipiens and Cx. resluans) and 1.42% of the total mosquito pools tested were WN virus positive (101 positive poolsl7,1 01 total pools tested). WN virus positive mosquito pools were detected 3-4 weeks earlier in 2002 compared to 2003 data. The second section investigated the actual infection rate (IR) of clearly identified Cx. pipiens and Cx. resluans from the 2002 outbreak. It was found that significantly more ex. resluans were infected with WN virus compared to ex. pipiens. The third section investigated the degree of variability of the WN virus genome. A 879 nucleotide section of the WN virus genome was amplified from 21 American Crows and 20 adult female mosquitoes from Ontario, Canada, and compared to the homologous region of the original New York 1999 Chilean Flamingo sequence (NY99FL). Seventy-two nucleotides from Ontario WN virus sequences showed variability compared to NY99FL with 10 synapotypic changes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a close relationship between Ontario and US WN virus sequences.


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The sugar-feeding ecology of dipteran vectors has recently been targeted because it presents opportunities to inoculate common food sources for these dipterans with entomopathogenic bacteria as a means of controlling the population of host-seeking adult dipteran vectors. Whereas this approach to vector control holds some promise, differences in the nutrient composition and concentration in sugary food sources can influence the food selection pattern of dipteran vectors and potentially confound the outcomes of field trials on the efficacy of entomopathogenic bacteria as vector control agents. Further, nutrient components of bacteria-inoculated artificial diets may present unintended effects of extending the survivorship or fecundity of the target population and potentially render the whole approach counterproductive. The present study investigated the diet-specific factors that influence the foraging decisions of female Simulium venustum/verecundum (Diptera: Simuliidae) and female Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) on artificial nectar and honeydew. Paired choice experiments showed that the black flies forage more frequently from high calorie diets, which contained melezitose, or those diets that contained amino acids, compared to low calorie melezitose-free diets or amino acid-free diets. The mosquitoes however displayed a more random diet selection pattern. The effects of sugary diets on certain life-history traits considered to be important to the ecological fitness of the black flies and mosquitoes were also investigated. Sugary diets had no significant effect on the survivorship and fecundity of the black flies, but they influenced the resistance of Leucocytozoon-infected flies to the parasite. Amino acid-containing diets appeared to extend the survival of mosquitoes, and also allowed them to take more vertebrate blood when they blood fed.


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In the field, mosquitoes characteristically feed on sugars soon after emergence and intermittently during their adult lives. Sugar meals are commonly derived from plant nectar and homopteran honeydew, and without them, adults can only survive for a few days on larval reserves. In addition to sugar, females of most species rely on blood for the initiation and maintenance of egg development; thus their reproductive success depends to some extent on the availability of blood hosts. Males, on the other hand, feed exclusively on sugars. Consequently, their sexual maturation and reproductive success is largely dependent upon access to sugar sources. Plant nectar and homopteran honeydew are the two main sugar sources utilized by mosquitoes in the wild. Previous laboratory studies had shown that differences between nectar sources can affect the survivorship and biting frequency of disease vectoring mosquitoes. However, little is known on how sugar composition influence the reproductive processes in male mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes transfer accessory gland proteins and other hormones to their mates along with sperm during mating. In the female, these seminal fluid constituents exert their influence on reproductive genes that control ovulation and vitellogenesis. The present study tests the hypothesis that the mates of males consuming different sugar meals will exhibit varying levels of induction of vitellogenin (a gene which regulates the expression of egg yolk precursor proteins). Real-time quantitative RT-PCR was used to investigate how each sugar meal indirectly influences vitellogenin mRNA abundance in female Anopheles stephensi following mating. Results indicate that mates of nectar-fed males exhibit 2-fold greater change in vitellogenin expression than the mates of honeydew-fed males. However, this response did not occur in non-blood fed controls. These findings suggest that the stimulatory effect of mating on vitellogenesis in blood meal-reliant (i.e. anautogenous) mosquitoes may only be synergistic in nature. The present study also sought to compare the potential fitness costs of mating incurred by females that do not necessarily require a blood meal to initiate a reproductive cycle (i.e., exhibit autogeny). Females of the facultatively autogenous mosquito, Culex molestus were allowed to mate with males sustained on either nectar or honedyew. Mean lifetime fecundity and survivorship of females under the two different mating regimes were then recorded. Additionally, one-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to verify the transfer of male accessory gland proteins to the sperm storage organs of females during mating.While there was no significant difference in survival between the test treatments, the mates of nectar-fed males produced 11% more eggs on average than mates of honeydew-fed males. However, additional data are needed to justify the extrapolation of these findings to natural settings. These findings prompt further investigation as the differences caused by diet variation in males may be reflected across other life history traits such as mating frequency and insemination capacity.


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The Forkhead or Fox gene family encodes putative transcription factors. There are at least four Fox genes in yeast, 16 in Drosophila melanogaster (Dm) and 42 in humans. Recently, vertebrate Fox genes have been classified into 17 groups named FoxA to FoxQ [Genes Dev. 14 (2000) 142]. Here, we extend this analysis to invertebrates, using available sequences from D. melanogaster, Anopheles gambiae (Ag), Caenorhabditis elegans (Ce), the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis (Ci) and amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae (Bf), from which we also cloned several Fox genes. Phylogenetic analyses lend support to the previous overall subclassification of vertebrate genes, but suggest that four subclasses (FoxJ, L, N and Q) could be further subdivided to reflect their relationships to invertebrate genes. We were unable to identify orthologs of Fox subclasses E, H, I, J, M and Q1 in D. melanogaster, A. gambiae or C. elegans, suggesting either considerable loss in ecdysozoans or the evolution of these subclasses in the deuterostome lineage. Our analyses suggest that the common ancestor of protostomes and deuterostomes had a minimum complement of 14 Fox genes. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The proliferation of artificial container habitats in urban areas has benefitted urban adaptable mosquito species globally. In areas where mosquitoes transmit viruses and parasites, it can promote vector population productivity and fuel mosquito-borne disease outbreaks. In Britain, storage of water in garden water butts is increasing, potentially expanding mosquito larval habitats and influencing population dynamics and mosquito-human contact. Here we show that the community composition, abundance and phenology of mosquitoes breeding in experimental water butt containers were influenced by urbanisation. Mosquitoes in urban containers were less species-rich but present in significantly higher densities (100.4±21.3) per container than those in rural containers (77.7±15.1). Urban containers were dominated by Culex pipiens (a potential vector of West Nile Virus [WNV]) and appear to be increasingly exploited by Anopheles plumbeus (a human-biting potential WNV and malaria vector). Culex phenology was influenced by urban land use type, with peaks in larval abundances occurring earlier in urban than rural containers. Among other factors, this was associated with an urban heat island effect which raised urban air and water temperatures by 0.9°C and 1.2°C respectively. Further increases in domestic water storage, particularly in urban areas, in combination with climate changes will likely alter mosquito population dynamics in the UK.


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The phylogeography of South American lineages is a topic of heated debate. Although a single process is unlikely to describe entire ecosystems, related species, which incur similar habitat limitations, can inform the history for a subsection of assemblages. We compared the phylogeographic patterns of the cytochrome oxidase I marker from Anopheles triannulatus (N = 72) and previous results for A. darlingi (N = 126) in a broad portion of their South American distributions. Both species share similar population subdivisions, with aggregations northeast of the Amazon River, in southern coastal Brazil and 2 regions in central Brazil. The average (ST) between these groups was 0.39 for A. triannulatus. Populations northeast of the Amazon and in southeastern Brazil are generally reciprocally monophyletic to the remaining groups. Based on these initial analyses, we constructed the a priori hypothesis that the Amazon and regions of high declivity pose geographic barriers to dispersal in these taxa. Mantel tests confirmed that these areas block gene flow for more than 1000 km for both species. The efficacy of these impediments was tested using landscape genetics, which could not reject our a priori hypothesis but did reject simpler scenarios. Results form summary statistics and phylogenetics suggest that both lineages originated in central Amazonia (south of the Amazon River) during the late Pleistocene (579 000 years ago) and that they followed the same paths of expansion into their contemporary distributions. These results may have implications for other species sharing similar ecological limitations but probably are not applicable as a general paradigm of Neotropical biogeography.


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The characterisation of sequences at chromosome ends of Rhynchosciara americana was continued with the screening of a genomic library using as a probe a short repeat identified in a previous report (M-22, 22 bp) which was found to be specific for noncentromeric termini of this species. Simple repeats, complex tandem and apparently dispersed repeats were present in the genomic clones analysed. Repetitive sequences do not define individual chromosome tips as they were found in all noncentromeric ends. A novel and unusually short tandem repeat type for dipteran chromosome ends (named M-16) composed of 16 nucleotides and frequently associated with M-22 arrays was characterised in this work. Islands of M-16 and M-22 tandem repeats were found in all the genomic clones analysed. Individual probes representative of each repetitive element hybridised not only to all noncentromeric ends of R. americana chromosomes but also to inter-telomeric bridges. This contrasted with the other repeat types which displayed sub-telomeric localisation as seen by double detection of hybridised probe and telomeric reverse transcriptase. Some stretches composed of M-16 and M-22 tandem repeats localised in different regions of the analysed genomic clones were either identical or showed sequence similarity that was unexpectedly higher than the mean sequence similarity observed among repeats within each of their tandem arrays. The occurrence of segmental duplications, as deduced by sequence analyses involving the two repeats that appeared to reach chromosome ends, might indicate the involvement of this type of duplication process in the chromosome end maintenance in this species.


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In Drosophila, telomere retrotransposons counterbalance the loss of telomeric DNA. The exceptional mechanism of telomere recovery characterized in Drosophila has not been found in lower dipterans (Nematocera). However, a retroelement resembling a telomere transposon and termed ""RaTART"" has been described in the nematoceran Rhynchosciara americana. In this work, DNA and protein sequence analyses, DNA cloning, and chromosomal localization of probes obtained either by PCR or by screening a genomic library were carried out in order to examine additional features of this retroelement. The analyses performed raise the possibility that RaTART represents a genomic clone composed of distinct repetitive elements, one of which is likely to be responsible for its apparent enrichment at chromosome ends. RaTART sequence in addition allowed to assess a novel subtelomeric region of R. americana chromosomes that was analyzed in this work after subcloning a DNA fragment from a phage insert. It contains a complex repeat that is located in the vicinity of simple and complex tandem repeats characterized previously. Quantification data suggest that the copy number of the repeat is significantly lower than that observed for the ribosomal DNA in the salivary gland of R. americana. A short insertion of the RaTART was identified in the cloned segment, which hybridized preferentially to subtelomeres. Like RaTART, it displays truncated sequences related to distinct retrotransposons, one of which has a conceptual translation product with significant identity with an endonuclease from a lepidopteran retrotransposon. The composite structure of this DNA stretch probably reflects mobile element activity in the subtelomeric region analyzed in this work.