963 resultados para Animal reproduction


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Considering that there is limited information about the preovulatory LH surge in Zebu cattle (Bos indicus), the purpose of the present work was to assess the LH surge in Nelore cows during the estrous cycle and after ovarian superestimulation of ovarian follicular development with FSH. This information is particularly important to improve superovulatory protocols associated with fixed-time artificial insemination. Nelore cows (n = 12) had their estrus synchronized with an intravaginal device containing progesterone (CIDR-B ®) associated with estradiol benzoate administration (EB, 2.5 mg, i.m., Day 0). Eight days later all animals were treated with PGF2α (Day 8) in the morning (8:00 h) and at night, when CIDR devices were removed (20:00 h). Starting 38 h after the first PGF2α injection, blood sampling and ovarian ultrasonography took place every 4 h, during 37 consecutive hours. Frequent handling may have resulted in a stress-induced suppression of LH secretion resulting in only 3 of 12 cows having ovulations at 46.7 ± 4.9 and 72.3 ± 3.8 h, respectively, after removal of CIDR-B. Thirty days later, the same animals received the described hormonal treatment associated with FSH (Folltropin ®, total dose = 200 mg) administered twice a day, during 4 consecutive days, starting on Day 5. Thirty-six hours after the first injection of PGF2α, to minimize stress, only seven blood samples were collected at 4 h interval each, and ultrasonography was performed every 12 h until ovulation. In 11 of 12 cows (92%) the LH surge and ovulation were observed 34.6 ± 1.6 and 59.5 ± 1.9 h, respectively, after removal of progesterone source. The maximum values for LH in those animals were 19.0 ± 2.6 ng/ml (mean ± S.E.M.). It is concluded that, in Nelore cows submitted to a ovarian superstimulation protocol, the LH surge occurs approximately 35 h after removal of intravaginal device containing progesterone, and approximately 12 h before the LH surge observed after an induced estrus without ovarian superstimulation. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of Toxoplasma gondii on semen variables and sperm morphology of sheep was evaluated in eight reproductive males distributed into three experimental groups: GI, three sheep inoculated with 2.0 × 105 of P strain oocytes; GII, three sheep infected with 1.0 × 106 of RH strain tachyzoites and; GIII two control sheep. Clinical (rectal temperature, cardiac and respiratory frequencies), parasite and serology exams (IIF) were realized. Sperm variables (volume, motility, vigor and concentration) and semen morphology for each sheep were also evaluated. Thus, semen and blood collections were assessed on post-inoculation days (PIDs)-1,3,5,7,11,14 and weekly thereafter up to PID 70. Clinical alterations were observed (hypothermia and anorexia) in infected sheep from groups GI and GII. Parasitic outbreaks were detected in five sheep. All the infected sheep produced antibodies against T. gondii from PID 5 onwards, reaching a peak of 4096 and 8192 for group GI and GII sheep, respectively. Differences (P < 0.05) were observed regarding the ejaculate volume between the inoculated groups (oocytes and tachyzoites) and control. Even though experimental toxoplasmic infection resulted in clinical symptomology in the inoculated sheep, the minimal alterations in sperm pathologies could not be directly attributed to T. gondii. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Ultrasound Doppler is a new technology that has recently been used in large animal reproduction. As the conventional ultrasound (B-mode) it is a noninvasive technique, but with the advantage of allows the assessment of the hemodynamic of reproductive tract in real time. The observation of important features of the vascularization and changes that occur during physiological processes that were not previously seen on B-mode encourage a reassessment of the concepts already established on the events of the reproductive physiology of animals and their applications. Review: In attempt to re-understand the equine reproductive physiology and finding practical uses to this new technique, authors showed that, during the follicular deviation, features are observed by Doppler before being observed under B-mode ultrasound like changes in the speed of the blood flow two days before deviation of the follicle size and one day before the increase in blood flow area of the follicular wall. According to another study ovulation is characterized by a decreased blood flow of the follicular wall in the last four hours preceding it, as well as the serration of the granulosa layer and formation of a non vascularized apex, but in our ongoing study, the ability to decrease the vascularity was not found. Very vascularized follicles are associated with higher rates of oocyte maturation and pregnant that does less vascularized follicles in the preovulatory phase. Those follicles that have septated evacuation (or prolonged) showed more vascularization and serration of the granulosa one hour before ovulation than follicles that ovulate normally, and this vascularization includes the apex of the follicle, the follicular wall portion that is not vascularized in normal ovulation. Another study reported that hemorrhagic follicles have better vascularization of the follicular wall on the days preceding ovulation than follicles destined to ovulate. Some authors also showed that anovulatory follicles grow in size at the same rate as ovulatory follicles, but the percentage of vascularization of its wall is much smaller at 35 mm. Another study characterized that the vascular wall of the follicle that results in the first ovulation of the year is much smaller on the day before ovulation than the number of vessels present in a follicle that will ovulate in the middle of the breeding season. In these cases, the use of Doppler ultrasound can help to prevent economic losses as insemination of mares in cycles that are not able of resulting in pregnancy. This review aims to gather the information found in the literature about the characteristics of follicular hemodynamic of mares taking into account moments of deviation in follicle size, ovulation, ovulation failure and follicular viability. Conclusion: The Doppler technology has the potential to provide important information about the follicular environment and thus be used in practice in search of the perfect equine reproductive management, achieving better utilization of genetic material and increasing the financial return. The use of this new tool opens a large area for several interesting studies that will contribute to the knowledge of the physiological events of the mare for that this technique can soon be effectively applied.


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This study aimed to validate the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for fecal progestin quantification of the species Mazama americana, define its excretion profile during periods of gestation and postpartum and determine the gestation period and resumption of postpartum ovarian activity in this species in captivity Fecal samples were collected twice a week during gestation and every day in the postpartum period, and analyzed using EIA The mean concentrations (±SEM) of fecal progestins during gestation were 2180.0 ± 299.1 ng/g in early pregnancy (week 1-11), 3271.4 ± 406.9 ng/g in middle pregnancy (week 12-22) and 5592.0 ± 1125.8 ng/g in late pregnancy (week 23-32) The gestation period determined for the species was 220.9 ± 1.2 days The concentration of progestins reached its peak prior to parturition and returned to baseline levels in 4 ± 0.31 days after parturition In the postpartum period, the mean concentrations of fecal progestins were 1564.2 ± 182.6 ng/g in the interval between parturition and resumption of ovarian activity, 469.8 ± 24.5 ng/g in the inter-luteal phase and 2401.7 ± 318.5 ng/g during the luteal phase, such that the postpartum period and the luteal phase differed from the inter-luteal phase Fecal progestin profiling permitted the detection of ovulation 26.9 ± 3.4 days after parturition in all the hinds studied and estimation of the mean duration of the estrous cycle, 21.3 ± 1.1 days Analysis established that concentrations of progestins above 3038.76 ng/g diagnosed pregnancy, a value determined from the week 12 of gestation Moreover, the quantification of fecal progestins by EIA proved to be an important tool for noninvasive endocrine monitoring and to obtain reproductive data on the species M americana in captivity © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The primary objective of this study was to examine the follicular and ovulatory responses following treatment with pFSH in association with ablation-induced or spontaneous follicular wave emergence or follicle deviation during diestrus in crossbred (Mangalarga × Arabian) and Brazilian Warmblood mares with a propensity for spontaneous multiple ovulations; secondary considerations were given to the collection of embryos In Experiment 1, crossbred mares were administered (im) saline (control, n= 7) or pFSH (25 mg) when the largest follicle of the ablation-induced follicular wave reached ≥13 mm (n= 7) or ≥20 mm (n= 7) or, after pre-treatment ovulation (Day 0) on Day 6 (n= 7) In Experiment 2, crossbred mares were administered (im) saline (control, n= 10) or a larger dose of pFSH (50 mg, n= 7) when the largest follicle of the ablation-induced follicular wave reached ≥13 mm In Experiment 3, Brazilian Warmblood mares were administered (im) saline (control, n= 7), pFSH (25 mg, n= 7 or 50 mg, n= 5) or EPE (12.5 mg, n= 7) as a positive control on Day 6 Ultrasonic technology was used to ablate all follicles ≥8 mm and to monitor follicular development and detect ovulation Treatment with pFSH or EPE was done twice daily until the largest follicle reached ≥32 mm; thereafter, hCG (2500 IU) was administered (iv) when the largest follicle reached ≥35 mm Artificial insemination was done 12 h after hCG and embryo collections were done 8 d after post-treatment ovulations In Experiments 1 and 2, treatment of crossbred mares with pFSH post-ablation in association with the expected time of wave emergence or follicle deviation did not (P> 0.05) enhance the follicular or ovulatory responses or collection of embryos compared to controls In Experiment 3, although the enhanced ovulatory response of mares to EPE at the expected time of spontaneous wave emergence was not different (P> 0.05) from controls, it was greater (P< 0.05) than the response to pFSH In conclusion, the novelty of using follicle ablation prior to pFSH treatment at the time of wave emergence or follicle deviation did not enhance the follicular or ovulatory responses or collection of embryos to treatment in crossbred mares In addition, the hypothesis that Brazilian Warmblood mares with a greater propensity for spontaneous multiple ovulations are as responsive to pFSH compared to EPE was not supported Thus, the combined experimental results of the present study continue to support the general consensus that pFSH is relatively ineffective for follicular superstimulation/superovulation in mares © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of pleiomorphisms and its influence on the distribution of sperm morphometric subpopulations in ejaculates from the vulnerable Goeldi's monkey (Callimico goeldii) by using a combination of computerized analysis system and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods Each sperm head was measured for four primary spermatozoal head dimensional parameters (area [A (μm2)], perimeter [P (μm)], length [L (μm)] and width [W (μm)]) and three head shape derived parameters (ellipticity [(L/W)], elongation [(L-W)/(L+W)] and rugosity [(4πA/P2)]) Six separate subpopulations (SPs) were identified: SP1, constituted by very large, narrow and very elliptical spermatozoa (A=16.85±1.56μm2, W=2.75±0.42μm and ellipticity=2.16±0.24); SP2, characterized by average sized, short, wide and round spermatozoa (A=15.00±1.92μm2, L=5.06±0.49μm, W=3.51±0.31μm and ellipticity=1.44±0.15); SP3, represented by small, wide and slightly round spermatozoa (A=14.95±1.75μm2, W=3.47±0.29μm and ellipticity=1.48±0.14); SP4 included very small, short and very round spermatozoa (A=14.15±2.38μm2, L=4.90±0.57μm and elongation=0.18±0.05); SP5 consisted of average sized and slightly elliptical spermatozoa (A=15.14±1.72μm2 and ellipticity=1.49±0.14); and SP6 included large and round spermatozoa (A=16.30±1.62μm2 and elongation=0.19±0.04) There were differences in the sperm subpopulation distribution (P<0.001) among the five donors analyzed In conclusion, the results of the current study confirmed that the use of computer sperm analysis methods combined with PCA cluster analyses are useful methods to identify, classify, and characterize different sperm head morphometric subpopulations in neotropical primates Broadening our knowledge of C goeldii sperm morphometric abnormalities as well as developing reliable techniques for sperm evaluation may be essential for ex situ conservation of this threatened species © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Four experiments evaluated the effects of vaccination against bovine herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and Leptospira spp. on reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows without (experiments 1, 2, and 3) or with previous vaccination against these diseases (experiment 4). Cows were assigned to a fixed-time AI protocol (FTAI; d -11 to 0) in all experiments, as well as AI 12. h upon estrus detection in experiment 3. Pregnancy status was determined with transrectal ultrasonography on d 30 and 71 (d 60 for experiment 3) after AI. Pregnancy loss was considered in cows pregnant on d 30 but non-pregnant on the subsequent evaluation. In experiment 1, 853 cows received (VAC) or not (CON) vaccination against BoHV-1, BVDV, and Leptospira spp. at the beginning of the FTAI (d -11) and 30. d after AI. Pregnancy loss was reduced (P=0.03) in VAC cows compared with CON. In experiment 2, 287 cows received VAC or CON 30. d prior to (d -41) and at the beginning (d -11) of the FTAI. Pregnancy rates on d 30 and 71 were greater (P≤0.03) in VAC cows compared with CON. In experiment 3, 1680 cows with more than 28. d in milk were randomly assigned to receive VAC or CON with doses administered 14. d apart, and inseminated within 15-135. d after the second dose. Pregnancy rates on d 30 and 60 were greater (P≤0.02) in VAC cows compared with CON. In experiment 4, 820 cows received (REVAC) or not (CON) revaccination against BoHV-1, BVDV, and Leptospira spp. at the beginning of the FTAI protocol (d -11). Pregnancy rates and loss were similar (P≥0.54) between treatments. Hence, vaccinating naïve cows against BoHV-1, BVDV, and Leptospira spp. improved reproductive efficiency in dairy production systems, particularly when both doses were administered prior to AI. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system is related to quality of oocytes and embryos. The aim of this study was to investigate the mRNA levels of IGF1 and IGF2 and their receptors, IGFR1 and IGFR2, as well as IGFBP2, IGFBP4, and PAPP-A in oocytes from Nelore compared to Holstein cows. Pools of oocytes (20 oocytes/pool) from Nelore (n=8 pools) and Holstein (n=4 pools) were obtained via ovum pick-up (OPU, 10 sessions) and cumulus cells and zona pellucida were removed. The pools were submitted to total RNA extraction. Expression of members of the IGF system was assessed by real time RT-PCR. The mRNA expression of IGF1 and IGF2, IGFR1 and IGFR2, IGFBP2 and IGFBP4 was significantly higher (P<0.01) in oocytes from Holstein whereas the expression of PAPP-A was significantly higher (P<0.05) in oocytes from Nelore cows. The high PAPP-A expression and the low expression of IGFBP2 and IGFBP4 are associated with more efficient degradation of IGFBPs, which results in greater bioavailability of IGF in Nelore oocytes when compared to the Holstein. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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In pre-implantation embryos, lipids play key roles in determining viability, cryopreservation and implantation properties, but often their analysis is analytically challenging because of the few picograms of analytes present in each of them. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) allows obtaining individual phospholipid profiles of these microscopic organisms. This technique is sensitive enough to enable analysis of individual intact embryos and monitoring the changes in membrane lipid composition in the early stages of development serving as screening method for studies of biology and biotechnologies of reproduction. This article introduces an improved, more comprehensive MALDI-MS lipid fingerprinting approach that considerably increases the lipid information obtained from a single embryo. Using bovine embryos as a biological model, we have also tested optimal sample storage and handling conditions before the MALDI-MS analysis. Improved information at the molecular level is provided by the use of a binary matrix that enables phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins, phosphatidylserines, phosphatidylinositols and phosphoethanolamines to be detected via MALDI(±)-MS in both the positive and negative ion modes. An optimal MALDI-MS protocol for lipidomic monitoring of a single intact embryo is therefore reported with potential applications in human and animal reproduction, cell development and stem cell research. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The effects of nursing regimens on the body condition, onset of ovarian cyclicity postpartum and weaning weight of lambs were assessed in Santa Ines ewes. Thirty-two ewes were blocked according to parity, number of lambs, and body weight at lambing and within each block randomly allocated to treatments: continuous nursing (CN), controlled nursing (CN2) with two daily feedings for an hour after the 10th day postpartum, or early weaning (EW) with total separation from the lambs after the 10th day. The animals were evaluated from the 12th day postpartum until the first estrus or until 60th day. The dry matter and nutrients intake did not differ among treatments ( P>. 0.05) but did differ over time ( P<. 0.01). The weight, body condition score, serum concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids and prolactin, the percentages of ewes in estrus, of ewes that ovulated within 60th day and had ovulation silent, the period from lambing to estrus, ovulation and follicle with a diameter ≥5. mm and the maximum follicular diameter did not differ ( P>. 0.05) among the treatments. The percentage of ovulation until 30th day was greater ( P<. 0.05) in the EW group. The percentage of short luteal phases was higher in the CN2 and EW groups ( P=0.07) and normal luteal phases were higher in the CN group ( P=0.01). Lamb weight weaning was lower in the EW group ( P<. 0.05). It is possible to use CN to obtain lambing periods less than eight months in Santa Ines ewes, with the advantages of simpler management and higher lamb weaning weights. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV